
Xes Psychology and Sex Action


Xes psychology is the mind for love based on woman's present happiness and operates as the mind for the passion based on man's future happiness. On the other hand, xes actions are the means and methods to satisfy xes psychology and operate by the conscious and habits that are expressed in forms of speeches and actions. Simply saying, xes psychology is the mind for happiness whereas xes actions are the conscious and habits for the means of happiness. 

Man's xes psychology is the mind pursuing future happiness in the process of passion occurred when he perceives his counterparty as a woman, the satisfaction in the desire for psychological operations and for devotion, and the desire for xes and achievement. Woman's xes psychology is the mind pursuing present happiness in the process of the desire for confirming and keeping the emotion of love, positive emotions, and man's interest such as passion, psychological operations, devotion, etc. In other words, man's xes psychology is the process of passion whereas woman's xes psychology is the process of love. 

When a man and a woman pursue happiness for each, the mind is expressed through habits in forms of speeches and actions; at this point, the process of speeches and actions appear as xes actions. That is to say, xes actions are the result of psychological operations of a man and a woman. A man pursues xes actions as a means of fun and pleasure that are needed in the process of passion; a woman pursues xes actions as a means for confirming and keeping the emotion of love in the process of love and as a means for wound treatment. 

After a man has xes actions with a woman, his passion starts decreasing as he has achieved his goal; thus, he gets hopes and anticipations about xes actions, which is the result of passion, in order to revive his passion. This becomes the source of the pursuit of future happiness. On the contrary, after a woman has xes actions with a man, she wants to keep the process of love as the emotion of happiness is generated along with the goal achievement of love. This becomes the source that allows her to get present happiness. 

Like this, the man makes efforts, by making the best result from his xes actions, to make the xes actions become the source of the pursuit of future happiness by helping the woman to keep the xes actions. Because of this, the man tries to make his xes actions well and wants to be the best. If this is done excessively, a psychogenic disorder of xes function occurs due to the generation of compulsion and anxiety. In other words, the man ends up having the compulsion that his ability of xes actions must be the best to the woman. However, the woman makes efforts to have the source of keeping present happiness by continuing the emotion of love. For her, xes actions are not that important. She satisfies with having the xes actions as the means of confirming and keeping the love; thus, the man's ability of xes actions is not that important.

Xes Training : http://www.xestraining.com/

Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

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