
The mechanism of psychological treatment of children who are in the phase of formation of self-identity between age 13 and 20


  When psychological problems occur in children in the formation of self-identity, it means that children have unstable psychology as information that does not fit their standards of thoughts based on adaptation to human relationships constantly comes in. Whether their standards of thoughts have been formed and how these standards are formed must be known; psychological problems won’t occur again if these problems are removed by making them have accurate standards of thoughts. 

In the case of sons in formation of self-identity, their formation of standards of thoughts about information needs to be analyzed since their standards depend on right or wrong; distorted information can be corrected. Wrong things must be corrected to be right by psychological adjustments because psychological problems will occur if wrong things keep being formed. Then psychological problems will be removed; correct and right standards of thoughts will be formed naturally allowing them to have stabilized psychology. Psychological problems of your sons are treated in this way.

Also, in case of daughters in formation of self-identity, their formation of standards of thoughts about information needs to be analyzed since their standards depend on likes or dislikes; distorted information can be corrected. Things that they dislike must be corrected to be liked by psychological adjustments since psychological problems will occur if what they dislike keeps being formed. Problems will be gone; correct and good standards of thoughts will be made naturally making their psychology stable. Your daughters’ psychological problems can be treated in this way.

  You must look through adaptation to human relationships and formation of the standard of thoughts and know to adjust psychology from which point of view in cases where your children are between age 11 and 15 when periods of forming self-identity and adapting to relationship coexist. You need to look through the formation of standards of thoughts and self-actualization and know to adjust psychology from which point of view in the case where your children are between age 18-25 when periods of forming self-identity and self-actualization coexist.

Apply for free consultation on child's psychological problems

Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/

Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

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