
[Infidelity Therapy] It is the husband's fault to commit husband infidelity, but it is the wife's fault to destroy herself and children.

It is the husband's fault to commit infidelity. He has developed relationship addiction acutely, which is an advanced condition of a psychological disorder. However, it is the wife's fault to destroy herself and children after she discovers husband infidelity and develops post traumatic stress. It may be the husband's infidelity that caused the wife's post traumatic stress, but the wife can treat post traumatic stress, transform her life to a happy one, and protect herself and children. All her efforts she makes without treating post traumatic stress destroy herself, children, and family. She has to treat herself before she blames the husband and take measures to address the husband's problem. 

When the wife treats her post traumatic stress, she can restore a happy life and protect children regardless of what the husband does. The wife who is in pain must first treat her post traumatic stress and become happy before addressing the husband's problem. Of course, she can ask for compensation and hold him responsible for putting all family members in danger since the wife has protected her children and family after treating her condition. 

If the husband is committing infidelity and the wife is suffering from post traumatic stress, the whole family is in danger of collapse. The wife must treat herself to minimize the time of suffering and prevent the aggravation of the condition to restore happiness of the family. The wife who aggravates her own condition is not entitled to condemn the husband for his wrongdoing. When the wife just keeps blaming the husband for everything and doesn't treat her post traumatic stress, all family members cannot but collapse sooner or later. When husband infidelity occurs, treating the wife's post traumatic stress is much more important than addressing the husband's problem. 

The husband in infidelity has developed a psychological disorder that destroys all human relationships and has lost the ability to protect the family. The protection of the family is absolutely in the wife's hands. When the wife doesn't treat post traumatic stress and try to get even with the husband or punish him, the husband may get stressed immensely and aggravate his condition. When the wife treats post traumatic stress and has the happiness ability, the husband is not stressed by the wife's behaviors. 

The husband in relationship addiction reacts negatively whenever he is stressed in any situation and behaves in ways to destroy human relationships. The wife must leave him alone until she treats post traumatic stress and her behaviors do not induce stress in the husband. It is not to say that the wife must forgive him or just forget about husband infidelity. She must address the husband's problem and help him treat relationship addiction after she stabilizes her own psychology. She is the only one who can give the husband an opportunity to restore happiness. It is impossible to deal with the issue when the wife is in post traumatic stress. 

The wife must take KIP Treatment Program to treat post traumatic stress and restore happiness ability. As the wife attacks the husband and blames him for his wrongdoing without treating her condition, the whole family is destroyed. The wife's decision and her efforts determine the life of herself and children. When everything is destroyed, the wife may blame the husband for her ow behaviors and justify her behaviors. 

It is only the wife who can make a choice for her own life. The wife's life and children's life are determined by the wife's choice. She is the only one who can decide whether she will stay with her husband or leave him. 



About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education) 

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