
The Conscious of Xes Actions


Xes actions are speeches and actions expressed through habits; they are one of the psychological operations. Xes actions are speeches and actions that have been conscientizes (the conscious and habits). They are not the aims but the means and methods of fun and pleasure. 

If xes actions become the aim, that means problems have occurred in the conscious and habits. Thus, since sexual relation means every word and action including insertion, techniques, caress, ejaculation, orgasm, satisfaction, xes feelings, etc., it could be seen as expressions through the conscious and habits. 

Women get negative emotions about xes actions; this is because xes actions are the means of fun and pleasure. Due to habits and the conscious that women being perceived as the objects for having sex, women feel shame and embarrassed. A woman gets fun and pleasure of xes actions only when she either likes or loves her counterparty with the emotion of love and positive emotions towards the man. 

On the other hand, men get positive feelings about xes actions; this is because xes actions are the means of fun and pleasure. Because of this, they have habits and the conscious that perceives xes actions with women as their sexual ability. As xes psychology appears in their mind along with passion, they perceive that the pursuit of the best happiness is the best way of having fun and pleasure. 

Therefore, a man gets the aim of being the best by the awareness of superiority and the sense of rivalry that they must have better sex actions compared to any other men. The saying that best attractive woman for men is 'the woman who feels orgasm' is the same as to have the value of future happiness for men. 

If there are xes actions between a man and a woman, their relationship develops into a romantic relationship; if not, the couple is perceived as they will break up soon. Thus, the man remembers positive feelings about xes actions with the woman even after they break up and tries to continue having xes actions whereas the woman remembers negative emotions about having xes actions with the man and tries to block these actions. That is to say, a man remembers positive feelings in xes actions with a woman since he remembers positive feelings whereas a woman remembers only negative emotions in xes actions with a man because she remembers negative emotions.

Xes Training : http://www.xestraining.com/

Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

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