Showing posts with label 21. Introduction to Infidelity Therapy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 21. Introduction to Infidelity Therapy. Show all posts


The difference between psychology counseling and psychology treatment

Counseling is defined as 'the provision of assistance and guidance in resolving personal, social, or psychological problems and difficulties, especially by a professional'. In psychology counseling, the counselor will try to find the cause of psychological problems, provide information on the issue, and resolve the specific psychological problems. 

On the other hand, in psychology treatment, finding the cause of psychological problems and resolving the specific problems do not apply. When you have developed psychological disorders, you need psychology treatment instead of psychology counseling. In psychology treatment, you need to analyze what type of psychological disorders has occurred, and in what components of psychology the disorder has occurred. There are three components of psychology in human mind, which are perception, the memory of emotion, and expression. There are three types of psychological disorders, which are perception disorder, the disorder of memory of emotion, and expression disorder. Expression disorder can be sub-categorized into inward expression disorder, which is consciousness disorder, and outward expression disorder, which is addiction. 

Psychological problems imply that the person still has the ability for self-recovery and the problem can be solved through psychology counseling. On the other hand, psychological disorders imply that the person has lost the ability for self-recovery. When you have psychological disorders, you must rebuild the ability for self-recovery. Psychology counseling applied at this stage will actually aggravate the pathological condition. Also, different treatment methods must be applied to treat different levels of psychological disorders depending on the number of psychological components where the disorder has occurred. 

You may develop psychological disorders in 1 to 3 components of psychology. You are considered to have developed a psychological disorder in 1 component of psychology when you have panic disorder, which is a perception disorder, depression, which is a disorder of memory of emotion, or addiction, which is an expression disorder. You are considered to have developed a psychological disorder in 2 components of psychology when you have bipolar disorder, hysteria, intermittent explosive disorder, or relationship addiction. You are considered to have developed a psychological disorder in all 3 components of psychology when you have post traumatic stress disorder, sociopathy, or psychopathy. Psychology treatment of higher levels of psychological disorders takes much more time and effort than the treatment of lower levels of psychological disorders. 

Psychology counseling and psychology treatment are two separate concepts and must be properly applied depending on the types of psychological problems and disorders. When you experience psychological problems and difficulties, you must first analyze and determine whether you have psychological problems that can be solved through counseling and other healing methods or psychological disorders that must adopt proper psychology treatment methods. 

Korea Institute of Psycho-education provides psychology treatment through non-contact on-line self-training method. It can be applied to people around the world without any restriction on time and place in English, Japanese, and Korean.

About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)


Infidelity Therapy_Treatment method of post traumatic stress and relationship addiction

Infidelity Therapy is designed to treat 1. post traumatic stress due to spouse infidelity and 2. relationship addiction of the spouse in infidelity. Diverse methods of addressing infidelity issues are conventionally employed such as psychology counseling, religious counseling, coaching, , lawsuits, and so on. However, most of them are not sufficiently effective and usually cause only a waste of time, effort, and money.

Infidelity Therapy is an innovative and highly effective treatment method of post traumatic stress due to spouse infidelity and relationship addiction of the spouse in infidelity based on the Theory of Mimind and the Theory of Xesmind that adequately explains the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology. It adopts a non-contact on-line self-treatment method to develop happiness ability in people suffering from psychological pain and other consequential circumstances.

Infidelity Therapy minimizes unnecessary burden on people who participate in the treatment training. You don't have to make frequent office visits, or talk about details of infidelity issue, but still can experience the most powerful treatment effects at a fundamental level by adequately treating rage and wounds without adverse side effects.  

[The importance of Infidelity Therapy]

Rage is an expression of psychological wounds upon the development of post traumatic stress due to spouse infidelity. Immediate treatment of rage is required to stabilize psychology and restore the ability to think and judge properly in daily life. Treatment of rage and wounds can be achieved in a relatively short time applying an adequate treatment method. 

Upon the development of post traumatic stress due to spouse infidelity, wounds continue to operate on and on relating all the problems experienced during the whole period of marriage with infidelity issues. Wounds accumulated so far regarding couple relationship, sexual issues, economic and parenting problems, and other relational conflicts continue to operate at their full scale all day everyday causing excruciating pain, and the severity of wound operation is in proportion to years of marriage. 

As a result of years of research, Korea Institute of Psycho-education developed an innovative and highly effective treatment method of post traumatic stress and relationship addiction employing only self-training of psychology excluding any inconvenient and ineffective conventional methods. It has also verified through many clinical cases that its efficacy rate is more than 90% without any adverse side effect. Infidelity Therapy is considered as one of the most effective treatment methods of post traumatic stress and relationship addiction that exist in the world.  

[Recipients of Infidelity Therapy]

Men and women who :

- suffer from spouse infidelity

- have suffered for a long time due to repeated spouse infidelity

- feel more in love with the lover in extramarital relationship than with their spouse

- suffer because the spouse refuses to get a divorce when they want to start a new life with the lover in extramarital relationship

- feel in love with a married man or a married woman

- suffer from infidelity in a romantic relationship

- repeat breaking up and making up due to the partner's repeated infidelity

- suffer upon finding out that their partner turns out to be a married person

- suffer from the partner in extramarital relationship committing infidelity

- suffer because the partner in extramarital relationship promised to get a divorce and keeps staying in marriage. 

[Composition of Infidelity Therapy]

1. Treatment Training : Mind Training (20 one-hour video sessions)

   - Training videos : 4 sessions each week for 5 weeks 

2. Therapeutic tasks : Therapeutic tasks for men, therapeutic tasks for women 

3. Self-check on progress

   - Upload writings periodically on [Self-check & Inquiries] on [Members Only] at KIP Psychology Treatment Center of Type 2 Psychological Disorder   

   - Upload questions on [Self-check & Inquiries] on [Members Only] at KIP Psychology Treatment Center of Type 2 Psychological Disorder

   - Consultation sessions when necessary (e-mail, office visit, video conference) : charge or free of charge depending on circumstances

4. Viewing reference materials of KIP : Keep up with efforts and will power

* All 4 components are necessary for optimal treatment results.

* The process must be continued for more than 3 years to fully develop happiness ability without recurrence of psychological disorders. 

5. Mother Therapy (optional): Learn treatment methods of child psychology and parenting methods -

6. Youth Mind Training (optional) : Children learn about how to solve and prevent psychological problems -

* Mother Therapy and Youth Mind Training are provided free of charge to mothers who take Infidelity Therapy.

[Expense of Infidelity Therapy] 

11,000 US Dollars (per person)

* Payment with a card (visit Seoul office) or wire transfer 

  (cash receipt or tax invoice issued)

* VAT is included in the expense. 

KIP Psychology Treatment Center for Type 2 Psychological Disorder_On-line Treatment, Infidelity Therapy, Xes Therapy

KIP Psychology Treatment consists of 4 components, among which the core component is Mind Training. Type 2 psychology treatment is adopted for Infidelity Therapy and Xes Therapy. 

 [Type 2 Psychology Treatment]

1. Recipients 

  -People who have developed psychological disorder in 2 of the 3 components of psychology (Infidelity Therapy & Xes Therapy included)

  - People with relationship addiction, bipolar disorder, manic depressive disorder, schizophrenia, hysteria, intermittent explosive disorder, personality disorder, character disorder

  - People who have been diagnosed with more than 1 type of Type 1 psychological disorder simultaneously

  - People who believe that they have overcome type 2 psychological disorder on their own       

  - People who believe that their type 2 psychological disorder has naturally been cured       

  - People who have been on medication for less than 3 years after diagnosis 

  - People who have been taking conventional psychology treatment for less that 3 years after diagnosis

  - People who have been studying or getting immersed into a certain object to solve psychology problems for less that 3 years


2. Components

   1) Treatment Training : Mind Training (20 sessions, approximately 20 hours)

      - Watch training videos 4 hours every week for 5 weeks

   2) Therapeutic tasks : Therapeutic tasks for men, therapeutic tasks for women

   3) Self-check on progress : Upload writings on [Self-check] at [Members Only] at KIP Psychology Treatment Center for Type 2 Psychological Disorder

     (Consultation through e-mails, individual video conferences or face-to-face 

     conferences when necessary)

   4) Viewing reference materials : Keep up with will power and effort

      * All 4 components are necessary for full recovery and restoration of happiness. 

      * You must continue treatment program for more than 3 years. 


   5) Mother Therapy: Treatment methods of child psychology and parenting strategies

   6) Youth Mind Training  : Children can build ability of prevention of psychological problems and happiness ability


*Mothers can learn about treatment methods of child psychology to solve children's psychological problems through Mother Therapy and help children build the basis for prevention of psychological problems and happiness ability through Youth Mind Training. 

3. Expense for Type 2 Psychology Treatment: 11,000,000 Won(per person)

    * Payment with card (visit Seoul office) or cash (cash receipt or tax invoice issued)

    * VAT is included in the expense.

    * Payment in Japanese currency : 1,100,000¥

    * Payment in US Dollars : 11,000US$

    *Mother Therapy and Youth Mind Training are free of charge 

4. Expected time period for Type 2 Psychology Treatment : 3 ~ 6 months

5. Expected time period for full recovery: 1 year ~ 3 years

Inquiries :

(Or upload your inquiries on KIP homepage.)


Free Consultation on Infidelity Issues


Please, send us an e-mail providing the following information for free consultation on infidelity. You will receive a written report on the result of consultation in a few days. We will guide you to correctly address the problems of infidelity with adequate concepts and strategies based on accurate understanding of human mind and psychology.

* Send your e-mail to :

[Application form for free consultation on infidelity]

* Title of your e--mail : Application for free consultation on infidelity (Your name or a pseudonym, specify for either wife infidelity or husband infidelity)

1. Personal Information

   1) Name (Pseudonym) :

   2) E-mail address:

   3) Country / Area of Residence:

   4) Gender :

   5) Age of yours and your spouse's :

   6) Period of marriage or living together :

   7) Number of children/ their age & gender :

   8) Other personal information to be shared :

2. Points of inquiry :

3. Points of request :

4. Questions :


1. Please, include facts about you and your spouse in a simple way.

2. Include what happened, how you discovered, what you discovered, how things

progressed, how things are going now for '2. Points of inquiry'.

3. Include any requests for '3. Points of request'.

4. Include general questions you may have for '4. Questions'.

* You may be provided with a more detailed report when you provide more detailed facts.

* Send your e-mail to :

[About free consultation on infidelity]

Korea Institute of Psycho-education provides free consultation on infidelity based on the Theory of Minind and Xesmind. It analyzes caused of infidelity, psychology of infidelity, and nature of infidelity, and provide you with an important guideline for properly addressing the issue of spouse infidelity.

Psychological problems and psychological disorders are differentiated, and different solutions are suggested for individual cases. It also informs you of treatment and prevention methods of spouse infidelity and related psychological problems and disorders.

We aim for fundamental mechanism of spouse infidelity being known to as many people as possible and for guiding people in pain and suffering to restore healthy psychology and true happiness instead of getting lost in the midst of misguiding information and knowledge and ruining their life.

[Points to be included in the report of consultation]

- Analysis of fundamental causes of infidelity

- Causes of present pain and suffering

- Points to be noted when you attempt to resolve the issue

- Expected results when the issue is not resolved

- Expected results when the issue is resolved

- Directions and methods of resolving the issue

- Answers to questions you have provided

[Recepients of free consultation on infidelity]

- People who suffer from spouse infidelity

- People who suffer from repeated spouse infidelity

- People who think that they love the adulteress or the adulterer more than they love their spouses.

- People who suffer since the adulterer or the adulteress is not divorced yet

- People who think they are in love with married men or women

- People who suffer from pain caused by the adulter's or the adulteress's spouse

- People whose boyfriends or girlfriends have cheated on them

- People who repeat breaking up and making up with their partner due to partner's infidelity

- People who suffer after finding out that their partner is a married person

- People who suffer from their adulter or adulteress cheating on them

- People who suffer from pain related with other infidelity issues

Upon the discovery of spouse infidelity, most people suffer from excruciating pain. They simply do not know what to do, and take all possible measures to resolve the isuue. The easist way is to accuse the spouse of everything and get a divorce based on the idea that the spouse broke the trust. Many people decide to stay in marriage due to problems of economy, children, and other matters, and just live an unhappy life. Unfortunately, many of available information and knowledge guide you to unhappiness rather than to happiness.

Infidelity occurs due to relationship addiction and the victimized spouse develops post traumatic stress. Many people around the world attribute infidelity to problems of marriage, sex, and love making adequate resolutions difficult. In so many cases, both the spouse in infidelity and the victimized spouse live with psychological disorders and in unhappiness all their life.

Korea Institute of Psycho-education provides free consultation on infidelity based on the accurate analysis of human mind and psychology to guide you to find the right path to true happiness for yourself and your loved ones. It provides you with fundamental mechanism of infidelity as well as coping strategies, treatment methods, and practical measures.

It is most important that you yourself have the will power to overcome the predicament and achieve happiness. We are sure that you will be able to have an opportunity to find the root cause of infidelity issues and to be directed to the right path for recovery though the free consultation at KIP.

Thank you very much.

Korea Institute of Psycho-education :


Infidelity is not caused by problems of love, sex, or marriage


    Upon the discovery of spouse infidelity, victimized spouses usually try to find the reason why their spouses have cheated on them. They had never thought about spouse infidelity before it was disclosed, but now they think that they can resolve the issues only by finding out the cause, and base their analyses and strategies on speech and actions of the spouse in infidelity. . Many sources of information including scholars, experts, media, lectures, books, and research papers argue that infidelity is caused by problems of love, sex, and marriage, and base the resolutions on this assumption. 

     Korea Institute of Psycho-education has developed the Theory of Mimind and Xesmind and discovered the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology,  and also has discovered that infidelity is not caused by problems of love, sex, and marriage, but caused by relationship addiction. We tend to believe that infidelity is caused by the issues of love, sex, and marriage since we accept the speech and actions of people in relationship addiction as normal and rational behaviors, when they are actually manifestations of self-justification and distorted thoughts.

     Relationship addiction develops acutely, usually under the influence of the counterparty the spouse in infidelity gets involved with. Also, people in relationship addiction are usually considered to have developed psychological disorders in 2 of the 3 components of psychology. It is almost impossible to treat psychological disorders of the spouse with relationship addiction and the spouse with post traumatic stress due to spouse infidelity, and resolve practical issues without accurately understanding the mechanism of infidelity from the perspective of the operation of human mind and psychology. 

     Tons of information are available regarding spouse infidelity, but it is crucial that you find the right treatment methods and coping strategies among them. Inaccurate analysis of problems will only lead to aggravation of your psychological conditions and life circumstances. It is strongly recommended that you treat post traumatic stress and relationship addiction in the proper way, and get back to the right path to true happiness by restoring love, sex, and marriage. 

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