
Woman’s Negative Perception


Woman perceives xes actions negatively. By social environment, various educations in the process of rearing and growing, patriarchal idea, etc., she perceives xes actions as getting damages. So, a woman needs the emotion of love to have xes actions; as xes psychology operates by the emotion of love, she can have xes actions when she wants to confirm and keep the love and have present happiness. 

When looking into the reasons why women perceive xes actions negatively, they perceive xes actions as the means of having sexual pleasure. They hate becoming objects of sexual pleasure by men and hate being perceived as objects for fun and pleasure as well. So, they perceive xes actions negatively. Especially, even when they have the desire for xes, they hide it because they hate to be perceived as objects of sexual pleasure by men. In other words, the psychology that suppresses the desire for xes is formed. 

As they perceive xes actions as the means of sexual pleasure, negative emotions are generated; they think expressions of xes actions such as speeches, actions, facial expressions, etc. are shameful, embarrassed, and shy. Because of this, they suppress their mind to live as if they are not interested in xes actions. 

However, if a woman is in love, she has xes actions with a man as her desire for wanting to confirm and keep the love as her xes psychology operates; by doing so, she confirms the love and can feel present happiness. So, in order to have sex actions, women need the emotion of love. 

Women have xes actions for love; they don't have the emotion of love for xes actions. The goal of their xes actions is love and happiness because their xes actions allow them to confirm and keep love and to feel the present happiness.

Xes Training : http://www.xestraining.com/

Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

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