
The difference between psychology counseling and psychology treatment

Counseling is defined as 'the provision of assistance and guidance in resolving personal, social, or psychological problems and difficulties, especially by a professional'. In psychology counseling, the counselor will try to find the cause of psychological problems, provide information on the issue, and resolve the specific psychological problems. 

On the other hand, in psychology treatment, finding the cause of psychological problems and resolving the specific problems do not apply. When you have developed psychological disorders, you need psychology treatment instead of psychology counseling. In psychology treatment, you need to analyze what type of psychological disorders has occurred, and in what components of psychology the disorder has occurred. There are three components of psychology in human mind, which are perception, the memory of emotion, and expression. There are three types of psychological disorders, which are perception disorder, the disorder of memory of emotion, and expression disorder. Expression disorder can be sub-categorized into inward expression disorder, which is consciousness disorder, and outward expression disorder, which is addiction. 

Psychological problems imply that the person still has the ability for self-recovery and the problem can be solved through psychology counseling. On the other hand, psychological disorders imply that the person has lost the ability for self-recovery. When you have psychological disorders, you must rebuild the ability for self-recovery. Psychology counseling applied at this stage will actually aggravate the pathological condition. Also, different treatment methods must be applied to treat different levels of psychological disorders depending on the number of psychological components where the disorder has occurred. 

You may develop psychological disorders in 1 to 3 components of psychology. You are considered to have developed a psychological disorder in 1 component of psychology when you have panic disorder, which is a perception disorder, depression, which is a disorder of memory of emotion, or addiction, which is an expression disorder. You are considered to have developed a psychological disorder in 2 components of psychology when you have bipolar disorder, hysteria, intermittent explosive disorder, or relationship addiction. You are considered to have developed a psychological disorder in all 3 components of psychology when you have post traumatic stress disorder, sociopathy, or psychopathy. Psychology treatment of higher levels of psychological disorders takes much more time and effort than the treatment of lower levels of psychological disorders. 

Psychology counseling and psychology treatment are two separate concepts and must be properly applied depending on the types of psychological problems and disorders. When you experience psychological problems and difficulties, you must first analyze and determine whether you have psychological problems that can be solved through counseling and other healing methods or psychological disorders that must adopt proper psychology treatment methods. 

Korea Institute of Psycho-education provides psychology treatment through non-contact on-line self-training method. It can be applied to people around the world without any restriction on time and place in English, Japanese, and Korean. 


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