
The reality where psychological problems of children are serious


 There is nothing new about children’s psychological problems; however, you can notice that children’s psychological problems are getting more various, more expanded, and more serious.  Juvenile crimes are very serious socially, but resolutions are only punishment-centered. It is very difficult to find solution-focused or treatment-focused methods, which is very serious.


- Do your children listen to you very well because they are very kind?

- Are they always bright and cheerful without any psychological problems?

- Do they study hard and are they model students at schools?

- Are they happy? 


   How many mothers do you think would say ‘yes’ to these questions with confidence? From mothers’ point of view, children might seem to be happy, but you will know that the phenomena mentioned above could happen to children with serious problems as well if you understand the principles of how their mind and psychology operate.


  You should understand that children’s psychological problems become more various and more serious since societies, schools, and households, in reality, view their psychological problems seriously. Societies, schools, and households perceive all of the children’s psychological problems as psychological disorders and try to treat them, but in fact, these problems are nothing but trials and errors that occur naturally in their psychological developmental process. These trials and errors can be fixed easily and disappear if they are adjusted a little bit, but they will end up being psychological disorders if they are predicated and treated as psychological disorders.


  That is to say that your children are in the preparation process to become adults. It is very natural to experience trials and errors in this process. Their mind and psychology must not be interpreted in the adults’ point of view. We need to talk about their trials and errors together and have the wisdom to adjust and correct their psychology joyfully so they can grow in a right and healthy way.


  Do not blame societies, schools, and others. Make yourselves experts in children’s psychological treatment from now on. Then your children will grow happily; 

you will be happy as well.

Apply for free consultation on child's psychological problems

Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/

Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

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