Let’s examine xes psychology which
operates within xesmind. When xesmind operates on perception, it is called xes
perception; when it operates on memory, it is called xes memory; when it
operates on expression, it is called xes expression. Xes perception, xes
memory, and xes expression comprise xes psychology. Here, xes psychology is not
sex psychology. Sex psychology is only a part of xes expression. Xes expression
that pertains to sexual action or sex is called sex psychology.
The Theory
of Xesmind has systemized the principles and logic of the operation of xesmind
and xes psychology. Xesmind is the fundamental nature of human beings. It is
not a sexual instinct. Therefore, xesmind and xes psychology are the
fundamental nature of human beings. The mind operates on the outside of
Humans are
different from animals in that their mind operates on the outside of xesmind. So when there is a problem with
mimind, only one is stripped down to the instincts of xesmind and xes
psychology. One becomes similar to animals. The reason why humans are great is
that their mimind is operating on the surface of the instincts. There are more
to humans than instincts. Humans have instincts like animals, but the instincts
and mimind operate simultaneously. Thus,
humans and animals are different.
Xesmind is
composed of the xes unconscious and the xes conscious. Xes information is
perceived in xes perception; perceived xes information is stored in xes memory
by the xes unconscious; xes information in xes memory is expressed as xes by
the xes conscious.
information is perceived as xes and combined with xes information by the xes
unconscious. Then, it is stored in xes memory. Also, xes memory only delivers
xes information to xes expression by the xes conscious. Then, xes wounds
operate on the body. If the xes unconscious creates xes energy of 100, xes
wounds with the impact of -100 are stored in xes memory. Then, xes wounds in
xes memory affect the body during xes expression to the level of -100. Xes
perception, xes memory, and xes expression that operate like this are called
xes psychology.
information is perceived as xes in xes perception. The recognition by xes
perception does not necessarily lead to xes expression. Xes information is
self-recognized and can be stopped before xes expression. This is called sexual
repression or sex repression. However, sexual repression doesn’t prevent xes wounds from
influencing the body. On the other hand, xes expression that is not repressed
at all is called sexual obsession or sex obsession.
It is discussed
whether or not xes information is expressed because only xes information is
self-recognized and sensed. Even if xes wounds work as obsession or expressed,
they affect the body and cause sexual dysfunctions all the same. Sexual
dysfunctions will occur both by abstaining from having sex and by having sex
every day. Like this, the self-awareness of xes information by the xes
conscious through xes repression or xes obsession leads to xes wounds’ impact on the body.
xes expression, the speech and actions are expressed and re-perceived as xes in
xes perception. Then, xes expressions are magnified. So if the xes conscious
operates without xes expression, the impact on the body is dertermined by the
severity of xes wounds. But if xes conscious is activated by xes expression,
the xes expression is then perceived as xes perception. In this case, xes
wounds are magnified and greatly influence the body.
when xes wounds are not expressed as xes, the impact is only -100. When xes
wounds are expressed as xes, they are perceived as xes again and expand into
-200, -300, and on. They affect the body.
You can
think about how many xes wounds will affect a man’s body when he has sex with a sex partner for 4 nights in a row. The
pleasures of sex are important, but the strong operation of xes wounds may
cause coition death. Therefore, coition death is common in men, not in women.
Especially, when a man expresses xes, a portion of his xes expression is
perceived again as xes and increases xes wounds. Therefore, xes expression
derived from sexual desire is dangerous for men. At least, sexual suppression
influences the body to the degree of -100. But with xes expression due to
sexual obsession, its impact on the body can range from -100 to -100 multiplied
by billions. Therefore, sexual obsession has much bigger impact than sexual
obsession is formed mostly due to addiction which is a type of psychological
disorder. Addiction is an obsession caused by stress and is expressed unconsciously.
One decides not to have sex again, but a lot of xes wounds have already
affected the body during sex. So, one has stronger sexual desire and wants to
have sex again after a while. Men’s mimind does not remember wounds, so he wants to have sex again
after three days. This is sexual obsession.
The xes perception, xes memory, and xes expression of xes information pertain to xes and are not necessarily xes actions. Therefore, xes psychology is not sex psychology. Sex, which is related to xes expression is very dangerous. Xes psychology operates within xesmind through xes perception, xes memory, and xes expression. Xesmind’s operation with relation to the body is referred to as xes psychology.
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