
Man’s Xes Psychology


When looking into man's xes psychology, the occurrence of passion by the impulse standards of the mind (also called xes impulse) and positive emotions must be understood. The reason for this can be clearly understood when seeing the process of meeting and breaking up; thus, the occurrence and extermination of passion and positive emotions of a man must be known in order to understand man's xes psychology. 

Let’s analyze the process of datings of a man when he meets a woman. First of all, a man generates passion by xes impulse when he perceives his counterparty as a woman; this is the generation of passion by xes impulse in the mind. As the desire for psychological operations (the psychology of wanting to make speeches and actions to a woman) and the desire for devotion (sacrifices and devotion, understanding and consideration, the psychology of wanting to do whatever he can for the woman) operate through habits, he tries making efforts to satisfy these. Positive feelings are created at this point. Thus, it needs to be understood that a man generates positive feelings and passion as soon as he perceives his counterparty as a woman. 

Second, once the man gets positive feelings and satisfied with the desire for psychological operations and devotion, the desire for xes and the desire for achievement are generated making man's xes psychology operates; because of this, he imagines, hopes, and anticipate about xes actions with the woman and pursues future happiness. 

Third, when he enlarges his passion and when the woman starts having the emotion of love, the man has the fun of xes actions through the curiosity about the woman, fun and interest,  the process of getting to know each other, etc. ; with the hope  and anticipation of continuation and development of these xes actions, he gets into the fun and interest of the man-woman relationship. This is the operation of xes psychology that allows positive feelings and the process of passion last; by woman's reactions and expression of the emotion of love, the man's happiness rises. When this happens, the man-woman relationship develops into a romantic relationship. 

Fourth, as man's passion and woman's emotion of love are combined and as the fun of having xes actions lasts long, the man starts forming love by habits as the psychology of protecting and being responsible for the woman operates. Man's love is created as unlimited responsibility, identifying her with oneself, protective instinct, etc. towards the woman are complexly formed. Thus, man's love is not expressed but stays in the form of unconscious habits. 

It is very rare that a man gets wounded psychologically except for one case when his woman has xes action with another man. When this happens, he gets psychologically wounded and forms negative feelings towards the woman very largely. It is very rare that a man gets wounded psychologically except for one case when his woman has xes action with another man. When this happens, he gets psychologically wounded and forms negative feelings towards the woman very largely. Sometimes, there are many cases when men seem to have wounds when they have obsessions; examples are when the fun and interest that comes from women is cut off, when problems occurred in relationship with women when they still have passion toward women, when women cut off xes actions, when having hopes, anticipations, and future happiness with women, and when having unlimited responsibility (love). 

Therefore, in the case when a couple breaks up, man's passion will get reduced; he won't perceive this counterparty as a woman anymore and will cut off the hope and anticipation for having xes actions. The fun and interest with the woman will be gone. When this happens, his feelings that he used to like her will disappear as negative feelings are formed as well.

Xes Training : http://www.xestraining.com/

Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

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