
Recipients_Parents who suffer from children's problems

Psychology Treatment of KIP helps parents restore their balance of psychology and help children solve psychological problems. Mother Therapy can be applied so that mothers can solve their own child's psychological problems. 

Parents who :

- are rearing children in a marriage relationship

- are rearing children in separation with their spouse

- are not married but rearing children

- are rearing children after a divorce

- are rearing after the bereavement of the spouse

Parents whose child :

- studies very hard but does not get good grades

- does not show any interest in academic achievement

- is generally unruly and distracted

- commits juvenile delinquencies

- is highly irritable and cranky

- never listens to parents

- is maladaptive at school

- is bullied at school and cannot make friends 

- is involved in crimes as a victim or a perpetrator

- has addiction of internet, game, or gambling

- only stays in the room and never goes out

Parents may do their best to solve child's problems but they feel powerless when nothing works. They may have done everything sometimes being coercive and sometimes compromising to no avail. 

Parents may think they are unfairly blamed for child's problems. They themselves may think that it is their fault. Starting from the child's problems, they themselves may develop psychological problems due to constant worries and anxiety. Eventually, they may feel they want to give up. 

Children having psychological and behavioral problems is neither parents' nor children's fault. Things just happened and neither parents nor children adequately dealt with the problems since they did not know about the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology. 

What you need in parenting is not endurance but accurate understanding of human mind and psychology. Parents' psychological conditions greatly affect child's psychology at the unconscious level without anyone recognizing at the conscious level. Also, the child's experience, memory, and thought are necessarily different from parents' experience, memory, and thought. When parents understand how human conscious and unconscious operate to affect the manifestation of psychology, they can easily and adequately address diverse child's psychological problems in daily interactions.

Psychology Treatment of KIP guides you to accurately understand the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology and apply the principles to restore your own psychology and your child's psychology. Once you understand how you and your child operate the unconscious and the conscious, you can analyze almost all phenomena that you thought were puzzling and frustrating and apply adequate parenting strategies in each situation.  

Inquiries : uip@uip.ac

[For more reference materials : www.uip.ac

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