
[Mother Therapy] Strict vs. permissive, what's the best parenting method?


How do you parent your children? Are you strict in a coercive way? It's been said that strict and coercive parenting can have a negative impact on children because it stifles their autonomy and limits their expression, so some people believe that allowing children to do whatever they want can enhance their creativity and create a close relationship between parents and children, like a close friend. But is that really true?

Especially nowadays, when children are so precious and family life is so child-centered, many parents give in to their children's demands. But giving in to everything unconditionally can lead to other problems.

For example, if you allow your child to do whatever they want, they may not learn to take responsibility for the consequences of their actions, which can make it harder for them to be responsible later in life. People feel safer when they have certain rules and limits. Kids are no different. Having consistent rules makes things predictable, which reduces stress and anxiety about uncertainty, which makes them feel more secure and helps them grow up right.

Also, unconditional permission from parents can be confusing for children. For example, if a child wants to play video games all day and you give them full permission to do so, this can lead to problems with schoolwork and relationships with friends and teachers. The child may not understand what they've done wrong, which can lead to confusion.

The truth is, children need their parents' attention and guidance. If parents don't take any interest in their child's life, or don't know much about what they're doing, they may feel unimportant. This can have a negative impact on their sense of being, and even cause a rift in their relationship with their parents.

There are certain things that are important to remember when raising children, and one of them is balance: you need to be neither too strict nor too permissive. It's important to set rules for children and let them experience the positive consequences of following them. At the same time, parents can maintain a good relationship with their children and grow together if they listen to them, understand their feelings, and give them advice when necessary.

Ultimately, our children need to grow up to be adults who can take responsibility for their actions and behave appropriately in society, which requires following rules, discipline, and parental attention and guidance.


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