


   Xesmind only operates for xes information. General information takes up more space than xes information in human mind. Xes information which is just a small portion turns all mind information into xes information.

   For example, the moment that xes information is combined with general information such as bed, bedroom, lamp, dimly-lit places, fashion, props and other stuff, these things become xes information. At this point, a conversation about bed will be perceived as xes information and accumulate xes wounds, which affect the body.

   Therefore, beds, dimly-lit places, fashion, and underwear all affect ones body. The amount of xes information may be small, but it can have a dreadful impact on the body. There is only a small portion of xes information in a plenty of mind information, but when mind information is combined with xes information, a plenty more xes information is created.

   So, it is not wrong to say that xesmind that operates on small pieces of xes information operate all of human mind and body. Let's say that there are 100 pieces of general information. Just a single piece of xes information can create 100 pieces of xes information by attaching itself to general information. Even if one only has a single piece of xes information, all relevant mind information are turned into xes information. As this happens, 100 xes wounds are also created and has the impact of -100 in the body.

   Xesmind operates in the mind information that consists of partial xes information.  Mimind exists on the outside of xesmind; the xes unconscious operates and perceives xes while xes perception operates together with the perception of mimind. The xes unconscious operates in xes perception whereas the xes conscious operates in xes expression. Also, the xes unconscious operates and remembers xes information and xes wounds. Thus, the Theory of Xesmind is the principles and logic of the operation of the xes unconscious and the xes conscious that operates xes psychology which involves xes perception, xes memory, and xes expression.

   The xes unconscious creates xes energy in xesmind. Women create mood energy, and men create feeling energy. Men create feeling energy for xes memory. So, women do not have xes wounds operating, but men have xes wounds.

   There are xes habits in the xes unconscious that determine whether to store perceived xes information in xes memory or block xes perception according to xes habits. Things that do not match mens xes habits become xes stress. The xes information that causes xes stress creates xes wounds and is stored in xes memory. Accordingly, men do not take in xes information that he is used to already. This xes information has already turned into xes wounds. So men always take in new xes information and xes wounds are accumulated in xes memory.

   Men seek new xes information in order to treat their sexual dysfunctions. The more xes information he finds, the more xes wounds he accumulates. It is mens xes habits to perceive new xes information and store it in xes memory with xes wounds.

   When a single piece of xes information comes in, 100 xes wounds are stored in xes memory. This works in the same way that women create wounds in their mimind. Mens xesmind stores xes wounds in their xes memory. Xes habits in the xes unconscious make this decision. Mens xesmind stores the negative xes energy, xes wounds, in xes memory.

   Mens xesmind doesnt create or store positive xes energy in xes memory. All xes information which mens unconscious finds familiar has already turned into xes habits. Xes information that matches these xes habits is blocked. So, it is important how much xes wounds men accumulate. A msns sexual functions are best at his birth. After his adolescence, he experiences sex and takes in xes information by watching porn on the internet. The more xes information he has, the more xes wounds he accumulates and the worse his sexual functions become. And at a certain point, he develops sexual dysfunctions.

   Mens sexual desire is the desire for new xes information. So men seek sexually special or new things and look for new and special women. All women, except their old girlfriend or wife, feel new to him and can arouse his sexual desire. Here, the womens looks are not that important. Sexual functions deteriorate as they acquire more xes information. Since xes wounds are connected to the body, sexual dysfunctions are connected to physical illnesses.

   The xes unconscious in xesmind takes in xes information in this manner only. Xes information is not selectively chosen at ones will. It is not like one can choose not to take in any xes information. One cannot help but store xes wounds in xes memory once they are created by xes habits.

   When the stored xes information and xes wounds are retrieved by the xes conscious, the conscious of miind recognizes it and feels it. But, xes wounds are not recognized by the xes conscious. The xes conscious only senses xes information. While xes information is recognized by the xes conscious, xes wounds affect the body.

   When one thinks about having sex with the partner, xes wounds start to attack the body. Masturbating or thinking about sex a lot can lead to sexual dysfunctions. In Korea, there is a superstition that lewd daydreaming makes your hair and nails grow faster. This happens because xes wounds affect the body and cause abnormal bodily changes.

   In xesmind, the xes unconscious operates on xes perception and the xes conscious operates on xes expression. Xes energy created by the xes unconscious is stored as xes wounds in xes memory. So men lose interest and get bored by things that are familiar and things that they used to like because men block this type of xes information.

   Men accumulate xes wounds in their xes memory. As men become adults, get married, and live with their spouses for some time, they create a lot of xes wounds. Further, sex-related knowledge and sex education provide a lot of xes information and exacerbate xes wounds. Every time xes wounds operate, they affect the body.

Xes Training : http://www.xestraining.com/
Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

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