
Mothers who have taken Mother Therapy and mothers who have not


While you are training with Mother Therapy, you can analyze the ideas and behaviors of mothers who have not taken Mother Therapy through simple observations at gatherings and meetings. You may realize that Mother Therapy provides such a powerful tool for parenting and feel proud of yourself for adopting Mother Therapy.


Then, you can also think about how you and your children may be influenced by mothers and children who have not been exposed to Mother Therapy. After the analysis, you may upload your ideas on [Members Only] in Mother Therapy homepage if you want to.


You and your children may actually be negatively affected by them since you and your children have not yet completed forming habits of healing and happiness. However, at least you know that you must adopt adequate parenting strategies to protect you and your children. You will find that you perceive and analyze others' ideas and behaviors differently from the past when you did not know about Mother Therapy, and that you can differentiate healthy ideas and behaviors from problematic ones.


Also, there are some precautions you must take when you interact with mothers who do not know about Mother Therapy. You may analyze others' ideas and behaviors but must never let them know your analysis and guide or even urge them to take Mother Therapy. Also, you must never teach them detailed contents of Mother Therapy with a good intention to help them. Trying to share with and teach other mothers will aggravate psychology of both you and other mothers. You need a separate training process to be able to teach Mother Therapy to other people, which takes much longer time and more efforts.


When mothers learn about Mother Therapy through methods other than properly designed and guided ones, they may apply Mother Therapy in some partial and biased ways. Then, it will result in even more serious problems in mothers' and children's psychology than before they were exposed to Mother Therapy. When you introduce Mother Therapy to other mothers, you can simply tell them about the existence of Mother Therapy, and let them find it themselves with their own will out of their own needs.

The most important elements in taking Mother Therapy are mothers' own will and efforts for adopting adequate parenting strategies. You have started Mother Therapy with your own will and efforts for your children's happiness. Please, keep up with your will and efforts until you fully internalize your own healing methods and adequate parenting strategies.

Apply for free consultation on child's psychological problems

Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/

Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

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