
Hypotheses of the Theory of Xesmind


   After inventing the Theory of Mimind, I set the hypothesis that xesmind exists. As I proved this hypothesis, I could develop the Theory of Xesmind. Thinking that any theory is feasible at this point, I created and systemized the theory through verification.

   So, the most important thing when developing the Theory of Xesmind was the need for a Theory of Xesmind. The second important thing is to surmise and organize the existence of xesmind and how xesmind operates.

   Thus, it is important that xesmind exists within the mind in the hypothesis. I hypothesized about how xesmind exists within the mind.

   The first hypothesis is that human mind consists of mimind in which xesmind exists. Mimind and xesmind coexist but are separate entities and operate differently. Xesmind doesnt have to exist if mimind and xesmind have the same function.

   No one thought that mimind and xesmind coexist. Currently, psychologists are unaware of the existence of the mind and are focused on psychology only. As a result, they dont know that xesmind exists and operates independently within the mind.

   The second hypothesis is that psychology operates in mind and xes psychology operates in xesmind.

   Perception is the reception of external information through the mind, and memory stores and recalls information and emotions. Also, the external manifestation of the mind is called expression. Humans sensory organs perceive external information as vision, hearing, touch, smell, and taste, remember the product of perception, and express through speech and action. So, psychology comprises perception, memory and expression. Here, mind and psychology are different.

   However, all the existing psychological theories ignore the mind and study perception, memory, and expression instead. Because they have excluded mind, they cannot understand how the conscious and the unconscious of human mind operate through psychology which is connected to the body. So, I have systematically organized and verified the principle and logic of the operation of mind and psychology. Without the theory of mimind, the fundamental nature of the operation of psychology cannot be understood.

   Furthermore, while researching the existence of xesmind within the mind, I hypothesized that if mimind and xesmind operate independently of each other, then psychology will be operating in the mind and xes psychology will be operating in xesmind. Here, xes psychology should not be considered as sex psychology. Therefore, I had to clearly define terms in the theory of xesmind.

   The original concept of sex is ambiguous and leaves room for confusion. The Theory of Xesmind distinguishes xes from sex. Sex in general is called xes, which is sex spelled backwards. I coined the term xes in order to shift the paradigm of sex.

   There comes the term, xesmind. In xesmind, the xes perception which perceives external xes information, xes memory which remembers xes information and xes emotions, and xes expression which expresses xes information are combined to form xes psychology. Here, xes psychology is not sex psychology because sex is just a part of xes expression and sex is not a psychology.

   Like this, I developed the theory of xesmind and combined it with the theory of mimind to devise the principle of xesmind and xes psychology which interact with the body. Based on these theories, I developed the treatment of mens sexual dysfunctions. This treatment is called Xes Therapy. Xes Therapy verified that an accurate understanding of principle and logic behind the operation of xesmind and xes psychology can treat mens sexual dysfunction automatically.

   Here, xesmind and xes psychology always operate together in mind and psychology. Therefore, every time mind and psychology operate, xesmind and xes psychology are partially activated. This is the hypothesis of the xesmind that psychology operates with mind and xes psychology operates with xesmind.

   The third hypothesis is that wounds operate in womens mind and psychology whereas xes wounds operate in mens xesmind and xes psychology. Women remember the feelings of wounds in her mind and psychology, but wounds do not operate in mens mind and psychology. Men only have moods. Therefore, women remember wounds and men do not.

   However, women do not have any xes wounds. They only have xes moods operating in their xesmind and xes psychology. Men have xes wounds that operate within their xesmind and xes psychology. Here, xesmind is within the mind, so they cannot recognize or feel xes moods or xes wounds.

   Emotions are the results of the interaction between mind and psychology, so one cannot feel xes emotions. Eventually, if someone feels something about xes information, it is moods and feelings operating in the mind and psychology rather than xes moods or xes feelings operating in xesmind and xes psychology. Therefore, one cannot feel xes moods or feelings that operate in xesmind and xes psychology caused by xes information. However, xesmind and xes psychology influence the mind, psychology, and body.

   Women have wounds in their mind and have xes moods operating within xesmind. So womens wounds operate in the mind, influence the body and are felt. However, if a man has too many xes wounds, these xes wounds directly influence his mind and body without being consciously recognized or felt. So men cannot know if they have xes wounds or not.

   The hypothesis is that, in xesmind, women do not remember xes wounds, but men will have xes memory of xes wounds. This hypothesis was created by reversing the theory of mimind which state that women remember wounds and men do not remember wounds.

   These are the main hypotheses of the theory of xesmind. There are more than three hypotheses, but the exploration of these hypotheses allowed a clear interpretation of the cause of sexual dysfunction, psychological disorders, and physical diseases.

Xes Training : http://www.xestraining.com/
Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

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