
[Review_Infidelity Therapy] Treat your wounds and get back your happiness


This happened with my husband when we came to the states. Ironically, he showed me the program creator’s YouTube videos first because he admitted it was not love. In the beginning, I refused to watch. I thought he was just trying to justify his cheating. But, it was unbearable so I started watching all of his video clips. Watching one clip comforted me temporarily. But, as he said in the video, he didn’t spill any hints about healing assignments. I felt like I was dying inside slowly. It was really expensive for online treatment. But I was desperate and it was a death wish only if I can get out of this endless pain/depression. 

I wanted to be happy so I flew to Korea and attended his Forum for two months. I was skeptical about counseling. I was rather a strong Christian. So, I dislike the thought of depending on a human (counselor). My trust has been always with God.  What I liked about this program as I didn’t have to talk about myself to anyone. I could heal on my own. In the beginning, I wanted to ask so many questions. I e-mailed all my questions. But as time went by, I could answer all the questions by myself. Not only that, I had the ability to solve problems. It has been 6 months now since I started this program. It was not easy and I wanted to give up many times. But even those moments were a part of the healing process. I am sure people who are in this program would understand why the mind training program, healing assignments, checking thru e-mails, and the forum videos are needed altogether. Most importantly, not giving up on myself. 

My mind is pulling out all of my wounds, not just the memory related to my husband’s cheating. I am building a new life by adjusting distorted memories. Honestly, I think now I know what the problem was with my husband. I just wanted to cover/suppress them. It was very painful to expose what was under the surface. I preferred getting divorced instead. But I feel very fortunate because finally, the chance landed on my lap to live happily. 

Starting this program was the best investment decision I have ever made. I am not done with this program yet knowing the basics of mind training with therapeutic tasks is enough. If he didn’t cheat on me, I would have not known about this program. So, I am thankful for that because I probably wasted all my life to just be comfortable. 

Lastly, for those who are relying on God, healing yourself is irrelevant to religion. If you get sick you go to the doctor, if your mind gets sick you need to seek an expert to heal. 

Next time, I will leave another one when my husband finishes his.

 About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)

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