A teenage girl who had conflicts with her mother and ran away from home
Developing dependency on the moods of pleasure
Many people get excited about getting immersed into positive moods and enjoying activities of diversion for pleasure. Eating good foods, enjoying hobbies and traveling, and exposing themselves to all kinds of positive sensory stimulation are included in activities for pleasure. Social networking services accelerate and intensify the spread of the trend of putting pleasure at the center of life.
As more and more people get immersed into seeking pleasure instead of lightly taking such activities to relieve daily stress and become dependent on moods instead of maintaining balanced emotions, accidents and crime cases increase and we face more and more social problems.
People in the modern society cannot help getting more and more stress as the civilization advances to its extreme level. There are also abundant opportunities to relieve stress and be exposed to activities for diversion. Positive moods generated by taking activities for diversion is sensed only when the stimulation exists and then, disappears making you keep seeking for the positive sensation repeatedly and at more and more intense levels. Eventually, you may become dependent on the positive moods with sensory stimulation.
The dependency on positive moods may progress into habits. You may have to seek positive moods continuously and cannot bear even the lowest level of stress and explode leading to unfortunate incidents and even crimes.
When you overly and repeatedly get immersed into positive moods accompanied by continuous stress, you develop dependency on positive moods and then, a psychological disorder. Now, you do not pursue love and happiness in a true sense but seek only pleasure.
It takes time and effort to develop true emotions of love and happiness, but pleasure is quick to occur and disappear. Psychological disorders destroy individuals' life and human relationships. As more and more people lose emotions of love and happiness and develop psychological disorders, we may have to face the future of the society full of derivative consequences.
Information is not necessarily truth
Everyday, we are overwhelmed by infinite amount of information. Some are factual and truthful and some are false and incorrect. There is also a great deal of information on human mind and psychology easily available to people. Experts including scholars, religious leaders, and psychologists publish books, give lectures, and provide educational programs. They all argue that they are preaching truth. Internet and social network services accelerate and intensify the spread of information more than ever.
When information on human mind and psychology is truthful, it may promote happiness in people's lives, but when it is not, it may cause unhappiness and suffering in many people's lives. Unfortunately, some of the information with global popularity seems harmful rather than beneficial to individuals and the whole society causing psychological pain and suffering and collapse of healthy human relationships.
Information may be based on facts but it does not guarantee that it is truth. It may look and sound right and useful but it may be distorted and not fundamental. You may be convinced of the truthfulness of the information, but it may be self-conviction derived from self-justification.
To be able to discern the difference between truthful information and false information, you may consider the following points:
- Information you know about human and psychology may not be truth.
- Scripture is truth, but interpretation of it may not.
- Truth is simple, but untruthful information is decorated with splendor.
Analysis of the inner child and childhood experiences is unnecessary for treatment of psychological disorders
Many people try to talk about their childhood experiences and family history when they are treated for psychological disorders. When I tell them such information is unnecessary for the treatment of psychological disorders, they look confused and sometimes even protest against my guidance.
When they adhere to their ideas about the treatment of psychological disorders that adopts conventional counseling methods, it takes much longer time to achieve the treatment effects compared to people who do not have fixated ideas. People with much knowledge on conventional theories and practices of psychological treatment are also slow in adapting themselves to the new treatment paradigm and showing progress.
The treatment method that is based on the Theory of Mimind and Xesmind does not require the analysis of past experiences. It diagnoses the present psychological condition and addresses the root cause to normalize the operation of all three components of psychology. Retrieving past experiences does not benefit the treatment of the present condition and often times aggravates the situation.
When you accurately understand the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology and adopt the adequate treatment method that adjust the operation of unconscious, you can stabilize your psychological operations without any long-term side effect and build happiness ability.
What is mind?
Consolation and treatment
I have lived like trash and have done so many bad things in my life
The conscious and the unconscious
On psychological wounds
Not many people have a clear understanding about psychological wounds. When they have psychological wounds inside them, they may think :
- It is unfair, it is not may fault.
- It is may fault.
- What did I do wrong?
- I only did the right things.
They may blame either other people or themselves. Blaming others or themselves only aggravates psychological wounds. Psychological wounds develop when you do not understand the mind operation of yours and others'.
We must understand how human mind operates and accurate understand other people's behaviors in order to prevent and treat our own psychological wounds. Understanding may result in forgiveness and consideration, too, but they are optional, which you can decide after accurate understanding.
You cannot but accumulate psychological wounds and experience difficulties in human relationships without understanding the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology.
Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac
How the operation of the mind affects the function of the body
I have been researching on the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology and treatment methods of psychology. I have devised more than 100 therapies for different psychological conditions based on the Theory of Mimind and Xesmind. Differently from conventional psychology therapies that adopt the activation of the conscious, therapies based on the Theory of Mimind and Xesmind adopt the activation of the unconscious resulting in long-term efficacy.
I also have devised therapies that can positively affect hormonal changes in the body by activating the unconscious operation of mind. The body and the mind affect each other in a bidirectional way, and stabilization in psychological operation can definitely bring about remission and disappearance of physical symptoms of somatization.
A clear example of treating somatization through activating the unconscious operation of mind is a therapy implemented for women in menopausal stage. It is well known that menopause can cause diverse physical and psychological symptoms due to hormonal change and imbalance. Adopting the therapy that positively activates the unconscious so that women can stabilize psychology and generate feelings of happiness actually resulted in visible positive change in hormonal level. Most women reported recognizing positive changes in their physical and psychological functions such as more energy, better moods, remission or disappearance of physical symptoms.
It is clearly shown that the management of psychology is as important as the manage of the body for human beings' overall health. This finding also sheds light on the possibility of treating many, and hopefully most mild cases of psychological problems that are often accompanied by physical symptoms and illnesses by employing the same theoretical basis postulated by the Theory of Mimind and Xesmind. It was also discovered that the improvement was permanent rendering a complete cure rather than temporary remission of symptoms. Also, self-training methods wer proven to be much more effective than counseling methods for treating almost all types of psychological problems.
I hope that I will have an opportunity for participating in a collaborative research with scientists who are interested in integrating biology, medicine, and psychology.
Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac
Another way of looking at psychological wounds
Without having psychological wounds, you can experience neither pain and sorrow nor happiness. Without experiencing difficulties, you cannot experience comfort or happiness. Psychological wounds are the source of happiness.
When you get out of pain, sorrow, and difficulties, you can easily feel comfort. However, you must not just stay in comfort but generate happiness. The time of difficulty is the time of opportunity for generating happiness.
You don't have to deliberately try to get psychological wounds, but you must not avoid wounds by seeking comfort and pleasure. Avoiding psychological wounds is the same as rejecting happiness since wounds are the source that makes you feel happiness. Habits of avoiding psychological wounds may seriously distort your life so that you cannot achieve happiness in a true sense.
If you are suffering from psychological wounds at present, please, try to look at the situation in a different way with a broader perspective.
Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac
On analyzing the inner child and the growth process for psychology treatment
Many conventional methods of psychology treatment adopt the concepts of the inner child and the growth process. However, such approaches may be effective for solving psychological problems but not for treating psychological disorders. Solving psychological problems can take diverse healing methods including counseling, traveling, reading, and taking lectures, but treating psychological disorders takes more than healing and diversion. Analyzing the inner child and the growth process in counseling may contribute to solving psychological problems but only aggravate the condition when it is adopted for treating psychological disorders.
Problems may occur when methods of solving psychological problems are adopted to treat psychological disorders thereby addressing only the operations of psychology instead of the operations of mind. Treatment of psychological disorders must directly address the operations of mind, which consists of the conscious and the unconscious. One must accurately understand the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology to adequately treat psychological disorders without long-term adverse effects.
Analyzing the inner child, the growth process, and the source of trauma is unnecessary for treating psychological disorders, which may actually aggravate the condition by expanding psychological wounds. One must be able to adjust the operation of the unconscious, which is manifested as the operations of the conscious and psychology to treat psychological disorders.
It must be noted that solving psychological problems and treating psychological disorders are two separate components of psychology treatment.
Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac
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