Showing posts with label 23. Reviews on Infidelity Therapy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 23. Reviews on Infidelity Therapy. Show all posts


[Infidelity Therapy] It is the husband's fault to commit husband infidelity, but it is the wife's fault to destroy herself and children.

It is the husband's fault to commit infidelity. He has developed relationship addiction acutely, which is an advanced condition of a psychological disorder. However, it is the wife's fault to destroy herself and children after she discovers husband infidelity and develops post traumatic stress. It may be the husband's infidelity that caused the wife's post traumatic stress, but the wife can treat post traumatic stress, transform her life to a happy one, and protect herself and children. All her efforts she makes without treating post traumatic stress destroy herself, children, and family. She has to treat herself before she blames the husband and take measures to address the husband's problem. 

When the wife treats her post traumatic stress, she can restore a happy life and protect children regardless of what the husband does. The wife who is in pain must first treat her post traumatic stress and become happy before addressing the husband's problem. Of course, she can ask for compensation and hold him responsible for putting all family members in danger since the wife has protected her children and family after treating her condition. 

If the husband is committing infidelity and the wife is suffering from post traumatic stress, the whole family is in danger of collapse. The wife must treat herself to minimize the time of suffering and prevent the aggravation of the condition to restore happiness of the family. The wife who aggravates her own condition is not entitled to condemn the husband for his wrongdoing. When the wife just keeps blaming the husband for everything and doesn't treat her post traumatic stress, all family members cannot but collapse sooner or later. When husband infidelity occurs, treating the wife's post traumatic stress is much more important than addressing the husband's problem. 

The husband in infidelity has developed a psychological disorder that destroys all human relationships and has lost the ability to protect the family. The protection of the family is absolutely in the wife's hands. When the wife doesn't treat post traumatic stress and try to get even with the husband or punish him, the husband may get stressed immensely and aggravate his condition. When the wife treats post traumatic stress and has the happiness ability, the husband is not stressed by the wife's behaviors. 

The husband in relationship addiction reacts negatively whenever he is stressed in any situation and behaves in ways to destroy human relationships. The wife must leave him alone until she treats post traumatic stress and her behaviors do not induce stress in the husband. It is not to say that the wife must forgive him or just forget about husband infidelity. She must address the husband's problem and help him treat relationship addiction after she stabilizes her own psychology. She is the only one who can give the husband an opportunity to restore happiness. It is impossible to deal with the issue when the wife is in post traumatic stress. 

The wife must take KIP Treatment Program to treat post traumatic stress and restore happiness ability. As the wife attacks the husband and blames him for his wrongdoing without treating her condition, the whole family is destroyed. The wife's decision and her efforts determine the life of herself and children. When everything is destroyed, the wife may blame the husband for her ow behaviors and justify her behaviors. 

It is only the wife who can make a choice for her own life. The wife's life and children's life are determined by the wife's choice. She is the only one who can decide whether she will stay with her husband or leave him.


About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education) 


[Mother Therapy] Are you worried that your child takes after you in a negative way?

Some parents are worried that their children take after them with undesirable personality traits. They try to make children change in the right direction, but not many people know that it may lead children to develop psychological problems. 

    “My son takes after his father, so he is not good at controlling his temper. I am worried that he doesn't even make efforts to control himself.”

     “My son is in a hurry all the time just like his father. I try to change him but nothing seems to work. I am worried about how he will do when he becomes an adult.”

     “My daughter is shy and not good at talking. I always tell her to be confident when talking, but it doesn't work. I used to be shy when I was a child and it worried my parents, too. I don't know what to do.”

     “My daughter is stubborn just like her mother. She becomes more and more like her mother as she is growing up.”

Some parents become upset about children's worrisome personality, so they express their concerns negatively by saying, “Who on earth do you take after?”, “You are just like your father, and I don't like it.” 

Parents know through their experience that they have negative traits in their own personality and they can cause problems in life. They hope that their children will not make the same mistake as they did and try to guide them into the right direction. That is, parents judge on children's behaviors and try to correct children based on their own standards. Parents will feel difficulties when children do not change as they want.

However, parents must understand that children should learn through their own direct experience as they did. Children will realize they need to change themselves when problems occur due to their negative habits or traits, and they will make efforts themselves and learn how to live with other people in harmony. When parents don't know about this mechanism, they will keep imposing their own standards on children causing conflicts between parents and children. 

Especially, when a certain behavior of children that resembles the parents' behavior bothers parents, it indicates that the parent's untreated wound is retrieved to make the parent respond sensitively. When you are in a good relationship with the spouse, the traits your child and your spouse share may look adorable to you. However, when you are in a troublesome relationship with your spouse, such traits retrieve your stress and wounds. Then, your children's perfectly normal behavior becomes a problem from the perspective of the parent who has his or her own psychological problems. 

When you find some negative traits in your children that resembles you or your spouse, you must first question whether you yourself have some problems and try to deal with them. When parents accurately understand about their own psychological problems and make efforts to address them, parents will change for the better and become to accept children as they are instead of trying to correct their behaviors, leading children to grow with healthy psychology.

                          Apply for free consultation 

                     on child's psychological problem

                            Mother Therapy :


[Review_Infidelity Therapy] To those who are hesitating even at this very moment


I could sense that my husband had changed a bit,  

but I just assumed that he was also going through some tough time like others in their 40s.

I thought it would just pass naturally. 

After all, we had been happily married for more than 10 years. 

I had never imagined that he would have an affair.  

I was completely at a loss 

when I found out that he was actually having an affair. 

I had insomnia, was extremely irritable, 

lost more than 10 pounds in a week, and even missed my cycles. 

I was looking for causes I could never figure out. 

I blamed myself for all possible things. 

I kept trying to find some solutions. 

Everyday felt like a year. 

I was in pain every moment I was awake. 

I even thought about taking drastic actions. 

I hesitated to take the treatment since it seemed expensive and time consuming. 

I became dependent on Youtube videos. 

They gave me temporary comfort and consolation, but didn't solve any problem. 

One day, it just occurred to me that I had children. 

My children…. 

They were studying my face constantly. 

I suddenly came to my senses. 

'What have I done to them? 

I can't let my children be miserable no matter how much pain I have.' 

I began to take KIP Treatment Program. 

My children began to change for the better 

as my wounds were treated through watching training videos and doing therapeutic tasks.

I regret that I wandered about and hesitated for a few months before taking the treatment. However, I am grateful to myself that I made a right choice. 

I want to praise myself for not destroying myself further, 

not wandering about for too long, 

learning about Korea Institute of Psycho-education, 

and focusing on my treatment. 

I am still going forward to build happiness. 

I am trying to protect my precious life and my children.

Your decision may make the difference of night and day. 

If you are hesitating even today, I suggest you should give it a try and try hard. 

You will see what it means by the difference between knowing and not knowing about human mind.


[Review_Infidelity Therapy] I fought and I won! (overcoming husband infidelity)


Finally, the day has come!

"Congratulations! we are pleased to inform you that you have achieved complete recovery.”

I blankly looked at the sky with the setting sun for quite a while.

I have spent the last 4 years to hear this message...

I looked back at the days before I started treatment.

My whole life collapsed due to husband infidelity. I simply wanted to stop living. 

I had never even imagined such a thing could happen to me. 

My body collapsed. My children were in fear looking at me.  

Everyday was as if I were in the hell.   

I couldn't talk to anyone and endured all by myself. I cried so much.  

I decided to begin treatment to save myself and my children. 

I gradually learned about my mind, and made efforts to rebuild my life on my own. 

I repeated falling and rising within the guideline of the treatment program, 

and I encouraged myself to continue for buiding happiness habits. 

I guess I was changing slowly. Children began to smile. My husband began to join family.  

It has been a week after I got the report of full recovery. I am having a good life everyday. 

I still keep doing therapeutic tasks, just for myself. 

I generate xes energy through Xes Training, just for myself.  

I have enough amount of love and happiness to give to my children.  

Children do not seem scared anymore even when I get angry. 

I guess I express differently from when I was in pain. 

I can see that I am smiling most of the time. We are all smiling most of the time.  

I have trust in myself that I will be just fine no matter what.  

I know how to stay happy inside myself under any circumstance, and I also know how to rise when I fall. 

My life is going forward for happiness. 

I was lucky to be given the opportunity for KIP Treatment Program. 

It was one of the most valuable education I had in my life. 

I realized how great the difference between knowing and not knowing is. 

Keep up with your efforts, everyone!

 About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education) 


[Review_Infidelity Therapy] Treat your wounds and get back your happiness


This happened with my husband when we came to the states. Ironically, he showed me the program creator’s YouTube videos first because he admitted it was not love. In the beginning, I refused to watch. I thought he was just trying to justify his cheating. But, it was unbearable so I started watching all of his video clips. Watching one clip comforted me temporarily. But, as he said in the video, he didn’t spill any hints about healing assignments. I felt like I was dying inside slowly. It was really expensive for online treatment. But I was desperate and it was a death wish only if I can get out of this endless pain/depression. 

I wanted to be happy so I flew to Korea and attended his Forum for two months. I was skeptical about counseling. I was rather a strong Christian. So, I dislike the thought of depending on a human (counselor). My trust has been always with God.  What I liked about this program as I didn’t have to talk about myself to anyone. I could heal on my own. In the beginning, I wanted to ask so many questions. I e-mailed all my questions. But as time went by, I could answer all the questions by myself. Not only that, I had the ability to solve problems. It has been 6 months now since I started this program. It was not easy and I wanted to give up many times. But even those moments were a part of the healing process. I am sure people who are in this program would understand why the mind training program, healing assignments, checking thru e-mails, and the forum videos are needed altogether. Most importantly, not giving up on myself. 

My mind is pulling out all of my wounds, not just the memory related to my husband’s cheating. I am building a new life by adjusting distorted memories. Honestly, I think now I know what the problem was with my husband. I just wanted to cover/suppress them. It was very painful to expose what was under the surface. I preferred getting divorced instead. But I feel very fortunate because finally, the chance landed on my lap to live happily. 

Starting this program was the best investment decision I have ever made. I am not done with this program yet knowing the basics of mind training with therapeutic tasks is enough. If he didn’t cheat on me, I would have not known about this program. So, I am thankful for that because I probably wasted all my life to just be comfortable. 

Lastly, for those who are relying on God, healing yourself is irrelevant to religion. If you get sick you go to the doctor, if your mind gets sick you need to seek an expert to heal. 

Next time, I will leave another one when my husband finishes his.

 About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)


[Review_Infidelity Therapy] I would like as many people to know.


I’ve been married for over 20 years. To tell you the truth the life after the treatment program is better than before even after the fact he did wrong.

I was angry at him and beat myself up in the beginning. After I started this online healing program, I was able to control my emotion on my own regardless of what happened to me. During my marriage, I had my own social life and he had his own. We both had a pretty good reputation but we always fought at home. 

I was suspicious of his odd behavior but I didn’t want to know. In fact, I didn’t want to waste my emotion so I ignored and avoided. It was neither happy nor comfortable, but a life full of wounds and scars.

I did go to counseling here and there. I felt better temporarily but went back to my normal suffocating life. I wasted years, going to psychologist. I got mental health medications along with counseling. Nothing worked. I could put all my hope into this program because I tried everything. I really hoped it would work for me because I wasted money, time, and effort. In returns, my condition only got worse. I thought I could trust expensive counseling sessions. 

I could not understand why I was getting worse. I read books, went on a vacation, made different hobby, searched online for methods. I think I did everything that he said not to. I had a friend who told me just to enjoy now. I am so glad I didn’t listen and I didn’t give up on my own life like that. 

As soon as I started the program, I knew instantly this is the answer I’ve been looking for. I understood why I had this suffocating/drowning feeling as long as I could remember. Also, I asked myself why people are not talking about this and let others know about this. 

Above all, his homework was insane. They are unique and are the solution where you can’t get anywhere else in this world. 

It is so sad that kids get hurt in the process. Only if you know, it could be so easy to heal your kids own your own and make happiness centered around you. It is the most unfortunate case, when kids get hurt in the process when they should be protected within the family. 

I hope this program will get announced further and further so our society could grow healthy together. 

 About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)



[Review_Infidelity Therapy] What my family have gone through for the last few years


My husband was in love with me absolutely passionately when we were dating before marriage. I was absolutely confident that he would never cheat on me. My life and my family simply collapsed at one blow after husband infidelity was discovered. I barely ate one meal a day and I was suffering from pain of death. Why would this happen to me? What went wrong? Why on earth? What more did he need? I casually attacked my husband out of rage and wounds. 

I blamed my husband for everything and he left home and inflicted unbearable pain on me and my child. I collected all the proofs of infidelity to sue the adulteress and threatened her in the face. I did almost everything anyone could do upon the discovery of spouse infidelity to get my husband back. 

Nothing worked. He only paused and resumed. I repeated every countermeasure and he evolved to become more clever, audacious, and shameless. He came back after one year and would report to the police whenever he was stressed. Finally, he became violent and got himself a suspended jail sentence.

Everything was meaningless so I decided to let him leave us and go his way. Still, I was constantly thinking about filing a lawsuit for divorce and adultery even during the treatment. However, I don't do anything anymore now. I only focus on the therapeutic tasks to get back my happy self smiling happily just for myself. Incidents that happened in my family for the last few years flash before my eyes. They don't evoke pain or rage anymore. I bet my life on doing therapeutic tasks since I know that I must stand firm and upright to protect myself and my family. 

[Comment from KIP]

Most women who suffer from post traumatic stress due to husband infidelity go through similar process. They do things they should not do out of pain and desire for recovery. Many people including so-called experts encourage them to aggravate the condition out of ignorance or with selfish purposes. Many victimized spouses end up destroying their family and their own life following false advice. 

Any effort made by the victimized spouse who is not treated and has a psychological disorder will aggravate the relationship addiction of the spouse in infidelity and his or her own pathological condition ruining everyone's life. You were wise enough to treat your condition in such a difficult situation. 

It takes 3 to 6 months to stabilize psychology as the first phase of treatment and another couple of years to build prevention ability and happiness ability. In the process, you can not only restore your own psychology but also influence your children positively and give your husband an opportunity to treat himself.

It is crucial for you to continue with your will power and efforts to complete recovery without recurrence of severe symptoms or experiencing adverse effects. When you achieve complete cure, you can naturally decide on your marriage relationship. Please, remember where you started and don't forget what happened in the past. Focus on your treatment with hope for happy future and read your own reviews once in a while to reflect upon yourself continuing self-check on progress. You will soon find yourself living happily with your children. 


[Review_Infidelity Therapy] Committing infidelity is divine retribution in and of itself.

I myself developed relationship addiction and committed infidelity to be compensated for my husband's infidelity. I went through an utterly painful time to treat relationship addiction through Mind Training. I could reason that infidelity is the manifestation of a psychological disorder but my heart wandered about losing the direction. The first-hand experience of the pain taught me why infidelity itself is punishment. 

Relationship addiction covered up the pain that I was supposed to sense. I didn't know that I was drinking salt water and endlessly trying to quench my thirst. I still go back and forth and linger on some unidentifiable things, but at least I know what to do and how to live now. 

I had relationship addiction on top of post traumatic stress, which means I just went all the way down to the bottom. I wanted to give up many times and had to pull myself out of despair. However, I had children to take care of and I worked hard to recover. Now, I feel calm and fine and praise myself for doing this much and dreaming of happy future. 

I will keep making efforts until I fully recover. I want to thank Mr. Beomyoung Kim and all the staff at Korea Institute of Psycho-education. 

[Comment from KIP]

As you have said, committing infidelity itself is punishment. Infidelity is caused by relationship addiction, which is a psychological disorder. It destroys human relationships and psychology of many people sacrificing everything for one's own pleasure.

Most people experience post traumatic stress upon the discovery of spouse infidelity or upon developing the doubt of spouse infidelity. The desire for compensation may lead to revenge affair, impulsive shopping, immersion into diverse activities ruining one's own life and other people's lives. 

It is a rare case that someone in relationship addiction decides to treat the psychological disorder and stop seeking pleasure. Most people keep living an unhappy life for the rest of their life. You can absolutely praise yourself for getting out of the danger. 

It takes time and effort to treat a psychological disorder and you will go through some difficulties in the process. You are a wise person so you will do well to restore healthy psychology and happy family. You have made an excellent choice. 

All humans make mistakes at some point in their life time. It is crucial to realize the mistake and correct it for the future. Unfortunately, many people self-justify for their mistakes and just continue to make mistakes for the whole life.

Please, remember where you started and focus on all the tasks assigned with the strong will power. You will soon achieve complete cure and find yourself living happily with your family. 

 About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)

[Review_infidelity Therapy] The right choice for myself is the right choice for everyone.

I wish I were the bright moon light shining through the window. I wish my mind were the stars shining in the sky.

It has been 4 months since I started the treatment program. I would be still suffering from even greater pain than I have had so far, if I had not focused on treatment listening to the training recording and doing therapeutic tasks. 

It was a wise choice for myself and for my family to take the treatment program. I would have gone through so many dangerous moments otherwise. I know I still have a long way to go and I will cry and feel hurt for some time to come before I fully recover. I also know that everything is up to myself and my mind. 

I thought that I could never become gentle and calm again, but my thought has turned out to be wrong. I try to keep in mind that I must focus on treatment and not pay attention to my husband. I cheer up myself to keep making efforts for my future happiness. 

[Comment from KIP]

Many people hesitate before taking the treatment program since it is unfamiliar and expensive. It also seems more difficult than just taking quick and easy measures such as getting a divorce or filing a lawsuit. 

You were courageous enough to choose the right path for yourself and your family. Please, remember where you started and keep making efforts until you achieve full recovery. 

You have finished the first phase of the treatment program and have begun the recovery phase that takes another couple of years. Feeling comfort without treatment puts you in danger but feeling comfort in the process of treatment is part of the journey to happiness as far as you keep going. 

Reading your own reviews once in a while will help you keep up with the will power and efforts. Soon, you will find yourself living a happy life after a complete cure.  

 About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)

[Review_Infidelity Therapy] If I had just passed by the opportunity for treatment.

I am writing the review of the treatment program in the 16th week of treatment. I had never imagined my wife's infidelity even when we had fights over all different matters, we kept distance from each other, we just focused on taking care of children as parents. I found evidence of wife's infidelity here and there and I felt my whole life had collapsed. I felt that everything in my life just had disappeared. I was pain-stricken, suffered from unbearable sorrow, and had suicidal ideation.

I got myself immersed into searching for information on infidelity through social media and spent a lot of time reading and watching related materials. I accidentally watched Mr. Kim's video lecture, where he said that the cause of infidelity is relationship addiction and the victimized spouse must treat post traumatic stress before anything instead of taking any practical measures, protect children, and provide the spouse in infidelity with an opportunity for treatment. 

I watched more of Mr. Kim's videos for days and decided to take the program after taking some more time to blame myself and be frustrated not knowing what to do. I thought I could live almost 40 or 50 years more but I was completely lost in my life. I thought my children would live even more than that and I didn't want to lose the opportunity to become happy with my children again regardless of the time and expense that would take. My life and my children's life were at stake. I was determined to treat myself by all means and I wanted to give my wife an opportunity to treat herself. I wanted to live. 

I visited the office feeling grave and paid for the program. I was given the textbook and I followed the guideline for watching training videos, doing therapeutic tasks, and getting self-check for progress. As days and weeks passed, I was simply amazed at the rate of psychological and physical stabilization I was experiencing. 

As many training members have mentioned in reviews, it is an astonishing experience that people who have not gone through it can never know. If I had not listened to Mr. Kim's advice, if I had attacked my wife and took any practical measure such as getting a divorce or filing a lawsuit, or if I had taken psychology counseling for the whole time, I would not be what I am now, I would not be able to smile at my children, and I would have lost hope. Such thoughts make me actually feel dizzy even now, when I am into the 16th week and listening to training recording and doing therapeutic tasks.

I do my therapeutic tasks everyday promising myself that I will treat myself, protect my children, and restore my happy family. I gather up my will power every week reading the simple reply for self-check, “Please, keep up with your efforts.” Suddenly, I am crying really badly finishing this writing, which I guess will slow down my treatment. 

[Comment from KIP]

Many people start the treatment program in a similar situation and a similar idea to yours. Many people also give up the treatment for different reasons and end up collapsing while taking other measures than adequate treatment. 

You seem to be keeping your will power very well. You will experience progress as well as the recurrence of the condition repeatedly in the process of treatment and finally achieve complete cure and happiness ability. You will soon be living a happy life and all your painful past memories will be remembered as precious ones. 

You seem to have achieved the first phase of psychological stabilization now. It will take a couple of more years to prevent the recurrence of symptoms and build happiness ability. Please, continue with your efforts in all components of treatment program : Mind Training, therapeutic tasks, self-check on progress, viewing reference materials.

You will achieve the realization of true happiness and live a happy life for the whole life time. Please, remember where you started and read your reviews once in a while to keep up with your will power and efforts. 



[Review_Infidelity Therapy] What would have become of me if I had not taken Infidelity Therapy?


[Review_Infidelity Therapy] What would have become of me if I had not taken Infidelity Therapy?

If I had lived without knowing about my husband's infidelity, I would be an adult-child who is innocent, ignorant, and childish even until now. 

If I had not found out about Mr. Kim's Theory of Mimind, I would be still struggling with pain that only those who have experienced it can know, would have caught a serious disease, or would have developed wound dissociation. My body, my mind, and my family would not be mine any more. 

If I had quit the treatment program half-way, I would be pouring my energy into meaningless and potentially dangerous relationships without having composure and gratitude or pursuing values. 

The path I took was not easy but I am proud of the last 2 years of my life. I had to go through the pain of the whole world and existence itself collapsing, and then I guess I  have become my own firm ground and high sky.   

I am simply grateful for everything. I thank my ancestors who made my existence possible, my parents who gave birth to me, my husband who came into my life and supported me, and my children who are so adorable. 

I like waking up in the morning to the shining sun.

I like a cloudy day when I can go out without wearing sunscreen.

I thank the cool rain with pleasant sounding raindrops.

I thank my children, who are unruly but healthy. 

I thank my mother, with whom I can talk and smile even when my father is sick in bed. 

I like seeing may parents having arguments like a young couple. 

I don't really mind wearing a mask everyday everywhere in the midst of this pandemic. 

I like the idea that I can enhance my immunity by focusing on the treatment and restoring healthy psychology. 

I am filled with feelings of gratitude.

Would I be having such happy moments without treatment?

I thank everyone who helped me in the process.  

I also applaud myself for keeping making efforts for all the time. 

[Comment from KIP]

The concept of 'if' does not exist in life. You made the decision, began treatment, kept making efforts remembering where you started, and finally, you have regained peace of mind. This is the process of treating psychological disorders and achieving happiness ability and only those who went through the process can experience. 

It is not recommended that you suppose too much about situations that did not happen in reality. Of course, it is important not to forget where you started by reading your own reviews. 

Many people are still taking the course of collapse giving up on recovery for many reasons and aggravating their conditions through law suits, divorce, and activities of diversion. They blame themselves or other people and seek comfort and pleasure destroying their life and many lives of others.

You are absolutely entitled to enjoy feelings of gratitude and happiness. You made efforts on your own and earned happiness ability. You appear to be close to complete cure. Please, keep remembering where you started and continue with the will power and efforts. 


 About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)


[Review_Infidelity Therapy] Waking up from a nightmare and spending time in heaven

I am taking the psychology treatment of type 2 psychological disorder. The memory of the nightmare from 2 years ago comes to me once in a while, but I would say the present time can be likened to heaven compared with the time I had all the horrible symptoms. 

It gives me goose bumps when I think what would have happened to me if I had aggravated the situation. I was lucky enough to watch Mr. Kim's videos accidentally and it was almost like I was saved by God. I am truly grateful. I recovered enough to do without sleeping pills and I was diagnosed for complete cure of sleep disorder, anxiety disorder, and panic disorder. 

He was such a good husband and family man so my sense of betrayal was extreme. Now, I understand everything and will not give up. I rather feel pity for him. I just try to focus on therapeutic tasks and look into myself and keep the will power and efforts. 

I hope that others in similar situations will keep up with the will power and that their most difficult times will turn out to be gifts that bring happiness in the future. 

[Comment from KIP]

I guess you were not sure about the effects of treatment when you first started the program with worries and doubts. However, you have chosen the treatment with your own determination. We have provided only reference materials and methods of treatment. You are the one who made efforts and treated your condition. The fact that you have recovered from sleep disorder, anxiety disorder, and panic disorder indicates that you made great efforts to overcome difficulties with strong will power.

As you continue with the will power and efforts aiming for a happy life, you will soon achieve complete cure and build treatment ability and happiness ability. I think you have done a great job of turning a major crisis in life into an opportunity for happiness.

Please, continue to make efforts until you completely recover. 

 About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)


[Review_Infidelity Therapy] Change after 7 months of treatment


I am writing a review to leave the record of how I am changing through the treatment with Infidelity Therapy program. 

My post traumatic stress occurred 15 years ago. I experienced rage, and then severe depression, and then I only focused on raising children. My husband was erased in my mind for the 15 years, but rage came back one day last year when I saw my husband smiling at me. Then, I decided to take Infidelity Therapy.  

Mr. Kim, the director of KIP, repeatedly said one cannot but live the worst life when post traumatic stress is not adequately treated. I could understand what he meant since I grew up in such a family. 

It has been 7 months since I started the treatment program, and I go back and forth between mild depression and positive emotions. I think that I developed delusional jealousy towards my husband since I was influenced by my mother when I was a child. Now, I can interpret my past life better putting more puzzle pieces together through better understanding of human mind and psychology. 

My family experienced infidelity and my husband's family experienced bereavement. Both families are suffering from consequences. I think that only my own family with my husband and my children will survive the suffering. Now, I realize that all of my family and my husband's family went through excruciating pain, and I forgive and sympathize with them with all my heart. I feel sympathy for my husband for growing up in such an unhappy family. 

I know that I have not fully recovered, so I accept my condition without much anxiety or frustration. I also realize that perseverance is the most crucial factor for complete cure, which can determine the path of my life. I promise myself that I will show my sons how much I can change for better. 

[Comment from KIP]

Post traumatic stress due to spouse infidelity continues to be aggravated unless properly treated. People with post traumatic stress try to get out of pain through diverse measure such as suppression, dependency, getting a divorce, or focusing only on children. However, post traumatic stress causes diverse other psychological problems and psychological disorders leading to unhappiness. 

You have made a wise decision to take Infidelity Therapy when you realized that post traumatic stress does not just go away no matter what you do. We can assure you that you life will change for better and you will become a happy person in a true sense when you complete the treatment program. You will even remember the past 15 years as happy memories. 

Please, do not be anxious for easy and quick treatment since it must take some time to treat all the wounds that have been accumulated throughout your life time. Do not forget where you started and maintain the will power focusing on the treatment to achieve complete cure. The time will come soon when you will smile at your past memories including bitter ones. 

 About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)



[Review_Infidelity Therapy] From life crisis to happiness


It has been a year since I started the treatment program. I did my best to do therapeutic tasks everyday. There were moments when I wanted to give up on my life, but now, I promise myself that I will become happy for my own good.

I feel dizzy just at the thought of the time when I almost give up on my life. I will keep going with doing my best until I have happiness ability. These days, I feel comfortable and I am getting loose. I am writing this review to go back to where I started and gather up my will power.

I felt I was being swept away in a huge current of water before I started treatment. Now, I feel that I am watching people being swept away from outside the current. I used to blame myself and other people before. I thought people in relationship addiction must have the utmost pleasure, but now I pity them for living the utmost delusion and stress. 

Now, I am confident that I can become happy again and will not sway much in the journey of life. 

Thank you.

[Comment from KIP]

Many people choose to quickly avoid the crisis and give up on happiness instead of trying to transform crisis into happiness after recovering. They say they will never fall for problems but they push themselves into misfortune. 

You have made a wise decision and gave yourself the most precious gift. Only those who chose to restore healthy psychology and happiness through their own effort will understand what you are experiencing now. 

Please, remember where you started and focus on treating your condition keeping your will power. Continue with self-checking for progress. You will find yourself living happily in the near future. 

 About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)


[Review_Infidelity Therapy] Life is a series of choices and opportunities.


I lived a righteous, comfortable, and good life. Then, one day, my life and my world collapsed at one blow. I spent more than a year looking for causes and blaming myself and my husband, who didn't even seem to care. I thought that everything would go back to normal only if my husband stopped acting crazy and came back. 

My husband was going exactly the opposite direction from one that I hoped for. He just kept straying further and further. He was not the man I had known any more. Something was seriously wrong. My children and I were being erased in his memory. 

I began to search for solutions on the Internet and found information provided by KIP. I learned that my husband's behaviors were so typical. It was hard for me to admit that I had to treat my own condition first even when he was the one that was at fault. I was already paying too much for my ignorance.

I despaired once more when I found out that it was quite expensive to take the treatment program. I hesitated and I read books published by KIP. I finished reading 2,000 pages in a week. I fell asleep watching videos of KIP and watched them again when I woke up. I tried to fix myself without taking the program. 

Finally, I came to the conclusion that I just needed the treatment. At first, I was confident that I would recover very soon since I would work so hard on the treatment. By week 10 of treatment, I could understand the contents but I knew that they were not internalized inside me yet. 

I sometimes feel that I haven't changed a bit seeing my own thoughts and emotions. I guess it will take more time. I still have a long way to go. Days will add up to put the right habits into myself, and then they will feel natural.

I would not have had a chance to learn about Mind Training, had it not been for my predicament. I may have to feel lucky to have found out about it rather than to live and die without knowing what Mind Training is. Tears flow down my face randomly during daily life. Someday they will stop and dry.

I am a type of a person who never wastes a penny, but I decided to pay for my treatment. My thoughts about humans and life turned out to be extremely narrow. Now, I am learning about fundamentals of human nature and human relationships and internalizing them inside me. I want to build the abilities to be understanding and considerate with right judgment. I want to show my children that I live a meaningful and valuable life. I will do my best and go all the way for happiness. 

[Comment from KIP]

Many people want to take the treatment program but hesitate due to the burden of time, effort, and expense. You may aggravate your condition and ruin your life when you choose incorrect methods for recovery. Your will power and energy to restore happiness led you to choose the right method. 

It takes 3 to 6 months to recover from the activation of severe wounds and display of rage, which makes you feel quite comfortable and stabilized. Then, it takes about 1 to 2 years to fully recover preventing recurrence of post traumatic stress and building treatment ability and happiness ability. 

Please, focus on the treatment and continue with self-checking for progress. You can read your review again when you feel stuffy or find yourself procrastinating to gather up your will power for treatment. We hope you will achieve full recovery and happiness ability soon. 


[Review_Infidelity Therapy] Week 16_I feel I am finally getting myself back.


I applied for a counseling session crying all over after I developed post traumatic stress, but I didn't take counseling thinking that I could overcome the difficulty on my own. I was covered all over with wounds in both my body and mind after 3 years of wasting time when I finally decided to take the treatment program at KIP. 

I realized that all my efforts to return things back to normal only aggravated my pain and difficulty. Now, burning rage has subsided and I don't travel between heaven and hell in a second upon a word of my husband's. I know the cause of all my pain was the wrongdoing of my husband, who was I trusted, but it was myself who generated anger and rage inside me, which brought me sown to the lowest point. 

Now, I can view what has happened and what I feel separately. At first, I tenaciously sought for interrogations and attacks, which only grew my wounds. Now, my husband tries to talk to me first and defend himself. I try to compensate for my inappropriate responses and confrontations by treating myself and building inner strength. I make myself strong through therapeutic tasks. I hope others will also spend their time for themselves instead of wasting it for meaningless fight. 

My husband is the one who loved me and chose me. I will be happy again as a wife and mother when I can stand up straight and healthy. I stopped preparing for a lawsuit and take time to look upon myself for how I am doing with the treatment. I want to get myself back before I completely collapse.

Rage is gradually subsiding little by little. I watch a soap opera that shows people having affairs and I feel numb for a moment. Then, I resume therapeutic tasks. I hope I will be a happier person in the next review. Stay happy and healthy, everyone. 

[Comment from KIP]

It is almost impossible to treat post traumatic stress just by making efforts without understanding the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology. Rather, you may keep destroying yourself as you make more and more efforts. Unfortunately, many people are making efforts in the direction their condition is aggravated. Then, they may give up on recovery and live in pain and difficulties throughout their life time. This applies to everyone who is not adequately treated. 

You have wasted 3 years but finally decided to take the treatment after realizing that you wanted true happiness. It was a wise decision for yourself and your children. You seem to recognize the fulfilling sensation of recovery now. It is hoped that you will keep up with your will power and efforts without forgetting what you thought when you first started the treatment until you obtain a complete cure and happiness ability. Please, read your reviews whenever you find doing therapeutic tasks difficult to gather up your will power for treatment. 

[Mother Therapy] The benefit of parents’ stepping in when needed

  What do you think about parents' close attention to their children when raising them? Is it necessarily a bad thing? There's a lot...