
[Infidelity Therapy] Why get married if every marriage has problems?

<Question> So many people commit infidelity these days. Thinking about infidelity makes me hesitate getting married, and I couldn't recommend my children to get married in the future even if I get married and have children. It is said that relationship addiction occurs without even being realized and people in infidelity cannot treat themselves unless the victimized spouse is treated. Does it mean that people infidelity have no way to recover on their own?

Marriage is not something bad at all. Marriage is the only way to live happily as a human being in a true sense. You can live happily by yourself without getting married. However, you can't have the happiness you share with your partner. Being happy by yourself does not require relationships with other people. You only pursue your own happiness and have no interest in other people. 

Being happy as a person in relationships means that both you and people around you are happy together and share good times and bad times together making efforts. You can have such happiness through marriage. It is not marriage itself that causes problems. It is just that people experience difficulties because they don't know about fundamental causes and solutions. You will have problems in marriage and you will be happy sometimes. You must solve problems by yourself when you are singly, but you can overcome difficulties and help each other when you are married. 

Many people think as you do because infidelity is caused by diverse problems in marriage. No marriage can be completely free from problems. You can't get married if you think that problems in marriage will cause infidelity. Infidelity is not caused by problems in marriage but by relationship addiction, which is a psychological disorder.          

It is a pity that so many people believe that infidelity is caused by problems in marriage. So many people are drawn to incorrect information on infidelity and marriage problems. Then, they are exposed to the environment where they themselves can become adulterers and adulteresses so easily. 

People get married to become happy. Young people should be provided with correct information about marriage and infidelity. They should learn that they can experience difficulties and crises, but they can and must overcome them wisely to become truly happy couples. Married couples and prospective couples should learn how to solve problems and overcome difficulties wisely and maintain and restore happiness. Telling young people not to get married since they will regret is simply nonsensical. 

Relationship addiction can occur suddenly anywhere and anytime, but it is possible to establish the environment where relationship addiction doesn't develop. Relationship addiction makes you destroy all relationships to be able to pursue your own pleasure. You will never want to treat yourself since all you want is to have fun. You will decide to treat relationship addiction only when you feel pain since you cannot have pleasure. It is the victimized spouses who can treat their won condition since they recognize pain. When the victimized spouses neglect their own condition, they aggravate the conditions of both themselves and their spouses in relationship addiction. 

Men who have relationship addiction will try to treat themselves when the victimized wives treat post traumatic stress and they can see hope in their relationship. Men may also decide to treat relationship addiction when they experience excruciating pain going through some crisis situations. 



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