Showing posts with label 02. Introduction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 02. Introduction. Show all posts


About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)


Korea Institute of Psycho-education has been producing reference materials on the operational mechanism of mind and psychology and psychology treatment methods, and sharing them with as many people as possible. Its reference materials are made public to help anyone who is interested accurately understand the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology and find the right path for treating psychological disorders and pursue happiness in a true sense. We have been able to produce reference materials in English and Japanese as well as in Korean to help more people access the adequate analysis of human mind and psychology. 


Korea Institute of Psycho-education has developed the Theory of Mimind and the Theory of Xesmind and was able to adequately explain the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology. It has discovered the fundamental mechanism of most psychological disorders including depression, panic disorder, addiction, hysteria, intermittent explosive disorder, relationship addiction, and post traumatic stress and adopted the theories to successfully treat psychological disorders. It has also completed the non-contact self-training psychology treatment program to obtain the best treatment result without face-to-face psychology counseling, which is considered to be ineffective and even detrimental. 


You may find theories and treatment methods of KIP quite new and unfamiliar, but it has been developed to be applied to all human beings regardless of nationalities and cultures since all human beings share the identical operational mechanism of mind and psychology. It also provides free consultations by e-mails to help ease your approach to KIP and save your time and effort before starting adequate treatment. KIP is here to guide you to stop your pain and suffering and achieve happiness with your loved ones in a true sense. 




1. Blog

   - Korea Institute of Psycho-education :


2. YouTube

   1) Korea Institute of Psycho-education


   2) Psychology of Infidelity



3. Home Page

   1) Korea Institute of Psycho-education :

   2) Psychology Treatment Center (Type 2) :

   3) Psychology Treatment Center (Type 1) :

   4) Couple Therapy :

   5) Infidelity Therapy :

   6) Xes Therapy :

   7) Xes Training :

   8) Mother Therapy :

   9) Youth Mind Training :

  10) Psychological diet :

  11) Upper class Psychology Consultation :

  12) Beomyoung KIM :




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       - <실시중> 토요일 오후 1시 : 유튜브 Live 실시간방송 '심리포럼'

   2) 외도심리


       - <실시중> 평일 오전 11시 : 유튜브 Live 실시간방송 '외도상담'

   3) 외도상담


       - Live외도상담의 개별 상담영상

   4) 이혼상담&재혼상담


       - Live이혼.재혼상담의 개별 상담영상

   5) 성연구소


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  10) KIP성연구소 :

  11) 청소년마음교육 :




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2. ユーチューブ[YouTube]

   1) 日本心理教育院


   2) 性.不倫研究所



3. ホームページ[Home Page]

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   9) 青少年こころ教育 :

  10) 心理ダイエット :

  11) VIP心理コンサルティング :

  12) キムボムヨン :


It is hoped that you will be able to accurately understand the fundamental mechanism of human mind and psychology through reference materials provided by KIP and treat your psychological disorders without adverse effects through KIP psychology treatment programs. 

Thank you very much.


Korea Institute of Psycho-education

Address : 3rd Floor, Posta Bldg, 14-13 78-gil, Teheran-ro, Kangnam-ku, Seoul, South Korea 

(English) Tel. +82-70-8864-6004, E-mail.


주소 : 서울시 강남구 테헤란로78길 14-13, 포스타빌딩 3층

(한국어) Tel. +82-70-8822-6004, E-mail.



住所 : 東京都台東区上野3-14-2 403号室

(日本語) Tel. +81-3-4590-6152 , E-mail.


Couple Therapy_For couple's happiness and xes happiness with passion and love throughout the lifetime

Through Couple Therapy of KIP, you can achieve happiness and xes happiness with passion and love that can be maintained all your lifetime. Couple Therapy is such a powerful treatment method that it may induce severe psychological disorders in both the wife and the husband making them pleasure seekers and causing misfortune upon themselves and people around them when it is approached with selfish and distorted purposes. Therefore, you need to first apply for Couple Therapy and then, should be diagnosed and authorized for suitability by KIP. 

Couple Therapy of KIP is a treatment program based on the Theory of Mimind and the Theory of Xesmind, with which married couples can build the ability to treat and stabilize their body and mind on their own, adequately activate xes unconscious in xesmind to experience the utmost sexual pleasure, and maintain happiness with passion and love for their whole lifetime.

Married couples can build treatment ability, happiness ability, and sexual ability through Couple Therapy of KIP. Couple Therapy is considered to be one of the most effective therapies available for married couples that provides innovative and novel method of achieving sexual pleasure based on the accurate understanding of the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology. Conventional therapies and methods of promoting couples' sexual happiness usually focus on superficial levels instead of addressing the underlying aspects of human mind and psychology, so end up aggravating individuals' psychological conditions and destroying couples' happiness. 

Couple Therapy of KIP provides a non-contact on-line self-training program, with which couples learn to activate xesmind toward each other and build sexual ability as well as treatment ability generating passion and love. Couples who are trained with KIP Couple Therapy can pursue happiness together pursuing meanings and values with passion and love along with the best sexual ability and sexual pleasure. 

[Precautions against distorted views]

1. Couple Therapy does not train you with sex techniques for sexual pleasure.

2. Couple Therapy does not provide practical solutions on sexual actions.

3. Couple Therapy is not to be associated with obscenity or embarrassment.

Couple Therapy of KIP is different from any conventional therapy and treatment method that deal with human sexuality at its surface level including sex education, spiritual and physical training, meditation, and so on. Unfortunately, many of them dangerously lead you to pursue only sexual pleasure and destroy your body and mind, let alone pursuing happiness in a true sense. 

[Benefits of Couple Therapy of KIP]

All married couples at any age in any circumstance may benefit from Couple Therapy. 

- Treatment ability : Restore physical health and treat and prevent diverse illnesses.

- Happiness ability : Restore psychological health and treat and prevent diverse psychological problems. 

- Sexual ability : Reinforce sexual charm and build sexual ability that accord with each other. 

All of the above will be naturally formed in both the husband and the wife in the process of proceeding with Couple Therapy. 

[The Importance of Couple Therapy]

What is the use of all the wealth, fame, or things chased around by everyone when you are not happy with your partner in your marriage due to physical and psychological pain and sexlessness? Some couples may pursue individuals' pleasure neglecting marriage relationship mistaking pleasure for happiness, or live in constant conflicts and confrontations destroying each other and their children. 

You can accurately understand the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology and systematically analyze what you sense and recognize in the conscious through Couple Therapy. In addition, you can build sexual ability that accords with each other and maintain and share sexual pleasure for the rest of your life.

Many couples who participated in Couple Therapy have expressed their surprise at its great effects. Many have reported that their body and mind have changed for better, and cannot believe they have such sexual ability for each other. Through Couple Therapy, you can build the basis for love and passion, success and happiness, and ability and pleasure of sex, which all married couples hope for and dream of and cannot be bought with money. 

[Recipients of Couple Therapy]

Couples who :

- suffer from spouse infidelity

- have given up on sexual pleasure for diverse reasons

- have achieved worldly success but want to achieve true happiness

- never talk to each other or inflict stress and wounds on each other continuously 

- cannot stop confrontation against each other

- have given up on happiness triggered by infertility or difficult childbirth

- experience sexual difficulty due to the wife's frigidity or orgasmic disorder

- experience sexual difficulty due to the husband's impotence related problems

- want couple's happiness along with sexual pleasure

- experience sexlessness and the state of ennui

- have inferiority complex on appearance

- lack self-confidence

- have strong sexual desire but cannot be satisfied with having sex

- have worries and troubles regarding sexuality

- want to overcome inferiority complex of sex

- understand the importance of sex in life

- want to overcome diverse problems in relation with human sexuality 

[Expense of Couple Therapy] 

55,000 US Dollars or more depending on the couple's circumstances (per couple)

* The expense of Couple Therapy may vary depending on the couple's circumstances and will power.

* The expense of Couple Therapy is determined after having a consultation session for Couple Therapy

Inquiries :

Couple Therapy Homepage:

Xes Therapy_treatment method of men's sexual dysfunction

Men's sexual dysfunction is not difficult to be treated.

Diverse treatment methods of sexual dysfunction are conventionally employed such as surgery, medication, stimulation, counseling, physical training, meditation, and so on. However, most of them are not sufficiently effective and cause only a waste of time, effort, and money.

Xes Therapy is an innovative and highly effective treatment method of sexual dysfunction based on the Theory of Mimind and the Theory of Xesmind that adequately explains the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology. It adopts a non-contact on-line self-treatment method to develop happiness ability as well as sexual ability. 

Xes Therapy minimizes the burden on people who participate in the treatment training. You don't have to make frequent office visits, talk about details of sexual dysfunction, but still can experience the most powerful treatment effects at a fundamental level. 

[The importance of Xes Therapy]

Men's sexual dysfunction develops as 'xes wounds' are accumulated in men's xesmind for a long time and it is manifested as physical sexual dysfunction. Sexual dysfunction can be treated at its fundamental level only by treating xes wounds in xesmind, and psychological problems and disorders are automatically treated in the process as well.  You can actually experience the remission of sexual dysfunction in the initial phase of treatment and sexual dysfunction is not likely to recur in your whole lifetime after the completion of the whole program. 

The more you are exposed to information on sex, the more xes wounds are accumulated and the more sexual dysfunction advances. Then, you have even more  desire for sexual pleasure, but you experience lack of sexual ability and suffer from sexual dysfunction. Treating sexual dysfunction is important for men since it is also related with men's general physical and psychological conditions.

As a result of years of research, Korea Institute of Psycho-education has developed an innovative and highly effective treatment method of men's sexual dysfunction employing only self-training of psychology excluding any inconvenient and ineffective conventional methods. It has also verified through many clinical cases that its efficacy rate is more than 90% without any adverse effect. Xes Therapy is considered as one of the most effective treatment methods of men's sexual dysfunction that exist in the world.  

[Recipients of Xes Therapy]

Men who :

- have experienced or are on the verge of separation, divorce, or a break up with the partner due to sexual dysfunction

- have difficulties in romantic relationship or marriage relationship due to sexual dysfunction

- have strong sexual desire but suffer from premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, or impotence 

- have sexual dysfunction and want to build sexual ability

- have sexual desire but cannot be satisfied with sex due to sexual dysfunction

- cannot not enjoy sex due to sexual dysfunction

- avoid having xes with the partner due to sexual dysfunction 

- experience changes in personality due to sexual dysfunction

- have developed psychological disorder along with sexual dysfunction

- experience changes in daily life due to sexual dysfunction

- experience changes in directions of life due to sexual dysfunction

[Composition of Xes Therapy]

1. Treatment Training : Mind Training (20 one-hour video sessions)

   - Training videos : 4 sessions each week for 5 weeks 

2. Therapeutic tasks 

3. Self-check on progress

   - Upload writings periodically on [Self-check & Inquiries] on [Members Only] at KIP Psychology Treatment Center of Type 2 Psychological Disorder   

   - Upload questions on [Self-check & Inquiries] on [Members Only] at KIP Psychology Treatment Center of Type 2 Psychological Disorder

   - Consultation sessions when necessary (e-mail, office visit, video conference) : charge or free of charge depending on circumstances

4. Viewing reference materials of KIP : Keep up with efforts and will power

* All 4 components are necessary for optimal treatment results.

* The process must be continued for more than 3 years to fully develop sexual ability and happiness ability without recurrence of sexual dysfunction. 

[Expense of Xes Therapy] 

11,000 US Dollars (per person)

* Payment with a card (visit Seoul office) or wire transfer 

  (cash receipt or tax invoice issued)

* VAT is included in the expense. 

Inquiries :

Xes Therapy Homepage :

Xes Training_A training program for women's success and happiness

Xes Training helps women build a happy and successful life. 

Xes Training was developed based on the Theory of Mimind and the Theory of Xesmind. It is based on the methods of wound treatment and psychology treatment of Korea Institute of Psycho-education and aims for stabilizing women's body and mind and developing perceptive power in the body.  

Xes Training trains women to generate and control their unconscious energy and xes energy that most powerfully operate on both the body and mind. Xes Training is provided in 3 languages : English, Japanese, and Korean. 

[Basic concepts of Xes Training for women]

- Xes Training is not to be related with a man and a woman having sex.

- Xes Training is not about learning sex techniques.

- Xes Training is not to be perceived as obscenity or embarrassment.

Xes Training helps women generate powerful xes energy all by themselves. It must be clearly distinguished from conventional methods of meditation or spirit training with respect to sexuality. Many conventional methods of sexual meditation and spirit training focus on generating mood energy to heal stress and have adverse side effects of pleasure seeking.   

[Benefits of Xes Training for women]

Xes Training helps women generate powerful xes energy all by themselves and transform it into emotional energy. Any woman aged from 20s to 80s can experience the maximized effects of Xes Training. All the following will naturally be resulted in the process of Xes Training :

- Recover physical health and treat and prevent diseases.

- Stabilize psychology and treat and prevent psychological wounds. 

- Reinforce sexual charm and improve sexual ability.

- Viewed as the best woman by the man in an intimate relationship.

[The importance of Xes Training for women]

No matter how much money, fame, power, and pleasure you have, it is meaningless if you feel stuffy and lonely when you are alone. Being enslaved to materials and momentary pleasure is far from being happy in a true sense. 

Xes Training is based on the systematic analysis and application of the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology and trains women to activate the energy of mind and xesmind at an optimal level in a healthy way. Many women who have taken Xes Training express their surprise at changes in their body and mind in positive ways. 

Many of them report that their experience is immeasurable with any materialistic standards. Xes Training is designed to build the basis for love, passion, success, and happiness inside women themselves. 


Women who :

- have worries and troubles of sex

- have worries and troubles of general psychology

- suffer from rage and anger

- yearn for success and happiness

- have worries and difficulties due to inferiority complex

- suffer from pain due to wounds of infidelity

- suffer from too many thoughts 

- feel unhappy due to negative emotions 

- suffer from relational conflicts

- suffer from wounds of love

- suffer from diverse types of addiction

- have worries about appearance 

- suffer from physical problems

- suffer from somatization

- lack self-respect and self-confidence

- suffer from a broken heart

- have difficulties in romantic relationships

- have difficulties in marriage relationship

- suffer from problems of children

- want to love and be loved

- lack passion and will power

- have never experienced feelings of love and happiness

- have passion and a strong desire for success but are stuck in mediocrity

- cannot live without being dependent on religion

- suffer from repeated failures of diet

- live mistaking pleasure for happiness

- suffer from diverse types of worries, difficulties, stuffiness, and anxiety

[Expense of Xes Training]

3,300 US Dollars (per person)

The expense of Xes Training may not be taken as expensive when considering its superb effects. All women can achieve success, happiness, and sexual ability through Xes Training. The time period taken for a complete recovery and achievement may vary depending on one's initial condition and degree of efforts during the training. You can and must control the pace since it is proceeded individually and privately. You will always be guided by the trainers of Xes Training throughout the training period for safety and effectiveness. 

Inquires for Xes Training :

Xes Training Homepage :

[Mother Therapy] The benefit of parents’ stepping in when needed

  What do you think about parents' close attention to their children when raising them? Is it necessarily a bad thing? There's a lot...