Showing posts with label 12. Xes Therapy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 12. Xes Therapy. Show all posts


The Concept of Xes Psychology


Sex, sexual actions, is speeches, actions, and thoughts by the conscious and habits whereas xes psychology is the operation of the mind. So, xes psychology is the psychological standards that pursue the happiness of the mind whereas sex is the action and means by the conscious and habits. 

Since human beings are composed of men and women, the man-woman relationship is inevitable for humans. So, in the man-woman relationship, sexual actions play a major role. Since it means 'a man and a woman have a physical relationship', it is being used interchangeably with the word, ‘sexual intercourse’ and sometimes expressed with various terms. The sexual actions are the roots of fun & pleasure, wounds & stress, romantic relation & happiness along with the desire for survival and reproduction. Therefore, thoughts, desire, speeches & actions on sex have lasted in human relationships as an inseparable relation. It is so sophisticated that if one understands sexual behavior, he or she can understand the principles of human relationships as well. 

The reason for sex being focused on sexual actions and speeches in human relationships is that the excitement, pleasure & fun of sexual actions are linked to an individual's happiness directly. When pursuing sexual actions for an individual's happiness, the speeches and actions of sexual actions that are seen, heard, and felt are recognized as the core. However, not the sexual speeches and actions but the operations of the conscious, habits, and the mind are important. Sexual actions will become degraded into a means of having fun and pleasure if one focuses on activities without knowing this psychological operation, which will result in crucial misunderstandings in human relationships and cause psychological problems and disorders. 

Therefore, focusing on sexual actions will induce side effects in one's psychology; thus, sex education and sexual actions must be aligned with one's psychological standards for the pursuit of happiness. Sex education and sexual actions, even if they are very informative, excluding the principles of mind and psychology will cause psychological problems and psychological disorders and make the human society ill. That is to say, that if one pursues his or her individual happiness centered on sexual actions by the conscious and habits without knowing the xes psychology, that person won't actually get the happiness but will end up facing unhappy consequences of seeking only physical excitements and stimuli of peripheral nerves, not much different from animals. This will cause deterioration of individuals, families, and communities; due to this, extreme damages from infidelities, divorces, sexual crimes, suicides, pleasure culture will be expanded resulting in psychological problems and disorders of individuals, dissolution of families, destruction of social components and problematic human relationships. Ultimately, all of these are caused by living a life centered on focusing on sexual actions without knowing the xes psychology. 

Sex can be divided into xes psychology, which is the mind, and xes actions; these two operate separately and simultaneously. 'Sex' is generally used as a term to refer to sexual actions, and there has been no separate term for the psychology on sex. Thus, I use xes psychology based on xesmind. 

When you look into the relationship between sex and xes psychology in human psychology, sexual actions are operations of the conscious and habits whereas xes psychology is the operation of the mind. The memory and thoughts of sex are controlled by the conscious; sexual actions are controlled by speeches and actions by habits; negative and positive emotions of sex are controlled by the xes psychology, which is the xesmind. 

Man's xes psychology and woman's xes psychology operate differently according to the difference of their xesmind since it works within the xesmind. Man's xesmind pursues future happiness since his mind has the standards of pursuing future happiness whereas the woman's xesmind pursues present happiness since her mind has the standard of pursuing present happiness. Thus, man's sexual actions and woman's sexual actions by the conscious and habits work differently due to the different operations of their xes psychology. 

Relations not affected by xes psychology are between parents-children, family, or husband-wife; xes psychology operates in other man-woman relationships in most cases. The relationship between a man and a woman is not affected by xes psychology when the man is perceived as her husband and the woman is perceived as his wife. This relationship is separated from the function of xes psychology; xes psychology does not operate at all.

Xes Training :

Korea Institute of Psycho-education :

Emotions of Xes


When xes information is perceived through sensory organs, one remembers the emotions by comparing the past memory on the xes information through the thoughts and creates emotions of xes through the xes information by combining the remembered emotions and information. The created information and emotions like this are controlled by the mind to see if they meet the psychological standards that pursue the happiness of the mind. When the mind is expressed outwardly through habits according to the standards of happiness, it appears in forms of speeches and actions (xes actions, sexual actions) and makes the conscious realign the information and expression on xes by expressing in the form of conscious thoughts. Xesmind, the mind, operates in this process. In other words, xes psychology operates about the emotions of xes generated by the conscious and makes expressions through habits. The thoughts, speeches, and actions appeared at this point are all aroused by habits. 

Thus, xes psychology cannot be recognized by the conscious and habits but controls them. Sexual actions are displayed by conscious thoughts and speeches & actions of habits; xes psychology, the mind, operates. In other words, xes psychology operates in the mind by xes information and emotions on it when the counterparty is perceived as the different gender. 

If xes psychology does not operate in human relationships, men and women will not be distinguished when they are recognized; because of this, emotions of xes won't be aroused, but there will be differences in man's and woman's perception when xes psychology starts operating. Between man and man or woman and woman, as in the same gender relationships, there are negative emotions being aroused like mutual exclusion, competition, and jealousy. However, in the opposite gender relationships between man and woman, a man has passion whereas a woman has positive feelings or affection, which naturally attract each other. The human mind has the psychological standards of the pursuit of happiness; when xes psychology operates, the same gender is perceived as an obstacle in one's pursuit of happiness whereas the opposite gender is perceived as necessary for his or her happiness. 

Homosexuality needs to be classified as either a psychological problem or psychological disorder caused by problems of habits and the conscious instead of being considered as different xes psychology. It is the phenomenon of being attracted to the same gender and excluding the opposite gender. This is not the occurrence of problems in xes psychology but a kind of psychological problem and psychological disorder that are caused by distorted conscious and habits due to problems in either the conscious or habits. At this point, one will end up living as a homosexual due to expression disorder if there are problems in the conscious, but homosexuality is a temporary and limited phenomenon if there are problems in the habits since it is a temporary matter of emotions by the occurrence of abnormal psychology. 

Moreover, in cases of transgenders, it must be interpreted in the same way. In cases of MTF (Male Transfer Female) that is the man turned into a woman or FTM(Female Transfer Male) that the woman turned into man, there is no change in xes psychology which operates in the same way for everybody; however, they can be separated into two cases; the acquired case (caused by problems in the conscious and habits) and the congenital case (caused by the problem of the body and the mind being different). In the acquired case due to the problems in the conscious and habits, it can be seen that it is caused by psychological problems and psychological disorders. 

Homosexuality and transgender have been viewed briefly based on xes psychology, the mind. We are fully aware of possible disputes and criticisms from them. However, when we learn the details of xes psychology, we can apply it appropriately to homosexuality and transgender as a proper theory and even eradicate social biases so that people who are involved can maintain their life as legitimate members of society with pride and confidence. Therefore, please do not condemn or argue with the contents briefly mentioned in this book.

Xes Training :

Korea Institute of Psycho-education :


Woman’s Xes Psychology

When looking into woman’s xes psychology, positive emotions and the emotion of love must be understood. The reason for this can be clearly understood when seeing the process of meeting and breaking up; thus, the occurrence and extermination of positive emotions and the emotion of love must be known in order to understand the Principles of Xes Psychology. 

Let’s analyze the process of datings of a woman when she meets a man. A woman’s positive emotions towards the man need to stay constantly in order to have the emotion of love. When looking into the process, the man forms the desire for psychological operations (the psychology of wanting to make speeches and actions) and the desire for devotion (sacrifices and devotions, understanding and considerations, the psychology of wanting to do everything for her) as his passion is aroused by his sexual instinct when he perceives her as a woman; he tries to satisfy these. 

Then, the woman generates positive emotions by the thought that the man is trying to be nice because of his interest in her. As the man perceives her getting positive emotions, his passion, sexual desire, and desire for achievement get strengthened; by doing so, he tries to keep the process of passion, which allows the woman keeps the positive emotions resulting in the emotion of love. 

When the woman gets the emotions of love like this, she will get the woman’s happiness, which allows her to keep positive emotions and have the desire for wanting to confirm the man’s love. Woman’s xes psychology is at work at this point. 

When the xes psychology operate, the desire for wanting to do things that the man likes, the fun and interest that she can have when doing these with the mans, things that man have fun with, etc. (the desire for devotion) is formed; because of this, she has sex (xes action) with him and becomes happy. When this process is repeated, the man-woman relationship is improved into a romantic relationship. 

The woman’s happiness and xes psychology have a very close relationship; xes psychology is completely separated from sex. Happiness and yes psychology are generated by the mind and perceived by the conscious through habits; the sex is aroused by the conscious and expressed through habits. 

Therefore, if a woman gets the emotion of love by the formation of a romantic relationship from the emotion of happiness, xes psychology will operate, which will create the conscious of wanting to be with the counterpart she loves for the satisfaction and the pleasure of sex. That is why the satisfaction and the pleasure of sex are perceived importantly. In other words, It needs to be understood that the importance of sex only appears when love and happiness are formed for the woman. 

A woman needs psychological operations that can generate good feelings (positive emotions and the emotion of happiness) towards a man for her happiness. So, the man gets passion and the desire for psychological operations and devotion when he perceived her as a woman; by doing so, speeches and actions are created through habits. As this process repeats, the desire for xes and achievement along with xes psychology will generate in his mind according to her reactions; the woman will have the emotions of love as their relationship develops into the romantic relationship by the emotion of happiness. We can see that woman’s xes psychology operates as the emotion of happiness gets changed into the emotion of love. 

What the woman needs to watch out at this point is man’s consolation. When she remembers negative emotions of wounds that are not treated yet, her mind tries to use the love from the man to treat her wounds and changes the negative emotions into positive ones; in this process, she likes the counterparty who has treated her wounds, and this emotion is remembered and operated as the emotion of love. Man’s consolation seems very similar to man’s passion but operates very differently resulting in a delusion of wound treatment. The woman will misunderstand that her wounds have been treated, when it is not true, and gets the emotion of love which operates her xes psychology.

 Ultimately, the mistaking of love and happiness will make her xes psychology keep asking for love and happiness. Because of this, a vicious cycle of the operation of sex only without having actual love and happiness in real life even though sex constantly operates. The mistaken love becomes not the generating energy but the consuming energy causing an unhappy life; rather than the wound treatment, wounds will get worse causing problems in habits and the conscious. 

If the result of psychological operations that a man's passion and woman's love are integrated create positive emotions, a romantic relationship will be formed. If this process lasts, the woman will generate the emotion of love; by this emotion of love, her wounds will get treated allowing the positive emotions to be enlarged. Also, the desire for keeping the emotion of love (the operations of the mind and xes psychology) will get strengthened. As she enjoys having xes actions with the men, she perceives xes actions with her counterparty she loves very importantly. 

Therefore, a man needs the pleasure of xes actions (which takes a short time) in order to like and love a woman who is his counterparty (takes a long time) whereas a woman needs to love her counterparty (which take a long time) in order for the fun and pleasure of xes action with him (takes a short time).

Xes Training :

Korea Institute of Psycho-education :

Negative Emotions and Xes Psychology


If a woman gets wounds of negative emotions, she will have problems in her xes psychology. If not only wounds about her counterparty but also wounds in other circumstances occur, she cuts off her xes psychology. However, the man does not understand the reason for that and ends up thinking that she does not like him and rejects him. Thus, it must be understood that woman’s xes psychology will have problems when she gets any kind of negative emotions or wounds. 

Let’s look into the process of a woman getting wounds and having problems in her xes psychology. First, a woman cuts off xes actions when she gets negative emotions. Then, the man tries his best to recover the xes actions that the woman has cut off for his passion. At this moment, the woman could either have more wounds or recover the xes actions after her wounds get treated. 

Second, if negative emotions keep lasting with xes actions blocked, she starts expressing very negatively about xes actions as she cuts off her xes psychology. Starting from this moment, the man feels less fun with the woman as his passion gets reduced rather than trying to recover her xes actions. So, instead of making efforts for recovery, he tends to avoid the stress caused by the woman. The woman also feels the man's passion being reduced; as she feels his interest in her has been decreased, her negative emotions of wounds become enlarged. 

Third, the woman cuts off the emotion of love and become indifferent to the man when the negative emotions keep lasting with her xes psychology being cut off. Then, the man cannot have passion towards the woman anymore as his passion towards the woman as his passion get a cut-off. As man's desire for psychological operations (the mind of wanting to have conversations) and desire for devotion (the mind of wanting to do whatever he can do) disappear, the xes actions with the woman become meaningless. If a married couple is in this kind of situation, mostly they either become sexless or tend to consider sex as their duty. When this happens, the woman gets wounded very easily even from very small things; her negative emotions get accumulated. In this case, women mostly become dependent on their children, their jobs, and circumstances and end up becoming indifferent to men. Good emotions have still remained, but they don't feel the emotion of love anymore. Woman's happiness is lost. 

Fourth, if negative emotions keep lasting with the emotion of love blocked, she also cuts off good emotions that have remained. She becomes very offensive to the man with the emotion that she has when she treats strangers. Then, the man gets stress extremely, wanting to finish entire relationships with the woman. This is the stage that a couple is about to break up. As emotional confrontations and fights keep being occurred, the situation becomes so bad that recovery is almost impossible. The woman can't think of being together with the man as she gets deeply wounded whereas the man doesn't want to be with the woman anymore as he gets this much stress. 

Moreover, when a woman breaks up with a man, the order must be looked over. As negative emotions are formed within her, she firstly blocks xes actions she used to have with him as emotional confrontations and rejects everything to do things together and have fun with him, which causes her xes psychology stops and making her hate the man. At this moment, she gets wounded. 

Second, if negative emotions last, the emotion of love will be blocked; problems will occur in man's passion towards the woman. The woman gets wounded at this point as well. 

Third, if problems occur in man's passion, he will lose the desire for psychological operations and devotion causing the woman to have her wounds be enlarged as her negative emotions towards him grow. 

Fourth, the couple's relationship becomes worse than the relationship between strangers. The woman will be indifferent in the man and lose her will to recover the relationship, which makes negative emotions become larger. She gets wounded at this point. 

If wounds are repeated and lasted like this, these become habits to the woman making her remember negative emotions in the conscious. 

Let's look into the cases when women get wounded by men. In cases when problems occur in positive emotions because man's passion and his desire for psychological operations and devotion disappear, when problems occur in the emotion of love, when the desire for keeping positive emotions and wanting to confirm the man's love disappear, when problems occur in the satisfaction of sexual actions, etc.  The woman will get wounded and generate negative emotions if one single of problems just mentioned occurs.

Xes Training :

Korea Institute of Psycho-education :

Man’s Xes Psychology


When looking into man's xes psychology, the occurrence of passion by the impulse standards of the mind (also called xes impulse) and positive emotions must be understood. The reason for this can be clearly understood when seeing the process of meeting and breaking up; thus, the occurrence and extermination of passion and positive emotions of a man must be known in order to understand man's xes psychology. 

Let’s analyze the process of datings of a man when he meets a woman. First of all, a man generates passion by xes impulse when he perceives his counterparty as a woman; this is the generation of passion by xes impulse in the mind. As the desire for psychological operations (the psychology of wanting to make speeches and actions to a woman) and the desire for devotion (sacrifices and devotion, understanding and consideration, the psychology of wanting to do whatever he can for the woman) operate through habits, he tries making efforts to satisfy these. Positive feelings are created at this point. Thus, it needs to be understood that a man generates positive feelings and passion as soon as he perceives his counterparty as a woman. 

Second, once the man gets positive feelings and satisfied with the desire for psychological operations and devotion, the desire for xes and the desire for achievement are generated making man's xes psychology operates; because of this, he imagines, hopes, and anticipate about xes actions with the woman and pursues future happiness. 

Third, when he enlarges his passion and when the woman starts having the emotion of love, the man has the fun of xes actions through the curiosity about the woman, fun and interest,  the process of getting to know each other, etc. ; with the hope  and anticipation of continuation and development of these xes actions, he gets into the fun and interest of the man-woman relationship. This is the operation of xes psychology that allows positive feelings and the process of passion last; by woman's reactions and expression of the emotion of love, the man's happiness rises. When this happens, the man-woman relationship develops into a romantic relationship. 

Fourth, as man's passion and woman's emotion of love are combined and as the fun of having xes actions lasts long, the man starts forming love by habits as the psychology of protecting and being responsible for the woman operates. Man's love is created as unlimited responsibility, identifying her with oneself, protective instinct, etc. towards the woman are complexly formed. Thus, man's love is not expressed but stays in the form of unconscious habits. 

It is very rare that a man gets wounded psychologically except for one case when his woman has xes action with another man. When this happens, he gets psychologically wounded and forms negative feelings towards the woman very largely. It is very rare that a man gets wounded psychologically except for one case when his woman has xes action with another man. When this happens, he gets psychologically wounded and forms negative feelings towards the woman very largely. Sometimes, there are many cases when men seem to have wounds when they have obsessions; examples are when the fun and interest that comes from women is cut off, when problems occurred in relationship with women when they still have passion toward women, when women cut off xes actions, when having hopes, anticipations, and future happiness with women, and when having unlimited responsibility (love). 

Therefore, in the case when a couple breaks up, man's passion will get reduced; he won't perceive this counterparty as a woman anymore and will cut off the hope and anticipation for having xes actions. The fun and interest with the woman will be gone. When this happens, his feelings that he used to like her will disappear as negative feelings are formed as well.

Xes Training :

Korea Institute of Psycho-education :

The Conscious of Xes Actions


Xes actions are speeches and actions expressed through habits; they are one of the psychological operations. Xes actions are speeches and actions that have been conscientizes (the conscious and habits). They are not the aims but the means and methods of fun and pleasure. 

If xes actions become the aim, that means problems have occurred in the conscious and habits. Thus, since sexual relation means every word and action including insertion, techniques, caress, ejaculation, orgasm, satisfaction, xes feelings, etc., it could be seen as expressions through the conscious and habits. 

Women get negative emotions about xes actions; this is because xes actions are the means of fun and pleasure. Due to habits and the conscious that women being perceived as the objects for having sex, women feel shame and embarrassed. A woman gets fun and pleasure of xes actions only when she either likes or loves her counterparty with the emotion of love and positive emotions towards the man. 

On the other hand, men get positive feelings about xes actions; this is because xes actions are the means of fun and pleasure. Because of this, they have habits and the conscious that perceives xes actions with women as their sexual ability. As xes psychology appears in their mind along with passion, they perceive that the pursuit of the best happiness is the best way of having fun and pleasure. 

Therefore, a man gets the aim of being the best by the awareness of superiority and the sense of rivalry that they must have better sex actions compared to any other men. The saying that best attractive woman for men is 'the woman who feels orgasm' is the same as to have the value of future happiness for men. 

If there are xes actions between a man and a woman, their relationship develops into a romantic relationship; if not, the couple is perceived as they will break up soon. Thus, the man remembers positive feelings about xes actions with the woman even after they break up and tries to continue having xes actions whereas the woman remembers negative emotions about having xes actions with the man and tries to block these actions. That is to say, a man remembers positive feelings in xes actions with a woman since he remembers positive feelings whereas a woman remembers only negative emotions in xes actions with a man because she remembers negative emotions.

Xes Training :

Korea Institute of Psycho-education :

Woman’s Negative Perception


Woman perceives xes actions negatively. By social environment, various educations in the process of rearing and growing, patriarchal idea, etc., she perceives xes actions as getting damages. So, a woman needs the emotion of love to have xes actions; as xes psychology operates by the emotion of love, she can have xes actions when she wants to confirm and keep the love and have present happiness. 

When looking into the reasons why women perceive xes actions negatively, they perceive xes actions as the means of having sexual pleasure. They hate becoming objects of sexual pleasure by men and hate being perceived as objects for fun and pleasure as well. So, they perceive xes actions negatively. Especially, even when they have the desire for xes, they hide it because they hate to be perceived as objects of sexual pleasure by men. In other words, the psychology that suppresses the desire for xes is formed. 

As they perceive xes actions as the means of sexual pleasure, negative emotions are generated; they think expressions of xes actions such as speeches, actions, facial expressions, etc. are shameful, embarrassed, and shy. Because of this, they suppress their mind to live as if they are not interested in xes actions. 

However, if a woman is in love, she has xes actions with a man as her desire for wanting to confirm and keep the love as her xes psychology operates; by doing so, she confirms the love and can feel present happiness. So, in order to have sex actions, women need the emotion of love. 

Women have xes actions for love; they don't have the emotion of love for xes actions. The goal of their xes actions is love and happiness because their xes actions allow them to confirm and keep love and to feel the present happiness.

Xes Training :

Korea Institute of Psycho-education :

Man’s Positive Perception


Unlike women, men perceive xes actions positively. Men need passion in order to pursue future happiness; xes actions are the strongest energy that generates man's passion. So, men perceive xes actions as the best pleasure they can have. Also, when looking into man's xes psychology, they can separate love, xes actions, passions, etc.; due to this, they can have xes actions without love. For them, xes actions are not necessary just because they are in love. Most of xes actions are related to passion; the passion generates xes psychology at the same time. 

Let's look into the reasons why men perceive xes actions positively. Men also perceive xes actions as a means of sexual pleasure. Xes actions occur in the process of passion and operate as positive energy; they perceive xes actions as the best means of fun and pleasure. Thus, xes actions are a very important means of life for men. 

Men have the mind that pursues future happiness. In order to pursue future happiness, the energy of passion and the desire for achievement must be strengthened; the source of energy that generates this passion and the desire for achievement is xes actions. So, men perceive xes actions as the strongest ability. They think they must be the best of making xes actions. It is like male animals trying to keep their status and territory. Men think that the best happiness is to have fun and interest and think that xes actions can satisfy all of these. 

Another reason why men perceive xes actions very important is their passion. This passion is the power of immersion into fun and pleasure; man's passion satisfies 'the desire for psychological operations' and 'the desire for devotion' towards women at the same time, which makes the men have the mind of wanting to do everything they can do for women. Thus, as the means of giving the most pleasure to a woman, a man does his best to make her feel orgasm of xes actions, which is very natural from the point of man's psychological view. 

So, rather than his own pleasure, fun and pleasure of making the woman feel sexual pleasure are perceived bigger to the man. According to this, a man feels the best sexual charms from a woman who feels orgasm in xes actions with him. Like this, xes actions are very important for men; rather than any of other economic values, they perceive the ability to have xes actions as the best. 

However, if problems occur in men's xes actions, these problems become very serious psychological problems. Especially, if a man failed to give orgasm to his counterparty, if his counterparty hates to have xes actions with him, or if the counterparty tells him that his ability of xes actions is poor, he will feel serious inferiority sexually. If he gets sexual inferiority, compulsion about xes actions will be formed which results in disorder of xes function or disorder of xes psychology; as this disorder lasts unknowingly, distorted habits of xes actions will be created. 

Men perceive xes actions positively as they think xes actions as the best value and perceive xes actions as the core that generates passion.

Xes Training :

Korea Institute of Psycho-education :


Xes Psychology and Sex Action


Xes psychology is the mind for love based on woman's present happiness and operates as the mind for the passion based on man's future happiness. On the other hand, xes actions are the means and methods to satisfy xes psychology and operate by the conscious and habits that are expressed in forms of speeches and actions. Simply saying, xes psychology is the mind for happiness whereas xes actions are the conscious and habits for the means of happiness. 

Man's xes psychology is the mind pursuing future happiness in the process of passion occurred when he perceives his counterparty as a woman, the satisfaction in the desire for psychological operations and for devotion, and the desire for xes and achievement. Woman's xes psychology is the mind pursuing present happiness in the process of the desire for confirming and keeping the emotion of love, positive emotions, and man's interest such as passion, psychological operations, devotion, etc. In other words, man's xes psychology is the process of passion whereas woman's xes psychology is the process of love. 

When a man and a woman pursue happiness for each, the mind is expressed through habits in forms of speeches and actions; at this point, the process of speeches and actions appear as xes actions. That is to say, xes actions are the result of psychological operations of a man and a woman. A man pursues xes actions as a means of fun and pleasure that are needed in the process of passion; a woman pursues xes actions as a means for confirming and keeping the emotion of love in the process of love and as a means for wound treatment. 

After a man has xes actions with a woman, his passion starts decreasing as he has achieved his goal; thus, he gets hopes and anticipations about xes actions, which is the result of passion, in order to revive his passion. This becomes the source of the pursuit of future happiness. On the contrary, after a woman has xes actions with a man, she wants to keep the process of love as the emotion of happiness is generated along with the goal achievement of love. This becomes the source that allows her to get present happiness. 

Like this, the man makes efforts, by making the best result from his xes actions, to make the xes actions become the source of the pursuit of future happiness by helping the woman to keep the xes actions. Because of this, the man tries to make his xes actions well and wants to be the best. If this is done excessively, a psychogenic disorder of xes function occurs due to the generation of compulsion and anxiety. In other words, the man ends up having the compulsion that his ability of xes actions must be the best to the woman. However, the woman makes efforts to have the source of keeping present happiness by continuing the emotion of love. For her, xes actions are not that important. She satisfies with having the xes actions as the means of confirming and keeping the love; thus, the man's ability of xes actions is not that important.

Xes Training :

Korea Institute of Psycho-education :

Negative Emotions of Sex Action


For women, xes actions become the factor causing negative emotions. These are negative emotions occurred by habits and the conscious that xes actions are the means of fun and pleasure of a man. These negative emotions are generated because xes actions do not meet the standards of present happiness of the mind. by the conscious and habits, the negative perceptions such as shame, embarrassment, and shyness, etc. operate. 

Moreover, as social consciousness, home education, sexual victim mentality, etc. are combined, a formula saying that 'woman = xes action=wound' operates in the conscious and habits making women objects of xes actions (perceiving women as objects to pursue the pleasure of xes actions). This matter has been perceived by both men and women. 

Therefore, women have the mind to have xes actions after they have the emotions of love and positive emotions towards men whereas men have the mind to have the emotion of love and positive feelings after having xes actions. Due to this, a suppression that xes actions are possible only when they are in love is formed; women get wounds (negative emotions) due to the difference between love and xes actions. 

Women get negative emotions about xes actions because what matters for them are the mind when thinking of xes actions, the process of love, and present love and happiness. So, they generate positive emotions about xes actions only when they want to keep present happiness. 

Women do not reject satisfaction and pleasure of xes actions but are perceived as if they are negative and passive when thinking of xes actions since the present happiness and the process of love are deeply related to each other. 

On the other hand, men consider the goal and result of xes actions very important as they get the habits and the conscious that they need to give pleasure and orgasm to the woman through caress, insertion, techniques, xes function, body (sexual organ) in his xes actions; by doing so, he gets future happiness by hopes and anticipations. 

Since it is the same as that man’s future happiness has come true when his goals of sex are approached, he will repeat the process of passion as he forms goals of xes actions again for his future happiness by hopes and anticipation. Although men do not aim xes actions, they are perceived as they have goals of having xes actions and are active when doing them since their future happiness and xes actions are closely related to each other. Because of this, we perceive that, about xes actions, men have perpetrator’s mentality whereas women have a victim mentality.

Xes Training :

Korea Institute of Psycho-education :

Woman’s Conscious of Sex Action


Women cannot make expressions about xes actions easily even in a romantic relationship since they perceive xes actions negatively. When a man makes expressions about xes actions to a woman he loves, the woman might perceive his actions as if he does not love her but aims for having xes actions with her. Also, she perceives that the man might perceive her as if she only wants the pleasure of xes action if she makes expressions about xes actions. That is why both man and woman cannot make expressions about xes actions easily. The phenomenon like this happens because women have a compulsion and suppressed psychology about xes actions. 

It is possible for a woman to have xes actions when she has the emotion of love and when she feels present happiness by confirming and maintaining the love. A woman has xes actions because she is in love. So, the woman gets the wounds of compulsion and suppression as she has the psychology that she can allow herself to have xes actions only when she confirms the emotion of love or when she wants to keep the love. 

The psychology of suppression about xes action operates when a woman wants to have xes actions because of the thoughts that she might be perceived by her counterparty that she pursues sexual pleasure. The psychology of suppression also operates when a woman has to have xes actions because of the man she loves since he wants to have xes actions even though she doesn't want to do. In this situation, she needs to suppress the negative emotions about xes actions. Due to the xes actions of either oneself or the counterparty, the wounds of suppression are caused. 

The psychology of compulsion that she must have xes actions operates due to the thoughts that the counterparty might not love her anymore if her counterparty doesn't do xes actions when the woman wants to have xes actions. If she is not satisfied with xes actions, the psychology of compulsion that she must to do xes actions well operates as she gets anxiety that the man has problems. The wounds of compulsion occur by xes actions in cases of dissatisfaction in xes actions of either oneself or the counterparty like this. 

The reason why the psychology of compulsion and suppression of xes actions operates is that the woman perceives xes actions negatively. She thinks the mind of each other is important because she perceives xes actions as things she's not supposed to have without the emotion of love but should have when she's in love. 

Since the mind of love is important like this, she thinks xes actions must be done with the emotion of love in the 'process of love' and perceives that she can feel present happiness by confirming and keeping the love. The problem is when xes actions that are not intended, xes actions without the emotion of love, xes actions that are done when a woman already has felt present happiness are already. The woman has a victim mentality of getting wounds if these things happen.

Xes Training :

Korea Institute of Psycho-education :

Man’s Conscious of Sex Action


Men perceive xes actions positively because they perceive that xes actions generate strong energy of passion and as driving force that pursues future happiness. That is why a man generates passion along with xes psychology operated at the same time if he perceives his counterparty as a woman, and he tries his best to have xes actions anyhow. if the process of passion towards the woman is formed like this, xes psychology and xes actions operate simultaneously. 

Men think xes actions very important because they perceive that the result of xes actions generates the best energy in the process of passion. That is to say, they can overcome any of the stress and difficulties in the process of passion with vague anticipation (the pursuit of future happiness). This is men's passion and becomes the power that allows men to enjoy the stress by perceiving it positively. 

When looking into the process of men's passion, you can see how important xes actions are for men. They perceive sexual techniques very importantly for sexual pleasure. This is because they focus on making women feel the pleasure of xes actions. Rather than their pleasure of ejaculation, they perceive women's orgasm more importantly. 

When they pursue the pleasure of xes actions like this, they dream and pursue vague happiness of the future as they think that the result of xes actions will be satisfied and happy. In other words, they become certain that they will be happy if they make xes actions as they imagine xes actions and pursue pleasure. So, a man constantly wants and asks for xes actions to his counterparty in the process of passion. This could mean that he takes a competitive advantage in xes actions compared to other men and operates as the means of strengthening the desire for achievement. Thus, the conscious that he must make his counterparty have the most fun and be happy, rather than his own pleasure, becomes stronger. 

If passionate xes actions are made with the counterparty in this process, the result of xes actions finally appears. If xes actions are made with a woman, he feels present happiness because future happiness is blocked temporarily since his future dream that was vague has come true. When this happens, the passion sharply decreases and is blocked; due to this, a man notices that his feelings disappear quickly after having xes actions. This phenomenon appears to be more greatly as his pursuit of future happiness with vague anticipation is stronger. 

However, if the passion is decreased sharply and blocked as he feels present happiness temporarily, anxiety and being suffocated occur, which operates the psychology of recovering the process of passion again. So, he recovers his passion and falls into the process of passion as he pursues anticipations about xes actions and the happiness of a vague future. This process repeats constantly.

Xes Training :

Korea Institute of Psycho-education :

Sex Trouble


Xes actions, for men, are the means and methods of fun and interest and pursue pleasure; these actions are caused as the result of passion about women and the pursuit of happiness. So, they have habits and the conscious that the best man is the one who can give the best pleasure and orgasm to a woman through sex. This psychology is formed by man's mind; therefore, they do not recognize it by the conscious. 

At this point, men get the compulsion that they must provide sexual pleasure and orgasm, which are the best fun and interest, to women; due to this, sex troubles or disorders of xes function occur. Excessive passion such as improving body and genital, the desire for having excessive xes function and techniques, caresse will be formed. It blocks giving pleasure and orgasm to women; as compulsion, anxiety, and fear about xes actions occur, either evasion or suppression of xes actions is caused in the conscious and habits. 

If problems occur in xes actions like this, a man starts blaming himself. He will think of himself as he is the worst man and think that the counterparty will think of him as an incompetent man. If he is in this circumstance, he will be embarrassed and feel humiliated; due to this, he will be passive about xes actions which results in a decrease in passion and dissipation of fun and interest. 

Men stop having xes actions by cutting off their future happiness; because of this, the vicious circle of having stress in the end occurs. At this point, they have problems occurred in their habits and the conscious by their own thoughts regardless of woman's xes actions. 

In the end, a man wants to have the ability of xes actions when he wishes to be perceived by a woman as he is the best in doing xes actions; he will perceive this ability can give the best fun, pleasure, and orgasm to the woman and think that this is the future happiness and the passion. If he makes effort consciously to have the ability of xes actions, he will end up having sex troubles. 

Problems in xes actions, in fact, are habits and the strong conscious that he wants to show and make how well he can make xes actions to a woman; thus, in order to resolve sex troubles is not to be conscious about xes actions. 

Thus, women must know how to make speeches and actions with the conscious and habits that allow men to not have the compulsion on xes actions; then, men's psychology will be stabilized as the compulsion on xes actions disappear, which will make them recover their xes functions and passion. When this happens, women can feel pleasure and orgasm as they get love and happiness. That is to say, women must lead men naturally so that the men won't have the compulsion on xes actions.

Xes Training :

Korea Institute of Psycho-education :

[Sex & Xes] The Concept of Sexual Expression

  Today, we're going to talk about “sexual expression” in the context of xes psychology. Sexual problems that arise in human relationshi...