
The Structure of Human Psychology


All human beings have the same psychological structure. Human psychology comprises three elements.

             The first element is the psychology of memory. Humans remember facts as well as emotions. The psychology of memory operates on memories of both facts and emotions. When remembering, remembering facts is similar for both men and women, but remembering emotions is very distinctive. This results from the mind of men and women working in different ways. Men remember positive moods and cannot remember negative moods. On the contrary, women remember negative feelings well and easily forget positive feelings.

             The second one is the psychology of perception. Humans recognize the external facts. The five human sensory organs will receive the external facts and sense them. Migene judges for the kind of emotion for each fact, and then turns it to feeling. Then, after integrating these feelings, one has the self-awareness of his or her own emotions for the external fact. We call this integration process of the external fact and emotion, and self-awareness as the psychology of perception.

             Here, the fact means the combination of external and recalled facts, and one senses the feeling of this fact through emotions. When emotions respond to this external information, we call this the psychology of perception, and the feelings can be sensed through self-awareness in our consciousness. So, we need to distinguish facts from emotions, and in order to learn about the psychology of perception with more accuracy, we need to focus on the operation of emotion.

             Facts are the sensory information that human sensory organs receive from the exterior. If there was a car accident, the car accident is a fact and a single moment in the whole fact is a phenomenon. The smallest unit element of the fact is a phenomenon. Emotion is sensing with self-awareness the facts infused with feelings for the phenomenon. It is so called self-aware thought and colligation of conscious feelings for the external fact. Ultimately, emotion is the re-sensing of the facts with the effect of ones own conscious thought.

             Thirdly, it is the psychology of expression. It is at work when a person expresses emotions. It is used when we describe information and emotion. There are two ways to express emotions. One is expressing emotions that are self-aware thought. Another is expressing emotion externally as unconscious habits. In case of expressing the self-aware emotion by ones own thought, one is likely to express through speech, actions, and facial expressions based on emotion determined by conscious thought. Therefore, the emotion determined by ones conscious thought can be expressed as one thought. And the many more unconscious speech, actions, and facial expressions are displayed out of habits.

             Also, humans unconscious habitual operation of the fact is redirected to conscious or self-aware work. This conscious or self-aware process is that of internal expression.

             Expressing out of habits is the work of migene. H-migene diagnoses the information of its probability of happiness, F-migene determines emotion, then D-migene and I-migene take their turns. When D-migene and I-migene work, they process habitually and unconsciously. This process gets expressed externally through speech, actions, and facial expressions and internally one senses with conscious self-awareness. So, in spite of the self-aware emotion by conscious thought, expressions will come out unconsciously based on the work of migene.

             So far, we have examined briefly the three structures of human psychology. Facts and emotions can be divided within human psychology. For women, feelings, generated by the unconsciously habitual process of diagnosing the sensory information, can be more adoptable than the moods of the sensory information, generated by the work of the psychology of perception taking in the external information. On the other hand, for men, the moods of the direct sensory information work more importantly than feelings.  Men's consciousness realizes moods for the sensory information and at this point, stress rises up. So, men take the moods of sensory information more easily than feelings. Thus, men are viewed as the ones without feelings.

             Once men sense the stress inducing feelings in the conscious, they cant pursue their future happiness while women consider it important to sense her own feelings in her own consciousness. Since for women, feelings formed by unconscious habits are more important than the moods generated through the sensory organs.

             Psychology is the management and control of the whole process of perceiving, remembering, processing, and expressing ones own emotion. The psychology of perception is the process of taking the external information into ones mind, and the psychology of expression is the process of expressing ones mind or realizing it with ones consciousness. For the psychology of perception, the conscious part of the mind is at work and for the psychology of expression, the unconscious part of the mind is at work.

             Our consciousness can be recognized through our own thought, but habits cant be since they are operated unconsciously. Therefore, humans are capable of remembering well what they are aware of consciously, but when it comes to expression, they hardly remember anything at all since it was all done in an unconscious manner. 

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