Sexual harassment or sexual misconduct is a common occurrence in everyday life. Today, we're going to talk about sexual dysfunction in men who sexually harass, which is not to say that women don't sexually harass. Sexual harassment by women can also be very traumatizing and offensive, and women who sexually harass have serious psychological disorders. However, we're going to talk about sexual harassment and misconduct by men because it's more prevalent.
Not all men harass
sexually, and the ambiguity exists when the behavior can be misconstrued as
sexual harassment or not depending on how it's perceived by the other person.
At the root of this misconception is the difference between how women attach
emotions to sex and how men attach emotions to sex. For men, sex is just sex,
and it's a feeling that goes away after the moment, whereas for women, sex is
highly emotionally charged, and feelings of love or hurt arise connected with
sexual actions. So men may think, “Why is she overreacting to something that's
not a big deal?” and women may think, “How can anyone relate sex just with fun
and enjoyment?” Just recognizing these differences will give us more scope for
mutual understanding and consideration.
Of course, I'm
not condoning sexual harassment and sexual misconduct. The workings of sexuality
can create deep wounds in women’s mind and deep xes wounds in men’s xesmind
that lead to sexual dysfunction. The
more sexual information men perceive, the more xes wounds they accumulate,
causing damage to their bodies and resulting in sexual dysfunction.
Men who sexually harass and molest rarely focus on one person. They are sexually oriented to a large number of people since they always try to perceive new sexual information from others. Big problems for them is that they perceive an enormous amount of sexual information, which is way too much to deal with, before, during, and after they make sexual harassment.
A man who frequently
engages in such excessive perception of sexual information has so many xes
wounds that his sexual functioning cannot be intact. He is considered to be in
a serious condition if he not only thinks about sexual harassment but also expresses
it externally through words, actions, and facial expressions, and then
perceives the other person's reaction again. It is important for women victims
not to create wounds in their feelings but to just perceive the perpetrator
only as a sick person who is sexually dysfunctional. To address the matter
properly, it is also necessary to be very firm in dealing with the situation,
as looking embarrassed, angry, or perplexed are all perceived as sexual
reactions by the perpetrator.
It would also be great if
this concept could be incorporated into sexual assault prevention training at
workplaces. The more this information becomes known, the more people understand
about the relationship between men’s sexual dysfunction and sexual harassment which
need to be treated as a medical and psychological condition. If you simply try
to stop sexual harassment, you're allowing their forcibly repressed desires to
evolve and explode into something else, which could lead them to commit more serious
sex crimes. If you think you might be one of those people, you should seriously
consider treating your sexual dysfunction in the right way, because it is
always accompanied by a psychological disorder that will destroy your
relationships and your life altogether.
Sex Therapy for Men :
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