
The Difference between Men and Women


   'Human being' is a general term that refers to both males and females. According to the principles of the operation of mimind and xesmind, mimind is connected to psychology and xesmind is connected to xes psychology. The psychology of mimind comprises perception, memory, and expression whereas the xes psychology of xesmind comprises xes perception, xes memory, and xes expression. Men and women have three types of psychology and three types of xes psychology.

   However, the principle and logic behind the operation of mimind and xesmind are different between men and women. Because only moods operate in mens mimind, they do not remember wounds. So they focus on positive moods and think of them as passion. With this passion, they pursue future happiness. Men are serious about practical plans for the future and pursue future happiness.

   Men can survive on the hope for tomorrow even if their today is miserable. They pursue future happiness with passion because they pursue the values of life. The aim of their lives is to achieve objective goals rather than human relationships. They pursue financial value, relational value that pertains to status or authority in human relationships, and social value that pertains to the social participation or contribution. Here, the pursuit of financial value, relational value, and social value is not pertinent to humans.

   However, women remember feelings and wounds in their minds. The feeling of love is created by the immersion into good feelings. With the feeling of love, they feel present happiness. Unless their present is happy, they feel the pain due to wounds. Women have the feeling of love and pursue present happiness and the meaning of life. Here, meaning is the feeling of happiness.

   When men pursue values, it is like a resume of their life. Men have a great memory of what they did since when and how long. However, women do not care about the resume of their life, but they care about the meaning of their life which is the memory of how happy their life was. So, men pursue the value of life and women pursue the meaning of life. This is how the minds and self-actualization of men and women differ.

   However, xesmind is different from mimind. Men remember xes wounds in their xesmind. However, xes wounds are not self-recognized or felt. Also, women do not remember xes wounds because only their xes moods are working.

   Mens sexual desire is important because they do not remember their own xes wounds. If a man does not have sexual desire, he doesnt have the reason to continue his life. So the more xes wounds he has, the stronger his sexual desire. This is because he pursues present xes happiness and doesnt care about future xes happiness.

   A man tries to feel xes happiness as he gets more xes wounds and stronger sexual desire. The reason why a man desires sex when he sees women is that he pursues present xes happiness. Xes happiness is feeling fun and pleasure presently. At this point, xes wounds are not self-recognized and only affect the body. Simultaneously, the mind creates and feels the moods of pleasure.

   However, xes moods are operating in womens xesmind. Since they pursue xes moods, they have stronger desire for the partner rather than desire for sex itself. The partner that the woman likes is more important because the xes moods come from the partner. Here, the desire for the partner becomes stronger with a person that she likes or in a love relationship. So, women want to see the partner and want to be cuddled.

   Women are not interested in others. Womens xes operates in this way. So a woman likes to talk and to stay together with the man if she takes a liking to him. For men, the present sex is important, which is not the case for women. Therefore, a womans desire for her partner is not sexual. 

   Men see women because of their sexual desire, but women meet their partners because of their desire for the partner rather than desire for sex. Consequently, a woman pursues realistic future xes happiness with the partner instead of present xes happiness. So, she is fine about not having sex now and having it tomorrow or in the future.

   Men want to have sex with women, but women would rather talk and feel the feeling of love than to have sex. Even if a woman is avoiding or refusing to have sex, it doesnt mean that she doesnt love her partner.

   Women pursue future xes happiness and are different from men who pursue present xes happiness. Women think of the sexual value of the partner importantly. This is the reason why they often agree to have sex when men want sex. Sexual value is important to women. Sex can be delayed, but women have sex presently because the male partner has a sexual value to them.

   Like this, the operation of xesmind is different for men and women. Also, mimind operates differently. Men need to feel present xes happiness because they need to feel xes meaning. Sexual dysfunctions are serious problems because they need to feel present xes happiness. With sexual dysfunctions, men cannot feel the reason for living, cannot pursue their future xes happiness, feel horrible and lose passion.

   This is because their xes wounds are operating. Due to xes wounds, sexual dysfunctions or physical illnesses develop. So, sexual dysfunctions or physical illnesses may occur if xes wounds are not removed. If one acquires the ability to remove xes wounds, his sexual functions will be improved, and he will feel xes meaning with present xes happiness.

   Men who acquire this ability to remove xes wounds can become sex machines. The size of their penis is not important since women do not have the desire for sex itself but the desire for the partner. Therefore, men only need to restore their sexual functions. 

Xes Training : http://www.xestraining.com/
Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

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