
Practical Application


             The Theory of Mimind can be adopted in any areas of studies pertinent to humans and human relations such as medical science, academic researches, businesses, education, daily living and etc. The Theory of Mimind can be the standard and principle for understanding the principles of self-realization and happiness, and one can reinterpret it and apply it to ones particular field of interest.

             Firstly, various education theories and techniques in the fields of comprehensive education, education psychology, abilities and methods of learning, enhancement of abilities of understanding, concentration, and memory, personality education, alternative education, teaching methods, and lecturing methods could be newly interpreted and developed.

             Secondly, various interpretations can be incorporated into the scope of religions. Certainty on the existence of God, realistic faith, relationship between human and God, interpretation of the Scripture and its pragmatic application, distinction of orthodox religions and pseudo religions, social contribution, missionary work, the function and attitude of clergyman, and other miscellaneous areas regarding devotees and clergymen can be included in the scope of religion.

             Thirdly, it is the area of psychology. When the Theory of Mimind is applied to the traditional psychological theories, psychological analysis, diagnosis, prediction, prevention and treatment may become facilitated. Also, the study of treatment for both psychological disorders and physical sickness is possible through the research of the correlation of psychology and body.

             Fourthly, applying the Theory of Mimind into the areas of counselling methods and psychotherapies to analyze and cure psychological disorders, new counselling techniques and psychotherapies can be invented since counselling and psychotherapy share the coherent principles. Since having developed the Theory of Mimind, I have also been able to improve the techniques of counselling and psychotherapy for treating depression, bipolar disorder, panic attack, addiction, anxiety attack, PTSD, ADHD, somatization, and physiogenic disorder. Therefore, different techniques of counselling and psychotherapy can be developed to cure various sicknesses and disorders.

             Fifthly, in the areas of IT, internet, smart phones, and SNS, solutions which can analyze and apply human psychology and emotion along with the existing information can be developed. These include research and development of the system of emotion and robots with emotion, the analysis of emotion, psychological smart phones, SNS capable of many human activities, and the analysis of emotional data.

             Sixthly, for the areas of management and business, the psychology of management for business, the psychology of CEO and that of employees, human relations, connection between business and happiness, improvement in productivity and profitability, betterment of business culture, social contribution, the psychology of marketing, the psychology of consumers and buyers, the creation of added value, the development of various business items, business and management ideas, business plans, and management theories could be interpreted and developed to meet the cutting-edge criteria. Understanding human psychology, one can develop plenty of business items and learn the management techniques more easily since business and management are based on human relationships.

             Finally, there is even more to offer for the realm of medical science and physiology, and it can be widely utilized in those areas. Medical science and physiology are studied for preventing and curing the diseases. But human body and mind are connected as one unit, and we know that one affects the other and vice versa. The new principle and treatment of physiology and medical science can be developed if the Theory of Mimind can be incorporated into the existing results of contemporary studies regarding human physiology for further study and research. Psychological problems could be a huge causal factor in physical diseases, but this causal relation is hardly explored. Thus, this field has a great potential to grow as there is an extensive range of relevant topics for research.

             In addition, the Theory of Mimind can be applied to as many fields as there is, such as society, art, culture, civilization, philosophy, ideology, humanity, history, politics, mass media, and crime investigation, enhanced with better theories and methods. 

             As far as a field is related to humans, the Theory of Mimind can be applied to its research and development in all likelihood. It is most profitable in terms of being versatile for the development of various theories and techniques and is also capable of generating added values for the future from a business perspective.

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