
[Infidelity Therapy] You can't just go back to normality as if nothing had happened when you discover spouse infidelity.


The discovery of spouse infidelity causes the victimized spouse to develop post traumatic stress. Then, the victimized spouse cannot easily recover as if nothing had happened since post traumatic stress progresses unless properly treated. 

Post traumatic stress progresses for the whole life time unless properly treated. It doesn't go away even if the spouse behaves well and try to think that it will never happen again. It also deteriorates when the victimized spouse try to find evidence of infidelity and take practical measures to cope with the situation. Then, post traumatic stress begins to negatively affect all the relationships including the relationship with children.

As post traumatic stress progresses, victim mentality, perpetrator mentality, and the psychology of compensation also develop, and you will keep trying to satisfy yourself and compensate for what you have lost in order to achieve comfort and pleasure. This type of comfort and pleasure only indicated that your condition has deteriorated. You may justify yourself thinking that you deserve the compensation, give up on recovery, and remove pain to stay comfortable. 

It is only normal and natural to feel emotions of pain and sorrow as well as pleasure happiness since they are all parts of emotions generated by human mind. Removing feelings of pain and sorrow is to destroy them and make them unrecognized in the conscious. Then, you become to justify that living in comfort and pleasure with positive moods in the sensory organs is happiness. It indicates that your condition is as serious as the condition of the spouse in infidelity. 

Whether the spouse is in infidelity is less important than the fact that you have developed post traumatic stress and it will progress unless properly treated. You can't just go back to normality as if nothing had happened. 

Relationship addiction is a psychological disorder that destroys human relationships, love and happiness, and sexuality. People in relationship addiction do not hesitate to destroy any relationship when they are stressed from the relationship justifying their behaviors and blaming the counterparty. They end up destroying their own life in the end.

Relationship addiction also deteriorates for the whole lifetime unless properly treated. When the spouse infidelity is discovered by the victimized spouse, marriage relationship cannot be restored without proper treatment no matter how hard both parties try since both are in the condition of psychological disorder. 

Both post traumatic stress and relationship addiction obstruct the recovery of marriage relationships. Then, what kind of life would you choose? It is imperative that happiness be restored in the right way through Mind Training upon the discovery of spouse infidelity. Otherwise, all the family cannot but live an unhappy life or a destructive life regardless of the conscious intention destroying all human relationships. Especially, children's psychology and life are destroyed along the way. You must restore your own happiness and psychological stability first to protect your children. 

Many people live an unhappy life and a destructive life by their own choice, but justify themselves and blame their spouses who committed infidelity. The spouse in infidelity has destroyed his or her life, and inflicted pain and suffering on you, but he or she has not destroyed your life. You are the only one who can choose the path of your own life. Even at this moment, your post traumatic stress is progressing while you are watching this video. It is time for you to decide on the proper treatment for your life. 

When you justify yourself with the condition of post traumatic stress, you may destroy not only your life but also life of people around you. You may also develop dependency and obsession and live unhappily. It is you yourself who destroy your own mimind and make your life unhappy and destructive. 

 When you discover spouse infidelity, you may suffer from excruciating pain of post traumatic stress and just want to go back to the old days when you were happy. However, it is impossible unless you adequately treat your condition and restore your happiness as an individual first.  


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