
[Sex & Xes] Men's sex ability is not related with age.


Hi, guys, I'm Kyungmi Kim at Korea Institute of Psycho-education. Today, I will fact-check for the relationship between men's sex ability and their age. Many people think that men lose their sex ability as they get old. However, this idea is actually due to misunderstanding about men's sex ability and sexual functions. 

First of all, the decline of men's sexual function is not related with physical strength or aging. We are so used to viewing men's sexual function from the perspective of physical ability. However, even young and healthy men have sexual dysfunctions these days. Men's sexual dysfunction does not occur because they become weak or old but because xes wounds are generated and accumulated in men's xesmind and negative xes energy damage their body and mind. Then men develop sexual dysfunction as well as other physical diseases. Young men can have sexual dysfunction and old men can have healthy sexual function depending on their operation of xes wounds in xesmind.  

Men's xes energy generated in xesmind is activated as negative energy instead of positive energy when they don't have true sex ability. Men's true sex ability is the ability to let the woman partner to give all the sexual pleasure without themselves trying hard to achieve their own sexual pleasure. Men who have true sex ability do not have sexual desire. When men lose all their sexual desire and can comply with women in every aspect, their xes energy begins to operate as positive energy.

Sexual desire is different from sexual arousal, which is a type of physical sensation. Sexual desire is the idea you have in your head, which makes you pursue sexual pleasure using the partner only as a means for your sexual pleasure. As you activate sexual desire and perceive your partner only as a sexual object for your own sexual pleasure, your xes energy operates as negative energy. This mechanism explains the phenomenon in which young and innocent men usually have healthy sexual function and older men develop sexual dysfunction pursuing more and more sexual pleasure with stronger sexual desire.

People tend to relate good erection with good sex ability since they consider penetration and ejaculation as the most important part of having sex. They are actually only a very small part of sexuality and this misconception leads both men and women to limit the possibility of sexual pleasure and develop distorted ideas about human sexuality. 

Even men who have suffered from great physical damage can have the most powerful sex ability when they understand the operational mechanism of human sexuality. Men should stop making efforts to no avail by training their sexual organs or getting surgical operations and begin to learn about what they can do to build true sex ability. When you build the most powerful sex ability in a true sense, you can live in the sexual utopia for the rest of your life regardless of your age. 


About KIP(Korea Institute of Psycho-education)

Sex Therapy for Men : https://www.xestherapy.com/

Sex Ability Training for Women : http://www.sextraining.net/

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