Showing posts with label 03. The Theory of Mimind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 03. The Theory of Mimind. Show all posts


How Human Mind and Psychology Operate


             Mimind is a newly developed psychological concept. The Theory of Mimind examined the principles of the operation of human mind and psychology generated by migene. These four mind genes, H-migene[1], F-migene[2], D-migene[3], and I-migene[4] generate the human mind, the conscious and the unconscious as well as formulate the operation of human mind and psychology systematically. Hence the Theory of Mimind can be a criterion and standard, the principle and rule of thumb by which we interpret the work of human mind and psychology.

             According to the Theory of Mimind, human mind controls its consciousness and unconsciousness by using the four mind genes, migenes. The human mind is formed at birth and it consistently continues to work till death. This mind is standard and principle through which consciousness and unconsciousness of human mind operate.

             Therefore, the Theory of Mimind is a theory that proves and reveals that there exists the human mind that makes consciousness and unconsciousness operate, that human mind is operated by migenes, and that consciousness and unconsciousness control the operations of psychology.

             No one thinks in the same way. First, man and woman have different minds. It causes different operations of the psychology of man and woman. Secondly, no one has exactly identical memory. Human mind works according to its different operation based on whether male or female. However, according to the conscious and unconscious habits of working of human mind, every ones mind functions differently. Also, as a child grows up, his or her psychology of memory works differently being influenced by experiences and knowledge. Even the identical twins think and remember differently looking at the same object.

             The mind controls its consciousness and unconsciousness, and this works for everyone. As you learn the mind of man and woman, we will learn the principle of work of human mind. We can analyze this work of human mind since it has the standard and principle. In this way, the principle of human psychology gets determined by the mind.

             Animals survive by their own instincts, but human beings live on the happiness instincts of self-actualization. Thus, the mind does not exist in an animal but exist only in a human being. Therefore, the mind is the crux of human psychology.

             Although everyones mind is working, no one has discovered or known the source of human mind. This mind controls our consciousness and unconsciousness, and it is the standard and principle for the operation of human psychology. Through this discovery, I was able to manage psychological research, analysis, and interpretation, and the diagnosis, prediction, and prevention of psychological problems, and to treat psychological disorders and discover the mechanism of the happiness of human beings. This is how I was also able to newly develop the analysis techniques, counselling techniques, treatment methods, and the methods of education.

             Also, through interpreting the human psychology and having the knowledge on human mind, we can prevent and cure human psychological disorders. And the Mind Training was developed for healing various psychological disorders and sexual dysfunctions, holistically educating adults and teenagers, and resolving many psychological problems. 

[1]  H-migene judges the criterion of happiness of the external and recalled information.

[2] F-migene determines whether it is positive emotion or negative emotion based on the judgment of H-migene.

[3] D-migene operates with its defense mechanism for those determined emotion.

[4] I-migene produces the mind energy and delivers it to the unconscious part of human mind.

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The Structure of Human Psychology


All human beings have the same psychological structure. Human psychology comprises three elements.

             The first element is the psychology of memory. Humans remember facts as well as emotions. The psychology of memory operates on memories of both facts and emotions. When remembering, remembering facts is similar for both men and women, but remembering emotions is very distinctive. This results from the mind of men and women working in different ways. Men remember positive moods and cannot remember negative moods. On the contrary, women remember negative feelings well and easily forget positive feelings.

             The second one is the psychology of perception. Humans recognize the external facts. The five human sensory organs will receive the external facts and sense them. Migene judges for the kind of emotion for each fact, and then turns it to feeling. Then, after integrating these feelings, one has the self-awareness of his or her own emotions for the external fact. We call this integration process of the external fact and emotion, and self-awareness as the psychology of perception.

             Here, the fact means the combination of external and recalled facts, and one senses the feeling of this fact through emotions. When emotions respond to this external information, we call this the psychology of perception, and the feelings can be sensed through self-awareness in our consciousness. So, we need to distinguish facts from emotions, and in order to learn about the psychology of perception with more accuracy, we need to focus on the operation of emotion.

             Facts are the sensory information that human sensory organs receive from the exterior. If there was a car accident, the car accident is a fact and a single moment in the whole fact is a phenomenon. The smallest unit element of the fact is a phenomenon. Emotion is sensing with self-awareness the facts infused with feelings for the phenomenon. It is so called self-aware thought and colligation of conscious feelings for the external fact. Ultimately, emotion is the re-sensing of the facts with the effect of ones own conscious thought.

             Thirdly, it is the psychology of expression. It is at work when a person expresses emotions. It is used when we describe information and emotion. There are two ways to express emotions. One is expressing emotions that are self-aware thought. Another is expressing emotion externally as unconscious habits. In case of expressing the self-aware emotion by ones own thought, one is likely to express through speech, actions, and facial expressions based on emotion determined by conscious thought. Therefore, the emotion determined by ones conscious thought can be expressed as one thought. And the many more unconscious speech, actions, and facial expressions are displayed out of habits.

             Also, humans unconscious habitual operation of the fact is redirected to conscious or self-aware work. This conscious or self-aware process is that of internal expression.

             Expressing out of habits is the work of migene. H-migene diagnoses the information of its probability of happiness, F-migene determines emotion, then D-migene and I-migene take their turns. When D-migene and I-migene work, they process habitually and unconsciously. This process gets expressed externally through speech, actions, and facial expressions and internally one senses with conscious self-awareness. So, in spite of the self-aware emotion by conscious thought, expressions will come out unconsciously based on the work of migene.

             So far, we have examined briefly the three structures of human psychology. Facts and emotions can be divided within human psychology. For women, feelings, generated by the unconsciously habitual process of diagnosing the sensory information, can be more adoptable than the moods of the sensory information, generated by the work of the psychology of perception taking in the external information. On the other hand, for men, the moods of the direct sensory information work more importantly than feelings.  Men's consciousness realizes moods for the sensory information and at this point, stress rises up. So, men take the moods of sensory information more easily than feelings. Thus, men are viewed as the ones without feelings.

             Once men sense the stress inducing feelings in the conscious, they cant pursue their future happiness while women consider it important to sense her own feelings in her own consciousness. Since for women, feelings formed by unconscious habits are more important than the moods generated through the sensory organs.

             Psychology is the management and control of the whole process of perceiving, remembering, processing, and expressing ones own emotion. The psychology of perception is the process of taking the external information into ones mind, and the psychology of expression is the process of expressing ones mind or realizing it with ones consciousness. For the psychology of perception, the conscious part of the mind is at work and for the psychology of expression, the unconscious part of the mind is at work.

             Our consciousness can be recognized through our own thought, but habits cant be since they are operated unconsciously. Therefore, humans are capable of remembering well what they are aware of consciously, but when it comes to expression, they hardly remember anything at all since it was all done in an unconscious manner. 

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The Research Background


                           I have been counselling for the last 17 years specializing in infidelity[1] and psychological disorders. At present, I am directing various training programs on the mind[2], the mind of xes[3], the treatment of the mind[4], the treatment of the mind of xes[5], the treatment for sexual functions[6], and the treatment for infidelity[7] at Korea Institute of Psycho-education[8]. Analysing the psychological disorders induced by extra-marital affairs and learning that the psychology of man and woman interact in such complicated ways, I have also studied the fundamental principles of human psychology. Psychological disorders caused by extra-marital affairs are extremely complicated, and the traditional psychological theories or therapies have not been able to successfully deal with them. They are accompanied by various separate psychological disorders, marital conflicts, sexual problems, family issues, social issues, and economic issues. I have learned that these psychological disorders cannot be cured without the knowledge of the principles of the operation of human mind and psychology.

     I have introduced some different psychological notions in the Theory of Mimind instead of using the traditional psychological theories. I separated the consciousness and unconsciousness from psychology and divided the unconsciousness as habits and the energy of mind. The Theory of Mimind views that human psychology operates based on different workings of the mind with its pursuit of different kinds of happiness between man and woman.

            Human psychology can also be classified into the psychology of perception, that of memory, and that of expression. In the realm of the mind of perception, the consciousness is at work; in the mind of memory, both the consciousness and unconsciousness; and in the mind of expression, the unconsciousness. And the generally known defense mechanisms  are the patterns resulting from habits and are not considered the actual defense mechanisms. In the Theory of Mimind, there are only rejection defense mechanism and acceptance defense mechanism.

             There are three standards or rules in the Theory of Mimind regarding human mind. Firstly, it is the standard of the pursuit of happiness, meaning man pursues the future happiness while woman, the present happiness. Whether the incoming information meets the standard of happiness or not determines the occurrence of emotion and the operation of psychology.

             Secondly, it is the defense mechanism of positive and negative emotions, the defense mechanism for pursuing the standard of happiness. Man uses rejection for his negative moods, acceptance for his positive moods. Woman uses acceptance as her defense for her negative feelings, rejection for her positive feelings. Thus, man can hardly recall his negative moods but remembers positive moods, while woman cannot remember her positive feelings but remembers her negative feelings.

             Lastly, it is the standard of xesmind. For a man, xesmind operates in the process of generating passion, and for a woman in the process of generating love. Thus, man's passion is manifested through sexual actions, but woman perceives sexual actions as love, operating xesmind in the process of generating love.

             With these three standards, human mind takes control over the consciousness and the unconsciousness so that they operate all emotions to comply with the standard of happiness. This is the standard of human psychology and the core concept of the Theory of Mimind.

             Psychological disorders are the classifications of the abnormal functions of human psychology comparing its function against the standard of the mind. The occurrence of psychological disorders does not simply imply unhappiness since they are not sorted by the criterion of happiness or unhappiness or even by that of treatment. If one still can be happy with others despite psychological disorders, they are not an intended recipient of treatment and also it is not misfortune. But if one is not happy with oneself and makes others unhappy because of psychological disorders, then they become the intended recipient of psychotherapy. Therefore, we need to remove our bias and preconceived ideas regarding various psychological disorders through the understanding on psychological disorders. What seems good on the outside is not always good in nature, and the same goes for the bad. This is the philosophy of the Theory of Mimind.

[1] Infidelity counselling is to deal with various psychological disorders from infidelity and to create a happier life for a client. Treatment for rage and wounds, solving the marital conflicts and sex troubles in the marriage, dealing with psychological disorders for husband and wife, and counselling for happy marriage are the core programs of infidelity counselling.

[2] Mind Training provides the systematic learning on the Theory of Mimind so that one can learn the principle of function of human mind and psychology and prevent and cure ones own psychological disorder.

[3] Education of the mind of xes provides the systematic learning on xesmind so that one can understand how human mind and psychology of xes work and the sexual psychological disorders can be cured and prevented.

[4] Education for treatment of the mind is aimed at curing psychological disorders based on the Theory of Mimind and Xesmind. It contains education for treating depression, panic attack, ADHD, anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and addiction.

[5] Education for treatment of the mind of xes is intended to treat sexual psychological disorders through education, and it contains education for treating the victim of sexual violence, and the assailant of sexual violence, education for prevention and treatment of sexual crimes, education for treating perception disorder of the mind of xes, memory disorder of the mind of xes, expression disorder of the mind of sex and sexual dysfunctions.

[6] Education for treating sexual functions is for treating abnormal sexual functions of male and female with its principle based on the Theory of Mimind and the Theory of Xesmind.

[7] Education for treating infidelity is to deal with subsequent stress, rage, and wounds after the occurrence of the extra-marital affairs.

[8] Korea Institute of Psycho-education ( is a registered educational institution which provides educational programs for the Theory of Mimind and Xesmind, for the treatment of the mind and the mind of xes, for the treatment for sexual function, and for the treatment for infidelity.

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The Hypotheses


             There are many psychological theories. Psychological theories can be divided into the theories on the methods of counselling and those on psychotherapy. But, so far, there has been no psychological theory that could prove the system and standard of psychological operation. To establish a psychological theory, there should be no logical contradictions in analyzing and understanding human psychology and it should also be systematic. The theory should comply with the reality, and most psychological operations should be explained with a limited number of variables. It should also be proved with scientific evidence and religious interpretations. That way, a psychological theory must be simple, yet it should be able to be applied to interpret and prove all activities of human psychology.

             The importance of a psychological theory is that it provides the rule and standard with which one can analyze and interpret the human relationship and it also enables us to diagnose psychological disorders and develop the treatments. A psychological theory especially can influence various fields of study such as philosophy, politics, economics, sociology, art, culture and counselling, and the understanding of human psychology can be acquired through this psychological standard. 

             A human being comprises body and mind. Comparing a human being to a computer, body is the hardware and mind is the software. In case of a computer, the hardware and the software function independently, and they dont affect each other technically. On the other hand, when humans think, speak and act as social beings, their body and mind interact and affect each other mutually. It may be nonsensical to compare a human being to a computer, and this comparison is only for understanding the concept of human mind and psychology.

             Humans' hardware can include external and internal organs, cells, and DNA, and software can be human mind, which operate the functions of human psychology. Without the software, a computer itself is nothing but a mere piece of metal, and the software cannot function without the hardware. Hence, a computer can only function with both hardware and software. In the same way, human body and mind co-exist as one unit and they never work independently. Medical science and science mostly study the human body while philosophy, psychoanalysis and psychology must study the interactions of human body and mind.

             For a computer, if the hardware is broken, the computer cannot work even if the software is working.  If the hardware is working when the software is malfunctioning, then the computer also becomes useless. Likewise, even if human mind is well-functioning, when there is a disease in the body, human mind becomes less effective in operation, and with psychological malfunctioning, a healthy body will be affected by psychological disorders. Since human body and mind are in one unit, when there is a problem in the body, there is always subsequent psychological issues, and psychological issues affect the physical state with some possible bodily sickness. Henceforth, a psychological theory should be studied with the understanding that human body and mind co-exist and co-operate, and any problem in one area always affect the other.

             Medical science and natural science prove their theories according to their own clear standard of the human body. Religion evolves with its faith based on its own scripture. But philosophy and psychology have been relatively slow in the progress due to the lack of a firm and proven standard of human psychology. There have been many obstacles in discovering the nature of the human being due to this difficulty of the integration of the three major fields of modern studies and the creation of theories and counter-theories. Once the standard of psychology is erected, the treatment for psychological disorders can be developed. Analyzing the correlation between body and mind will immensely help progress the treatment of physical diseases and analyzing the relations between psychology and religion will fortify the faith of religion. By simply proving that the mind is the crux of human psychology, connections can be made amongst various fields of studies. For the above reasons, establishing the hypothesis of the Theory of Mimind is absolutely pivotal.

             The Theory of Mimind interprets the working of the consciousness and unconsciousness in ones mind, and the principles of how the psychology of perception, memory and expression can be operated by mind, and thereby can analyze most psychological phenomena. Thus, it can be said that human psychology can be operated by human mind. By setting up seven hypotheses of the Theory of Mimind, it was possible to analyze the operations of the psychology of perception, memory and expression, and to develop a psychological theory.

             With these seven hypotheses, we also applied the theory to our clinical cases to verify their logicality, systemicity, and consistency for the purpose of analyzing and understanding human psychological phenomena based on the Theory of Mimind.

             Here are the seven hypotheses of the Theory of Mimind; firstly, it is the hypothesis regarding the frame of human mind. Human mind comprises the consciousness and unconsciousness. Secondly, human mind and psychology are different. Human mind comprises the consciousness and unconsciousness and human psychology works through perception, memory and expression connecting to the human body. Thirdly, it is about the difference between a male and a female on their different operations of the mind. Fourthly, it is the difference of memory between a male and a female, meaning a male hardly recalls his emotion whereas a female does so. Fifthly, the hypothesis on the pursuit of different happiness, a male pursues the future happiness and a female, the present happiness. Sixthly, it is self-actualization. A male runs for the value of life whereas a female seeks the meaning of life. The last hypothesis is about the difference between stress and wounds. A male tries to get rid of stress and a female tries to heal wounds.

             These hypotheses aim to analyze human psychology and verify the theory of psychology. In doing so, we applied them into our clinical cases of treating psychological disorders. And we observed the accuracy of different operations of the mind and psychology of a male and a female. The Theory of Mimind is purely psychological in nature in the sense that it only explains the principles of how human mind and psychology operate and there are not necessarily any supporting medical or scientific verifications or evidence that will help analyze how psychology affects physiology. Therefore, further medical research to support the theory of Mimind is needed.

Hypothesis 1. The make-up of human mind

              The first hypothesis of the Theory of Mimind is on the make-up of human mind. Everyone has their mind, but we hardly know how human mind is structured. We only have a vague idea. Thus, we hypothesized that the human mind comprises consciousness and unconsciousness, and that the unconsciousness comprises habits and the energy of mind.

             Habits are triggered by the energy of mind and operate according to regular patterns. When habits are at work, one is consciously aware of the recalled memory or the external information combined with emotions. Human mind, therefore, controls the consciousness and unconsciousness.

 Hypothesis 2. Human mind and psychology are different.

              Traditional theories view human mind and psychology as the same. Since they equate the operation of human psychology with the mind, much research has been done regarding human psychology, but not so much on human mind. This lack of research regarding human mind requires incessant development of new psychological theories. The Theory of Mimind hypothesizes this difference between human mind and psychology.

             Mind has the consciousness and unconsciousness, processes human psychology, and controls it. Human psychology also comprises perception, memory and expression. Perception works when human mind perceives the external information. Memory functions when the external information is stored, or the recalled information is recognized consciously within human mind. Expression is at work when one expresses mind externally or internally. Therefore, we have perception disorder, memory disorder and expression disorder.

  Hypothesis 3. Male and female have different mind.

              The mind of male and female function differently. As the conscious and unconscious part of mind work, the unconscious part of mind of male and female also work differently, and therefore, the psychology of male and female are different.

             Males unconsciousness tries to remove stress from his moods by his mind energy based on habits, and that of female tries to heal her wounds from her feelings by her mind energy. Thus, male and female have distinctive psychology of perception, memory and expression.

 Hypothesis 4. Male and female have different memory of emotion.

              Male and female remember their emotions differently. According to hypothesis 3, the mind of man and woman operate differently, and so do their psychologies. Based on the psychology of memory, man and woman remember their emotion in different ways. Man removes his negative moods and consumes the positive moods in his consciousness, and therefore does not remember any of his emotion. Woman consumes the positive feelings in her consciousness and remembers the negative feelings in order to treat them.

 Hypothesis 5. Male and female pursue different happiness.

              Male and female pursue different happiness. For man, he feels only moods, and he is not able to sense feelings, and therefore pursues the future happiness, whereas for woman, she has feelings, and therefore pursues the present happiness.

             Man tries to generate positive moods continuously so that he can sense his positive moods in the future. That is how he pursues the future happiness. Woman transforms negative feelings into the void state of feelings, and then creates the sense of happiness. That is how woman pursues the present happiness.

Hypothesis 6. Male and female achieve self-actualization differently

              Man and woman fulfil their self-actualization differently in their relationships. Man, while pursuing the future happiness with passion, seeks the value of certain objects, whereas woman, while pursing the present happiness with love, seeks the meaning of a relationship.

             When man seeks the value of certain objects rather than other humans, he will pursue economic value, relational value, or social value. That would be the goal for their happiness. Woman will acquire the meaning of life while sensing the happiness with others. Thus, mans self-actualization is to seek value, and that of woman is to seek meaning.

 Hypothesis 7. Stress and wounds are different.

              Stress and wounds are different. Stress is the negative moods generated through the stimulation of sensory organs at the present time. Wounds are created in the process of dealing with stress and stored as negative feelings.

             With mans moods and mind energy, he tries to remove stress, and woman, with her feelings and mind energy, tries to heal her wounds caused by stress. Stress is the negative moods that work in mans mind and psychology, and wounds are the negative feelings that work in womans mind and psychology.

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The Application


             Almost all fields of studies are centered on humans. Those humans are all relational beings forming their own relationships with others. Human psychology is the core of human relationship, and therefore, it is imperative to understand the standard and principle to analyze humans and human relationships.

             Current psycho-education programs such as Mind Training, the training for psychological treatment, Xesmind Training, the training for treatment of xes psychology, the training for treatment of sexual functions, and the training for the treatment of infidelity have been organized based on the newly developed theories of migene, mimind, and xesmind. the Theory of Mimind is the systemized standard and principle of human psychology. Having precise knowledge of human psychology and relationship is the fundamental foundation with which one can not only analyze and understand issues in many existing fields of studies but also develop a new realm of research.

             It has nothing to do with one's profession, major, or the amount of formal education. The priority should be learning human psychology and relationship accurately. It is never too late to make an academic or career choice for one's future after studying human psychology and relationships.

             Since management ability, creativity, academic motivation, confidence, academic ability and development are derived from ones own mind and psychology, these abilities will come more easily after learning psychology. The more knowledge one accumulates through the conscious, the more psychological problems one will have. However, the education programs applying the Theory of Mimind are not for the sake of adding general knowledge but for creating habits that will enable one to interpret and coordinate human psychology and relationship, which will bring about solutions to psychological problems and treating psychological disorders.

             Thus, the Theory of Mimind has great potential of connectivity with many other fields of study. The Theory of Mimind has been developed and proved through the long period of treating many clinical cases of psychological disorders. Not only psychological and medical professionals but also non-professionals can study this theory without difficulty, and they can understand it plainly and apply it to most areas in life.

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Traditional Therapies


             Psychotherapies are for the treatment of psychological disorders, and many scholars and professionals have already developed a great number of psychological theories and psychotherapies. Many people also have studied these contemporary theories and become certified counsellors who can treat psychological problems. Since our modern society has accelerated its industrialization causing more psychological problems, the field of psychological treatment is expected to grow further in the future. Therefore, the field of psychotherapy will be one of the most promising career paths in the future.

             However, the traditional psychology theories and psychotherapies have some loopholes. Since there is no one accurate method for treating psychological problems, many individual therapeutic techniques have been developed. It is apparent that people learn and apply the techniques of therapies that cannot really cure psychological disorders.

             After I have developed the Theory of Mimind, I have also completed its psychotherapy techniques. Having applied them to rage and wound treatments, I have seen the efficacy of those therapies as its success rate was over 90%. They have also been applied to depression, bipolar disorder, insomnia, panic disorder, anorexia, addiction, personality disorder, somatization[1], and physiogenic disorder[2] and etc and the efficacy of psychotherapies applying the Theory of Mimind has been outstanding. Thus, some people asked, What kind of new psychotherapy is this? or How can we learn them? With current theories and therapies, they could not analyze, diagnose, predict or prevent the existing psychological disorders with such precision. I do not infer that the traditional theories and therapies are faulty. They lack the accurate understanding of the principles of the operation of human mind and psychology and cannot modify the unconscious habits, the operation of human psychology, and the personality. Therefore, treating psychological problems with the traditional therapies is impossible. The traditional methods may seem effective on paper but are not actually effective when applied to psychological disorders. The precise knowledge on the principles of the operation of human mind and psychology is indispensable for finding the way to transform or modify habits in the unconsciousness. This is the method of psychotherapy of the Theory of Mimind.

[1] Somatization refers to the phenomenon in which a psychological disorder causes physical illnesses such as headaches, menstrual cramps, and hair loss. It is also called psychogenic disorder.

[2] Physiogenic disorder refers to the phenomenon in which a physical disease or aftereffect causes a psychological disorder. They may develop after accidents, burns, and surgeries.

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