
Traditional Therapies


             Psychotherapies are for the treatment of psychological disorders, and many scholars and professionals have already developed a great number of psychological theories and psychotherapies. Many people also have studied these contemporary theories and become certified counsellors who can treat psychological problems. Since our modern society has accelerated its industrialization causing more psychological problems, the field of psychological treatment is expected to grow further in the future. Therefore, the field of psychotherapy will be one of the most promising career paths in the future.

             However, the traditional psychology theories and psychotherapies have some loopholes. Since there is no one accurate method for treating psychological problems, many individual therapeutic techniques have been developed. It is apparent that people learn and apply the techniques of therapies that cannot really cure psychological disorders.

             After I have developed the Theory of Mimind, I have also completed its psychotherapy techniques. Having applied them to rage and wound treatments, I have seen the efficacy of those therapies as its success rate was over 90%. They have also been applied to depression, bipolar disorder, insomnia, panic disorder, anorexia, addiction, personality disorder, somatization[1], and physiogenic disorder[2] and etc and the efficacy of psychotherapies applying the Theory of Mimind has been outstanding. Thus, some people asked, What kind of new psychotherapy is this? or How can we learn them? With current theories and therapies, they could not analyze, diagnose, predict or prevent the existing psychological disorders with such precision. I do not infer that the traditional theories and therapies are faulty. They lack the accurate understanding of the principles of the operation of human mind and psychology and cannot modify the unconscious habits, the operation of human psychology, and the personality. Therefore, treating psychological problems with the traditional therapies is impossible. The traditional methods may seem effective on paper but are not actually effective when applied to psychological disorders. The precise knowledge on the principles of the operation of human mind and psychology is indispensable for finding the way to transform or modify habits in the unconsciousness. This is the method of psychotherapy of the Theory of Mimind.

[1] Somatization refers to the phenomenon in which a psychological disorder causes physical illnesses such as headaches, menstrual cramps, and hair loss. It is also called psychogenic disorder.

[2] Physiogenic disorder refers to the phenomenon in which a physical disease or aftereffect causes a psychological disorder. They may develop after accidents, burns, and surgeries.

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