
Negative Emotions and Xes Psychology


If a woman gets wounds of negative emotions, she will have problems in her xes psychology. If not only wounds about her counterparty but also wounds in other circumstances occur, she cuts off her xes psychology. However, the man does not understand the reason for that and ends up thinking that she does not like him and rejects him. Thus, it must be understood that woman’s xes psychology will have problems when she gets any kind of negative emotions or wounds. 

Let’s look into the process of a woman getting wounds and having problems in her xes psychology. First, a woman cuts off xes actions when she gets negative emotions. Then, the man tries his best to recover the xes actions that the woman has cut off for his passion. At this moment, the woman could either have more wounds or recover the xes actions after her wounds get treated. 

Second, if negative emotions keep lasting with xes actions blocked, she starts expressing very negatively about xes actions as she cuts off her xes psychology. Starting from this moment, the man feels less fun with the woman as his passion gets reduced rather than trying to recover her xes actions. So, instead of making efforts for recovery, he tends to avoid the stress caused by the woman. The woman also feels the man's passion being reduced; as she feels his interest in her has been decreased, her negative emotions of wounds become enlarged. 

Third, the woman cuts off the emotion of love and become indifferent to the man when the negative emotions keep lasting with her xes psychology being cut off. Then, the man cannot have passion towards the woman anymore as his passion towards the woman as his passion get a cut-off. As man's desire for psychological operations (the mind of wanting to have conversations) and desire for devotion (the mind of wanting to do whatever he can do) disappear, the xes actions with the woman become meaningless. If a married couple is in this kind of situation, mostly they either become sexless or tend to consider sex as their duty. When this happens, the woman gets wounded very easily even from very small things; her negative emotions get accumulated. In this case, women mostly become dependent on their children, their jobs, and circumstances and end up becoming indifferent to men. Good emotions have still remained, but they don't feel the emotion of love anymore. Woman's happiness is lost. 

Fourth, if negative emotions keep lasting with the emotion of love blocked, she also cuts off good emotions that have remained. She becomes very offensive to the man with the emotion that she has when she treats strangers. Then, the man gets stress extremely, wanting to finish entire relationships with the woman. This is the stage that a couple is about to break up. As emotional confrontations and fights keep being occurred, the situation becomes so bad that recovery is almost impossible. The woman can't think of being together with the man as she gets deeply wounded whereas the man doesn't want to be with the woman anymore as he gets this much stress. 

Moreover, when a woman breaks up with a man, the order must be looked over. As negative emotions are formed within her, she firstly blocks xes actions she used to have with him as emotional confrontations and rejects everything to do things together and have fun with him, which causes her xes psychology stops and making her hate the man. At this moment, she gets wounded. 

Second, if negative emotions last, the emotion of love will be blocked; problems will occur in man's passion towards the woman. The woman gets wounded at this point as well. 

Third, if problems occur in man's passion, he will lose the desire for psychological operations and devotion causing the woman to have her wounds be enlarged as her negative emotions towards him grow. 

Fourth, the couple's relationship becomes worse than the relationship between strangers. The woman will be indifferent in the man and lose her will to recover the relationship, which makes negative emotions become larger. She gets wounded at this point. 

If wounds are repeated and lasted like this, these become habits to the woman making her remember negative emotions in the conscious. 

Let's look into the cases when women get wounded by men. In cases when problems occur in positive emotions because man's passion and his desire for psychological operations and devotion disappear, when problems occur in the emotion of love, when the desire for keeping positive emotions and wanting to confirm the man's love disappear, when problems occur in the satisfaction of sexual actions, etc.  The woman will get wounded and generate negative emotions if one single of problems just mentioned occurs.

Xes Training : http://www.xestraining.com/

Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

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