
The Principles of Psychology and Xes Psychology


   Xesmind always operates with mimind according to the Theory of Xesmind. Xes perception, xes memory, and xes expression in xesmind are connected to the body. So xes information comes in through sensory organs and form xes perception. Storing xes information and xes wounds in the brain is xes memory. Expressing xes information is xes expression. At this point, in mimind, psychology operates. Mind information coming in through sensory organs is perception, mind information and emotions being stored in the brain is memory, and displaying mimind inwardly and outwardly is called expression. Therefore, the xes psychology of xesmind consists of xes perception, xes memory, and xes expression whereas the psychology of mimind consists of perception, memory, and expression.

   Because xes information is a part of mind information, mind information has to operate in mimind for xes information to operate in xesmind.

   Therefore, xesmind exists within mimind. When external information comes in through sensory organs, xesmind takes in xes information in xes perception while mimind perceives mind information. At this point, if the conscious operates in mimind, the unconscious also operates whereas, in xesmind, the xes unconscious operates first and the xes conscious follows.

   Also, the perceived general information and xes information is stored in the brain in memory or xes memory. And for expression, xes information is expressed as xes, and mind information is expressed. Mimind and xesmind operate in perception, memory, and expression.

   The influx of xes information into xesmind is called xes perception, and the influx of mind information alongside xes information into mimind is called perception. Therefore, xes perception and perception operate together. Then, mind information and xes information are stored in memory and xes memory simultaneously. Also, it is called xes expression when xes information is expressed whereas mind information is simply expressed.

   Therefore, xes perception operates with perception, xes memory operates with memory, and xes expression operates with expression. The psychology of mimind and the xes psychology of xesmind operate alongside each other. When external information comes in, mind information and xes information are perceived separately. However, mimind and xesmind process the combined product of xes information and mind information and store them. Then, mind information and xes information are divided again for expression.

   Here, things that are consciously recognized and felt are operated on by mimind. So, one feels as if mind information and xes information were all combined.

   Psychology and xes psychology operate together. Perception is the operation of the conscious in mimind whereas xes perception is the operation of the xes unconscious in xesmind. However, xes expression is the operation of the xes conscious of xesmind whereas expression is the operation of the unconscious of mimind. This is the principle of the psychology of mimind and the xes psychology of xesmind. So, psychology and xes psychology have to operate together always, and xes psychology never operates individually. However, only the psychology of mimind operates for normal information that doesnt involve xes information.

Xes Training : http://www.xestraining.com/
Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

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