Showing posts with label 04. The Theory of Xesmind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 04. The Theory of Xesmind. Show all posts


Xes, a New Concept


   Xes in the Theory of Xesmind does not refer to sexual activity, which is generally known as sex. Sex and the concept of xes in xesmind are different.

   Every human being knows that body and mind coexist. However, no one knows the principle behind the psychological interaction between mind and body. The theory of mimind systematically interprets this interaction. Mimind is verified through a long-term practice of treatment of psychological disorders such as perception disorder, the disorder of memory of emotion, and expression disorder.

   In this process, I discovered that humans do not only have mind that is connected to their body, but also have xesmind that operates differently within their mind. Originally, there was no term to describe xesmind.

   After devising the theory of mimind and xesmind, I divided human mind into mimind(mind) and xesmind. Xesmind always operates simultaneously with the mind.

   Mind operates the psychology of perception, memory, and expression. There are three components of psychology that operate: the psychology of perception that delivers external information to the mind, the psychology of memory that stores the memory of knowledge and experience, and the psychology of expression that expresses the mind internally or externally. Also, xesmind is composed of the xes psychology of perception that delivers xes information to xesmind, the xes psychology of memory that stores the xes information and xes emotions, and the xes psychology of expression that expresses xes information and xes emotions. The word sex is widely used to describe sexual actions. However, xes in mind and xesmind is different from sex. We coined a new term xes to describe human sex in general. Xesmind operates in a fashion that is completely opposite to that of sex, so we spelled sex backwards to create the term xes.

   Accordingly, we combined psychology and xes to make a new term, xes psychology. Also, xes perception, xes memory, and xes expression are the terms used for xes psychology.

   People become curious as to what sex means in this context because it is the term they commonly use. Sex refers to a type of sexual action among other sexual expressions. The actions we take to have sex are what we normally call sex. This sexual action is a part of xes and a portion of xes expression. Therefore, most xes information that exists currently refer to sexual actions.

   However, sex doesnt shed any light on the principles of the operation of xesmind and xes psychology which comes with xes expression, xes memory, and xes perception. Sex alone cannot help us describe, interpret, or analyze the operation of xesmind and xes psychology. The theory of xesmind is a systematic organization of the principles behind the operation of xesmind and xes psychology. This is a new concept of sex that is totally different from sex that is commonly known.

   Therefore, sex is rarely discussed during Xes Therapy. The existing treatments for sexual dysfunctions were invented based on the concept of sex. For this very reason, sexual dysfunctions have remained an incurable disease. Sexual dysfunctions cannot be treated if the concept of sex is used to define sexual dysfunctions. Sex is only a small portion of sexual expression that occurs due to the operation of xesmind and xes psychology. It can cause or exacerbate sexual dysfunctions.

   Xesmind operates simultaneously with the xes perception, xes memory and xes expression of xes psychology. At this point, xesmind is not activated by sex alone, which is a part of the xes expression of xes psychology. Rarely, sex-related treatments can improve less severe cases of sexual dysfunctions although one cannot fully recover. Those treatments will temporarily alleviate the symptoms and will exacerbate the dysfunction eventually.

   Therefore, it is impossible to treat sexual dysfunctions using the treatments based on sex. Currently, there is no effective treatment for sexual dysfunctions.

   Most people think that sexual functions are related to the body and that the body must be restored. Xes is not the same as the commonly known concept of sex, which is only a part of xes. Sex is interpreted as a part of xes expression in xes.

The key to Xes Therapy is the restoration of the physical xes function while xesmind and xes psychology operate and activate mind and psychology. Using this principle, sexual dysfunctions caused by sex can be treated.

Xes Training :
Korea Institute of Psycho-education :

Components of Xes


   If you examine the components of xes and the operation of xesmind and xes psychology, you will see that xesmind is activated by xes information as xes psychology interacts with mimind and xes psychology. When body and mind are connected, xes psychology is connected as well and activates the operation of xes functions of the body.

   Xes psychology such as xes perception, xes memory, and xes expression operate through xesmind. Xes functions are the operation of xes psychology and the body. These are the components of xes.

   Human beings have mind within their body, and there is xesmind within mimind. Thus, xesmind and xes psychology always operate together with mimind and psychology. The components of xes can be examined only when xesmind, xes psychology, mimind and psychology are connected to the body. Also, when mimind and xesmind are connected to body, the xes functions of the body are not sexual but are physical functions that occur when xesmind and xes psychology operate.

   Xes functions: when external xes information is received through xes perception, sensory organs operate. When xes information is displayed as xes expression, these are manifested as speech and action. Here, if xes information is not received or expressed properly, it is called xes dysfunction. It is different from sexual suppression.

   Therefore, xes covers a wider range than the original concept of sexual functions. Xes defines xes functions as the operation of the body through speech and actions when body and xesmind interact. The basic components of xes are body, mimind, xesmind, and xes functions. Sex is only a part of xes. If xes dysfunctions occur, it means that there is a problem with the operation of body and xesmind. There may be one or more problems with the body, mimind, and xesmind.

   If there is a problem with the body, it means that both xesmind and mimind are problematic. The problem of the body affects mimind and xesmind. Also, if mimind or xesmind has a problem, the body malfunctions because mimind and xesmind are connected to the body. There are somatization (a phenomenon where a body malfunctions due to the problems of mimind or xesmind) and physiogenic disorder (a phenomenon where the physical problems cause the problems of mimind or xesmind). Therefore, the components of xes and the principle of their operation must be examined when analyzing xes functions.

Xes Training :
Korea Institute of Psycho-education :

Developmental Background


   Mind operates in two ways: one is the mimind and the other is xesmind. So, I devised the Theory of Mimind and added the Theory of Xesmind in order to interpret the mind more precisely.

   After inventing the Theory of Mimind, I found that all of the principles and logics of the operation of human mind and psychology correspond to the reality. However, I also noticed the fact that human sex and sexuality could not be interpreted by applying the Theory of Mimind. There was a need for the development of principles and logics about sex and sexuality. The Theory of Xesmind was completed after a thorough research on this matter.

   The fundamental reason for developing the Theory of Xesmind was to interpret the sex of humans. I began the research on the reason why the principles of human sex have not been fully interpreted yet. Sex is definitely pleasurable and enjoyable. However, I wanted to analyze why sex causes serious problems in human relationships.

   If sex is just something fun and pleasurable, we should be able to enjoy sex with anybody. I couldnt grasp its principles or understand why sex is painful and sad for some while others enjoy it so much. Sex may be fun and pleasurable, but the Theory of Mimind could not explain why sex operates differently for men and women under sexual conflicts in human relationships. It was also impossible to explain why it is fun for some but agonizing and painful for others.

   Consequently, I focused on the existing literature on sex and relevant information on the fun and pleasure of sexual actions. For granted, many scholars and experts are currently researching how sex creates wounds, pain, sadness, fun, pleasure and so on. Also, there is a plethora of research on sex regarding the methods to increase pleasure, fun or enjoyment. These researchers recruit married couples or single couples, men and women are recruited for the research projects.

   However, focusing on sex only, the connection between sex and human mind and psychology was never made. The interpretation based on sex leads to interpreting all of human mind with sex. The problem was worsened by interpreting human mind from sexual perspective only. After the development of the theory of mimind, it led me to think that there is a mind that exists and operates separately for sex. This was the beginning of the development of the theory of xesmind.

At first, I focused on mind and theorized the principle and logic of the operation of the psychology comprised of perception, expression, and memory. This became the Theory of Mimind. However, since this theory was not sufficient to interpret sex, I hypothesized that there is a different kind of mind within the mind which only operates on sex. Contemplating on humans natural instincts, the research purported to verify it theoretically.

   Sigmund Freuds sexual drive theory is the origin of all the theories on natural instincts. This theory of sexual drive illustrates the concept of libido which is presumed to be an instinct and xesmind. Freud had only hypothesized about libido and failed to verify it. Many scholars have done research on it, but they have interpreted these concepts based on the psychology of the mind and did not improve the theory of sexual drives.

   This theory of sexual drive could be improved upon and systemized. The hypothesis was that xesmind exists as a natural instinct within the mind. My attempts to prove this hypothesis gave birth to the Theory of Xesmind. This is the background story on how I developed the Theory of Xesmind.

   There exists mind that cannot be explained with sex alone. Human beings are more than their sexual instincts, but it doesnt mean that they dont have sexual instincts. I was certain that systemizing the principle of sexual instincts can lead us to the genuine understanding of human mind. The Theory of Xesmind is the culmination of the research on instincts which remained indecipherable until now.

   The ultimate reason for developing the Theory of Xesmind was to interpret the mind and psychology that operate on sex because those could not be interpreted using the principle of the operation of mind and psychology.

Xes Training :
Korea Institute of Psycho-education :

Hypotheses of the Theory of Xesmind


   After inventing the Theory of Mimind, I set the hypothesis that xesmind exists. As I proved this hypothesis, I could develop the Theory of Xesmind. Thinking that any theory is feasible at this point, I created and systemized the theory through verification.

   So, the most important thing when developing the Theory of Xesmind was the need for a Theory of Xesmind. The second important thing is to surmise and organize the existence of xesmind and how xesmind operates.

   Thus, it is important that xesmind exists within the mind in the hypothesis. I hypothesized about how xesmind exists within the mind.

   The first hypothesis is that human mind consists of mimind in which xesmind exists. Mimind and xesmind coexist but are separate entities and operate differently. Xesmind doesnt have to exist if mimind and xesmind have the same function.

   No one thought that mimind and xesmind coexist. Currently, psychologists are unaware of the existence of the mind and are focused on psychology only. As a result, they dont know that xesmind exists and operates independently within the mind.

   The second hypothesis is that psychology operates in mind and xes psychology operates in xesmind.

   Perception is the reception of external information through the mind, and memory stores and recalls information and emotions. Also, the external manifestation of the mind is called expression. Humans sensory organs perceive external information as vision, hearing, touch, smell, and taste, remember the product of perception, and express through speech and action. So, psychology comprises perception, memory and expression. Here, mind and psychology are different.

   However, all the existing psychological theories ignore the mind and study perception, memory, and expression instead. Because they have excluded mind, they cannot understand how the conscious and the unconscious of human mind operate through psychology which is connected to the body. So, I have systematically organized and verified the principle and logic of the operation of mind and psychology. Without the theory of mimind, the fundamental nature of the operation of psychology cannot be understood.

   Furthermore, while researching the existence of xesmind within the mind, I hypothesized that if mimind and xesmind operate independently of each other, then psychology will be operating in the mind and xes psychology will be operating in xesmind. Here, xes psychology should not be considered as sex psychology. Therefore, I had to clearly define terms in the theory of xesmind.

   The original concept of sex is ambiguous and leaves room for confusion. The Theory of Xesmind distinguishes xes from sex. Sex in general is called xes, which is sex spelled backwards. I coined the term xes in order to shift the paradigm of sex.

   There comes the term, xesmind. In xesmind, the xes perception which perceives external xes information, xes memory which remembers xes information and xes emotions, and xes expression which expresses xes information are combined to form xes psychology. Here, xes psychology is not sex psychology because sex is just a part of xes expression and sex is not a psychology.

   Like this, I developed the theory of xesmind and combined it with the theory of mimind to devise the principle of xesmind and xes psychology which interact with the body. Based on these theories, I developed the treatment of mens sexual dysfunctions. This treatment is called Xes Therapy. Xes Therapy verified that an accurate understanding of principle and logic behind the operation of xesmind and xes psychology can treat mens sexual dysfunction automatically.

   Here, xesmind and xes psychology always operate together in mind and psychology. Therefore, every time mind and psychology operate, xesmind and xes psychology are partially activated. This is the hypothesis of the xesmind that psychology operates with mind and xes psychology operates with xesmind.

   The third hypothesis is that wounds operate in womens mind and psychology whereas xes wounds operate in mens xesmind and xes psychology. Women remember the feelings of wounds in her mind and psychology, but wounds do not operate in mens mind and psychology. Men only have moods. Therefore, women remember wounds and men do not.

   However, women do not have any xes wounds. They only have xes moods operating in their xesmind and xes psychology. Men have xes wounds that operate within their xesmind and xes psychology. Here, xesmind is within the mind, so they cannot recognize or feel xes moods or xes wounds.

   Emotions are the results of the interaction between mind and psychology, so one cannot feel xes emotions. Eventually, if someone feels something about xes information, it is moods and feelings operating in the mind and psychology rather than xes moods or xes feelings operating in xesmind and xes psychology. Therefore, one cannot feel xes moods or feelings that operate in xesmind and xes psychology caused by xes information. However, xesmind and xes psychology influence the mind, psychology, and body.

   Women have wounds in their mind and have xes moods operating within xesmind. So womens wounds operate in the mind, influence the body and are felt. However, if a man has too many xes wounds, these xes wounds directly influence his mind and body without being consciously recognized or felt. So men cannot know if they have xes wounds or not.

   The hypothesis is that, in xesmind, women do not remember xes wounds, but men will have xes memory of xes wounds. This hypothesis was created by reversing the theory of mimind which state that women remember wounds and men do not remember wounds.

   These are the main hypotheses of the theory of xesmind. There are more than three hypotheses, but the exploration of these hypotheses allowed a clear interpretation of the cause of sexual dysfunction, psychological disorders, and physical diseases.

Xes Training :
Korea Institute of Psycho-education :

Xesmind and Xes Psychology


   According to the Theory of Xesmind, xes psychology refers to xes perception, xes memory, and xes expression. Xesmind exists within ones mind. Xes perception is receiving xes information to xesmind. Remembering xes information and xes wounds in the brain is called xes memory. Expressing xesmind externally is called xes expression. Here, xes expression includes having sex, using sexual words, making gestures, actions and facial expressions related to sex. These elements comprise xes psychology which operates alongside xesmind.

   Information is divided into mind information and xes information. Xes information operates on xesmind and xes psychology. At the same time, mind information activates the operation of mind and psychology. Xes information operates in xesmind whereas mind information operates in the mind. When these two types of information are perceived, perception processes mind information and xes perception processes xes information. Also, mind information becomes memory and xes information becomes xes memory. Likewise, mind information is expressed and xes information is expressed as xes expression.

   Because xesmind always operates with the mind, knowing the principles of the operation of xesmind and how mind operates, we can treat sexual dysfunctions, psychological disorders, and physical illnesses. Although the efficacy of the treatment on physical illnesses is not clinically proven, the treatment is presumed to be effective because we witnessed that high blood pressure, diabetes and other various physical diseases are treated in the process of treating mens sexual dysfunctions. However, since its efficacy is not proven medically, I cannot state that it can be employed as a treatment for physical illnesses.

   I think that physical illnesses are treated in the process of treating sexual dysfunctions because xesmind is linked to the body. However, the correlation between this phenomenon and xesmind theory is not verified medically.

   It will be worthwhile to research the correlation between physical diseases and the treatment of sexual dysfunctions. The theoretical interpretation is that the body is influenced by the treatment of xes function that uses mind energy, which arises from the simultaneous operation of xesmind and mind. I hope for future collaborations with medical researchers.

   Xes Therapys biggest strength is that it makes the treatment of mens sexual dysfunctions easy. Premature ejaculation, impotence or erectile dysfunctionany type of sexual dysfunction can be treated at once. It may sound like the cure-all elixir for sexual dysfunctions, but Xes Therapy is not that. Xes Therapy is a treatment that restores the body and xes function to treat sexual dysfunctions.

   Next, psychological disorders are treated. When xesmind operates, mind operates simultaneously. So, treating psychological disorders is not very difficult. Xes Therapy can treat psychological disorders including perception disorder, the disorder fo memory of emotion, and expression disorder such as panic disorder, anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, anger management disorder, addiction and depression.

   I cannot claim that the treatment is effective on physical illnesses because its effect is not proven clinically. However, most men who received Xes Therapy reported that they recovered from their physical illnesses such as tinnitus, diabetes, and neurogenic disorders. Looking at this results, we can presume the efficacy of Xes Therapy on physical illnesses. These three effects are shown simultaneously after receiving Xes Therapy.

Xes Training :
Korea Institute of Psycho-education :

The Theory of Xesmind


   According to the Theory of Xesmind, all information is divided into two kinds. The first kind is composed solely of mind information while the other consists of partial xes information within mind information. Here, the amount of xes information is small compared to that of mind information. So, information can be divided into genuine mind information and mind information that contains xes information.

   Secondly, it presumes the existence of xesmind within mind. Mind and xesmind exist together, but operate differently. Psychology operates in mind and xes psychology operates in xesmind. In the Theory of Mimind, the conscious operates when mind perceives. The conscious remembers the mind information. Then, the unconscious acts upon the remembered mind information and creates moods and feelings that are expressed and remembered by the conscious. Also, the unconscious expresses externally and is consciously recognized at the same time.

   The operation of xesmind is opposite to that of mind. External xes information is perceived by xes perception in the xes unconscious. The xes unconscious operates while creating xes moods and xes wounds from xes information and stores these as xes memory. Also, xes information that is stored in xes memory is recognized by the xes conscious and controls xes expression. The unconscious operates when mind is expressed, but when xesmind is expressed, the xes conscious operates.

   However, xes moods and xes wounds in xesmind are not recognized. And so, xes moods and xes wounds that are formed in the xes unconscious are not recognized by the xes conscious. In this way, mimind and xesmind operate independently. The conscious and the unconscious are not separated in mimind but are interconnected, whereas xes conscious and the xes unconscious are divided in xesmind and do not influence each other. Therefore, the conscious operates on the perception in mind and the unconscious operates on the expression. In xesmind, the xes unconscious operates on xes perception and the xes conscious operates on xes expression.

   Thirdly, womens mimind remembers wounds, and the pain and suffering are felt and self-recognized. However, men do not remember wounds, and only the moods of stress operate. So, men do not remember the feelings of wounds.

   However, only womens xes moods operate on the body in xesmind, and xes wounds are not stored as xes memory. Xes stress acts as xes moods and influence the body, but xes wounds are not remembered by women. On the other hand, men create xes moods in xes unconscious which affect the body, and these are turned into xes wounds and are stored as xes memory. Here, even if xes wounds are stored as xes memory and influence the body, these are not self-recognized.

   Xes wounds affect the body without being recognized and cause sexual dysfunctions, physical illnesses and psychological disorders. Therefore, mens xes wounds created by the input of xes information affect their xes function and body.

   Xes wounds are negative mind energy. So, if xes wounds are treated, the bodys sexual

functions will be restored as well. Also, its impact on the body will influence physical diseases.

   Women do not store xes wounds as xes memory, so xes information does not have a huge impact on women. But men store xes wounds as xes memory and are fatally damaged.

   Therefore, men who suffer from sexual dysfunctions have strong sexual desires. Here, sexual desire is a feeling that is self-recognized and felt in mimind rather than in xesmind. Sexual desire activates xes wounds in xesmind and is felt by the conscious of mind. Xes wounds are not self-recognized but influence the body. Thus, the stronger ones sexual desire, the stronger the impact of xes wounds on the body. Consequently, the more sex one enjoys, the more xes wounds one creates. Having a lot of sex results in sexual dysfunctions and physical illnesses.

   A man may have strong sexual desire and the desire for sex because of his severe xes wounds. He continuously receives xes information. If a man wants to feel sexual desire or the desire for sex, he can just make his xes wounds grow bigger.

   Therefore, men need to block xes information. If they continue to seek xes information, they will accumulate xes wounds. Also, they should get rid of all general knowledge or tips about sex that they have. These pieces of xes information are not knowledge but are distorted, wrong information that can cause xes wounds.

   Men usually think that if they can enjoy sex and have strong sexual desire, all things are great. But in fact, they are gathering more xes wounds by having sex. Sexual dysfunctions and physical illnesses are aggravated by accumulating xes wounds.

Xes Training :
Korea Institute of Psycho-education :

The Concept of Xes Information


   When analyzing mens sexual dysfunctions, the impact of xes information must be examined thoroughly. The concept of xes information needs to be defined. Most people think that xes information is the same as sexual information. However, indeed, xes information refers to all information that pertains to sex including sexual information and sexual actions. Xes information is prevalent in books, internet, and other forms of mass media and is shared through sex education and conversations among friends.

   When you watch porn on the internet, all information relevant to the porn, not exclusive to sex, including internet, smartphone, actors in the video, location, story, situation, fashion, furniture become xes information. These pieces of xes information are perceived unconsciously. It is not only about sexual information or information regarding sex, but about all relevant mind information.

   Xes information creates xes wounds in men. Men's xesmind creates xes wounds, but women do not get xes wounds. Further, xes information improves womens xes function. When men get xes wounds, these wounds do not influence the body or felt until they become severe because they usually remain unrecognized.

   For an example, if there is a water bottle (threshold for xes wounds) for water (xes wounds), the water (xes wounds) does not influence the body until it fills the water bottle (threshold for xes wounds) to the brim. Then, when the water (xes wounds) overflows, sexual dysfunction , psychological disorders, and physical illnesses occur.

   There are three stages of sexual dysfunctions: early, middle, and final stage. The symptoms of early sexual dysfunctions are the lack of sexual desire and having ups and downs in sexual functions. At this point, problems with sexual functions are not considered to be a big deal. In the middle stage, one is aware of the problems with sexual functions and has stronger sexual desire. Thoughts about enjoying sex are increased. In the advanced stage, one gives up the treatment of sexual dysfunctions. And there is no need for sexual functions. The progress of physical illnesses is accelerated from this point on. The cause of sexual dysfunctions is xes wounds, and the source of xes wounds is xes information.

   Men do not perceive and are not interested in xes information that they already have. Xes information that has become xes wounds is not perceived twice; men only accept xes information that they do not already possess. Things that they have done or know about do not arouse their sexual desire. Their sexual desire is for things that they have not done or seen.

   Therefore, men do not have sexual desire for familiar women who do not provide xes information. Men have stronger sexual desire for new women, strangers, who provide a lot of xes information. Consequently, married men get sexual desire for women that are not their wife. If a man did not have sex with a certain woman, this woman is accepted as xes information. Things that one knows about have already created xes wounds and are not perceived as xes information anymore. Since one is not interested in it and doesnt get xes wounds from it, ones sexual desire is not aroused. However, xes wounds are not recognized. One doesnt know whether or not one has perceived the xes information.

   If 'a woman wearing stockings is having sex in a porn, the porn becomes xes information. Simultaneously, stockings, the womans face, body shape, breasts, hips, furniture, location, fashion, and set designs are all xes information. Therefore, xes information that operates within xesmind and general information that operates in mimind are combined and become xes information. Then, everything related to stockings in ones daily life becomes xes information. Now, looking at a pair of stockings will be enough to create xes wounds as it is received as xes information. When one sees women wearing stockings on the street, these are all perceived as xes information. Stockings of all colors including red, blue, and yellow become xes information.

   Everything related to sex that used to be general information becomes xes information. Here, general information is the knowledge of past experiences from seeing, hearing, and learning. All knowledge related to sex operates as xes information for men whe are more knowledgeable. So men with more knowledge possess more xes information.

   Therefore, xes information is not simply sex information. It refers to all information regarding sex. For example, if one has sex outside, everything outdoor becomes xes information. So, xes information is not just information pertaining to sex, but general information that is even remotely related to sex becomes xes information and is accumulated as xes wounds. Every man has different thresholds for xes wounds, and no one knows when it will overflow.

   When mens sexual dysfunctions occur, one precursor is the changed personality. Because, as xes wounds operate, they affect their mimind, and the habitual processes of  mimind change. Thus, mens personality changes when they have sexual dysfunction.

   Men who finish their meal faster than others may have sexual dysfunctions. Also, men who get overly angry over trivial matters are highly likely to have sexual dysfunctions. Xes wounds are not recognized by the self, but xesmind always operates with mimind and changes ones personality.

   Impatient men, men with anger management issues, and perverted men mostly have sexual dysfunctions. Here, when the sexual dysfunctions are advanced, rage disorder, panic disorder, phobias, anxiety disorder, and obsessive compulsive disorders can develop.

   At the early stage of sexual dysfunctions, a man may get slightly irritated. In the middle stage, he is easily provoked, complains and argues about everything. His strong sexual desire gets in the way of achieving anything. His personality is changed. So, when men have sexual dysfunctions or physical illnesses, he doesnt realize that his personality has changed.

   Only those around him notice this change, but not himself. His wife is the only person who can observe the husband objectively. After the husbands personality changes, the wife scolds him even more. If the wife became very reproachful against the husband, it means that he is changing and has developed sexual dysfunctions. This is very important to men. Men are not self-aware of their xes wounds. Xes information is not just a piece of sexual information. Watching a video about car sex, one turns everything related to car into xes information. Then, he will accumulate wounds by just looking at a car. At motor shows, race girls are doing sexy poses. These are all xes information. It arouses sexual desire and the desire to purchase the cars.

   Even if there are handsome men at the motor show, women do not get the desire to purchase the cars. Women are not interested in xes information. On the contrary, men perceive the cars as xes information due to the sexy race girls.

   The advertising campaigns targeting men is most effective when they are linked to xes information. Xes information is crucial to men. Even a little xes information, instead of sexual information, is effective enough.

   The association between cars and sex have existed for a long time. So when a man sees cars or race girls, he activates xes wounds without being self-aware. If xes wounds operate, sexual desire is increased; If sexual desire is increased, the desire to do something is created and turns into the desire to buy the car. Men who join luxury car clubs or luxury motorcycle society often have sexual dysfunctions.

   So, xes information is not only sexual information, but also everything related to sex. This xes information creates xes wounds and causes sexual dysfunctions, psychological disorders, and physical illnesses.

Xes Training :
Korea Institute of Psycho-education :



   Xesmind only operates for xes information. General information takes up more space than xes information in human mind. Xes information which is just a small portion turns all mind information into xes information.

   For example, the moment that xes information is combined with general information such as bed, bedroom, lamp, dimly-lit places, fashion, props and other stuff, these things become xes information. At this point, a conversation about bed will be perceived as xes information and accumulate xes wounds, which affect the body.

   Therefore, beds, dimly-lit places, fashion, and underwear all affect ones body. The amount of xes information may be small, but it can have a dreadful impact on the body. There is only a small portion of xes information in a plenty of mind information, but when mind information is combined with xes information, a plenty more xes information is created.

   So, it is not wrong to say that xesmind that operates on small pieces of xes information operate all of human mind and body. Let's say that there are 100 pieces of general information. Just a single piece of xes information can create 100 pieces of xes information by attaching itself to general information. Even if one only has a single piece of xes information, all relevant mind information are turned into xes information. As this happens, 100 xes wounds are also created and has the impact of -100 in the body.

   Xesmind operates in the mind information that consists of partial xes information.  Mimind exists on the outside of xesmind; the xes unconscious operates and perceives xes while xes perception operates together with the perception of mimind. The xes unconscious operates in xes perception whereas the xes conscious operates in xes expression. Also, the xes unconscious operates and remembers xes information and xes wounds. Thus, the Theory of Xesmind is the principles and logic of the operation of the xes unconscious and the xes conscious that operates xes psychology which involves xes perception, xes memory, and xes expression.

   The xes unconscious creates xes energy in xesmind. Women create mood energy, and men create feeling energy. Men create feeling energy for xes memory. So, women do not have xes wounds operating, but men have xes wounds.

   There are xes habits in the xes unconscious that determine whether to store perceived xes information in xes memory or block xes perception according to xes habits. Things that do not match mens xes habits become xes stress. The xes information that causes xes stress creates xes wounds and is stored in xes memory. Accordingly, men do not take in xes information that he is used to already. This xes information has already turned into xes wounds. So men always take in new xes information and xes wounds are accumulated in xes memory.

   Men seek new xes information in order to treat their sexual dysfunctions. The more xes information he finds, the more xes wounds he accumulates. It is mens xes habits to perceive new xes information and store it in xes memory with xes wounds.

   When a single piece of xes information comes in, 100 xes wounds are stored in xes memory. This works in the same way that women create wounds in their mimind. Mens xesmind stores xes wounds in their xes memory. Xes habits in the xes unconscious make this decision. Mens xesmind stores the negative xes energy, xes wounds, in xes memory.

   Mens xesmind doesnt create or store positive xes energy in xes memory. All xes information which mens unconscious finds familiar has already turned into xes habits. Xes information that matches these xes habits is blocked. So, it is important how much xes wounds men accumulate. A msns sexual functions are best at his birth. After his adolescence, he experiences sex and takes in xes information by watching porn on the internet. The more xes information he has, the more xes wounds he accumulates and the worse his sexual functions become. And at a certain point, he develops sexual dysfunctions.

   Mens sexual desire is the desire for new xes information. So men seek sexually special or new things and look for new and special women. All women, except their old girlfriend or wife, feel new to him and can arouse his sexual desire. Here, the womens looks are not that important. Sexual functions deteriorate as they acquire more xes information. Since xes wounds are connected to the body, sexual dysfunctions are connected to physical illnesses.

   The xes unconscious in xesmind takes in xes information in this manner only. Xes information is not selectively chosen at ones will. It is not like one can choose not to take in any xes information. One cannot help but store xes wounds in xes memory once they are created by xes habits.

   When the stored xes information and xes wounds are retrieved by the xes conscious, the conscious of miind recognizes it and feels it. But, xes wounds are not recognized by the xes conscious. The xes conscious only senses xes information. While xes information is recognized by the xes conscious, xes wounds affect the body.

   When one thinks about having sex with the partner, xes wounds start to attack the body. Masturbating or thinking about sex a lot can lead to sexual dysfunctions. In Korea, there is a superstition that lewd daydreaming makes your hair and nails grow faster. This happens because xes wounds affect the body and cause abnormal bodily changes.

   In xesmind, the xes unconscious operates on xes perception and the xes conscious operates on xes expression. Xes energy created by the xes unconscious is stored as xes wounds in xes memory. So men lose interest and get bored by things that are familiar and things that they used to like because men block this type of xes information.

   Men accumulate xes wounds in their xes memory. As men become adults, get married, and live with their spouses for some time, they create a lot of xes wounds. Further, sex-related knowledge and sex education provide a lot of xes information and exacerbate xes wounds. Every time xes wounds operate, they affect the body.

Xes Training :
Korea Institute of Psycho-education :

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