
Why Mother Therapy is important for mothers


   Mother Therapy basically teaches mothers how to treat their children’s psychological problems and lets them treat their children by themselves. Mothers might feel strange about Mother Therapy and think ‘what is this?’

- Is it really possible for me to treat my own children when other experts and counselors failed to treat their psychological treatment?

- How do I learn without professional knowledge?

- Can my children be really treated without counseling?

- My children are different from other children. Mother Therapy won’t be effective.

- I have never heard of this treatment method, does that really work?

- How come only mothers should be ones to learn Mother Therapy? Why not fathers?

Besides these, they might wonder what Mother Therapy is, think of it as strange, burdensome… So, sometimes, they cannot easily make up their mind to take Mother Therapy.

Unlike fathers, mothers carry emotions. Of course, they suffer in hardships many times due to the occurrence of wounds since their emotions operate, but they also have emotions of love and happiness. Mothers basically have maternal love (emotion of unconditional love) to their children. Fathers also have paternal love, but this is different from maternal love. It is an unconscious feeling to protect the family, not emotion. Therefore, since emotion of love is necessary to treat children, mothers need to know the method to treat their children’s psychological problems.

Even though counselors or experts have outstanding treatment method, they only spend 1~2 hours with children when treating their psychological problems. Due to this, it is either not effective to treat children’s problems at all or takes a very long time until it finally treats the problems. Also, psychological problems of children are not psychological disorders that must be treated but very natural phenomena that occur in their growing process of making memories and habits through phases of survival, adaptation to relationship, and formation of self-identity. However, from the adults’ point of view, your children seem to have psychological problems. So, children’s psychological problems can be resolved if you manage their psychology a little bit in daily routines with love for your children. When treating children’s psychological problems, it is better to think that you are removing their problems, not treating them.

Mothers are the ones who have maternal love, the love to their children; the ones who spend time with children the most are also mothers. The ones who can make the most stable psychological operation with children and the ones who have the greatest impact on children’s psychology are mothers as well. Therefore, Mother Therapy is the psychological treatment method for children that mothers directly treat their own children by allowing them to have the ability to treat children’s psychological problems.

 Mothers will be able to treat all of their children's psychological problems in the process of their growth or upbringing by themselves by learning the method just once through Mother Therapy. Then mothers won't have to go through difficulties due to their children's psychological problems in the process of their growth and upbringing. Mothers need to take Mother Therapy because of this reason.

Apply for free consultation on child's psychological problems

Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/
Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

Differences of Mother Therapy from other treatment methods of children’s psychology


   Mother Therapy is the psychological treatment method for children that consists of a totally different and new idea from other treatment methods of children’s psychology. That there are many existing treatment methods of children’s psychology means either that there is no method to treat children’s psychological problems accurately or that it takes a very long time to treat problems. Studies and developments of treatment methods have been still in process. I’m not saying that other treatment methods are wrong. I’m just saying that the possibility of being treated is very low and that they are problematic because lots of time, efforts, and costs are required for complete treatment.

Mother Therapy allows mothers, not experts or counselors, to treat their children’s psychological problems directly.

Most of the other treatment methods of children’s psychology request learnings and studies of methods to treat children’s psychological problems with specialized knowledge about children’s psychological problems. Professional counseling methods or treatment methods are required. So, mothers treating their children’s psychological problems by themselves was impossible unless they have specialized knowledge.

However, Mother Therapy allows mothers to treat their own children’s psychology with not much difficulty. They don’t need specialized knowledge; they don’t need professional counseling methods or treatment methods as well since that being with children in daily routines itself has the effect of counseling. Mother Therapy is very revolutionary and innovative psychological treatment methods for children.

Mother Therapy does not consider children’s psychological problems as things that must be treated.

Most of the other psychological treatment methods for children have the idea that children’s psychological problems must be treated. So, psychological problems are classified; different treatment methods are applied to each type of problem; loss of time, efforts, and costs are required. Since psychological problems are understood from the point of view of treatment, these problems become targets to be treated even when they are not supposed to be treated. Due to this, time, efforts, and costs are unnecessarily wasted.

However, children’s psychological problems are not considered as things that must be treated in Mother Therapy. Children’s psychological problems are natural phenomena that occur in the process of growth and upbringing. Their psychological problems are going to disappear and won’t recur again if their psychology is adjusted a little bit. In other words, Psychological problems will never recur by making them disappear, not by treating the problems. Mothers can do it with not much difficulty because all they need to do is to adjust children’s psychology a little bit so the psychological problems can disappear.

Mother Therapy treats every kind of psychological problems only with one treatment method instead of classifying them.

Other psychological treatment methods for children define children’s psychological problems as psychological disorders and are in the process of developing treatment methods by classifying children’s psychological disorders. Based on adults’ psychological disorders such as tic disorders, Tourette syndrome, ADHD, learning disorders, developmental disorders, game and internet addiction, anxiety disorder, impulse disorder, eating disorders, etc., they classify children’s psychological disorders, develop and apply different treatment methods for each psychological disorder.

However, Mother Therapy does not define children’s psychological problems as psychological disorders but define them as phenomena that occur in the process of growth. That is to say that psychological problems will be removed and will never occur again when they are adjusted a little bit since they are not psychological disorders. Mother Therapy combines other various psychological problems; whatever kind of psychological problem is, treatment methods are the same. When mothers apply methods that they learned from Mother Therapy and treat children, psychological problems will be treated no matter what kind of problems they are. Due to this, some people decry Mother Therapy because it is perceived as if it is the panacea that treats every psychological problem. It is because they do not understand the process of psychological developments of children.

There are many other differences besides the three things that are mentioned above, but I simply described the biggest ideas only. Mother Therapy is not difficult at all for mothers to learn since is so simple and clear that it doesn’t even need to be compared with the other existing psychological treatment methods for children. Moreover, lots of time, efforts, and costs are required when children’s psychological problems are treated using other psychological treatment methods, but Mother Therapy does not require any of them. Instead, it treats children’s psychological problems very fast and accurately.

Theory of Mimind and Theory of Xesmind were developed for the first time in the world. Based on these theories, in cases of adults, any kind of psychological disorders are being treated using only one psychological treatment method by applying psychological treatment training. In cases of children (under the age of 25), any of psychological problems can be treated fast and easily by applying Mother Therapy.

   Like this, Mother Therapy is the very revolutionary treatment method that cannot be imagined with existing treatment methods of children’s psychology. Psychological treatment methods for children must not be exclusive property only for counselors or experts. Mother now can also become psychological treatment experts for their own children.

Apply for free consultation on child's psychological problems

Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/
Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

Children’s problems are not due to psychological disorders


  The most important thing among the ideas of Mother Therapy is that ‘children’s psychological problems must not be defined as psychological disorders.’ This means that children’s psychological problems can occur in the process of growth and that these problems can be resolved without difficulty if children’s psychology is adjusted a little bit. That is why children’s problems are not psychological disorders (if psychological problems are fixed, it will be difficult for them to be recovered without expert’s treatment).

Psychological problems are the state where psychology is recovered its original state and stabilized by adjusting the psychology a little bit when problems occur in psychology as you live. On the other hand, the state where your psychology cannot be recovered without expert’s treatment since psychological problems are remained and fixed for over a certain period of time after the occurrence is called psychological disorders.

Ultimately, it is very dangerous to define every single trials and errors, negative or positive moods and emotions that could occur in the phases of survival, adaptation of relationship, and formation of self-identity as psychological disorders resulting in making the psychological problems unable to be recovered.

This is why it is impossible to treat children’s psychological problems with the existing psychological treatment methods for children that define psychological problems as psychological disorders. It would rather make children live with psychological disorders even when they don’t have psychological disorders. Counselors, experts, and even mothers do not perceive this problem as a serious error.

Your children just have psychological problems; they are unable to recover their original psychological state because they cannot adjust it. They are healthily experiencing trials and errors in survival, adaptation to relationship, and formation of self-identity; they are in the process of learning negative and positive moods and emotions. Mothers should understand that children are growing healthily event though they are experiencing difficulties now due to psychological problems.

  Your children do not have psychological disorders. You should not make them have psychological disorders by forcing them to take unnecessary psychological treatment. You are able enough to treat your children’s psychological problems as mothers. If you learn the method that allows your children to recover healthy psychology by a little bit adjusting their psychological problems, you can treat any of their psychological problems without difficulty. Keep in mind that children’s problems are not psychological disorders but psychological problems that could occur when they experience trials and errors in the process of their growth. Do not make them live with psychological disorders.

Apply for free consultation on child's psychological problems

Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/
Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

Children’s psychological problems can be treated easily


  Mother Therapy treats children's psychological problems without much difficulty. Help from counselors or experts is not necessary at all. It allows mothers to treat their own children's psychological problems naturally in daily routines So, Mother Therapy is very different from existing psychological treatment methods for children; it is the innovative and revolutionary methods that treats children's psychological problems. This is newly developed psychological treatment methods for children by applying the theory of mimind and the theory of xesmind, which are developed for the first time in the world when mothers treat their children's psychological problems.

By dividing the psychological developmental process into survival, adaptation to relationship, formation of self-identity, and self-actualization, psychological trails and errors that occur to your children in this process are called not psychological disorders but psychological problems. These psychological problems can be treated without much difficulty if they are adjusted in daily routines.

Especially, if mothers who spend time with children the most in daily routines know how to adjust their children's psychology and how to apply the method, they can treat their children's psychological problems without difficulty.

No matter what kind of psychological problems your children have, only differences in problems are how they appear to be; the principles of the causes of all psychological problems are the same; therefore, children's problems can be treated fast and accurately if their psychology is adjusted according to the principles of their psychological operations.

 Expert knowledge is not necessary when treating children's psychological problems. All you need to do is to adjust their psychology as you spend time with them. Just learn the principles of your children's psychological operation and do your best to apply the methods you learned to adjust their psychology as you live your daily routines. This the core of Mother Therapy. Mothers will be able to treat their children's psychological problems by taking Mother Therapy. They can be experts in treating their children's psychological problems.

Apply for free consultation on child's psychological problems

Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/
Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

Mother Therapy is for happiness of children and mothers


  Mother Therapy allows mothers to be able to treat their children’s psychological problems in daily routines by teaching them how to form the treatment ability for their children. When children have psychological problems, they suffer from hardships and difficulties from their own psychological problems. Mothers who see their children suffering from those will also face difficulties due to worries, upsets, etc. None of the mothers would say, “it’s none of my business. Deal with your problems on your own.’ To their children. Like this, when problems occur in children’s psychology, both children and their mothers will suffer from difficulties.

If children’s psychological problems are perceived as psychological disorders, mothers will be seized with thoughts that their children’s future will be uneasy and unhappy because it seems that children are facing big problems in their growth from mother’s point of view. So, you must perceive their psychological problems not as psychological disorders but as one of the trials and errors that occur in their growing process.

Mother Therapy allows children to recover their psychology and grow happily through the method that adjusts psychology in the right way when trials and errors occur in the process of their healthy growth. It has the efficacy of treating children’s psychological problems; it is good for children because they can become happy by recovering their psychology healthily; mothers can also become proud of themselves and feel happy as mothers by looking at their children being happy because it is the same as that they’ve made their children’s happiness. Ultimately, Mother Therapy is a very strong psychological treatment method for children that can bring happiness to both mothers and their children.

  If you are suffering in difficulties of your children’s psychological problems, please apply Mother Therapy immediately. If you become able to treat your children’s psychological problems through Mother Therapy, you will experience that you and your children both become happy. This has been proved through many examples; you will never understand the happiness that you will have after you treat your children’s psychological problems.

Apply for free consultation on child's psychological problems

Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/
Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

Mothers can be experts in psychological treatment of children


  Mother Therapy teaches mothers how to treat their children’s psychological problems; it is the psychological treatment method of children that mothers treat their own children’s psychology by adjusting their children’s psychology in daily routines. It doesn’t require you to spend much time to learn Mother Therapy. You will complete the Mother Therapy by taking a total of 8 hours, 4 hours of learning principles and logic of how mind and psychology operate and another 4 hours of practicing how to adjust children’s psychology in daily routines. These 8 hours will be enough for you to become able to treat your children’s psychology.

Moreover, counseling certification as other psychological treatment methods request or studying psychology and treatment methods for psychological disorders are not necessary. Mother Therapy itself is the process of making mothers have the ability to treat their children’s psychological problems. You don’t have to have expert knowledge. Unnecessary knowledge could rather make your children’s psychological problems unable to be treated and cause them to live with psychological disorders.

Mother Therapy does not ask the causes of psychological disorders and not require knowledge of treatment and psychology, counseling methods, etc. Mother Therapy interpret children’s psychological disorders as psychological problems. It also interprets children’s psychological problems as trials and errors of psychology that occur in their healthy growing process. For example, tic disorders, Tourette syndrome, ADHD, developmental disorders, game addiction, and other various psychological disorders are interpreted as psychological problems that occur in the middle of trials and errors; when these psychological trials and error are adjusted, all of them can be treated.

Like this, the principles of treating children’s psychological problems are very simple and clear. Anyone can learn the principles easily, can apply the methods to children immediately in daily routines, and can treat children’s psychological problems fast if you are a mother. This is why Mother Therapy is the strong treatment methods of children’s psychological problems and why it makes mothers experts in treating their own children’s psychological problems.

  I hope you no longer waste your time by leaving your children to counselors or experts to treat their psychological problems. Only you, the mothers, can treat your own children’s psychological problems and can become experts who can treat children’s problems without difficulties. This is the reason why Mother Therapy is important for mothers.

Apply for free consultation on child's psychological problems

Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/
Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

Underlying mechanism of Mother Therapy


    In order to know the principles and methods of Mother Therapy, the psychological developmental process must be understood first. since this developmental process of psychology is applied autonomously as Theory of Mimind was developed, other psychological or psychiatric fields was probably not able to develop Mother Therapy due to this. In other words, psychological development is very simple but very important for children’s psychological treatment; I was able to develop these principles and methods of Mother Therapy.

[Psychological developmental process]

- Under age 5: survival

- Age between 5 and 13: adaptation to relationship

- Age between 13 and 20: Formation of self-identity

- Over age 20: self-actualization

Psychological development was divided into 4 stages in the theory of mimind. The unconscious, habits, and psychology, changes, not the mind. Changes in the unconscious are the formation of habits. The mind is not changing. Psychologies of perception, memory, and expression exist by this mind. The process of psychological changes as the mind and psychology operate is called the developmental process of psychology.

Stage 1. Survival (0 -5)

It is important to live and exist by making the physical body to survive by itself in order to live as a PIR. So, this period is called survival. Since this period is for survival, early education from age 2~3 is useless in psychology.

Stage 2. Adaptation to relationship (5-12)

Once a person successfully survives, not it is time to adapt to human relationship, which is the relationships between PIRs in order to live as a PIR. This is called adaptation to relationship. Among human relationships, a person adapts to a minimum number of people and relationships. In the range of family, parents and siblings, it is the time to learn how to form, maintain, and control human relationships. From kindergarten until elementary school, one meets teachers, friends, and other people and adapt to relationships with them. In this period, whether a person studies well or not has anything to do with psychology.

Stage 3. Formation of self-identity (13-20)

This period is between the 5th grade until high school graduation. It is the period of being underage before becoming adults and is called formation of self-identity. When a person is adapted to human relationships, one needs to become an adult and pursue self-actualization; in order to pursue self-actualization, the standard of self-identity must be formed. So, self-identity if formed in this period; it is not the period of self-actualization. Self-identity if formed through trials and errors.

In the stage of adaptation to relationship, it is the process of making habits of how to form human relationships; in the stage of formation of self-identity, it is the period of making methods of how to pursue self-actualization one’s habits. These habits are one’s standards. Decisions are made according to these habits. Therefore, a person perceives many things fast since he or she is forming self-identity. The speed of making habits is also fast in this period of underage.

In the stage of adapting to relationship, understanding and being reasonable are not what matters. So, children usually listen to what their parents and teachers say and tell them to do. However, understanding is needed when forming self-identity. Children cannot accept what they cannot understand. They try to understand what adults like parents and teachers say when it doesn’t fit their feeling as they form self-identity. When they try to understand, stress and wounds occur.

Due to this, children in this stage of forming identity tend to speak or act in a way that doesn’t fit what adults want, or they feel lost because they cannot understand what adults say. When what adults say and how they act are contradictory to each other, children cannot understand that and start having conflicts, being disobedient, and expressing their own opinions. If these expressions are suppressed, they shut off their relationships with others unknowingly and try to do things as they wish.

Reasonable understanding is necessary for this period. If they think they are irrational, stress and wounds will operate. This is why formation of self-identity is the most difficult period. One must form his or her own identity. Neither parents nor teachers can form that person’s identity instead.

If problems occur in the stage of adapting to relationship under age 13, formation of self-identity cannot be done in the right way. Self-identity can be formed fastest when adaptation to relationships have been done in the right way. If a person is in the stage of forming self-identity when he or she has not successfully adapted to relationships in the right way, it is better for that person to repeat adapting to relationship.

Self-actualization is to pursue meanings and values. Meanings are emotion of happiness; for values, you can choose among economic value, relational value, social value. If you set your goal towards the direction where you can become a person who contributes to public welfare and show dedication, you will form your self-identity to fit this goal. However, school educations provided these days are the same as vocational educations focused on economic values. Students take aptitude tests and vocational educations when they go to middle schools. This is educating students not to form self-identity but to practice self-actualization in the stage of forming self-identity. Formation of elf-identity is the period of forming habits. Self-identity is being formed through reasonable understandings since standards of thoughts are being formed.

Stage 4. Self-actualization (20~)

You pursue self-actualization until the day of death from this period You live as you pursue meanings and values endlessly. So, 1 year from age 5 till 20 is the same as 10 years after becoming an adult. New habits are more important and are formed faster in the stage of forming self-identity.

Psychology develops in 4 stages. However, since the educations provided are mostly knowledge educations, adaptation to relationships and formation of self-identity cannot be done well. Children study well, go to great universities, and have nice jobs, but they become lost after they become adults and practice self-actualization because they have not formed self-identities in the right way. Therefore, they cannot choose and make their own decisions unless their parents or teachers lead them even after they become adults. There is a newly coined word recently called ‘decision-making disorder,’ which means being indecisive when decisions need to be made. You need to be advised by someone else, but this advice is not your self-actualization. Nevertheless, you make these choices and decisions of others into actions because you have not formed your self-identity yet. You do not know what to choose by yourself since habits, which are standards of thoughts, are missing. You are facing difficulties of making your own decisions, which your teachers and parents used to do all for you, after you become an adult.

It is important to try making choices and decisions on your own and experience failures and successes when forming self-identity. Therefore, trials and errors are unavoidable in the stages of adapting to relationship and forming self-identity. It is the process of making habits and standards as a PIR in order to pursue self-actualization. Mistakes from trials and error should be acknowledged, but these mistakes are unacceptable in modern society that we live in. In stages of adapting to relationship and forming self-identity, one must form one’s own standards such as ‘this is what I need to do, this is what I shouldn’t do, this is good, this is bad’ through repeating mistakes and experiencing many trials and errors. That is how a person makes habits and standards in his or her own way of what to do in human relationships after becoming an adult and of what to do in order to pursue meanings and values.

Parents or teachers force under-aged children in the stage of forming self-identity to be responsible for their mistakes. Responsibilities for mistakes should be asked when they are in the stage of self-actualization. So, in cases of adults, pursuing self-actualization is their right; they are asked to be responsible for harmony and order. Like this, the responsibility for those who pursue their rights, but children only have the right to form their self-identities in the stage of forming self-identity. Responsibility for trials errors by mistakes must not be asked to children in the stage of forming self-identity where they find the rights of self-happiness and make habits and standards through mistakes.

Children only have the right to form self-identity in the stages of adapting to relationship and of forming self-identity. Under-aged people under age 20 are protected by parents, teachers, nation, and society. Responsibility must not be asked to children about trials and errors of mistakes unless they have committed crimes that severely damages others. Especially, children under age 13 must not receive criminal punishment since they are in the stage of adapting to relationships. They are not old enough to be responsible for what they have done.

Making decisions and judgments by oneself should be on in the stage of self-actualization. What pursues self-actualization is self-determination. Cause of decision-making disorder is that one is missing the right of self-determination. Mostly, one lacks enough trials and error to have self-determination by parents and teachers saying ‘that’s not, don’t do it, don’t even try if you are going to do like that, don’t do this, this is bad…’ They don’t say ‘try it, nobody worries about that, that’s all right, it’s okay to make mistakes, you can recover it.’

Speed of recovery is very fast in the period of forming self-identity. Habits and standards are formed through mistakes. This formation of self-identity is the right. Self-determination must be made in this period. Whatever you do, you must make your own decisions; when pursuing self-actualization, you have the right to decide. That is self-determination. The right to make decisions about human relationships and the right to choose and decide when pursuing meanings and values are necessary. Instead, responsibility must follow when practicing these rights. However, parents or teachers try to give responsibilities instead of forming these rights.

According to this, under-aged children in the stage of forming self-identity should be taught what the right of self-actualization is and allowed to experience many trials and errors. They must know what to make their own decisions and what not to do when they pursue self-actualization by themselves or with others and when they pursue meanings and values. When problems occur in the middle of pursuing self-actualization, they must also know that they need to be responsible for the problems. That’s why there are reasons for each learning stage so that the rights and the responsibilities can operate together. We are taking so many things from children. We must think if we are taking their rights away and throwing responsibilities.

The representative example is sex education. Children need to take sex education when their age is over 5. You will read about the seriousness of xes later, but we first need to know the reason of giving sex education to young children. It is the same as forcing children to ‘be responsible since they know about xes from now on.’ Determination is never taught to them. It is so irresponsible to force them to be exposed to xes and to be responsible for that. Parents, teachers, and even the government are all very irresponsible. It is the same as forcing them to practice self-actualization in the period of forming self-identity. This is not right. Even if they make mistakes, they must be given the right. They could make mistakes, but they must not be asked to be responsible for their mistakes. They must know what xes is exactly in order to be responsible, but they’re learning sexual behaviors. The situation is much more serious than you think.

When a fight breaks out between friends, parent or teachers can make them recover their relationship. If children are in the stage of adapting to relationship, they can easily make up with each other then they are forced to do so even if they don’t understand rights and wrongs rationally. However, if they are in the period of forming self-identity, it is not easy to make them recover their relationship because they need reasonable understanding. They will never recover their relationship unless they understand why they need to say sorry to each other.

Therefore, they start adapting to minimum relationships related to human relationships between age 5 and 13. Also, you may think that it is the period of making habits that pursue self-actualization (meanings and values) from age 13 till 20. With habits formed in the period of forming self-identity, you need to become an adult, have your right, and, be responsible for the right you have. Perception, memory, and expression which are all psychology develop in these 4 stages. The mind just handles problems occurred; the psychology of perception, memory, and expression is operated. That’s why these stages are called the developmental process of psychology.

Children in adolescence are also called rebellious teenagers; however, the age when children experience adolescence is getting lower. Children now experience adolescence when they are in elementary school. Junior high and high schoolers suffer in difficulties because they are responsible for everything by their own self-determination. They cannot handle problems if they cannot understand them rationally. They have never learned from anywhere; nobody teaches them; they are just told ‘not to do things.’ Still, no one explains to them why they are not supposed to do things. That’s why they cannot understand and accept the situation. One of what rebellious teenagers have in common is that they think they are right. They only do things that they can reasonably understand. Other than that, they won’t listen to anybody making their surrounding people feel difficult.

For example, if a teacher who is a smoker tells students to not smoke, students cannot understand why they can’t smoke. They think ‘why is he/she telling us to not smoke when he/she smokes?’ A child cannot also understand when his/her father doesn’t allow his child to drink when he drinks a daily basis. If he says ‘I can do that because I am your father. You need to listen to me because I am the one raising you,’ it is the same as forcing them to obey not making them understand reasonably.

Let’s think about ‘new semester syndrome.’ Students become anxious about making relationships with new people when a new semester begins; this is called syndrome. This syndrome is created by parents and teachers because they feel uncomfortable with students’ anxieties. There is no such thing as ‘new semester syndrome.’

When a new semester comes, students can have chances to do new things that they have not yet done last semester. Students can adapt to new semester well if they are explained why they have new chances; this can remove the syndrome because this syndrome actually doesn’t’ exist. However, parents and teachers have made this syndrome because they are uncomfortable with that students do not listen to them, and they discipline students more strictly. Students cannot understand this and behave in a weird way; Adults call this syndrome.

   Like this, adaptation to relationship and formation of self-identity are very important. It is needed to form habits and standards well in these periods. It is fine to make mistakes and experience trials and errors. Instead of forcing them to be responsible for what they have done, you need to encourage and fix them. Not many problems will occur if they are fixed in the range that they can understand rationally. Then they will be able to live as they practice meanings and values when they become adults after these periods. Therefore, what adults need to do is to acknowledge children’s mistakes, trials and errors they make in the process of making habits and standards and to protect their rights when children are under age.

Apply for free consultation on child's psychological problems

Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/
Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/


Free Consultation on Child's Psychological Problems


Please, send us an e-mail providing the following information for free consultation on your child's psychological problems. You will receive a written report on the result of consultation in a few days. We will guide you to correctly address your child's psychological problems with adequate concepts and strategies based on accurate understanding of human mind and psychology.

* Send your e-mail to : uip@uip.ac

[Application form for free consultation on child's psychological problems]

* Title of your e--mail : Application for free consultation on child's psyhological problems(Your name or a pseudonym)

1. Personal Information :

   1) Name (Pseudonym) :

   2) E-mail address:

   3) Country / Area of Residence:

   4) Gender :

   5) Age :

   6) Family members whom you live with:

   7) Other personal information to be shared :

2. Information on your child

   1) Child's gender :

   2) Child's age :

   3) Grade level at school :

   4) Primary caregiver :

   5) Other siblings :

   6) Child's personality:

   7) Other information on your child to be shared :

3. Points of inquiry :

4. Points of request :

5. Questions :


1. Please, include facts about yourself in a simple way for '1. Personal information'.

2. Please, include facts about your child in a simple way for '2. Information on your child'.

3. Include what you are concerned about, how it happened and progressed, how things are going now for '3. Points of inquiry'.

4. Include any requests for '4. Points of request'.

5. Include general questions you may have for '5. Questions'.

* You may be provided with a more detailed report when you provide more detailed facts.

* Send your e-mail to : uip@uip.ac

[About free consultation on child's psychological problems]

You may have sought help through diverse sources to solve your child's psychological problems so far. You may have found that your child's psychology does not improve much after years of taking differen measures. In some cases, your child may have progressed into a more serious condition or developed a different type of psychological problem. You and your child may have thought about giving up on the effort out of exhaustion and repeated experiences of hope and despair.

Upon taking the free consultation on child's psychological problems provided by Korea Institute of Psycho-education, you will be guided for a more effective and fundamental treatment method. You will learn that there exists an innovative method with which the mother can solve both child's psychological problems and parenting problems without any direct intervention with conventional methods.

[Points to be included in the report of consultation]

- Analysis of root causes of child's psychological problems

- Causes of present pain and suffering

- Points to be noted when you attempt to resolve the issue

- Expected results when the issue is not resolved

- Expected results when the issue is resolved

- Directions and methods of resolving the issue

- Answers to questions you have provided regarding child psychology and parenting


[Recepients of free consultation on child's psycholoical problems]

Parents who have a child with

- Relational conflicts, general psychological problems

- Tic disorder, Tourette disorder

- ADHD, learning disorder

- Developmental delay, developmental disorder

- Game addiction, internet addiction, SNS addiction, mobile phone addiction

- Anxiety disorder, intermittent explosive disorder, eating disorder

- Social withdrawal, autism spectrum disorder, Asperger's syndrome

- Parenting problems

The free consultation on child's psychological problems of KIP applies the mechanism of child's developmental phases and Mother Therapy based on the Theory of Mimind and the Theory of Xesmind. It analyzes and diagnoses current psychoogical condition of your child based on the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology, and provides adequate treatment methods to stabilize child's psychological condition.

Mother Therapy is a psychology treatment method that mothers themselves can adopt to stabilize child's psychology during daily interactions. Mother Therapy was developed in 2015 and has been successfully applied to many cases of child's psychological problems. Through Mother Therapy, mothers are trainied to build abilities to stabilize child's psychology on their own throughout the child's growth period.

You can solve child's psychological problems when you have a strong enough will power even if you are in the worst condition. The report on the result of the free consultation will provide you with detailed and systematic analysis of your child's psychological condition. You may be led to a new path to your child's psychological stability and true happiness, which you have long sought but not found yet, through free psychology consultation at KIP.

Thank you very much.

E-mail. uip@uip.ac
Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

Free Consultation on Teenagers' Psychological Problems


Please, send us an e-mail providing the following information for free consultation on your psychological problems. You will receive a written report on the result of consultation in a few days. We will guide you to correctly address your psychological problems with adequate concepts and strategies based on accurate understanding of human mind and psychology.

* Send your e-mail to : uip@uip.ac

[Application form for free consultation on teenagers' psychological problems]

* Title of your e--mail : Application for free consultation on teenagers' psychological problems (Your name or a pseudonym)

1. Personal Information:

   1) Name (Pseudonym) :

   2) E-mail address:

   3) Country / Area of Residence:

   4) Gender :

   5) Age :

   6) Family members whom you live with:

   7) Other personal information to be shared regarding psychological problems:

2. Points of inquiry :

3. Points of request :

4. Questions :


1. Please, include facts about yourself in a simple way for '1. Personal information'.

2. Include what you are concerned about, how it happened and progressed, how things are going now for '2. Points of inquiry'.

3. Include any requests for '3. Points of request'.

4. Include general questions you may have for '4. Questions'.

* You may be provided with a more detailed report when you provide more detailed facts.

* Send your e-mail to : uip@uip.ac

[About free consultation on teenagers' psychological problems]

The free consultation on teenagers' psychologicl problems provided by Korea Institute of Psycho-education analyzes and diagnoses teenagers' psychological conditions based on the Theory of Mimind and the Theory of Xesmind. It applies the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology and teenagers' developmental phases and addresses root causes of diverse psychological problems. The report of the result of the consultation will guide you to find the right way to stabilize your psychology and pursue happiness in a true sense.

The free consultation on teenagers' psychological problems of KIP aims for correcting distorted information and knowledge on human mind and psychology and preventing teenagers from developing and aggravating psychological problems. Teenagers themselves can start to analyze their own psychological problems and be relieved from concerns and difficulties through detailed guidelines provided by free psychology consultation at KIP.

[Points to be included in the report of consultation]

- Analysis of root causes of teenagers' psychological problems

- Causes of present pain and suffering

- Points to be noted when you attempt to resolve the issue

- Expected results when the issue is not resolved

- Expected results when the issue is resolved

- Directions and methods of resolving the issue

- Answers to questions you have provided

[Recepients of free consultation on teenagers' psycholoical problems]

Teenagers who suffer from

1. Psychological stress and wounds

2. Relational conflicts with people around them (family, friends, romantic relationship, etc)

3. Depression, insomnia, eating disorder, anxiety disorder, panic disorder, learning disorder

4. Game addiction, SNS addiction, mobild phone addiction, gambling addiction

5. Suicidal ideation, school violence, bullying, personality issues

6. Issues regarding sexuality

7. Other general psychological problems

Through free consultation on teenagers' psychological problems of KIP, you can accurately understand human mind and psychology, stabilize you psychology, and build habits of understanding and consideration. You will learn how to heal stress and treat wounds and how to accurately address diverse psychological problems and relational conflicts. In addition, you will naturally develop desire for learning and make academic achievement.

You yourself can solve your psychological problems when you have a strong enough will power even if you are in the worst condition. The report on the result of the free consultation will provide you with detailed and systematic analysis of your psychological condition. You may be led to a new path to psychological stability and true happiness, which you have long sought but not found yet, through free psychology consultation at KIP.

Thank you very much.

E-mail. uip@uip.ac
Youth Mind Training : http://www.youthmindtraining.com/
Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

Psychology of children in the phase of survival_under age 5


  Let’s talk about psychology and happiness of your sons and daughters in the stage of survival under age 5. In this period, psychology develops with survival-centered. Since children need every single information for their survival ever since the moment they are born, they link everything they see, hear, and touch to their survival. Like this, their perception, memory, and expressions are all focused on their survival because psychology that’s only needed for their survival operates. With information perceived, they remember what they need to remember and make habits that they need to make a habit. They make positive expressions when their survival is stable but negative expression when it’s not.

Since the moment they are born, only psychology that's needed for their survival operates; as time passes, they move into the stage of adapting to relationships after they learn enough information needed for their survival. Usually, they gradually move into adaptation to relationship around age 3. The stage of adapting to relationship is between the age of 5 and 13; Both survival and adaptation to relationship coexist in children whose ages are between 3 and 7. Adaptation to relationship starts to appear at age 3; survival gradually disappears as they pass the age of 5.

  Like this, in the period of survival, the psychology that only cares about being healthy operates. Ultimately, your sons and daughters have operations of psychology only needed for their survival. They feel happy when their survival is stable but unhappy when it’s not. Of course, they don’t think of being happiness and unhappiness. Phenomena like this are very similar to animals. If early education, prerequisite learning, knowledge education, etc. continue being done in this period, what children learn from these will operate as the basis in adaptation to relationship, formation of self-identity, self-actualization, etc. There might be advantages, but disadvantages will also occur causing problems; it could be problem-solving ability as well. This part needs to be considered thoroughly.

Apply for free consultation on child's psychological problems

Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/

Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

[Mother Therapy] Children and teens running away from home

  Many children and adolescents run away from home, and many become victims or perpetrators of incidents after they run away. Whatever the...