Showing posts with label 01. Notice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 01. Notice. Show all posts


Recipients_People who suffer from conflicts in general relationship, marriage relationship, and romantic relationship

 Many people suffer from conflicts in relationships. However, when you accurately understand the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology, you can easily resolve conflicts in relationships and maintain good relationships with people. 

[Conflicts in general relationships]

We are in diverse relationships with people including parents, siblings, husband, wife, children, friends, coworkers, and so on. When conflicts occur in relationships, stress is generated continuously and both parties suffer. Especially, women tend to accumulate psychological wounds inside them and suffer in the conscious more than men due to accumulated wounds. 

You may have conflicts with :

- Parents

- Siblings

- Friends

- Coworkers

- Children

- Others 

Or you may have fear of forming relationships with people in general. 

As conflicts continue, stress and wounds expand and some people attempt to break free from stress by taking diverse types of diversions. Unfortunately, diversions are only for temporary relief of stress and cannot resolve conflicts or cannot treat wounds that are already inside you. When stress and wounds continue due to conflicts but you cannot relieve stress and wounds by diversions, you may feel great pain inside you.

Psychology Treatment of KIP provides an adequate treatment program that helps you accurately understand the operational mechanism of human conscious and unconscious, adjust and control your mind and psychology, and apply what is learned in daily interactions with people. 

[Conflicts in marriage relationship]

Many people suffer in marriage relationship. When stress and wounds from conflicts in marriage relationship are not treated adequately, they are aggravated more and more leading to the collapse of individuals'' psychology and marriage relationship itself. The psychology of marriage relationship applies to people who are legally married, in de facto marriage, or just living together in one household. 

You may have conflicts in a marriage relationship due to :

- Infidelity

- Business or economy

- Unemployment

- Physical or verbal abuse

- Abandonment

- Separation

- Sexual abuse or sexual perversion

- Indifference or negligence

You suffer more and more as conflicts continue and each party tries to communicate their thoughts and emotions to no avail in a vicious cycle. In the process, the couple may exchange hurtful speech and actions, and stress and wounds may only keep being accumulated. Then, the couple may begin to neglect conflicts and avoid confrontation getting themselves immersed into other things separately. They may not confront as much as before but conflicts have not be resolved. 

Many people say :

- He (She) does not seem to know what he (she) has done wrong.

- I feel that I am pathetic for marrying a man like him (a woman like her).

- I want to divorce him (her) but what about my children?

- I cannot go on like this any more.

- I don''t consider him (her) as a human being. 

- I try to do better thinking that then, things will get better.

- I have always complied with his (her) way but I don''t want to do it any more.

- I feel absolutely angry every time I see him (her). 

In a marriage relationship, most people activate the unconscious in the interaction with their partner, so their speech and actions cannot be calculated or intended in advance in many cases. It also means that correcting or changing the partner''s behaviors is almost impossible. What you can do is to accurately understand the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology and then, apply the principles to induce positive outcomes from interactions. 

It may be only that neither of you have not found the right way of managing your own mind and considering your partner''s mind. Moods operate in men''s mind and feelings operate in women''s mind. When positive moods are generated in men continuously, they can generate passion continuously and correct problems on their own. When positive feelings are generated in women, they can generate feelings of love and happiness and correct problems on their own. 


You must change yourself before changing your partner based on the accurate understanding of the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology. Through Psychology Treatment of KIP, you will be able to learn how the human conscious and unconscious operate in a marriage relationship and how you can resolve conflicts. Seemingly difficult problems may be easily solved once you understand the underlying mechanism and find the root cause. 

[Conflicts in romantic relationship]

Many people suffer from conflicts in romantic relationships. 

You may have conflicts in a romantic relationship when :

- You have frequent arguments involving emotional conflicts

- One party is indifferent or negligent

- One party demands the counterparty to do something against his or her will

- One party demands excessive sexual actions

- You want to break up but it is not easy

- One party is abusive verbally or physically

- One party is too busy

- One party likes friends and parties too much making the counterparty lonely

- You want to get married but your partner keeps postponing

- You love your partner but he or she is already married to another person

- Your partner has difficulty with his or her career

You must first understand that men and women have completely different operations of mind and psychology. Moods operate in men and feelings operate in women. Conflicts and disputes are only natural between a man and a woman due to the difference in the perception of conversation, the difference in the memory of emotions. and the difference in the operation of psychology. Men think and act following the operation of men''s mind and women think and act following theirs, and neither party has a clue about the other party''s operation of mind and psychology. 

Through Psychology Treatment of KIP, you will learn about how differently men''s and women''s mind and psychology operate, and how human conscious and unconscious operate. You will be able to develop the ability to solve relational problems and live a happy life with people around you. 

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Recipients_People who lack the sense of self-respect and self-confidence / Women who suffer from psychological wounds

[People who lack the sense of self-respect and self-confidence]

Psychology Treatment of KIP helps you build the ability to restore and maintain the sense of self-respect and self-confidence. 

When you lack the sense self-respect and self-confidence, you also lack the will power and tend to depend on other people. You may think that your ideas are wrong and other people's ideas are right and always look for others' guidance and approval for your own journey of life. 

People who :

- have worries and anxiety and cannot take actions 

- understand and admit what is right and what is wrong in your head but cannot accept in your heart or cannot put to practice

- have many things you want to do but have not tried any

- feel fine when they are with people but suffer from loneliness when they are alone

- cannot stand being alone without having a romantic relationship

- cannot openly speak out for their thoughts and opinions

- are overly self-conscious

- cannot demand for their rights 

- cannot reject other people's requests

Many people suppress their emotions and do not know how to effectively express their thoughts and emotions. They want to be able to express themselves but they cannot help suppressing themselves and suffer inside themselves. The may avoid having a romantic relationship or become overly dependent on having a romantic relationship. 

When you accurately understand the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology, you can treat wounds and stabilize psychology and adequately apply the principles to human relationships. In the process, your sense of self-respect and self-confidence will be naturally restored.  

When you restore the sense of self-respect and self-confidence, you can effectively express yourself and take actions activating the will power. You will not suppress your thoughts and emotions and will stop depending on other people. You will value your own existence and achieve comfort and happiness in mind. 

In case of women, restoring the sense of self-respect is more important than restoring self-confidence. Women with self-confidence without self-respect are considered to have a psychological disorder. When women restore self-respect, the restoration of self-confidence will automatically follow. In case of men, restoring the sense of self-confidence is more important that restoring self-respect. Psychology Treatment of KIP helps women build self-respect and men build self-confidence. 

[Women who suffer from psychological wounds]

Psychology Treatment of KIP helps women treat all wounds accumulated from the past and restore happy mind. Women with many wounds tend to forget about their wounds by getting immersed into diverting activities but it only aggravates their psychological condition.  

Women who :

- suffer from the loss of love

- suffer from misfortunate past experiences (sexual harassment, prostitution, 

  embarrassing incidents)

- think that they cannot have love and happy life again

- feel lonely

- suffer from repeatedly meeting and breaking up with men

- suffer from suppressing emotions 

- think pleasure seeking is all there is to life

- make efforts to change themselves but cannot quite achieve their goal

- have given up on everything with lack of self-respect and self-confidence

- only focus on career since they are afraid of meeting men

- think enjoying meeting men casually is happiness

In women's cases, negative past experience generates wounds in mind and wounds are stored in memory continuously affecting psychological operations. The unconscious attempts to treat wounds and has the conscious sense wounds. Even when you suppress wounds in the conscious, wounds in the unconscious keep operating affecting your perception, memory, and expression. Women with great wounds tend to avoid recognizing wounds by maximizing positive moods, and then, they become dependent on moods rather than properly activate feelings.  

Women can treat psychological wounds when they accurately understand the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology. You can build the ability to treat wounds, stabilize psychology on your own, and apply the principles to human relationship in daily life by taking Psychology Treatment of KIP.  


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Recipients_Parents who suffer from children's problems

Psychology Treatment of KIP helps parents restore their balance of psychology and help children solve psychological problems. Mother Therapy can be applied so that mothers can solve their own child's psychological problems. 

Parents who :

- are rearing children in a marriage relationship

- are rearing children in separation with their spouse

- are not married but rearing children

- are rearing children after a divorce

- are rearing after the bereavement of the spouse

Parents whose child :

- studies very hard but does not get good grades

- does not show any interest in academic achievement

- is generally unruly and distracted

- commits juvenile delinquencies

- is highly irritable and cranky

- never listens to parents

- is maladaptive at school

- is bullied at school and cannot make friends 

- is involved in crimes as a victim or a perpetrator

- has addiction of internet, game, or gambling

- only stays in the room and never goes out

Parents may do their best to solve child's problems but they feel powerless when nothing works. They may have done everything sometimes being coercive and sometimes compromising to no avail. 

Parents may think they are unfairly blamed for child's problems. They themselves may think that it is their fault. Starting from the child's problems, they themselves may develop psychological problems due to constant worries and anxiety. Eventually, they may feel they want to give up. 

Children having psychological and behavioral problems is neither parents' nor children's fault. Things just happened and neither parents nor children adequately dealt with the problems since they did not know about the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology. 

What you need in parenting is not endurance but accurate understanding of human mind and psychology. Parents' psychological conditions greatly affect child's psychology at the unconscious level without anyone recognizing at the conscious level. Also, the child's experience, memory, and thought are necessarily different from parents' experience, memory, and thought. When parents understand how human conscious and unconscious operate to affect the manifestation of psychology, they can easily and adequately address diverse child's psychological problems in daily interactions.

Psychology Treatment of KIP guides you to accurately understand the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology and apply the principles to restore your own psychology and your child's psychology. Once you understand how you and your child operate the unconscious and the conscious, you can analyze almost all phenomena that you thought were puzzling and frustrating and apply adequate parenting strategies in each situation.  

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Recipients_People who lack passion and will power / people who blame themselves or other people

 Psychology Treatment of KIP can help you restore passion and will power and regain self-respect and self-confidence.  

Many people have something that they want to do in mind, but they lack passion and will power to drive themselves all the way. Passion is 'energy for getting immersed into pleasure of doing something' and is connected with will power. You cannot have passion without will power and vice versa. Of course, people without passion and will power tend to start doing something, but in time they give up and cannot achieve their goal. 

You may think :

- you don't have enough money and family background, or more urgent things to take care of

- you are simply not good enough

- you don't even want an achievement of any kind

- you are so incapable and mediocre

- what you are doing now is futile or wrong

You may come up with an endless number of reasons and excuses for your lack of passion and will power and justify yourself. Then, you end up repeating starting and giving up and depending on other people. You may feel stuffy and have many ideas in your head, but blame yourself or other people rather than take actions and continue with efforts.  

This phenomenon occurs since you do not accurately understand about the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology. As you understand how human mind works and retsore your healthy psychology, you can naturally regain self-respect and self-confidence as well as passion and will power. You may feel that you have changed quite a lot and you may actually be able to achieve your goal. 

Firstly, you must accurately understand why you did not have passion and will power. You don't have to dig into your past specifically to find why you did not have passion and will power. You just need to understand about the operation of human mind and psychology and then, you can naturally make your own passion and will power. You can also build the ability to recover healthy psychology and treat psychological wounds along the way. 


If you want to change yourself, become independent, and achieve your goal in life with passion and will power, Psychology Treatment of KIP may be an important first step in  your long journey.

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Recipients_Women who want to love and be lived / Women who suffer from the loss of love

Psychology Treatment of KIP has the effect of restoring the sense of self-respect and self-confidence and changing the operation of your mind and psychology through accurately understanding the mechanism of women's mind and psychology of loving and being loved. It is a highly effective psychology treatment method for women who want to love and be lived and who suffer from the loss of love.

[Women who want to love and be lived]

Regardless of their age, all women want to love and be loved, which is an absolutely natural phenomenon as the desire for love operates inside all women. The desire for love develops in women since their mind wants comfort and happiness by nature. You may feel that you want comfort and happiness even when you have achieved worldly success and have many friends around you. You may feel lonely and want to be comforted for specified or unspecified psychological wounds. Your desire for love may grow and grow along with your interest in men who may give you love and happiness.  

Women who :

- want to be in love with a man but have not met the right man yet

- have experience of falling in love, but feel that love will not come to them any more for different reasons

- cannot trust men since they think men will change in time and do not want to be hurt from a broken heart

- think that they are too old for love

- think that no man will love a mediocre woman like them

Some women blame other people and others blame themselves for not having love in their life, which is actually not important and not the focus of the problem. When you make yourself a woman who has the ability to love and be loved, it is only a matter of time that the object of your love will naturally approach you, which is the fundamental mechanism of human relationships. You achieving love has nothing to do with your life experiences, appearance, or social and economic status. 

First, you must accurately understand the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology before you build the ability for love. Through Psychology Treatment of KIP, you can build yourself as a woman who can provide comfort and happiness in the counterparty, making him generate passion for you and his life. Your counterparty will always want to be with you and protect you, leading to deep true love between the two people. 

Conventional approaches that address only the operation of psychology at the conscious level including psychology counseling, coaching, lectures, and other sources, provide only superficial and temporary solutions, and may even direct you to the opposite way from your goal. Through Psychology Treatment of KIP, you will be able to learn about the proper interactional strategies based on the fundamental mechanism of human mind and psychology and internalize the principles of human relationships inside yourself.  

If you truly want to love an be loved,

- Never go looking for someone you can love.

- Never yearn for getting some man who will give love to you.

- Never ever consciously want or even beg for love from any man.

- Never try to comply with the man's needs.

Under any circumstance, all you need is to accurately understand the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology and internalize the principles of human relationships in your unconscious. Then, you yourself will be surprised that the right man for you will naturally approach you and give love to you, which is all women's dream come true. This mechanism applies to all women regardless of their individual circumstances. 

[Women who suffer from the loss of love] 

Psychological wounds from the loss of love cause pain and sorrow. After some time, you may feel that you have recovered, but actually they have not been treated and negatively affect your relationship the next time you fall in love with another person. This mechanism explains the phenomenon in which some women repeat the process of meeting and breaking up with men. They do not recognize the operation of psychological wounds but wounds keep operating throughout their lifetime. 

Women who :

- suffer from the loss of love

- have broken up with a man they love after a big fight

- had conflicts with their lover due to personality issues

- have the experience of being forced to break up

- had to break up due to an inevitable circumstance even 

- think that they don't deserve having love for different reasons

- have suffered from infidelity issues

- have suffered since the man they love consider them only as a sexual object

- have the idea that meeting men is OK, but do not want marriage

- have experience of taking their friend's man and having their man taken by a friend

Many women who experience undesirable situations described above tend to avoid and try to forget wounds from the loss of love. However, wounds keep operating being untreated even when you get immersed into different diverting activities or fall in love again with another man. It may lead you to break up with men easily generating and accumulating more and more wounds.

Wounds from the loss of love must not be forgotten or avoided but must be treated properly. Then, wounds do not operate in the next relationship letting you keep love with happy mind you are born with. Wounds can be treated by positive feelings and feelings of love generated in your unconscious. Untreated wounds keep operating producing diverse relational problems. You must activate feelings instead of moods to restore love and happiness. 

Through Psychology Treatment of KIP, you can accurately understand the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology, apply the principles in daily life, and have you unconscious treat wounds continuously, automatically generating happy mind. 

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Recipients_People who suffer from somatization or psychogenic illnesses

Psychology Treatment of KIP helps you recover from somatization and psychogenic illnesses by restoring psychological balance and treat psychological wounds. 

Somatization occurs when psychological problems continue and are manifested as physical problems, but it is not actual physical problems. It is usually caused by stress and psychological wounds. 

Once people experience somatization, it tends to recur repeatedly and the interval between the presence and the absence of physical symptoms becomes shorter and shorter as time goes by. Also. after some prolonged time, they tend to develop other types of psychogenic illnesses on top of the existing ones. Thus, it is not uncommon to see people suffer from multiple symptoms of somatization simultaneously. Illnesses that turn out to be psychogenic include premenstrual syndrome, headache, migraine, gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome, hair loss, physical pain, and tic disorder

In many cases of somatization, patients have experienced continuous or repeated stress and psychological wounds, and treatment of physical symptoms are not usually sufficiently effective. Then, they just become dependent on medication or just live with the symptoms for the whole life time.  


Physical symptoms originated from psychological problems disappear when psychological problems are solved. When you take Psychology Treatment of KIP and learn about the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology, you can restore psychological balance and treat psychological wounds, and then, the symptoms of somatization will simply disappear. You will be able to build the ability to heal stress and treat wounds in your unconscious all by yourself through KIP self-training program. 

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Copyright & trademark

 There have been copyright and trademark violation cases of using materials produced by KIP without permission for the purpose of counseling, treatment, lectures, and coaching. Some people even claim that KIP materials are their own making and cause damage on many innocent people. 

It must be clearly noted that all materials and therapeutic methods that are produced by KIP are registered for copyright and trademark exclusively for KIP. Contents of Mind Training and Xesmind Training and therapeutic methods are provided to members to be used only for the purpose of psychology treatment and training.  

Anyone who tries to use materials including videos and writings produced by KIP without permission is liable for civil and penal responsibility under copyright and trademark law. 

When you need to use copyright and trademark of KIP for a legitimate purpose, please, reveal the source. You may apply for permission of copyright and trademark use by sending an e-mail to the provided address below. 


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 People who send us e-mails include :

- Those who are taking or have finished the on-line treatment program.

- Those who want an initial consultation on taking the treatment program. 

- Those who are looking for ways to solve psychological problems on their own.

We receive more than a few hundred e-mails every day, but we make sure to reply to all the e-mails we receive. If you have not received a reply e-mail from KIP in a few days after you sent the first e-mail, please, check for the following :

1. Please, check whether the reply e-mail from KIP is categorized as a spam e-mail and look for it in your spam mail box. 

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If you have not received a reply e-mail from KIP in a few days after you sent the first e-mail, please, send us another e-mail and include your extra e-mail address as well. 

Thank you very much.

A word by BeomYoung Kim, the developer of KIP Psychology Treatment Methods

A word by Beom Young Kim, the developer of KIP psychology treatment methods 

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     I developed the Theory of Migene, the Theory of Mimind, and the Theory of Xesmind based on my experience of psychology treatment as a general psychology counselor. I have about 20 years of experience in treating psychological disorders and developed a unique method of psychology treatment based on my theories. Differently from conventional psychology treatment methods, the treatment methods provided by Korea Institute of Psycho-education systematically apply the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology based on the Theory of Mimind and the Theory of Xesmind. KIP psychology treatment programs attempt to address the root cause of psychological disorders instead of symptoms, and they cover almost all psychological disorders including severe psychological disorders and sexual dysfunctions. 

     In the process of treating diverse cases of psychological problems for years, I was able to hypothesize and verify that methods employing psychology healing and diversions including psychology counseling are not sufficiently effective and even detrimental to treating fixated conditions of psychological disorders including severe cases of psychological disorders such as post traumatic stress. I was also able to develop a more effective treatment method than conventional ones that minimizes the effects of external factors by adopting non-contact self-treatment mechanism. 

     We all know that human beings have both the body and the mind. The study of body has been advancing by medical and scientific researches. However, human mind is an abstract entity and it is manifested as emotions, which makes scientific research more difficult. The field of psychology has attempted to research on human mind and psychology by adopting diverse scientific methods, but has not succeeded in finding the standards or underlying mechanisms of the operations of mind and psychology. 

     I am not a scientist or a philosopher. I am not a psychologist or a psychiatrist, either. I have been researching on human mind and psychology independently starting from the hypothesis that humans have genes of mind as well as genes of body. I was lucky enough to be able to observe and address many cases of psychological disorders as a general counselor and develop theories on human mind and psychology : The Theory of Mimind and the Theory of Xesmind. 

     Through years of observation and research, I was able to discover that all human beings have identical underlying operational mechanism of mind and psychology with only difference between males and females. I also discovered that mind and psychology are different entities from each other with the mind being the origin of emotions and operating to generate diverse psychological manifestations. 

     Psychological manifestations can be diverse depending on cultures, societies, and individuals, but the mind has been operating identically for all human beings throughout human history. I have also been able to verify through years of practical applications that the psychology treatment methods based on the Theory of Mimind and the Theory of Xesmind can be successfully applied to treat most cases of psychological problems and disorders.  

     I hope that I will be given opportunities to co-research with people in diverse fields of study related with human mind and psychology in the future and contribute to the progress of our understanding of human mind and psychology. The Theory of Mimind and the Theory of Xesmind are believed to be absolutely in accordance with the basic values pursued by mankind, with which all human beings can peacefully progress together in harmony and order, and pursue individuals' happiness with freedom and equality. The Theory of Mimind and the Theory of Xesmind are not intended to take part with any specific school of science, philosophy, or religion. 

        I hope that records of my theories and practical applications will contribute to a more accurate understanding of the structure and the operational mechanism of human mind and interpretations of human psychological manifestations.    

 1. Experience / education

   - President of Korea Institute of Psycho-education

   - President of Japan Institute of Psycho-education

   - President of Happiness Therapy (specialize in infidelity therapy)

   - Western Covenant University, Los Angeles, CA, USA, (M.A.R , Religious studies), 2018-2020

   - Graduate School of Public Policy, Inha University, Incheon, South Korea, (Lecturer, Post traumatic stress disorder), 2018-2019

2. Activities

  [Home Pages]

   1) Korea Institute of Psycho-education :

   2) Youth Mind Training :

   3) Mother Therapy :

   4) Xes Training :

   5) Upper Class Therapy :

   6) KIP Diet :

   7) KIP Psychology Treatment Center for Type 2 Psychological Disorder :

   8) KIP Psychology Treatment Center for Type 1 Psychological Disorder :

   9) Infidelity Therapy :

   10) Xes Therapy :


  - Korea Institute of Psycho-education :


 3. Theories & applications

   - Theories : the Theory of Migene, the Theory of Mimind, and the Theory of  Xesmind 

   - Treatment methods : Treatment methods of different levels of psychological disorders including post traumatic stress and relationship addiction

   - Treatment methods of xes psychology : Treatment methods of disorders of xes psychology and sexual dysfunctions 

   - Training program for specialist of psychology treatment

4. Publications

   - The Healing of Parents (2015.12)

   - The Healing of Work (2016.01), (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)

   - The Origin of Mind (2016.04)

   - The Human Mind (2016.04)

   - Fashion Therapy (2016.06)

   - Infidelity is a Psychological Disorder -There is No Love in Infidelity (2016.12)

   - The Healing of Conflicts (2017.02), (Korean, English, Japanese)

   - The Theory of Mimind (2017.06), (Korean, English, Japanese)

   - Xes Therapy - A Treatment Method of Sexual Dysfunction (2017.11), 

    (Korean, English, Japanese)   

   - Who Am I? (2018.03)

   - A Treatment Method of Psychology (2018.04),  (Korean, English, Japanese) 

   - The Theory of Xesmind (2018.06), (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)

   - Mother Therapy (2019.05), (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)

   - A Cold in Mind - Depression (2020.10)

   - Infidelity Therapy - Infidelity that Leads to Death (2020.10)

   - Resolving Conflicts (2020.11)


5. Registered trademarks

   - 'migene' : The gene of mind and psychology

   - 'mimind' : The general term that incorporates all the operations of human mind and psychology

   - 'xesmind' : The general term that incorporates all the operations of human mind and psychology involving sexuality

   - 'xestherapy' : The therapy that addresses sexual dysfunctions by stabilizing the operation of mind and psychology


Korea Institute of Psycho-education

Korea institute of Psycho-education developed the world's first training method of generating happiness in the human mind based on the principles of the operation of the human mind and psychology. This training method, which is intended to treat psychological problems and disorders without the help of psychological counseling, equips people with the ability to heal stress and wounds accompanying any human life and to lead a happy life. It also helps develop the ability to generate happiness in all human relationships: the relationships of couples, friends, family members, colleagues, acquaintances, and business partners.

1. The training of the mind

It cultivates the abilities for the treatment of psychological problems and disorders, the prevention of crimes and suicides, the prevention of sexual harassments and sexual assaults, the resolution of conflicts and troubles in human relationships, the resolution of learning disorders, the improvements in academic performance and learning ability. It is also for the treatment and prevention of school violence and bullying, the treatment and prevention of stress and wounds, the education of humanism, the resolution of family conflicts and couple conflicts, the recovery of self-esteem and self-confidence, and the generation of happiness in all human relationships. It also helps to improve the abilities for business, business foundation, career, and work, to maximize the abilities for creative and enterprising thinking and self-development, and to succeed and achieve in various areas of human life.

2. The training of psychological treatment

It cultivates the abilities to self-treat various psychological disorders such as depression, insomnia, eating disorders, anxiety, obsession, panic disorders, character disorders, personality disorders, PTSD, tics, learning disorders, ADHD, gambling addiction, narcotics addiction, alcohol addiction, shopping addiction, relationship addiction, game addiction, SNS addiction, stress disorders, and neurological disorders.

The training method of Korea Institute of Psycho-education equally applies the criteria, standards, rules, and principles to all areas of society, study, enterprise, business, work, family, and individuals. It especially renewed the concept of unconsciousness, discovered the root of the mind, and accurately interpreted the mind of a human being and the mind of humans in relationships. It clarified that all humans have the same operation of the mind and live lives pursuing happiness.

The training method of Korea Institute of Psycho-education applies to any woman and man, old and young, from East and West, regardless of his or her nationality, ethnic group, ideology, race, religion, culture, social and economic status, and political and philosophical stance. Therefore, it enables any human being to lead a happy life without regard to their language, gender, age, education, majors, jobs, knowledge, qualifications, and abilities. It is the basis of the education of the whole man, necessary and essential on top of the present-day knowledge education and human education for happy and fulfilling life. It is a ground breaking and innovative training method uncomparable to any existing one.

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[Mother Therapy] The benefit of parents’ stepping in when needed

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