
Infidelity is not caused by problems of love, sex, or marriage


    Upon the discovery of spouse infidelity, victimized spouses usually try to find the reason why their spouses have cheated on them. They had never thought about spouse infidelity before it was disclosed, but now they think that they can resolve the issues only by finding out the cause, and base their analyses and strategies on speech and actions of the spouse in infidelity. . Many sources of information including scholars, experts, media, lectures, books, and research papers argue that infidelity is caused by problems of love, sex, and marriage, and base the resolutions on this assumption. 

     Korea Institute of Psycho-education has developed the Theory of Mimind and Xesmind and discovered the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology,  and also has discovered that infidelity is not caused by problems of love, sex, and marriage, but caused by relationship addiction. We tend to believe that infidelity is caused by the issues of love, sex, and marriage since we accept the speech and actions of people in relationship addiction as normal and rational behaviors, when they are actually manifestations of self-justification and distorted thoughts. 


     Relationship addiction develops acutely, usually under the influence of the counterparty the spouse in infidelity gets involved with. Also, people in relationship addiction are usually considered to have developed psychological disorders in 2 of the 3 components of psychology. It is almost impossible to treat psychological disorders of the spouse with relationship addiction and the spouse with post traumatic stress due to spouse infidelity, and resolve practical issues without accurately understanding the mechanism of infidelity from the perspective of the operation of human mind and psychology. 

     Tons of information are available regarding spouse infidelity, but it is crucial that you find the right treatment methods and coping strategies among them. Inaccurate analysis of problems will only lead to aggravation of your psychological conditions and life circumstances. It is strongly recommended that you treat post traumatic stress and relationship addiction in the proper way, and get back to the right path to true happiness by restoring love, sex, and marriage. 

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