
Sex Trouble


Xes actions, for men, are the means and methods of fun and interest and pursue pleasure; these actions are caused as the result of passion about women and the pursuit of happiness. So, they have habits and the conscious that the best man is the one who can give the best pleasure and orgasm to a woman through sex. This psychology is formed by man's mind; therefore, they do not recognize it by the conscious. 

At this point, men get the compulsion that they must provide sexual pleasure and orgasm, which are the best fun and interest, to women; due to this, sex troubles or disorders of xes function occur. Excessive passion such as improving body and genital, the desire for having excessive xes function and techniques, caresse will be formed. It blocks giving pleasure and orgasm to women; as compulsion, anxiety, and fear about xes actions occur, either evasion or suppression of xes actions is caused in the conscious and habits. 

If problems occur in xes actions like this, a man starts blaming himself. He will think of himself as he is the worst man and think that the counterparty will think of him as an incompetent man. If he is in this circumstance, he will be embarrassed and feel humiliated; due to this, he will be passive about xes actions which results in a decrease in passion and dissipation of fun and interest. 

Men stop having xes actions by cutting off their future happiness; because of this, the vicious circle of having stress in the end occurs. At this point, they have problems occurred in their habits and the conscious by their own thoughts regardless of woman's xes actions. 

In the end, a man wants to have the ability of xes actions when he wishes to be perceived by a woman as he is the best in doing xes actions; he will perceive this ability can give the best fun, pleasure, and orgasm to the woman and think that this is the future happiness and the passion. If he makes effort consciously to have the ability of xes actions, he will end up having sex troubles. 

Problems in xes actions, in fact, are habits and the strong conscious that he wants to show and make how well he can make xes actions to a woman; thus, in order to resolve sex troubles is not to be conscious about xes actions. 

Thus, women must know how to make speeches and actions with the conscious and habits that allow men to not have the compulsion on xes actions; then, men's psychology will be stabilized as the compulsion on xes actions disappear, which will make them recover their xes functions and passion. When this happens, women can feel pleasure and orgasm as they get love and happiness. That is to say, women must lead men naturally so that the men won't have the compulsion on xes actions.

Xes Training : http://www.xestraining.com/

Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

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