
The Concept of Xes Information


   When analyzing mens sexual dysfunctions, the impact of xes information must be examined thoroughly. The concept of xes information needs to be defined. Most people think that xes information is the same as sexual information. However, indeed, xes information refers to all information that pertains to sex including sexual information and sexual actions. Xes information is prevalent in books, internet, and other forms of mass media and is shared through sex education and conversations among friends.

   When you watch porn on the internet, all information relevant to the porn, not exclusive to sex, including internet, smartphone, actors in the video, location, story, situation, fashion, furniture become xes information. These pieces of xes information are perceived unconsciously. It is not only about sexual information or information regarding sex, but about all relevant mind information.

   Xes information creates xes wounds in men. Men's xesmind creates xes wounds, but women do not get xes wounds. Further, xes information improves womens xes function. When men get xes wounds, these wounds do not influence the body or felt until they become severe because they usually remain unrecognized.

   For an example, if there is a water bottle (threshold for xes wounds) for water (xes wounds), the water (xes wounds) does not influence the body until it fills the water bottle (threshold for xes wounds) to the brim. Then, when the water (xes wounds) overflows, sexual dysfunction , psychological disorders, and physical illnesses occur.

   There are three stages of sexual dysfunctions: early, middle, and final stage. The symptoms of early sexual dysfunctions are the lack of sexual desire and having ups and downs in sexual functions. At this point, problems with sexual functions are not considered to be a big deal. In the middle stage, one is aware of the problems with sexual functions and has stronger sexual desire. Thoughts about enjoying sex are increased. In the advanced stage, one gives up the treatment of sexual dysfunctions. And there is no need for sexual functions. The progress of physical illnesses is accelerated from this point on. The cause of sexual dysfunctions is xes wounds, and the source of xes wounds is xes information.

   Men do not perceive and are not interested in xes information that they already have. Xes information that has become xes wounds is not perceived twice; men only accept xes information that they do not already possess. Things that they have done or know about do not arouse their sexual desire. Their sexual desire is for things that they have not done or seen.

   Therefore, men do not have sexual desire for familiar women who do not provide xes information. Men have stronger sexual desire for new women, strangers, who provide a lot of xes information. Consequently, married men get sexual desire for women that are not their wife. If a man did not have sex with a certain woman, this woman is accepted as xes information. Things that one knows about have already created xes wounds and are not perceived as xes information anymore. Since one is not interested in it and doesnt get xes wounds from it, ones sexual desire is not aroused. However, xes wounds are not recognized. One doesnt know whether or not one has perceived the xes information.

   If 'a woman wearing stockings is having sex in a porn, the porn becomes xes information. Simultaneously, stockings, the womans face, body shape, breasts, hips, furniture, location, fashion, and set designs are all xes information. Therefore, xes information that operates within xesmind and general information that operates in mimind are combined and become xes information. Then, everything related to stockings in ones daily life becomes xes information. Now, looking at a pair of stockings will be enough to create xes wounds as it is received as xes information. When one sees women wearing stockings on the street, these are all perceived as xes information. Stockings of all colors including red, blue, and yellow become xes information.

   Everything related to sex that used to be general information becomes xes information. Here, general information is the knowledge of past experiences from seeing, hearing, and learning. All knowledge related to sex operates as xes information for men whe are more knowledgeable. So men with more knowledge possess more xes information.

   Therefore, xes information is not simply sex information. It refers to all information regarding sex. For example, if one has sex outside, everything outdoor becomes xes information. So, xes information is not just information pertaining to sex, but general information that is even remotely related to sex becomes xes information and is accumulated as xes wounds. Every man has different thresholds for xes wounds, and no one knows when it will overflow.

   When mens sexual dysfunctions occur, one precursor is the changed personality. Because, as xes wounds operate, they affect their mimind, and the habitual processes of  mimind change. Thus, mens personality changes when they have sexual dysfunction.

   Men who finish their meal faster than others may have sexual dysfunctions. Also, men who get overly angry over trivial matters are highly likely to have sexual dysfunctions. Xes wounds are not recognized by the self, but xesmind always operates with mimind and changes ones personality.

   Impatient men, men with anger management issues, and perverted men mostly have sexual dysfunctions. Here, when the sexual dysfunctions are advanced, rage disorder, panic disorder, phobias, anxiety disorder, and obsessive compulsive disorders can develop.

   At the early stage of sexual dysfunctions, a man may get slightly irritated. In the middle stage, he is easily provoked, complains and argues about everything. His strong sexual desire gets in the way of achieving anything. His personality is changed. So, when men have sexual dysfunctions or physical illnesses, he doesnt realize that his personality has changed.

   Only those around him notice this change, but not himself. His wife is the only person who can observe the husband objectively. After the husbands personality changes, the wife scolds him even more. If the wife became very reproachful against the husband, it means that he is changing and has developed sexual dysfunctions. This is very important to men. Men are not self-aware of their xes wounds. Xes information is not just a piece of sexual information. Watching a video about car sex, one turns everything related to car into xes information. Then, he will accumulate wounds by just looking at a car. At motor shows, race girls are doing sexy poses. These are all xes information. It arouses sexual desire and the desire to purchase the cars.

   Even if there are handsome men at the motor show, women do not get the desire to purchase the cars. Women are not interested in xes information. On the contrary, men perceive the cars as xes information due to the sexy race girls.

   The advertising campaigns targeting men is most effective when they are linked to xes information. Xes information is crucial to men. Even a little xes information, instead of sexual information, is effective enough.

   The association between cars and sex have existed for a long time. So when a man sees cars or race girls, he activates xes wounds without being self-aware. If xes wounds operate, sexual desire is increased; If sexual desire is increased, the desire to do something is created and turns into the desire to buy the car. Men who join luxury car clubs or luxury motorcycle society often have sexual dysfunctions.

   So, xes information is not only sexual information, but also everything related to sex. This xes information creates xes wounds and causes sexual dysfunctions, psychological disorders, and physical illnesses.

Xes Training : http://www.xestraining.com/
Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

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