
[SATW] Being good at sex does not solve sexual problems.


Human mind consists of mimind that operates in human relationships and xesmind that operates for human sexuality. Men's and women's operation of mimind and xesmind are completely different. The Theory of Mimind and Xesmind systematizes this mechanism of human mind, psychology, and sexuality.

According to the theory, the root cause of psychological and sexual problems is the distorted operation of xesmind and mimind. Sexual problems cannot be solved by training for sex techniques. Training for sex techniques only aggravates physical and psychological problems, and you will completely collapse without even realizing what the cause of the problem is. 

Sex Ability Training for Women guides you to operate xesmind on your own to affect your mimind in a positive way. It helps you to build wound treatment ability regardless of human relationships, make your body healthy, and maximize your charm.    

Also, you will be able to enjoy true sexual happiness without learning any sex techniques as a benefit of the training. Sex Ability Training for Women guides you to keep your training from anyone around you, and achieve the sensation of your body and mind on your own. You don't have to take any action related with sex that induces wounds in mimind. 

Sex Ability Training for Women guides women to operate xesmind on their own, direct the powerful xes energy into mimind, treat wounds by providing positive xes energy to operate their psychology of perception, memory, and expression, and make their body healthy. 

When the powerful xes energy generated in xesmind operates only in your own mimind positively, you can not only treat wounds but also keep balance of body and mind, and your body naturally becomes healthy and beautiful. You will have the charming appearance all women aspire to have.

On the other hand, when the powerful xes energy generated in xesmind operates toward other people, it operates as negative xes energy causing wounds to deteriorate and your body and mind to lose balance, and then, you will develop sexual desire and make sexual expressions. You will make endless efforts to change your body for sex appeal or give up and live with the sense of deprivation. 

When you train with Sex Ability Training for Women, you may not recognize your change and may not be self-conscious, but other people will perceive you as the most charming woman even when you don't make any effort to look good to other people. Not only your appearance but also your image will change for the better. 

The same applies to sexual happiness. Some women learn about sex techniques to satisfy the partner based on the sense of superiority and confidence. They may also try to solve their own problem of frigidity or to achieve even more intense orgasm. These women are considered to know nothing about building happiness through sexuality.          

When you learn how to build sexual happiness on your own through Sex Ability Training for Women, all sexual problems are solved and you will have the ultimate orgasm that cannot be achieved by any conventional sex technique. Please, keep in mind that everything is sensed through your own mind.


                About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)

Sex Ability Training for Women : http://www.sextraining.net/

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