Showing posts with label 24. Reference Materials on Infidelity Therapy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 24. Reference Materials on Infidelity Therapy. Show all posts


[Infidelity Therapy] Guidelines to follow upon discovering spouse infidelity


Spouse infidelity is a major crisis in the marriage relationship. Most people don't know what to do and lose control of themselves upon discovering spouse infidelity. You may be able to deal with spouse infidelity once you understand the true nature of infidelity. 

In addition to accurately understanding the true nature of infidelity, you must also abide by the following instructions. Otherwise, you will be swayed by your traumatized- self, and behave irrationally and destructively in spite of yourself based on your post traumatic stress. 

1. Do not meet friends or acquaintances if possible. Wounds of post traumatic stress deteriorate as you are affected by human relationships. Not only negative emotions but also positive emotions that are derived by interactions with people will aggravate your psychological condition. 

2. Never talk about spouse infidelity to other people. They may make incorrect advice, make improper consolation, or develop selfish purposes in the relationship with you. They don't know the true nature of infidelity, either. You will end up severing the relationship with people who know about spouse infidelity after you restore your condition.

3. Do not upload writings about spouse infidelity on the internet communities. Sharing your story with other people on the internet will lead you to communicate with other people, which in turn leads to developing distorted standards and depending on consolation and empathy aggravating your condition. 

4. Neither make any secret investigation on spouse infidelity nor try to understand spouse infidelity from a practical point of view. You spouse has developed relationship addiction, which is a psychological disorder, so normal people cannot understand his or her behaviors. As you make secret investigation on spouse infidelity, you will learn about things that are beyond your imagination and end up breaking up with your spouse feeling helpless. 

5. Never blame yourself. Whatever your spouse says to you is an excuse to justify his or her infidelity. The cause of infidelity is relationship addiction, which is a psychological disorder, and it is your spouse not yourself who committed infidelity. There is no reason whatsoever for your blaming yourself for spouse infidelity. 

6. Do not look for information on infidelity or counseling or read any related books. Hardly any source provides correct information on infidelity at present. Most sources provide information based on physical and psychological perspectives, which are visible and superficial. The more misunderstanding you develop on infidelity, the more your condition of post traumatic stress will deteriorate. 

7. Please, gather your will power for restoring individual happiness and happy marriage relationship. Of course, you can get a divorce after you treat post traumatic stress if you still want to, but for now, you need to think that you will restore happiness and marriage to be able to keep your will power for treatment. When you decide to get a divorce before you restore healthy psychology, you will not feel the need to treat your condition and seek only pleasure aggravating post traumatic stress. 

8. Remember that outward expressions of rage and pain will only aggravate post traumatic stress, which will aggravate your spouse's relationship addiction and negatively affect your children's psychology. 

9. Never use any violent language or any violent behavior. Violent language and behaviors can never be justified under any circumstance and it will eventually catch up with you. 

10. Do not waste your money on meaningless things. Unnecessary spending you are making now come from the psychology of compensation for suffering from post traumatic stress. If you begin to spend money for consolation and compensation, you will have to spend more and more as your condition advances. You will realize that you have wasted what you have worked so hard all your life to achieve to no avail. 

The above are the least of ways to minimize aggravating post traumatic stress and minimize practical damages. However, you cannot go on only with ways to minimize aggravating your condition forever. They may be useful to suppress the growth of post traumatic stress, but you still keep suffering from excruciating pain everyday.

You must treat post traumatic stress as soon as possible even if you adopt the above instructions in the mean time. It is hoped that you will overcome the crisis of spouse infidelity wisely and restore the happiness of yourself and your family.



[Infidelity Therapy] Things the spouse in infidelity must know.


There are things people when have committed infidelity should know. If you had committed infidelity, you have already destroyed your marriage relationship and you will definitely have to pay for the destruction of marriage relationship in the future. If you don't pay for the destruction of marriage relationship, your spouse and family will have to pay for it. 

Your infidelity may have given you pleasure that comes from your partner's attention or response, but it is the cause of excruciating pain for your spouse and children. you may be destroying your life and your family even at this moment or you have already destroyed them. Even infidelity that happened a long time ago has been continuously destroying them until today. That is, the cessation of infidelity does not normalize the condition of yourself and your family.

You may think that your infidelity 10 years ago is just a past thing and it is no big deal. However, your spouse and children may be still living in the crisis you have created 10 years ago and their psychology may have been deteriorating all those years. You may not have committed infidelity again for the last 10 years have devoted your life to your family, but psychological condition of every family member is deteriorating.

Your spouse and children are paying for your wrong doing by developing psychological problems even today. They cannot recover even when your own life is completely destroyed. It is crucial for the spouse in infidelity to accurately understand the adverse impact of their behaviors. If you had stooped committing infidelity and were determined never to commit infidelity again in your life, you can live as you have decided. You may be able to endure although relationship addiction is a condition that can be hardly controlled by the conscious will. Regardless of your life and your condition, you must restore normal psychology of your spouse and children. 

When your spouse treats his or her condition of post traumatic stress, your children can also recover. The least thing you can do is to guide your spouse in pain to treat his or her condition and restore happiness ability. It is your responsibility as a person who pushed them into the quagmire of endless pain and suffering. They may end up being taken advantage of by people with selfish purposes and eventually become destructors. You must put priority on treating your spouse's condition even if you don't treat yourself. 

It is your own choice to destroy your own life, but you don't have the right to have your spouse and children pay for your psychological disorder.



[Infidelity Therapy] The true nature of post traumatic stress


Post traumatic stress can develop when victimized spouses are convinced or suspicious of spouse infidelity causing excruciating psychological pain. The pain of post traumatic stress can be likened to the pain of death, and no one could even imagine the level of pain unless they experience it directly. Untreated post traumatic stress can destroy their life by transforming all their life memories into psychological wounds. They may begin to feel comfortable when they have destroyed all aspects of their life, and then, they may take pleasure in destroying other people's lives including their own children's lives. 

 When they have destroyed their life this way, they may blame their spouse in infidelity or themselves. They may also develop dependency or obsession. The fundamental cause of the destruction of their life is the development and aggravation of post traumatic stress, but most people justify their behaviors by blaming the spouse in fidelity for everything. 

They may also develop the conviction that their destructive behaviors will make others happy instead of damaging them. They must start taking the treatment while they are still recognizing the pain of post traumatic stress and before they begin to feel comfortable and take pleasure in destroying many people's lives so that they can restore healthy psychology and happiness. 

Feeling comfortable and confident after suffering from pain for some time indicates that their condition has advanced and deteriorated and they have lost the chance to start the treatment. It is because they think that they have no reason to treat themselves since they feel fine in the conscious. Then, they automatically enter the path of destruction in life.

You must treat post traumatic stress by all means. Post traumatic stress distorts your habits of psychological operations, and it can be treated by making efforts based on the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology. KIP Treatment Program guides you to proceed with the self-treatment method. 

Then, how exactly does post traumatic stress lead you to destroy your mind? One way is taking practical measures such as collecting evidence, taking counseling and coaching, filing lawsuits, getting a divorce, or committing revenge affair. The other way is developing dependency and obsession on people and activities such as children, friends, work and business, religion and study, hobbies and exercises, shopping and traveling, or diet and sex. It is strongly recommended that you take up activities only after you treat your condition first. Once you destroy your own mind, you may begin to damage other people. One easy way is to encourage or advise them to destroy their lives as you have destroyed yours and ask them to join you for pursuing pleasure of different kinds including sexual pleasure. 

When you are suffering from the pain of post traumatic stress, it is also important not to be deceived by people who advise you and guide you in the wrong direction by encouraging you to take practical measures and fall for dependency and obsession. When you aggravate your condition without realizing it, you will end up having to endure the consequences of destroying not only your life but also lives of your loved ones. You must first treat your condition and restore your happiness and protect your family and children. After that, you may decide to give your spouse in infidelity to treat his or her relationship addiction.



[Infidelity Therapy] What it means to destroy your life due to infidelity


Everyone lives pursuing happiness. They make efforts to achieve happiness as an individual, happiness in relationships, and materialistic values. When infidelity occurs in one's life or one is related with infidelity somehow, all three components of happiness are destroyed.

People who have committed infidelity have already developed relationship addiction, which is a psychological disorder. They may also have developed intermittent explosive disorder or hysteria. Their psychological condition may direct them to behave in the way that destroys their life and the lives of people around them. They cannot stand the smallest trigger of stress, which leads them to react irrationally harming themselves and others.

Spouses who discover their husband's or wife's infidelity suffer from excruciating pain of post traumatic stress. Post traumatic stress causes unbearable suffering making you feel that you have lost your whole life. You may feel comfortable again when post traumatic stress deteriorates and you have actually destroyed your mind completely. Then, they don't hesitate to destroy others' lives including their own children to pursue their own comfort and pleasure. They feel confident of what they think and what they do regardless of circumstances. They mistake destroying their own happiness, happiness of relationships, and materialistic values for happiness. 

Firstly, they destroy themselves. They generate strong negative energy by activating xesmind, and develop abnormal sexual desire. They put priority on pursuing pleasure of different kinds over any other value. In this process, they develop problems in the habits of psychology, which makes them feel comfortable and pleased as their condition progresses. They are alive, but their mind has died. They also develop different physical problems and diseases. 

Secondly, they destroy human relationships. Their relationships with people change to distorted ones. They are all mixed up and get confused. Most of all, they end up destroying family relationships. They don't care about their children anymore. They lose people they used to trust, depend upon, and share life together. These relationships cannot be restored once they are lost. Now, they have lost all meaningful relationships. 

Thirdly, they destroy materialistic values. They begin to use all their materialistic values to pursue their own pleasure. They can be perpetrators or victims depending on circumstances in this process. They may lose their career and economic stability since they usually think and act with distorted habits of psychology. Both the spouse in infidelity and the victimized spouse end up going through this course of life. 

Any one who realize this fact must hurry to treat his or her condition before it is too late. Then, they can restore their happiness and normal relationships with people they love. They may also be able to give their spouses an opportunity to stop destroying their life and treat their condition.



[Infidelity Therapy] Who is the real victim of infidelity?

Victimized spouses suffer from excruciating pain upon discovering spouse infidelity. They may think that they are damaged and betrayed by the spouse in infidelity. Then, the spouse in infidelity becomes a perpetrator and the victimized spouse becomes a victim. This idea leads to the conclusion that the victimized spouse can recover only when the spouse in infidelity is punished or asks for forgiveness. 

What would happen when the husband and the wife become a perpetrator and a victim? They may have to justify that they don't need each other and should end the marriage relationship. It is only natural that the family should be destroyed including children when the married couples are in perpetrator and victim relationship. This phenomenon results from the perspective that views infidelity as a practical problem. However, you will have a complete different idea when infidelity is viewed from the perspective of the operational mechanism of mind and psychology. 

Spouses in infidelity have developed relationship addiction, which is a psychological disorder. They may also have intermittent explosive disorder or hysteria. Victimized spouses has developed post traumatic stress, and remember all their life experiences as wounds in mimind. Spouses in infidelity may try to give victimized spouses comfort and pleasure, avoid the situation, or justify their behaviors, all of which stem from the attempt to achieve their own comfort and pleasure. 

Most efforts that seem desirable are likely to aggravate the condition of both parties. Then, they end up destroying their own lives as well as other's lives including children's lives. Victimized spouses may also try to help spouses in infidelity recover, give up on marriage and get immersed in other objects, or start a new life after divorce. Then, they end up pursuing only their own comfort and pleasure developing psychological disorders. It is crucial to understand that any practical measures and efforts only aggravate psychological conditions of people related with infidelity issue. 

Infidelity damages all people and all human relationships related with the issue including the person who has committed infidelity. Then, what can you do not to be damaged by infidelity? Spouses in infidelity must treat relationship addiction and restore happiness and the family. Then, they can protect their family and live happily with their spouses and children. Also, victimized spouses must treat post traumatic stress and restore happiness and family. Then, they can give spouses in infidelity an opportunity to treat relationship addiction. 

It is not only the victimized spouse who is damaged by spouse infidelity. It is everyone who is related with infidelity issue who is damaged by infidelity including even the spouse in infidelity. It is recommended that both the victimized spouse and the spouse in infidelity take KIP Treatment Program as soon as possible to restore happiness and family.



[Infidelity Therapy] My life has been ruined by spouse infidelity.


The discovery of spouse infidelity causes the most excruciating pain in the victimized spouse especially when the victimized spouse thought he or she had a good marriage life. They may have had different problems such as couple issues, sexual issues, family issues, or financial issues as all married couples do, but they did their best to maintain a good marriage life. 

 Victimized spouses who don't suffer from as much pain as others or those who recover easily are considered to have not taken their marriage seriously enough all the time or have already developed psychological disorders. Of course, people who commit infidelity have already developed psychological disorders, and have been destroying themselves and other people. Both the spouse in infidelity and victimized spouse end up ruining their life unless they treat their psychological conditions.

 Victimized spouses develop post traumatic stress upon the discovery of spouse infidelity. It is a psychological condition that turns all your life experiences into wounds in mimind including happy moments and good memories. You may keep turning all your life experiences into wounds and negative memories and keep building destructive power inside you as time passes. You may express negative feelings toward people around you including children more and more and feel relieved and comfortable when you succeed in destroying other people's lives little by little. Of course, your life is ruined in this process. You may think that you have a good and happy life as far as you can satisfy your own desire for comfort and pleasure. 

Both the spouse in infidelity and the victimized spouse can and must treat their condition and restore happiness. All the practical measures and efforts taken to recover without adopting the right treatment method only aggravates your psychological condition. So-called experts take advantage of your situation and lure you to take all kinds of practical measures to fulfill their own selfish purposes. They contribute greatly to your ruining your life and make profits. They don't have to care at all since it is not their life that is at stake but yours.

When you ruin your life by neglecting or misunderstanding your condition, lives of people you love become ruined as well. Those who refuse to ruin their lives may have to sever the relationship with you completely. People who are suffering from post traumatic stress are actually admitting that they have devoted their life to this marriage and they really want to restore happiness. Ruining your life with your own hands cannot be justified even when you suffer from post traumatic stress due to spouse infidelity.

 You must first and foremost focus on your own recovery and restore happiness as an individual. When you cure post traumatic stress, all your wounds in mimind will disappear and you will be able to recognize how precious every moment of your life was including the bad ones and the sad ones. You will be able to have the ability to guard and reinforce your happiness. Then, you can protect your children and family and give your spouse an opportunity to treat himself or herself.



[Infidelity Therapy] A dead person cannot feel pain.


The victimized spouse suffers from unimaginable excruciating pain upon the discovery of spouse infidelity. No one else including family and close friends can even remotely feel how painful it is. Post traumatic stress the victimized spouse experiences transforms all the life experiences into wounds in mimind and it gradually destroys the mind of the victim unless properly treated. Neglecting post traumatic stress is likened to the suicide of psychology. In the process of aggravating your own psychology, powerful destructive energy is let out toward other people and destroys other people's psychology, which can be likened to the murder of psychology.

What kind of efforts would you make when you discover spouse infidelity? What kind of efforts would you make when you try to help your victimized spouse after you commit infidelity? Some victimized spouses just endure the situation and suppress their feelings, and others try to cope taking practical measures such as collecting evidence, filing lawsuits, taking psychology counseling, having a revenge affair, or getting immersed into child-rearing, work or hobbies. All the efforts made without proper treatment contribute to destroying your life as well as you mind and psychology. You will feel comfortable only when you have completely destroyed your mind and psychology. 

Then, you may begin to destroy other people's mind and psychology encouraging them to take practical measures as you did. You may feel happy and satisfied when their life and psychology are destroyed and may justify your behaviors with distorted thought standards. If you are the spouse in infidelity, you have already destroyed your psychology and are already destroying others' psychology.

If you continue to suffer from the pain of spouse infidelity, you are actually aggravating your own condition and you are also a prospective destroyer of other people's psychology. Both the victimized spouse and the spouse in infidelity will end up destroying not only their own psychology but also the psychology of people around them including their own children. You may not even want to think about what your children will go through due to their parents' ignorance and distorted thoughts and behaviors. It is imperative that you must treat your post traumatic stress instead of taking practical measures to solve the issue of spouse infidelity to be able to protect yourself and your children. 

You can effectively treat post traumatic stress and relationship addiction adopting KIP Treatment Program that is based on the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology. It also adopts a revolutionary self-treatment method of mind and psychology. Most conventional methods cannot solve the issue of habits of psychology, so the more you proceed with those methods, the more your condition progresses.



[Infidelity Therapy] Getting a divorce due to spouse infidelity


Everyone knows that spouse infidelity is a major factor in a divorce since it directly destroys marriage relationships. Many people get a divorce upon discovering spouse infidelity. When infidelity is considered to occur due to marriage problems, sexual issues, emotions issues, and financial issues, getting a divorce is easily justified since infidelity is believed to have destroyed marriage relationship. 

Also, the relationship of infidelity is usually considered as love relationship. Adopting the concept of love in infidelity means the end of love relationship between the spouses to most people. On the other hand, many other people maintain marriage relationship even when spouse infidelity occurs. They usually decide to stay together to sacrifice their life for children and for economic reasons. 

There is one important matter neglected by people whether they get a divorce or stay in marriage. It is the fact that spouses in infidelity have developed relationship addiction, which is a psychological disorder, and they are destroying all the relationships with other people as well as their own lives. Also, the victimized spouses have developed post traumatic stress, and they also destroy their lives by transforming all their life memories into wounds in mimind. They also become to feel comfortable as they develop psychological disorder and they end up destroying all the relationships with other people. Both the spouse in infidelity and the victimized spouse end up destroying their own lives and lives of people around them whether they get a divorce of not.

It is crucial to take KIP Treatment Program to treat psychological disorders and post traumatic stress regardless of marital status and build healthy psychological habits. Then, they can live a happy life whether they get a divorce or not. 

What would happen when you get a divorce without treating your condition? You will pursue your own comfort and pleasure at the expense of your children and family. You will mistake pleasure for happiness destroying other people's lives with strong conviction of your distorted ideas. You may take advantage of others or may be taken advantage of by other people. 

What would happen when you get a divorce after treating your condition? It may take a  lot of time, effort, and expense at first, but you can build healthy habits of treatment and prevention and live happily for the rest of your life. Then, you will be able to remember all your past life experiences as precious memories and live happily with treatment ability and prevention ability. Especially, you can protect your loved ones and live together happily in all relationships without being damaged by people who have psychological disorders. You will not be taken advantage of by other people any more. Would you like to live a happy life or a destructive life? Please, make a right decision for your life and your loved ones.



[Infidelity Therapy] Why get married if every marriage has problems?

<Question> So many people commit infidelity these days. Thinking about infidelity makes me hesitate getting married, and I couldn't recommend my children to get married in the future even if I get married and have children. It is said that relationship addiction occurs without even being realized and people in infidelity cannot treat themselves unless the victimized spouse is treated. Does it mean that people infidelity have no way to recover on their own?

Marriage is not something bad at all. Marriage is the only way to live happily as a human being in a true sense. You can live happily by yourself without getting married. However, you can't have the happiness you share with your partner. Being happy by yourself does not require relationships with other people. You only pursue your own happiness and have no interest in other people. 

Being happy as a person in relationships means that both you and people around you are happy together and share good times and bad times together making efforts. You can have such happiness through marriage. It is not marriage itself that causes problems. It is just that people experience difficulties because they don't know about fundamental causes and solutions. You will have problems in marriage and you will be happy sometimes. You must solve problems by yourself when you are singly, but you can overcome difficulties and help each other when you are married. 

Many people think as you do because infidelity is caused by diverse problems in marriage. No marriage can be completely free from problems. You can't get married if you think that problems in marriage will cause infidelity. Infidelity is not caused by problems in marriage but by relationship addiction, which is a psychological disorder.          

It is a pity that so many people believe that infidelity is caused by problems in marriage. So many people are drawn to incorrect information on infidelity and marriage problems. Then, they are exposed to the environment where they themselves can become adulterers and adulteresses so easily. 

People get married to become happy. Young people should be provided with correct information about marriage and infidelity. They should learn that they can experience difficulties and crises, but they can and must overcome them wisely to become truly happy couples. Married couples and prospective couples should learn how to solve problems and overcome difficulties wisely and maintain and restore happiness. Telling young people not to get married since they will regret is simply nonsensical. 

Relationship addiction can occur suddenly anywhere and anytime, but it is possible to establish the environment where relationship addiction doesn't develop. Relationship addiction makes you destroy all relationships to be able to pursue your own pleasure. You will never want to treat yourself since all you want is to have fun. You will decide to treat relationship addiction only when you feel pain since you cannot have pleasure. It is the victimized spouses who can treat their won condition since they recognize pain. When the victimized spouses neglect their own condition, they aggravate the conditions of both themselves and their spouses in relationship addiction. 

Men who have relationship addiction will try to treat themselves when the victimized wives treat post traumatic stress and they can see hope in their relationship. Men may also decide to treat relationship addiction when they experience excruciating pain going through some crisis situations.



[Infidelity Therapy] Why so many couples experience spouse infidelity.


So many couples experience spouse infidelity during their marriage life. Many people misunderstand that it is caused by couple issues, sexual issues, or emotional issues. No couple can be completely free from some kind of problems in their marriage. Not many couples maintain the passion they had when they were dating and most couples usually do not activate sexuality as much as before. 

Arguing that infidelity is caused by sexual issues or emotional issues justifies infidelity in any couple who have been married for some prolonged time period. It is actually happening these days and infidelity seems to have become so prevalent based on such justification.

Many people argue that infidelity is a type of love and many other people believe such argument. As a result, so many children are living in dire circumstances. When infidelity is accepted as a normal behavior, more and more people get involved in infidelity without even a second thought thinking that they are in love, and individuals and family are destroyed without even knowing the reason. 

Many people justify infidelity without accurately understanding its fundamental cause and the operational mechanism. The adulterer may argue that the adulteress makes him happy but his wife only gives him stress. Then, the so-called expert may advise the couple to restore their love and trust and solve sexual problems, which is to admit the argument of the husband who has committed infidelity.

The experts do their best to restore marriage relationship but they are actually encouraging infidelity by accepting the argument of people in infidelity, and people follow the experts' advice. Everyone thinks that addressing the visible issues will solve the problem of infidelity. Relationship addiction, which is manifested as infidelity, cannot be treated by changing behaviors and conscious thoughts. Infidelity will continue or recur no matter what the couple do at the surface level. It only aggravates the condition of relationship addiction of the spouse in infidelity and post traumatic stress of the victimized spouse. 

The victimized spouse who has developed post traumatic stress is in a more dangerous condition than the spouse in infidelity since they have a more powerful destructive energy. As post traumatic stress is neglected and deteriorates, he or she may end up committing infidelity as a means to get out of the pain of post traumatic stress. 

From children's point of view, one of their parents has developed relationship addiction and the other post traumatic stress. It is no wonder children cannot grow with healthy psychology in such an environment. They have to develop their psychology based on the parents' distorted psychology. They may also develop psychological disorders when they become adults. 

Of course, people in infidelity are the major contributors to the prevalent idea that infidelity is love and caused by diverse couple issues, but victimized spouses can also become contributors by committing infidelity as their condition deteriorates. This mechanism explains why so many people are committing infidelity these days and why so many children are suffering in such a society. 

Treating post traumatic stress should precede addressing the issue of infidelity at the practical level. You shouldn't add oil on the fire by neglecting your post traumatic stress even when your spouse is committing infidelity. You must protect yourself and children regardless of others' behaviors and arguments. You must build the ability to fight the adversity and solve problems on your own by building happiness ability. Children will learn from you how to protect themselves and grow to be healthy adults with stable psychology. Treating post traumatic stress is your responsibility as a parent as well as the right choice for your own happiness.


About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)


[Infidelity Therapy] Suffering from pain doesn't justify harming others.


There are many sad stories and terrifying incidents related with infidelity. Everyone who suffers from spouse infidelity may feel that their own story is the worst and the most painful. However, you must never forget that you must not aggravate your own condition. When you aggravate your condition and inflict damage upon other people, your abusive and violent behaviors can never be justified no matter how much pain you have experienced. 

An advanced condition of relationship addiction causes intermittent explosive disorder or hysteria, with which you can literally lose your mind and just explode rage and anger. You can become extremely violent and destructive. An advanced condition of post traumatic stress also causes intermittent explosive disorder or hysteria. Children can easily become victims of violence and abuse in such cases. Both relationship addiction and post traumatic stress are dangerous psychological conditions. They have enormous destructive power of human psychology and should never taken lightly in any sense. 

Relationship addiction and post traumatic stress necessarily deteriorate as time passes unless properly treated. If you become to feel comfortable and stable without proper treatment, it only indicates that your condition has progressed further. KIP Treatment is considered as one of the most effective and innovative treatment methods that exist at present. 

We sometimes hear news about people committing atrocious crimes on the street without any specific reason. These are mostly the manifestation of intermittent explosive disorder or hysteria. It means that you may end up committing such crimes when your relationship addiction and post traumatic stress deteriorate further. People who have a strong conviction that they could never become such a crazy person usually aggravate their condition faster. Having a strong conviction on your own thoughts and ideas based on relationship addiction and post traumatic stress is the root cause of aggravating your psychological condition. 

 When people who suffer from psychological pain cannot take it any more, the destructive power is channeled into destroying other people. They feel they need to damage other people whenever they are stressed and wounded since they feel comfortable when their destructive energy is let out and directed toward other people. Untreated relationship addiction and post traumatic stress lead you to destroy yourself or other people depending on the severity. No one deserves the pain of post traumatic stress, but inflicting damage on other people can never be justified under any circumstance. It is crucial to treat relationship addiction and post traumatic stress and transform the destructive energy into the energy of happiness. Then, you can make not only yourself but also people around you live happily.


About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)


[Infidelity Therapy] Self-delusion part 3 : The adulteress


The adulteress has developed relationship addiction which is a psychological disorder, and she may also have developed hysteria in more serious cases. She may develop the delusion that she is in a forbidden love with the adulterer and has become a heroine in a tragic drama. She mistakes her obsession for the adulterer's attention and the adulterer's obsession for her response for love. She has developed an extremely distorted idea on love and sexuality. 

Men's true love is based on the sense of responsibility to protect the woman operating in his unconscious even when he cannot recognize pleasure in his conscious and cannot get response from the woman. This operation of men's mind is never activated in the relationship with the adulteress. That is, the adulterer loses interest in the adulteress and stops protecting her the moment she stops responding to his attention. It is a big mistake to perceive the adulterer's giving attention and all the related behaviors for his true love.          

The adulterer's attention and the adulteress's response are only the result of the manifestation of their obsession based on the man's stress and the woman's wounds. They have nothing to do with love and happiness at all. They feel absolutely anxious and nervous until he gets response and she gets attention and stress and wounds are relieved temporarily. They finally feel alive when the man perceives response and the woman perceives attention and consolation, which makes them feel as if they were in love deeply and passionately. 

As stress and wounds continue to be accumulated as well as obsession and compulsion, men and women destroy themselves and people around them. They would do anything to relieve stress and achieve pleasure justifying themselves. In this process, they may become perpetrators or victims of sex crimes and some women may believe that becoming men's sexual objects and enjoying comfort and pleasure gives them happiness. Infidelity is caused by relationship addiction based on stress and wounds, and it has nothing to do with love and happiness. 

It is important that the nature of infidelity is accurately understood. Arguing that it is caused by any other practical problems is only to justify infidelity falsely. The first thing to do when husband infidelity occurs is to treat the wife's post traumatic stress to correct her misconception and restore her psychology. Only then can she give the spouse an opportunity to treat his condition of relationship addiction. 

As you keep taking practical measures without treating post traumatic stress and relationship addiction, your condition only deteriorates. Then, you cannot but end up living an unhappy and destructive life without even realizing what you are doing.


About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)


[Infidelity Therapy] Self-delusion Part 2 : The victimized wife

When husband infidelity is discovered by the wife, the wife develops post traumatic stress. Post traumatic stress causes her to feel that her whole life has collapsed including relationships with the husband and children and to experience excruciating pain and the sense of betrayal. 

When the wife expresses her wounds outwardly toward the husband, the husband perceives this as great stress and aggravates his condition of relationship addiction or intermittent explosive disorder. In this process, her post traumatic stress also deteriorates and the wife ends up destroying herself and her family. 

The wife may develop the delusion that she can restore marriage and family if she acts nicely to her husband and the husband comes back to her, which only aggravates the situation. When the wife feels comfortable by her husband making efforts and being nice to her, she is considered to have developed an advanced condition of psychological disorder. When she thinks that she has overcome her pain and enjoy her life having fun and pleasure, her condition is considered to have deteriorated even further. 

Many wives believe that they have recovered when they feel comfortable after experiencing pain for some time. However, it only indicates that their condition has advanced further.

The wife may mistake getting immersed into her husband, her work, religion, hobbies, sports, or sex and living a pleasurable life for happiness. This phenomenon occurs when post traumatic stress progresses into a psychological disorder, which is an even more dangerous condition than post traumatic stress.

The husband cannot be given an opportunity to treat his relationship addiction when the wife does not treat her post traumatic stress. The only person who can give the husband an opportunity to treat relationship addiction is the wife who has cured her post traumatic stress. A married couple who think they have a good marriage relationship even after they experience spouse infidelity without treating their conditions properly is like a time bomb that could explode any moment. Both of them collapse at one blow when the wife's hysteria and the husband's intermittent explosive disorder manifest themselves one day. 

Sadly enough, most wives believe that their husbands will cure their condition by being nice to them, and they don't make efforts to treat their condition in the right way. Not many people understand that the husband in infidelity has developed perception disorder and expression disorder simultaneously. He may comply with the wife to avoid stress for now, but he has no capability to treat the wife's condition at all. It is important for the victimized wife to realize that it is only herself who can treat her post traumatic stress, protect her family, and build happiness again.


About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)


[Infidelity Therapy] Self-delusion part 1 : The husband in infidelity


When husband infidelity is discovered by the wife, the husband and the adulteress have developed relationship addiction, which is an advanced condition of psychological disorder, and the wife has developed post traumatic stress. All of them have distorted ideas and illusion since they think based on relationship addiction or post traumatic stress.

As distorted ideas and illusion continue, the husband may develop intermittent explosive disorder and the adulteress and the wife may develop hysteria. The wife's hysteria is more destructive than that of the adulteress since it is based on post traumatic stress. The wife's condition becomes more serious than the condition of the husband or the adulteress. Then, what kind of illusion and distorted ideas does each party develop?

In case of the husband, he may think that he can stop committing infidelity and the wife can regain psychological stability as far as he keeps making efforts. However, relationship addiction and post traumatic stress can be treated only through proper treatment. All the efforts made by people who have psychological disorders only aggravate the condition. 

Men's relationship addiction is a psychological disorder in which perception disorder and expression disorder occur simultaneously. When the husband makes efforts to restore marriage relationship without proper treatment, he ends up generating even more stress by consciously suppressing negative emotions and the desire to pursue pleasure. Also, the wife only aggravates her condition by having to perceive and think about the husband no matter what he does. 

When the husband tries to make the wife feel better, he usually tries to make her have comfort or have fun. The wife who has post traumatic stress feels excruciating pain by the operation of mimind for restoring happiness. When she seeks comfort and pleasure to block the pain, she may also develop relationship addiction and the psychology of the adulteress. Then, the husband may mistake the wife's responding sexually for her being cured based on his standard as a pleasure seeker.

When the husband gives up on marriage relationship, he begins to justify his infidelity and thinks that his wife and children get in the way of his pleasure seeking. Then, he may avoid or destruct the wife and children psychologically and economically. The husband's illusion and distorted ideas get more and more serious as his condition deteriorates into intermittent explosive disorder. The husband may become violent even upon getting the smallest stress being convinced that he is always right. He even allows his wife and children to be taken advantage of by other people to achieve his pleasure and the sense of superiority thinking that it is the right thing to do. 

The husband cannot even think about restoring marriage and family before he loses everything in his life. He may have to take medication before treating his psychological condition by taking KIP treatment program. In case the husband has not developed intermittent explosive disorder yet, only the wife who has restored happiness ability through proper treatment can give him an opportunity to treat his relationship addiction.


About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)


[Infidelity Therapy] If you envy your spouse in infidelity by any chance

Some people who have developed relationship addiction do not realize until the day they die that their psychological condition leads to the destruction of self and others. Those who have developed post traumatic stress due to spouse infidelity may be enraged about this situation. 

Those who develop post traumatic stress feel the pain of death, which indicates that their mind is still operating to restore healthy psychology and happiness. People who commit infidelity have already lost true happiness and they live only for pleasure. They don't care how much pain people around them suffer from and they truly believe that they are living a good life. Their ideas and behaviors destroy harmony and order of the human society. Even more surprisingly, some people who have post traumatic stress envy people who have relationship addiction and try to become like them. 

They feel that they don't have what they deserve in life and feel miserable compared with people who have relationship addiction. They feel that life is so unfair since they are devoting their life to restoring a happy marriage and family, but their partners have everything they want and enjoy their life. In other word, they also want to lose their mind and take an easy way for a pleasurable life. You feel that life is unfair because you envy evil. 

People who have normal and healthy psychology do not envy people who commit infidelity. They may feel uncomfortable or disgusted but not envious. However, people who have post traumatic stress due to spouse infidelity develop not only rage but also revengeful thought, which is the result of the activation of wounds. 

Post traumatic stress begins to destroy your mind as soon as it occurs. It makes you feel more and more rage and revengeful thought to expedite the process of destruction and eventually become a destructive person. As the condition of post traumatic stress is neglected and aggravated, you will necessarily become to resemble the spouse in infidelity. 

You may still think that it cannot happen to you, but when post traumatic stress completely takes you over, you will easily seek consolation by committing infidelity and feel comfortable and relieved by abusing your children. Then, you will justify yourself saying that you didn't have a choice. You will also encourage others who are suffering from post traumatic stress to live only for their own pleasure and comfort.

Post traumatic stress has an enormously destructive power. Your trusted spouse has developed relationship addiction and committed infidelity. You cannot guarantee that you will never follow suit. Post traumatic stress must be treated in the right way instead of being suppressed or avoided. It is the only way for you to restore true happiness and KIP is here to help you with the process.


About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)

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