Showing posts with label 16. Sex & Xes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 16. Sex & Xes. Show all posts


[Sex & Xes] Men who hide sexual dysfunction from their partner vs. men who talk about it


Today, we're going to look at the difference between men who hide their sexual dysfunction from their partners, their wives, or girlfriends - and men who talk about it. Before we get into the differences, let's consider how important sexual function is to men.

While women don't care as much about their sexual performance, men consider it to be the best thing they have. For example, if a group of men friends are at a bar and a guy tells other men that he's made a million dollars in profit from his business, everyone will be envious of him. Then, if he says, “But, I’m not doing so well sexually lately, you know...”, every man instantly feels sorry for him.

On the other hand, if a friend who's unemployed and looking for a job tells them that he's been having tireless, vigorous sex all night long, everyone will be the most envious of him. In other words, for men, sexual function is like a lifeline that they wouldn't trade for a million bucks. Even if they don't have anyone to have sex with, men who have good sexual function always have composure.

Would it be easy for a man to tell someone he loves that his sexual function is impaired when it's like their lifeblood? Even if the woman notices his sexual dysfunction and is concerned about it, he's likely to tell her that he's just tired and that it's no big deal, and then he'll diligently look for ways to fix it without anyone noticing. This is a very common approach men who have healthy psychology take. They know exactly what their problem is.

On the other hand, when a man readily admits to his partner that he has sexual dysfunction, it's likely that he has selfish purposes in the relationship. In this case, he usually doesn't come clean and say that he has sexual dysfunction. He usually says, “I can't get aroused because we've been doing the same thing over and over again,” or “I'm not attracted to you as much as before.” This is not recognizing sexual dysfunction as his problem, but rather transferring his problem to the partner.

This can lead to things like the man demanding different forms of sex, demanding the partner to look more provocative, or even worse, demanding sex with other people. It indicates that he already has a psychological disorder that tears both the man and the partner down.

So, when a man is caught cheating, he'll usually tell his wife, “How can I have a sex drive with the way you look?” or “You are not active enough when having sex with me.” or something like that, and most of the time, the wife will actually think that there's something wrong with herself and that's why he's cheating. But in essence, it's the man himself who is sexually dysfunctional and he is cheating attempting to change the way he has sex and changing who he has sex with. Husband infidelity has nothing to do with the wife. Men who have sexual dysfunction try all these new things because men’s sexual dysfunction is temporarily restored when they recognize new sexual information, which sadly enough, aggravates their sexual dysfunction in the long term.

Of course, there are exceptions. Only a very small percentage of men will realize their sexual dysfunction and want to discuss it with their partner so that they can work through it together. In this case, it's more likely that the couple have been creating sexual happiness together for a long time, and the man is worried that his sexual dysfunction is interfering with his partner's sexual happiness and wants to work through it together.

When you understand the mechanism of men's sexual function, and the differences in whether or not a man talks about his sexual dysfunction, you can also understand what psychological condition he's in.


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[Sex & Xes] Why Do You Need to Know about Sex & Sexuality?


People who either love sex or hate sex see it only in terms of its aspect of pleasure, which is why people who love sex try to sustain and enhance the pleasure, and people who hate sex say they don't need and don’t want the pleasure. Sex-loving people ignore or don't recognize the problems that arise from sex, and sex-hating people think about only the problems that arise from sex, which makes them dislike sex even more.

If you're in a couple relationship and both of you like sex, or if both of you hate sex, it doesn't create a conflict, but if one of you likes sex and the other hates sex, it creates a conflict and breaks down your relationship.

If someone came to you with these concerns, what would you advise them to do? Surprisingly, the vast majority of experts would recommend that the two of you align in the direction of having sex. They tell you that sex is a very good thing, and they try to change your perception of it. And if you like sex, they give you a bunch of solutions to help the partner who doesn't like sex enjoy it. The answer is already set in stone: you should have sex.

It's a strange thing. Clearly, one person is suffering because they're not enjoying sex as much as they'd like, and the other is suffering because they're being asked to do something they don't want to do, so why is the answer always one way? Can two people really have a healthy and happy union only if sex is good?

The outcome is completely dependent on whether the couple knows or doesn't know the essential concepts and functions of sex. If you don't know the essential concepts and functions of sex, and you have sex just because you are told sex is a good thing, you'll both suffer from damage to your bodies and minds. As a result, either both people become pleasure-seekers and lose their happiness as human beings; or conflicts escalate and the relationship is doomed; or, because experts have decided that sex is good, the person who doesn't want sex has to comply with the person who does, even though he or she hates it. This means that the rights and responsibilities of the couple are out of balance, and the relationship ends up being one of exploiter and exploited, making it hard to call them a couple.

On the other hand, understanding the essential concepts and functions of sex and sexuality leads both men and women to accept that sexuality is an important part of human nature. This removes the distorted purpose of having sex and prevents stress and wounds from occurring in mind. In this state, sex makes both people healthy and happy.

By understanding exactly what sex is and what it does, two people can live a healthy and happy life with or without it. They can have not the kind of superficial happiness in which one person suppresses and sacrifices for the other, but the kind of happiness that is true and without deficiency. Sex is only one of the means by which humans seek happiness, as there are many other means that can replace sex and still create great happiness. In other words, to have sex or not to have sex is a choice that should be made after accurately understanding what it is and what it does.

Pleasure and love are just one of the outcomes of having sex, but to get caught up in it and have sex for pleasure, or for love, or for anything else, is a serious error that distorts the nature of sex, because you're basically having sex based on a need for that something, and the energy that's generated serves to feed that need again and again.

So you have to be suspicious. You must question what sex is, why it's necessary for human beings, how it works, and what it does. When you find the answer to that, the problem of sex is fundamentally solved, and you will have the wisdom to live your life happily with or without sex.


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[Sex & Xes] Sexual dysfunction in men who commit sexual misconduct

Sexual harassment or sexual misconduct is a common occurrence in everyday life. Today, we're going to talk about sexual dysfunction in men who sexually harass, which is not to say that women don't sexually harass. Sexual harassment by women can also be very traumatizing and offensive, and women who sexually harass have serious psychological disorders. However, we're going to talk about sexual harassment and misconduct by men because it's more prevalent.

Not all men harass sexually, and the ambiguity exists when the behavior can be misconstrued as sexual harassment or not depending on how it's perceived by the other person. At the root of this misconception is the difference between how women attach emotions to sex and how men attach emotions to sex. For men, sex is just sex, and it's a feeling that goes away after the moment, whereas for women, sex is highly emotionally charged, and feelings of love or hurt arise connected with sexual actions. So men may think, “Why is she overreacting to something that's not a big deal?” and women may think, “How can anyone relate sex just with fun and enjoyment?” Just recognizing these differences will give us more scope for mutual understanding and consideration.

Of course, I'm not condoning sexual harassment and sexual misconduct. The workings of sexuality can create deep wounds in women’s mind and deep xes wounds in men’s xesmind that lead to sexual dysfunction.  The more sexual information men perceive, the more xes wounds they accumulate, causing damage to their bodies and resulting in sexual dysfunction.

Men who sexually harass and molest rarely focus on one person. They are sexually oriented to a large number of people since they always try to perceive new sexual information from others. Big problems for them is that they perceive an enormous amount of sexual information, which is way too much to deal with, before, during, and after they make sexual harassment.

A man who frequently engages in such excessive perception of sexual information has so many xes wounds that his sexual functioning cannot be intact. He is considered to be in a serious condition if he not only thinks about sexual harassment but also expresses it externally through words, actions, and facial expressions, and then perceives the other person's reaction again. It is important for women victims not to create wounds in their feelings but to just perceive the perpetrator only as a sick person who is sexually dysfunctional. To address the matter properly, it is also necessary to be very firm in dealing with the situation, as looking embarrassed, angry, or perplexed are all perceived as sexual reactions by the perpetrator.

It would also be great if this concept could be incorporated into sexual assault prevention training at workplaces. The more this information becomes known, the more people understand about the relationship between men’s sexual dysfunction and sexual harassment which need to be treated as a medical and psychological condition. If you simply try to stop sexual harassment, you're allowing their forcibly repressed desires to evolve and explode into something else, which could lead them to commit more serious sex crimes. If you think you might be one of those people, you should seriously consider treating your sexual dysfunction in the right way, because it is always accompanied by a psychological disorder that will destroy your relationships and your life altogether.


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Sex Therapy for Men :


[Sex & Xes] The serious reality of conventional sex education


Today, I'd like to talk about the seriousness of providing sex education without understanding the concept of xes psychology. The bottom line is that conventional sex education is not true sex education, but sex promotion education.

Human sexuality is a comprehensive concept that goes far beyond sexual behavior, and whatever sex you feel is what you feel in your mind, because the workings of the xesmind and xes psychology can never be recognized in isolation, but only through the mind. Like a core embedded deep inside the earth, sexuality is the energy supply for the mind, and depending on the direction of your thoughts and feelings, sexuality takes on two completely different faces. It can either destroy you and others, or it can lead you and others to happiness. Depending on what standards, memories, ideas, and feelings you have about sexuality in your mind, it will manifest differently.

Any sexual behavior is only the result of psychology and xes psychology at work, so there is no psychology in a sexual action itself. What about those who speak as if they knew everything about human sexuality just by analyzing sexual behaviors, and what would happen to people who accept a distorted view of the nature of sex as a result?

Here are some facts that are not known to many people. Humans make a distinction between general information and sexual information. Masturbation is closer to sexual perception than sexual expression. A woman's sexual sensations are enhanced and amplified by the workings of her mind, not her body. The xes mind is supposed to work solely on one's own mind, and not many people know how to do that. Not many people know how the xesmind works and why humans need sexual behaviors in the first place.

You will need to understand your own mind and how it works, and then teach others about sexuality. The working of xesmind is an unconscious process, and if you want to use it as your own blissful energy, you need to understand its nature accurately, and create habits of thought and habits of control in your unconscious mind. This is a process that takes time and effort.

I came across a theory that explained why women are passive and men are active when it comes to sex. In a nutshell, it was that women develop sexually slower than men because men and women observe their genitals differently from an early age due to physical differences, which leads to differences in perception of sexuality. This is called sexual self-observation. Does this sound plausible to you?

The concept of sexual self-observation doesn't make sense in the first place. Who on earth perceives their body as being sexual, especially from a young age? It's like saying that a child perceives their body as sexual information. It's one thing to look at your genitals frequently or infrequently, but it's another thing entirely to perceive some information as sexual or not. Also, when we say that women are less sexually developed than men, we're talking about the development of sexual awareness and the development of sexual sensitivity in the body, and in fact, if women intentionally develop sexual awareness and sexual sensitivity, they will automatically develop psychological disorders and live their lives chasing the pleasure of sex.

Women can have as much sexual pleasure and satisfaction as they want by controlling and utilizing the workings of their minds and xesminds, even without intentionally developing sexual awareness and sexual sensations in their bodies. The reason women have sexual desire is because their minds are wounded and need to be repaired, not because they open themselves up to sex.

We can all be sure of our thoughts and have beliefs, but if you want to be an expert who can influence people in any way, you have to constantly validate your thoughts and try to learn the right concepts. If you blindly spread misinformation for your own benefit, many people will fall apart and many societal problems will become rampant because of it.

Everyone should be able to protect themselves from the information that is out there about sexual psychology and sexual behaviors. I urge you to keep in mind that if your values and perceptions about sexuality are distorted, it will never lead you to happiness, but it will lead you to complete ruin.



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Sex Therapy for Men :


[Sex & Xes] Men who deny sexual dysfunction


Men who recognize their sexual dysfunction are usually working for recovery, accepting that something is wrong with them and trying to fix it.

However, there are also men who deny their sexual dysfunction. They believe that their sexual dysfunction is caused by external factors and not by themselves, so the first thing they do is to change who they have sex with. When you change the sex partner, you're taking in new sexual information, so you feel your sexual function is enhanced but the effect is only temporary.

Accepting new sexual information by changing partners means developing further sexual wounds, and the result is that the sexual function gets even worse, but men don't realize it, so they may continue to change the sex partner, and if that doesn't work, they change the sex style or technique. Therefore, men who are constantly chasing and immersing themselves in the pleasure of sex looking for new stimulation can be considered to have an advanced condition of sexual dysfunction.

In other words, the process of searching for sexual pleasure is the process that destroys a man's life. The moment they deny their sexual dysfunction and attribute it to any external factor, this destructive process begins. If a woman is with a man like that, she has to be very careful because it's also going to destroy the life of the woman the man is with.


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Sex Therapy for Men :


[Sex & Xes] Secrets of long-lasting male adult video actors


Men's sexual function is not weakened by aging. The more you have a desire for sex and immerse yourself in existing sex methods, the more your body and mind are damaged by the negative xes energy generated by it, and your sexual function is weakened. This negative xes energy causes sexual problems in men, and if you don't stop and pursue sex excessively through drugs or surgeries, you will develop psychological disorders and other unexplained physical illnesses. It can also be inferred that a person who seems to be healthy suddenly dying for no reason or having a coition death is caused by negative xes energy.

Male adult video actors who make sex their business are bound to experience psychological problems and physical problems, including sexual problems, more intensely than other men. So, how do long-lasting and legendary adult video actors maintain their sexual performance?

Of course, they may have been born with stronger physical durability than others, so even if they are damaged by negative xes energy, there are cases where their sexual function lasts longer than other men, but psychological disorders are inevitable even if their sexual function lasts physically. In such cases, the rate of destruction is only delayed, but at some point, complete destruction of the mind and body by negative xes energy will come.

Surprisingly, however, there are two cases in which men are not harmed by negative xes energy. The first is when a man thinks of sex only as a job. He does think of sex strictly as a job, to the extent that he does not have the purpose of sexual pleasure, and he treats it as if it were like any other regular job.

Negative xes energy comes from having sex with a purpose and a desire for sexual pleasure, so if you don't perceive having sex as a sexual action, or if you don't have a desire for sex, then you don't activate negative xes energy. In that case, you don't have sexual problems or dysfunctions, but the moment you find a partner you like, or the moment you start perceiving sex as sex, then all of that falls apart.

The second case is that, because you've made having sex your business, you may inadvertently realize the nature of human sexuality in the midst of all the sex opportunities you have, which is to realize the intrinsic gender roles of men and women in sex. The intrinsic gender role of a man is to not perceive sex as a means of self-pleasure, but to use himself as a tool like a dildo to make the woman's body and mind happy, and to do everything in his power to make her happy.

It doesn't matter if the sex partner is or isn't the woman he loves. Men, by their nature, keep love and sex separate. Of course, when love is involved, a man's passion amplifies his sexual sensations, leading to boundless pleasure. But even if love is not involved, if he's using everything he has for the woman partner at least for that moment, then he's having sex in accordance with his essential gender role.

In this case, the man has no specific sexual standards for his own pleasure, no desire for his own pleasure, and no purpose to use the woman, because he only has to adapt himself to the woman, and his sexual function is infinitely activated by the woman partner. Naturally, there is no damage to the body and mind caused by negative sexual energy, so the body and mind can remain healthy for a long time.

This is the kind of sex men should be aiming for. Most men think that having sex with a woman who doesn't meet their sexual standards and having no desire for sex will make it impossible for them to have sex at all, but the truth is that men need to play their natural gender role, not have any sexual standards for their own pleasure, and not have any desire for sex for their own pleasure, so that they can enjoy the pleasure of real sex they've never felt before.


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Sex Therapy for Men :


[Sex & Xes] Self-esteem and self-respect in sexuality


Self-esteem is about ideas, while self-respect is about feelings. In sexuality, there are many issues of self-esteem and self-respect, mostly self-esteem for men and self-respect for women. Men are hurt by words and actions that go against their ideas and concepts, and women are hurt by words and actions that go against their feelings and expressions. The lower your self-esteem in sexuality, the less control you have over sex, and without self-respect in sexuality, the expression of your feelings in sex will gradually disappear.

  For men, self-esteem in sex is very important because it involves your thoughts and ideas about your own sexuality. Low self-esteem in sex can lead to negative perceptions and rejection of your own sexual abilities. It can also lead to feelings of comparison, like you're not as good as others at sex.

  Self-respect in sexuality is very important for women. If a woman has low self-respect in sex, she will compare herself with others about the feelings and emotions of sex, and as a result of the comparison, she will feel inferior to others. They'll also have negative feelings about how much permission and freedom they have in sex, so they'll feel less empowered than before. They'll also feel hurt if they don't feel the same way about sex as their partner.

  For both men and women, the result of low self-esteem and low self-respect is a very negative  sexual relationship, resulting in rejection, discomfort, avoidance of sex, and a loss of self-confidence, causing self-deprecation, self-devaluation, and feelings of guilt toward the partner.

  If this situation persists and becomes entrenched, sex with your partner can become dull and dry, which is very different from dull sex related with just boredom. While overcoming boredom can bring back the pleasure and enjoyment of sex if the dull sex is due to boredom, the decline and loss of self-esteem or self-respect manifests as lethargy and disinterest, making it very difficult to analyze the specific cause of the problem. This is a matter of restoring lowered self-esteem and self-respect, not a matter of boredom, so the approach and analysis must be different.

  If couples are struggling with self-esteem and self-respect issues, it may be time for sexual counseling and therapy. This is when you need to seek professional help to heal the wounds, especially if you've experienced unwanted sex due to one-sided, coercive sex, or if you're in an unavoidable situation where you feel guilty after sex. When a person is forced to have sex in a situation where he or she feels rejection, guilt, discomfort, unpleasantness, or other negative feelings about sex, he or she may self-justify by converting the negative feelings into an attachment to his or her own entitlement or pleasure. This leads to enjoying and seeking pleasure from one-sided, coercive sex, and the self-justification process that changes the original concept of love and affection and leads to mistaking pleasure for love and affection.

  Self-esteem and self-respect in sexuality are unique feelings that each individual possesses, and damage to self-esteem and self-respect of sexuality has serious after-effects. This is why it is important to talk to each other about it, to express your feelings wisely, to understand each other, and to repair it with care and consideration. Even a casual remark can cause serious hurt in your partner. If it is not repaired, it will gradually go deeper and deeper into the heart, and it will not be resolved easily.

  When you have low self-esteem and self-respect in sexuality, both the person who was hurt and the person who hurt the partner can become victims. Sex is not something to be enjoyed alone, and it requires two people of loving mind, and ways to heal and recover from problems should be applied as soon as they arise. Behaviors that may harm the partner’s self-esteem and self-respect need to be changed and worked on.


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Sex Therapy for Men :



[Sex & Xes] The interrelationship between the pleasure of sex and the mind.

The xesmind exists within the mind, supplying energy to the mind and the body. When the xesmind is activated, you can have feelings of happiness in the mind or pleasure in the body. When sexuality energizes the mind, it can create positive feelings by healing wounds in the mind to create feelings of comfort or happiness, and when sex energizes the body, it can create pleasurable sensations in the sensory organs or make the body healthy. When these actions are out of order and distorted, they can disrupt the psychology that works in the mind and cause illness or sexual dysfunction in the body.

When this activation of sexuality is biased toward one or the other between the body and the mind, energy is lost in the other. In the case of women, once they are married and have a solid sense of stability in their minds, the pleasure of sex felt in the body becomes unnecessary. Surprisingly, women’s xesmind works for the happiness of the mind, so when a woman feels she has fulfilled meanings of life with her husband and children, there is no reason for her sexuality to be activated.

On the other hand, women who have a lot of wounds to heal, or who are not yet married and have not yet created meanings in their lives, live with a passion for sex. But what happens if a woman’s xes energy is activated only for the body and not for the mind? The mind loses its function and role as the energy is not fed to the mind, so the feelings of love and happiness, or the social norms and controls that operate in the mind, all lose their meaning, and she lives solely to feel pleasure from the sensory organs in the body. In other words, she becomes psychologically disturbed and live her life solely for the pleasure of sex.

Men, on the other hand, do not generate emotional energy from their xesmind; their minds are conceptual minds that process only facts and temporary moods. Men’s xesmind is biased to direct its energy toward feeling pleasure in the sensory organs of the body in the first place, men's love is not connected to sexuality, and men value the pleasure of sex for its own sake. 

Men use sex as a vehicle to activate the women’s xesmind, and women use sex with men to create feelings of happiness and love in their minds. When a man's passion for sex creates the feelings of happiness in a woman, he can create a mood energy called passion based on the woman’s emotional energy. In this way, a man's passion is generated by doing something for his woman, using his heart and his sexuality as a vehicle. So, ironically, men don't connect sexuality with their own emotion because their sexuality is supposed to be a tool to create happiness in women.

If this mechanism is disrupted, if a man has sex for his own pleasure and not for the happiness of the woman he's with, he becomes overly sexualized and develops psychological disorders and sexual dysfunction. This is what happens when men begin to perceive women as tools for their own pleasure.

Normal women use sex to create emotional energy in their minds, so it's very important for them to have a sexual partner who doesn't see them as a tool for pleasure, but who can help create feelings of happiness and protect them. Connecting emotions to sexuality is what women need.

When a man and a woman meet and marry to protect each other's bodies and minds, the woman fulfills meanings of life and feels stable, and she doesn't need sexuality to work for her. Then, the man's passion for creating happiness for the woman can become misdirected, and he wants to use sex for his own pleasure. If you don't understand this mechanism, all kinds of sexual problems, marital problems, and social problems will arise.

No matter how stable a woman's mind is, she should know that she can strengthen her emotional energy for happiness and love through the work of her xesmind, so she should never stop activating sexuality with the person she loves for her own happiness. It is good to keep in mind that a woman can continue to live the happiest life until the moment she dies by activating both her xesmind and her mind at the same time.


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Sex Therapy for Men :


[Sex & Xes] A Life of Self-Chosen Slavery of Sexuality


Men and women don't know each other as well as they think they do. The psychology of each individual is different, but the system of mimind and the system of xesmind operating within mimind are the same for all men, from the youngest boy to the oldest man, and the same for all women, from the youngest girl to the oldest woman.

This system of mimind and xesmind is human nature. On top of this common system, each person's memories and habits are built up differently, resulting in their own unique disposition. However, the system is essentially the same, and we must understand it in order to understand ourselves and others.

Human sexuality, in particular, is a human instinct, and we must understand it in order to be able to live our own lives as major agents. Otherwise, we simply live our lives swept along by social standards. Social standards are important for the harmony and order of human relationships, but people who are swept along by distorted social standards become increasingly stressed and hurt.

Not many people clearly understand the nature of man and woman, and the system of mimind and xesmind, and everyone is interested only in psychological phenomena, which leads to the clash among different individual ideas and many controversies.

Sexuality is supposed to be inherently female-centered, but because it's been male-centered for so long, the psychology of all men and women is now tuned to male-centered sexuality. This inevitably leads to psychological and physical problems for humans, and they're living out of alignment with their underlying instincts. Humans live in relationships, so when individual psychological problems become prominent, they also become social problems.

Both men and women are so accustomed to a male-centered sexuality that many people feel very uncomfortable to go back to a female-centered sexuality. And there's nothing wrong with that feeling. You may feel like your life is over as you've lived in male-centered sexuality for the whole life time. However, it has been a life that has damaged your bodies and minds, creating distorted happiness, passion, and love that destroy each other.

Both men and women don't think about what lies beyond because such knowledge and information is unheard of. By and large, only those whose lives have been completely destroyed by their distorted sexuality strive for what lies beyond, and say, “If only I had known the system of mimind and xesmind before everything was destroyed.

Female-centered sexuality can be achieved when a woman separates her mind from her sexuality and becomes the main agent of her sexuality, and when a man supports it with his mind, not with his sexuality. It is very difficult for a man who has lived in male-centered sexuality to let go of his sexuality and strive to support his woman with his mind, and it is very difficult for a woman to separate her sexuality from her mind and strive to become the main agent of her sexuality. Sometimes, they don't want to do it, they don't know why they have to do it, and they don't know what they can accomplish by doing it.

This is not an unnecessary struggle for something idealized and fictional. Living a life with female-centered sexuality is true to who you are as a human being, and if you've been living with male-centered sexuality, it means that you've been denied happiness, love, true pleasure, and true passion that you deserve as a human being. Striving to live with female-centered sexuality should be a necessity, not a choice. It's about reclaiming what you've lost as a result of being swept along by distorted social standards. If you can’t lift yourself up from a life of downgrading, no one else can. 


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Sex Therapy for Men :


[Sex & Xes] Women seeking sexual pleasure are in serious condition.


Today, we're going to talk about why the psychology of women seeking sexual pleasure is unhealthy. In today's world, saying that “women who enjoy sex are unhealthy” is going to cause a lot of controversy. This is because most people think about women and sex in terms of feminist and gender equality logic, so you'll hear a lot of people say, “Why shouldn't women enjoy sex, but only men?”

Both adult men and adult women have the right to enjoy sex, but sex is a very polarizing energy, and when it's used for good, it's a powerful force for happiness for both men and women, and when it's used for harm, it's a powerful force for destroying happiness for both men and women, ruining bodies and ruining lives. To harness the energy of sex for good, we need to understand its exact mechanism and essence before we can enjoy it. Once this is clear, we can create happiness energy through activating sexuality without limit.

Women who seek sexual pleasure having a distorted concept in a distorted environment where sexuality is interpreted only in terms of pleasure and love will develop serious psychological problems and lead a destructive life.

Sexuality is actually more important for women than for men, because through the work of the xesmind, women create happiness in the heart, and men's sexuality works to protect and support this, but now it is distorted into the opposite concept, as if sexuality is very important for men and women's sexuality is to support it, so both women and men are destroyed.

Men cannot use the energy of their xesmind to generate feelings of happiness in their hearts, and their sexuality only works in conjunction with their bodies. Men only utilize their sexuality as a source of temporary positive mood energy. Men's minds are not for generating feelings like women's, but rather they are minds of ideas connected with facts that make men experience temporary moods of pleasure or pain.

Woman's xesmind works to generate feelings of happiness, so it has a direct connection to a woman's psychological wounds. The bigger and deeper a woman's wounds are, the harder it is for her to repair them with her mind alone making her xesmind begin to work. There are women who have deep wounds that are activated, and then there are women who have wound dissociation, where the wound is so deep that it's covered over. They both try to activate their sexuality, so they are sexually expressive, but the woman with the deep wound is sexually expressive because she doesn't want to hurt, and the woman with wound dissociation is sexually expressive because she wants pleasure. 

As women try to activate their sexuality, they may have plastic surgery or genital surgery, they may train themselves to increase sexual sensitivity, or they may go to classes to learn about the art of sex. The original reason for women to activate their sexuality was to create feelings of happiness by repairing wounds of their heart, and their xesmind should only work for their own heart. However, when they have sex based on sexual desire that is rooted in wounds, the energy that should be working on their own heart is expressed to the other person, and the temporary positive sensations perceived through the sensory organs make them think that the partner has created happiness for them and they mistake this for love. Over and over again, instead of trying to repair the wound directly from their mind, they rely on the pleasure of the senses to create a temporary positive mood.

Eventually, she no longer needs the work of her mind, and the standards and notions of relationships, habits of control, and systems that create feelings of maternal love and happiness that were originally created in her unconscious mind are all broken. As a result, these women are no longer able to live a normal human life because they have abandoned the concept of being happy with other people and have come to believe that the pleasure of sex is happiness, or that any man who gives them sex loves them. If a woman's sexuality is triggered by her wounds and she is constantly wanting to express her sexuality, she needs to heal her wounds and stabilize her psychology before anything.

Men's sexuality is not connected to emotional wounds, but it is connected to the body, and excessive activation of sexuality leads to physical problems and sexual dysfunction in men. Men's sexuality is meant to create feelings of happiness in women, to protect women and make women happy, and to generate achievement and passion in men. When men use sex solely for their own pleasure, they end up using women as a means of pleasure, and this creates a vicious cycle that leads to breakdowns of both men and women.

The result of this vicious cycle is that the happiness of the mankind is lost, and we live in an environment where we compete and confront each other solely for individuals’ pleasure and satisfaction. The concept of family becomes unnecessary, and societies and nations exist solely for the survival of the individual. The emotionless humanity we see in science fiction movies is not just fiction.

We should never take sexuality lightly. Sexuality should be activated between two people who love each other, for women for their own happiness, and for men to create and protect it. It's for life's sake, and this is not some outdated idea, but an interpretation based on the Theory of Mimind and Xesmind. If you are not sure what you're really talking about, it's better to live in an outdated way of thinking about sexuality taking it seriously and conservatively, and protect yourself and your loved ones.


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Sex Therapy for Men :


[Sex & Xes] Sexual Hedonism and Sexual Objectification


You've probably heard the term sexual hedonism, and sexual objectification is the perception of an individual only as a tool for sex. Often, the parties involved are unaware of the concept of sexual objectification because the person who is already hedonistic about sex and perceives the other person only as an object of pleasure doesn't care about the other person's position, and the person who is perceived as an object of sex doesn't know that they are being used as a tool for sex. 

A sexual hedonist values the pleasure itself above all else in sex, perceiving everything else as a means to that pleasure. They perceive the other person as an instrument of pleasure in order to pursue the pleasure of sex, and are not concerned with the pleasure and happiness of the objectified person. They also assume that if they are satisfied and happy, the other person will be satisfied and happy.

If you use everything you have to enjoy the pleasure of sex, and consider it to be the highest value and happiness, you're going beyond hedonism, especially if you're in a position of economic and social power. Sexual hedonism and objectification are more common among people with some degree of social power because they use their ability and power to realize their hedonism.

This is because it is advantageous to have a certain level of wealth, status, popularity, etc. to use others as a tool for sex. Sexual hedonism and sexual objectification can occur easily as successful people lose sight of their life goals and indulge in the pleasures of sex. The perception that anything is possible if you have the ability only reinforces this distorted perception.

Sexual hedonists are unable to escape the distorted pleasures of sex because they don't know the true flavor and coolness of sex. This is a phenomenon that has been primarily driven by men in the past, but in recent years it has also been driven by women. Once the pleasures of sex lead to addiction, you can never get out of it on your own. Sex is such a personal and secretive act that only the parties involved know about it, not the outside world.

As sexual hedonism and sexual objectification progress, people no longer get pleasure and enjoyment from sex between a couple or with a lover and lose interest in it, so they seek out sex with different stimuli and seek endless variety in sex. They try to brainwash and persuade everyone around them to join them in their sexual hedonism and objectification. As the stimulation of sex becomes more and more intense, it spirals out of control and every aspect of their lives becomes related to sex.

People who are sexually hedonistic and see others as nothing but objects of pleasure cannot address their condition on their own because they are so thoroughly mired in their own logic: they become dogmatic and closed off to sex styles that are different from their own, even though they think of themselves as open-minded with respect to sex. They are also very obsessive about sex, so what they think about once, they try to make happen. Their spouses often get caught up in this and slip into sexual hedonism with them.

People who practice sexual hedonism and sexual objectification have lost the concept and value of proper sex and live out their sex fantasies, which is why they are so permissive about sex with others. Having pleasure is a fleeting moment, followed by a search for greater stimulation and pleasure. These people should be reminded of their true sexual capabilities with a detailed explanation of the need for change, and to transition to feeling intense pleasure and happiness even from sex between two people in a normal relationship.

Sexual hedonism and sexual objectification are a phenomenon that can happen to anyone, and many people are currently in quite serious conditions. There's nothing wrong with enjoying sex, but it needs to be done in the right way and with an awareness of the other person's true happiness.

To do this, we need to first recognize the importance and value of human relationships, and then we need to educate ourselves about sexual empowerment so that we can enjoy the true flavor and beauty of sex. Surprisingly enough, most men want this. Women also need to know the value of true sex ability and build their sex ability, so that they can escape and prevent the objectification of sex. Pursuing only the pleasure of sex will make your body and mind sick. Please, keep in mind that you need to know the correct concepts so that you can know what true pleasure is and reach true sexual happiness.


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Sex Therapy for Men :

[Mother Therapy] The benefit of parents’ stepping in when needed

  What do you think about parents' close attention to their children when raising them? Is it necessarily a bad thing? There's a lot...