Showing posts with label 06. Reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 06. Reviews. Show all posts


[Review] Grateful for a complete cure

Three years ago, I could feel nothing but pain. Now, I feel the aroma of maple trees with autumn colors and how precious little things around me are. I was diagnosed for complete cure this morning and I looked at the report again and again since I couldn't believe it. A million emotions crossed my mind as all the past memories flashed before my eyes. 

The process of treatment was not easy, but I tried and tried to restore my happiness. The day has finally come and tears spring to my eyes. I want to praise myself. I almost ended the relationship with a good person but I didn't. My change has positively affected my son who has anxiety disorder. I realize how important it is to protect the family for my son and daughter. All the things were possible thanks to taking the KIP treatment. 

I still have difficulties with some of the therapeutic tasks, but I am not scared anymore since I know how to go about. I feel grateful. I consider Mr. Kim as my lifesaver. I would like to thank all the staff at KIP. I wish all of them the best luck and health. I hope they will continue to spread good influence on the world.

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[Review] Gratitude for a new opportunity


     It has been one year and five months since I started the treatment. I remember the horrible condition that I went through before starting the treatment. At that time, I was hurt and sad and completely at a loss. I didn't even realize that I was a walking bomb that could be exploded anytime. I started the treatment in desperation thinking that I would do anything if I could get out of the pain. 

     At first, I didn't understand the contents of Mind Training and all the seminars. They sounded like something that didn't have anything to do with me. They said I could become happy by myself or with other people, I should become independent economically and psychologically, and I could build the ability to treat wounds and become happy on my own. I didn't actually have much hope or belief but I just continued with the treatment everyday. 

     I am not completely cured yet, but now I understand many things and I can even recognize them in reality. I see myself who has overcome despair due to my physical handicap, inferiority complex, depression, self-blame, lethargy, and avoidance of reality as well as post traumatic stress. I see myself who has restored health and vitality. Of course, I still feel hurt and stuffy sometimes when stress and wounds are retrieved, but I can recognize and restore stability immediately. 

     I am grateful for having the opportunity for change everyday. I promise myself that I will never forget that I am at another starting point of life and never stop making efforts for complete cure.

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[Review] Cheering for myself

      As I proceeded with the treatment, I went through difficulties and stress from all the unfamiliar terms and new contents. I couldn't understand what to do exactly. I wandered about looking for some better ways than the one suggested in the program. 

     One year passed without much progress, and I thought I had to do something. I began to just do as I was directed like a child learning how to read and write the alphabet and then how to read and write simple sentences. I just have followed the direction for doing therapeutic tasks without involving my own ideas for 9 months now. 

     Soon, I gained some weight and my coworkers mentioned that I looked well and nice. Then, I have become closer to my children, I eat well, sleep well, and have less stomach upsets. Yes, I am gaining weight since I eat so well. I still have a mess inside my head, but I have hope since I can see that I am recovering little by little. I want to praise myself for not giving up on happiness in the difficult situation.

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[Review] Reflection


<Before treatment>

     I lived in negative thoughts and with the sense of inferiority all my life. I didn't know where I was headed to and I suffered from emptiness, stuffiness, and anxiety. I hurt my loved ones and I was hurt by them. I was irritable and had victim mentality. Everyone else looked happy, so I envied them. I blamed my loved ones and myself. 

<After treatment>

     I was in a hurry to take the treatment since I was feeling extremely anxious and nervous at the time I decided to take the treatment. However, it was not like you take the pill and just feel all right in a moment. I repeated feeling absolutely comfortable and just fine and feeling anxious and nervous on and on. I listened to the recording of Mind Training every day and thought I understood all only to realize a new thing every other month or in a few months. I went back and forth but I have continued to improve. 

     I reflected upon my life again after a consultation session last June. I reflected upon my daily life and questions I had in my mind. I went step by step for more than a year and I find myself talking and laughing with my family these days. I am a different person from myself in the past who couldn't continue talking without getting irritated. I can also see my family look comfortable to be with me.

     I don't envy other people any more. I am just happy to be with my family, who cannot be an object of comparison with anything. I am grateful that I had a chance for KIP Treatment. I plan to walk step by step to welcome happiness in front of me. I accidentally watched Mr. Kim's video clip one day, and since then, I have come all the way to successfully treating myself and looking forward to happiness. Thank you so much.

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[Review] Two months into treatment, making efforts for complete cure.


I began the treatment one month after the incident.

I had taken all the practical measures during the first month, which I was not supposed to. 

At that time, I thought it was a wise thing to do. 

Now, I feel that I only made matters worse by doing so. 

I learned that one could be that much in pain. 

Surprisingly, I feel stable after I do therapeutic tasks. 

I cannot imagine any other alternative. 

Only therapeutic tasks work for me. 

I can see I become weird when I neglect doing the tasks. 

Mind Training is amazing but I had never heard about it before. 

I listen to the voice recording of Mind Training these days. 

I look forward to building good habits inside myself. 

I smile alone imagining myself composed and intact when I achieve complete cure. 

As time passes without getting a divorce, I sometimes feel anxious when they blame me and my partner's wrongdoing is blurred and forgotten. 

I don't look for evidence anymore and just focus on my treatment. 

I feel pain when it occurs to me that maybe I am being taken advantage of by my partner.

Then, I read the feedback on my self-check and try to gather my will power. 

I remind myself that it is essential to focus on myself and become happy. 

I keep reminding myself that healthy mind and spirit is beyond what money can buy. 

I still see darkness in front of me and I don't know what to do most of the time, but I know one thing for sure. 

It is that I still lack in judgment and I have to recover. 

I am thankful for being given a chance to treat my condition.

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[Review] Keep risng up like a roly poly.

      Everything collapsed. All I could see was the darkness in front of me. I didn’t know what to do. I just wanted to run away from everything.

     Then, I was lucky to meet Mr. Kim and began to treat my condition. Everything I learned in the treatment program was so amazing. How come no one had told me about Mind Training before? How come schools don’t teach about the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology?

     I felt I had found the breakthrough. It was like someone kept telling me to persevere and survive. I believe that I will find the right way for my life and I must. I believe that I can find the meaning and the purpose of my life again. I believe I can and must complete treating my mind setting my own goal and making efforts. 

     I would like to thank Mr. Kim again.

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[Review] Going all the way for my happiness

I was in such pain and I had attacks of panic and convulsion. The symptoms got worse and worse and pain made me want to die. Still, I desperately wanted to recover at the same time. I actually doubted about the effect of KIP Treatment Program but I began the program feeling as if I were clutching at straws.

I felt my condition was improving little by little as I proceeded with the treatment. I thought, 'Yes, this is it.' I had paid too much for not knowing. I understood and realized one by one through Mind Training, and solved problems one by one. I recognized I was recovering physically and mentally. It was the best choice I have ever made in my life, and I have no regret whatsoever. I will make effort until complete cure and I will go all the way for my happiness.

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[Review] A new opportunity


I was too weak to deal with stress and wounds. I couldn't understand my partner's words and behaviors and we fought a lot. I was convinced that he was to blame for everything. I also blamed myself sometimes and felt hurt having no clue on what to do. Then, I became dependent and repeated the whole process over and over again. It was so hard to go on just like that and I desperately wanted to change. 

I started Mind Training and repeated feeling comfortable and then feeling hurt. I just assumed that I was getting better and got used to staying in comfort. As usual, stress would come back without warning. Then, I had to get myself immersed into something to stabilize myself and come back to daily life.

It seemed that my treatment somehow stopped progressing and I began to look for something else, which always made me feel pain again. I thought, 'How come I can't go on with the treatment?' I had a consultation when I was feeling disappointed about my progress. Mr. Kim gave me feedback and reminded me of what I had to do.

I kept reminding myself of what he said. I could see myself trying to make into practice what I had to do and changing little by little. I think I understand now what he meant when he said that we have 3 chances in our life. I am looking forward to seeing myself happy after finishing Mind Training.

All the days I have lived…. I am grateful for all the days of pain, suffering, anger as well as love, joy, and happiness since I could not have had the opportunity for treatment without them. 

I can deal with stress much better now and stabilize myself soon. I also have confidence for pursuing values of life and make my ideas into practice. I look forward to seeing myself completely cured. I will do my best to show my children that their mother can become a healthy and happy person.

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[Review] One more step to complete cure


     I wandered about a lot because I didn't understand the mechanism of human mind and psychology. I mostly blamed other people. I often became lethargic growing my wounds and not being able to treat them. I think I had quite a serious condition of depression even though I didn't check with the psychiatric department. 

     I was afraid of wounds and I didn't know what to do. I had fear of wounds being retrieved inside me and I just became lethargic. I still have difficulties when I feel pain and wounds, but I know that wounds are coal that is burned to generate the flame of happiness and that I can endure. 

     I have recently realized something. It is that I can treat myself when I accurately understand the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology. This is what I have been listening over and over again for almost 3 years, but somehow the truth of the proposition touches the bottom of my heart now. I think that I can gather up my will and courage. I thank Mr. Kim for guiding me in the right direction.

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[Review] Walking on the road to happiness

I was utterly shocked at the accidental finding and I suffered from excruciating pain. I was looking for solutions and Mr. Kim's saying hit me hard. He said that post traumatic stress deteriorated unless properly treated.  I would destroy myself and my family in my own hands.  I had to treat myself and restore happiness to protect children. Then, I could give my wife an opportunity to treat herself.  

I concluded that I needed treatment after watching hundreds of videos. I remember crying so much when I was writing my first review after 16 weeks of treatment.  I had less and less pain and my body felt healthier.  I was crying the tear of gratitude for guiding me in the right direction.  It was also the tear for my choosing the right treatment and making efforts. 

I felt some qualitative change through a consultation in the 56th week of treatment.  My treatment is divided into one before the consultation and one after the consultation. Before the consultation, I restored my body and mind.  However, I felt the fuzziness like knowing one moment and not knowing the next. I still have thirst left.  

I could see clearly after 1 hour of consultation. I could see what I wanted in my life. Now, I have a stronger will and I am working hard for recovery. I would recommend the consultation to all men who are taking the treatment.   

I am in the 64th week of treatment now. I am writing the second review.  The memory of suffering is only vague now. I feel that everything is fine.  I can start the day with vitality. I work with passion and go to bed feeling happy.  This sense of power, those who have it will know what it is like. 

I have not achieved complete cure yet. I know I still have problems left to be treated. So I am making efforts. I could not even imagine myself I see today when I first started the program.  I am on the road to happiness now. I am sure that I will reach the land of happiness in the end.

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[Review] Composure and happiness


I feel composed since I let go of the obsession for treatment. I was surprised that I felt calm and happy listening to my favorite music for the first time after I suffered from post traumatic stress. I was in the 17th week of treatment.

Then, in the 22nd week of treatment, I experienced that I had an open mind while I was talking with my daughter. Words of pray just came out of my mouth, and I could even read books comfortably. I felt that I was finally resting after flying for miles and miles. 

I could smile in a stressful situation. My daughter praised me for keeping calm in such a situation. It felt like another me was looking over all three of us from above. It was like my unconscious directed by speech and behaviors in certain ways. I could listen to my daughter talking about her problems with a smile. 

My condition improved at a fast rate after I had a consultation session. I barely understood the contents of the forum before, but these days I feel that I may be able to ask questions in the forum. I don't think negatively about other people. I just see what I see and I feel comfortable in most situations. 

I may be making arbitrary interpretation, but it is for sure that I can interpret many things using the operational mechanism of mind and psychology. I still have moments of doubts and anxiety that attack me like a stroke when wounds are retrieved by some triggers. However, I can get out of them in a few minutes. I can always resume therapeutic tasks to regain calmness and happiness. 

I am proud of myself.

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[Review] I have made it.


Finally, I was judged to be completely cured after the long journey of 2 years and 11 months. I thought I still had a long way to go, so I feel a little surprised.

I had never thought I could be completely cured. I was diagnosed for cancer and my husband left home. I lost the will to live and just wanted to die. Only those who had the same experience will understand what it is like. 

Then, I happened to watch one of Mr. Kim’s Youtube videos. I still think that taking Mind Training was the best choice I have ever made. The treatment process was not easy. Doing the tasks was difficult and symptoms recurred. I repeated becoming comfortable and then having pain again. 

Then, I began to feel moved and grateful without a specific reason. The world stays as it is, but I have changed. I used to be indecisive and dependent, and suppress myself. Now, I can express what I feel and say ‘No’ when I don’t want. I feel confident that I can deal with stress. My health has improved. Everything is fine. I still have a lot to learn, but I believe in myself and can judge and decide for myself. I will live happily with my child. 

I want to thank Mr. Kim and all the staff at KIP for teaching me what true happiness is.

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[Review] Walking in thought


I was living a dull, flat, and lifeless life. 

I spent a few comfortable and lazy winters and springs.​

Then, a few years ago, I don't remember exactly when. 

All the wounds piled up inside me fell on me at once like a snowbank 

and erased me without even leaving a trace. 

My foolish thoughts locked me up and tortured me inside the wall of ice. 

I was completely cut off from the outside world.

Then, someday I accidentally watched the video made by KIP. 

I paid for the expense of treatment on loan since the treatment method seemed so logical and effective. 

I was desperate to find myself back. 

I wasted one year idling, and then, I gathered up my will for my children. 

I began to study taking notes on a notebook. 

Five pens I used up for writing in five months became my medicine. 

I eat better and my sexuality is stabilized, but symptoms recur sometimes. 

Recurrence and stability come and go, but I keep doing the tasks.

I often feel comfortable enough to fall asleep listening to the training recording.

I can face my inner self now. 

I feel sorry and grateful to myself.

Now, I have more desire and more passion. 

At first, I wished that I could only eat. 

Then, I wished that I could only sleep. 

I wished that I could only stabilize my sexuality.

My condition has definitely improved, 

but I know I have come only half the way. 

I write this review to remember my first intention and keep up with my will and effort.

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[Review] Looking back on my life

I look back on my life. I used to insist on my own standards for everything without trying to understand other people's thoughts and feelings. I guess I was too self-centered. I justified myself using violence, avoidance, or severance of relationships as means to get out of stress.

My habits long held from the past inflicted pain on my family after I got married. I blamed myself and developed dependency on knowledge and information I could get. Both my body and mind became ill.

I make efforts not to block or avoid, but to overcome stress while I am taking the treatment program. I can see change in myself through my family. I will keep making efforts for myself and my family.

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[Review] The most important thing in life

From time to time, I think about moments I was in such pain before I started the treatment program. I was completely lost for what was going on, I was in fear, I felt like I was expelled, I wished I was in a dream, and I desperately wanted somebody to save me. I was in pain every moment of the day and the night.

I want to hug myself tight if I went back to the time. I would encourage myself and say that I would get over the suffering. I would tell myself that it was not my fault.      At first, I was looking to everyone for saving me. I could have fallen for anything if I had not started the treatment program.

I was in despair many times even during the treatment. I thought what I was going through was beyond the capability of this program. Then, I thought I was cured and I began to neglect therapeutic tasks about a year after I began the treatment. At that time, I put priority on other things than on treating myself. 

I have realized that myself is the most important thing in my life, so treating myself is also more important than anything else. I promise myself that I will focus on the treatment.

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[Review] To the land of happiness


People who have not suffered from pain could not even imagine what it is like. 
It felt like my whole life had collapsed, and I couldn't even care about my own children. I barely survived in pain and obsession, and thought I couldn't live like that forever. So I started KIP Treatment.

I floundered in the bog of pain, and then, regained comfort for some time. I became irritable and unstable, and then, resumed therapeutic tasks. I repeated the whole process endlessly going back and forth.

Now, I feel quite composed. My teenage boy who was always grumpy and wouldn't talk to me has become talkative and laughs a lot. I find him so adorable even when he is complaining for nothing. I have recently found out that there are flowers on the street in front of my house. They are adorable, too.

I, who have lived as a full-time home maker for 17 years, have begun to pursue values. I feel that I can be passionate for may career. I took a test to get some kind of license, but I failed, but it's OK. I can try again. I am thankful for having an opportunity. I want to smile at people who I see on the street. 

Everything seems to be OK now. I think I can heal stress on my own these days. I don't know how exactly to express it but I feel moved while I am healing stress. 

I still miss some points when I do therapeutic tasks. I plan to continue until I am completely cured, keeping my first intention and doing my best to do therapeutic tasks.

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[Review] Surprised and grateful for my change


I have recently read an e-mail that I wrote to Mr. Kim right before I started KIP Treatment Program 1 year ago. I could see how lost and vulnerable I was not knowing what to do and how intimidating my existence was in my children's life at that time. ​

One year ago, everyone but me looked so happy and I thought I could be happy only when other people gave me happiness. I blamed others for not making me happy and giving me only pain. I blamed even my mother and my children. ​

Now I can see clearly why I was so in pain even when I tried so hard to get out of it. My wounds come from my own feelings and they are sensed only by me. Now I understand that I am the only one who can treat myself. I am the one who makes wounds in mimind and at the same time I am the one who has the key to my happiness. 

I still have to keep going on the bumpy road for some time but I can do it because I have hope. I am grateful to my mother and my children for not complying with me when I was beside myself. ​I am surprised that I don't envy other people and don't feel unhappy anymore. I am deeply grateful to Korea Institute of Psycho-education.

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[Mother Therapy] The benefit of parents’ stepping in when needed

  What do you think about parents' close attention to their children when raising them? Is it necessarily a bad thing? There's a lot...