
Is it necessary that children’s psychology should be treated?


When children show mild symptoms of psychological problems, which may naturally occur, it is not always necessary that they should be treated. Children will always go through trial and error in psychological development addressing and overcoming diverse problems on their own. Mild cases of children’s psychological problems can serve as a foundation for healthy growth if they are properly addressed. In the process of the development of human psychology, children from age 5 to 13, who are in the phase of adaptation to relationships, may experience diverse problems in adapting themselves to relationships with people around them. They are able to deal with these problems in healthy ways when they are properly guided and directed.


Also, children from age 13 to 19, who are in the phase of formation of self-identity, may experience diverse problems in the process of forming their own thought standards. They are able to deal with these problems in healthy ways when they are guided to accurately understand the matters at hand with logic and rationality.


However, when children suffer from psychological problems caused by mothers’ inadequate and distorted parenting strategies or other circumstances, it is imperative that children’s psychological problems should be addressed by applying adequate parenting strategies along with the system of healing psychology for mothers.


Real problems develop when psychological problems persist or when children are labeled or stigmatized as a child with psychological disorders. Then, children have to suffer from pain and difficulties without being able to break out of the vicious cycle. These children can and must restore their healthy psychology by applying adequate treatment methods. Children, whose parents, teachers, and people around them are suffering from their psychological problems, also need to be treated for restoration of psychology.


It has been verified through years of applying Mother Therapy to diverse cases of children’s psychological problems that mothers have the ability to treat their own children’s psychological problems and psychology treatment of children is most effective when mothers take charge of all the treatment procedures.

Apply for free consultation on child's psychological problems

Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/

Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

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