
How Human Mind and Psychology Operate


             Mimind is a newly developed psychological concept. The Theory of Mimind examined the principles of the operation of human mind and psychology generated by migene. These four mind genes, H-migene[1], F-migene[2], D-migene[3], and I-migene[4] generate the human mind, the conscious and the unconscious as well as formulate the operation of human mind and psychology systematically. Hence the Theory of Mimind can be a criterion and standard, the principle and rule of thumb by which we interpret the work of human mind and psychology.

             According to the Theory of Mimind, human mind controls its consciousness and unconsciousness by using the four mind genes, migenes. The human mind is formed at birth and it consistently continues to work till death. This mind is standard and principle through which consciousness and unconsciousness of human mind operate.

             Therefore, the Theory of Mimind is a theory that proves and reveals that there exists the human mind that makes consciousness and unconsciousness operate, that human mind is operated by migenes, and that consciousness and unconsciousness control the operations of psychology.

             No one thinks in the same way. First, man and woman have different minds. It causes different operations of the psychology of man and woman. Secondly, no one has exactly identical memory. Human mind works according to its different operation based on whether male or female. However, according to the conscious and unconscious habits of working of human mind, every ones mind functions differently. Also, as a child grows up, his or her psychology of memory works differently being influenced by experiences and knowledge. Even the identical twins think and remember differently looking at the same object.

             The mind controls its consciousness and unconsciousness, and this works for everyone. As you learn the mind of man and woman, we will learn the principle of work of human mind. We can analyze this work of human mind since it has the standard and principle. In this way, the principle of human psychology gets determined by the mind.

             Animals survive by their own instincts, but human beings live on the happiness instincts of self-actualization. Thus, the mind does not exist in an animal but exist only in a human being. Therefore, the mind is the crux of human psychology.

             Although everyones mind is working, no one has discovered or known the source of human mind. This mind controls our consciousness and unconsciousness, and it is the standard and principle for the operation of human psychology. Through this discovery, I was able to manage psychological research, analysis, and interpretation, and the diagnosis, prediction, and prevention of psychological problems, and to treat psychological disorders and discover the mechanism of the happiness of human beings. This is how I was also able to newly develop the analysis techniques, counselling techniques, treatment methods, and the methods of education.

             Also, through interpreting the human psychology and having the knowledge on human mind, we can prevent and cure human psychological disorders. And the Mind Training was developed for healing various psychological disorders and sexual dysfunctions, holistically educating adults and teenagers, and resolving many psychological problems. 

[1]  H-migene judges the criterion of happiness of the external and recalled information.

[2] F-migene determines whether it is positive emotion or negative emotion based on the judgment of H-migene.

[3] D-migene operates with its defense mechanism for those determined emotion.

[4] I-migene produces the mind energy and delivers it to the unconscious part of human mind.

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