
[Infidelity Therapy] Getting a divorce due to spouse infidelity


Everyone knows that spouse infidelity is a major factor in a divorce since it directly destroys marriage relationships. Many people get a divorce upon discovering spouse infidelity. When infidelity is considered to occur due to marriage problems, sexual issues, emotions issues, and financial issues, getting a divorce is easily justified since infidelity is believed to have destroyed marriage relationship. 

Also, the relationship of infidelity is usually considered as love relationship. Adopting the concept of love in infidelity means the end of love relationship between the spouses to most people. On the other hand, many other people maintain marriage relationship even when spouse infidelity occurs. They usually decide to stay together to sacrifice their life for children and for economic reasons. 

There is one important matter neglected by people whether they get a divorce or stay in marriage. It is the fact that spouses in infidelity have developed relationship addiction, which is a psychological disorder, and they are destroying all the relationships with other people as well as their own lives. Also, the victimized spouses have developed post traumatic stress, and they also destroy their lives by transforming all their life memories into wounds in mimind. They also become to feel comfortable as they develop psychological disorder and they end up destroying all the relationships with other people. Both the spouse in infidelity and the victimized spouse end up destroying their own lives and lives of people around them whether they get a divorce of not.

It is crucial to take KIP Treatment Program to treat psychological disorders and post traumatic stress regardless of marital status and build healthy psychological habits. Then, they can live a happy life whether they get a divorce or not. 

What would happen when you get a divorce without treating your condition? You will pursue your own comfort and pleasure at the expense of your children and family. You will mistake pleasure for happiness destroying other people's lives with strong conviction of your distorted ideas. You may take advantage of others or may be taken advantage of by other people. 

What would happen when you get a divorce after treating your condition? It may take a  lot of time, effort, and expense at first, but you can build healthy habits of treatment and prevention and live happily for the rest of your life. Then, you will be able to remember all your past life experiences as precious memories and live happily with treatment ability and prevention ability. Especially, you can protect your loved ones and live together happily in all relationships without being damaged by people who have psychological disorders. You will not be taken advantage of by other people any more. Would you like to live a happy life or a destructive life? Please, make a right decision for your life and your loved ones.



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