
Mother Therapy_Mothers can solve child's psychological problems

Mother Therapy is a treatment method with which mothers can solve child's psychological problems. Korea Institute of Psycho-education has been treating child's psychological pathologies as well as adults' psychological disorders and developed Mother Therapy in 2014. It has also verified that mothers themselves can learn treatment methods of child psychology and effectively apply the methods without conventional professional interventions. It was found that child's psychology can be stabilized in quite a short time without adverse side effects by adopting Mother Therapy during daily interactions between mother and child. Mothers can build the ability to maintain child's psychological stability throughout the child's growth period through Mother Therapy. 

Mother Therapy provides non-contact on-line psychology training program, with which mothers can solve diverse types of parenting problems and child's psychological problems. In addition, mothers can also learn to treat their own psychological wounds to a certain degree. Child's psychological problems occur due to stress and wounds. When mothers can accurately understand the operational mechanism of child's mind and psychology and learn how to manage problems, they can effectively deal with almost all kinds of big and small psychological problems of children. 

You may have applied diverse conventional psychology treatment methods but not solved your child's psychological problems at the fundamental level. You may even have experienced recurrence, aggravation, or occurrence of a new problem, and you may be thinking about giving up on your effort to solve your child's psychological problems. Now you will be able to build the ability to solve child's psychological problems and apply adequate parenting strategies through only one time of taking Mother Therapy. 

Mother Therapy is considered to be one of the most powerful psychology treatment methods. It activates and maximizes the innate ability all mothers and only mothers have. It is a new and innovative psychology treatment method for children that proposes a new paradigm in the field of child psychology. The research and practice by KIP shows that proper application of Mother Therapy results in not only accurate treatment but also fast improvement.

[Psychological problems for which Mother Therapy can be applied]

- Tic disorder, Tourette syndrome

- ADHD, learning disorder

- Developmental delay, developmental disorder

- Game addiction, internet addiction, SNS addiction

- Relational conflicts

- Separation anxiety disorder

- Intermittent explosive disorder

- Autism spectrum disorder

- Asperger's syndrome

- Eating disorder


 1. Mothers who want to solve diverse pscyhological problems of children

 2. Mothers who want to treat child's internet addiction or SNS addiction

 3. Mothers who want to treat child's game addiction

 4. Mothers who want to treat child's learning delay or learning disorder

 5. Mothers who want to treat child's ADHD

 6. Mothers who want to treat child's developmental delay or developmental disorder

 7. Mothers who want to treat child's tic disorder or Tourette syndrome

 8. Mothers who want to build good personality and character in children

 9. Mothers who want to adopt proper sex education for children.

10. Mothers who want to solve child's relational conflicts

11. Mothers who want to learn adequate parenting strategies

[Expense for Mother Therapy]

* 1,100 US dollars (per person)

* Refer to 'FAQ' on Mother Therapy homepage for further inquiries. 

  Mother Therapy Homepage : www.mothertherapy.net

[Youth Mind Training]

     Youth Mind Training is provided for teenagers so that they themselves can prevent psychological problems and build happiness ability. It can raise the effect of Mother Therapy by directly training teenagers for psychological stabilization. It is provided for teenagers aged from 13 to 19, who are in the phase of formation of self-identity, with 32 five minute videos sessions. 

* Youth Mind Training is also provided for institutions and organizations operated for teenagers.

* It is considered that Mother Therapy is more important than Youth Mind Training since Mother Therapy is sufficiently effective to normalize child's psychology and prevent psychological problems. However, when Youth Mind Training is adopted on top of Mother Therapy, the effect of psychological stabilization is maximized and consolidated. 

* Youth Mind Training Homepage : www.youthmindtraining.com

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