
Children’s psychological problems are not psychological disorders


One of the most important concepts of Mother Therapy is that children’s psychological problems are not psychological disorders. Children may develop psychological problems just like adults do in the process of growth. However, differently from adults, children’s psychological problems do not proceed to psychological disorders, which are fixed forms of psychological problems, so cannot be cured without professional help. Children may develop psychological problems in the process of growth, but they can be easily solved by adjusting the environment and parenting strategies to suit children’s thought standards at each developmental phase. 

The concepts of psychological problems and psychological disorders must be strictly differentiated for diagnosis and treatment. Psychological problems can be easily solved by adopting proper healing system of psychology. On the other hand, psychological disorders develop when psychological problems are fixed and cannot be easily solved just by adopting proper healing system of psychology. Psychological disorders can be treated with the help of professional intervention. 

It is not appropriate to diagnose diverse psychological problems of children and teenagers as psychological disorders and to adopt methods employed for treating psychological disorders of adults. Adopting methods for treating psychological disorders in order to solve children’s psychological problems will only expedite the fixation and aggravation of adverse conditions. 

Conventional psychology treatment methods that equate psychological problems and psychological disorders are not adequate for addressing children’s psychological problems. Unfortunately enough, once children are diagnosed as having psychological disorders in the conventional paradigm, they have to go through psychology treatment procedures, which may be not only useless but also harmful in their healthy psychological development. Neither parents nor psychology experts are aware of the serious error. 

Children do not have psychological disorders. They only have psychological problems. They are suffering only because they cannot properly operate psychology in the process of development. They can be rather considered to be going through trial and error and trying to figure out what is right and wrong for themselves. Adults must understand that children with psychological problems are as healthy as children without psychological problems and must not put them on unnecessary treatment programs.


All mothers have the ability to normalize children’s psychology by learning and adopting parenting strategies of Mother Therapy without being helped by direct or indirect intervention of psychology experts. Actually, mothers are the best and only psychology therapists for their own children.  

Apply for free consultation on child's psychological problems

Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/

Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

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