
Expression and Xes Expression


Expression of mimind and xes expression of xesmind mutually interact when in operation. Xesmind comprises the xes unconscious and the xes conscious; mimind comprises the conscious and the unconscious. The mind information is stored in memory by the conscious of mind; xes information is stored in xes memory by the xes unconscious of xesmind.

   When xesmind is expressed as xes expression, the expression of mimind operates simultaneously. The expression of mimind is shown as speech and actions through the body. Also, xes expression of xesmind is through the speech and actions of the body. Here, the problems of sexual functions are called sexual dysfunctions. Even if a man has sexual dysfunctions, they are not noticeable when masturbating. Masturbation is not sex, but sex information.

   For the xes expression of xes information stored in xes memory, the xes conscious has to recognize xes information in xes memory. Here, xes information in xes memory can be recognized by the xes conscious, but xes wounds affect the body. So, if the severity of xes wounds in xes memory is -100, the -100 xes wounds affect the body as the xes information is retrieved by the xes conscious.

   Also, xes information is recognized by the xes conscious and expressed as xes expression through speech and actions. Here, expression happens simultaneously with xes expression. This expression of mimind creates feelings or moods as the unconscious of the mimind operates. Since the unconscious of mimind creates moods in men and creates feelings in women, women get wounds and men create pleasure which is good moods. So, men retrieve xes information in xes memory by the xes conscious, and express xes to feel the pleasurable moods in the unconscious of their mimind. However, at this moment, xes wounds affect the body.

   Therefore, when the xes conscious expresses xes information, the expression of mimind expresses good moods while xes wounds affect the body. Especially, xes expression involving sex can be re-perceived as xes information, and in turn, create xes wounds multiple times stronger. At first, the severity of xes wounds effect on the body is -100, but it increases to -200, -300, and has bigger influence on the body as time passes.

   While xes expression is activating xes wounds, the unconscious of mimind expresses and generates good moods. Especially, the stimulation makes you feel really good. At first, there are +100 improvements in moods. Then, the moods are improved by +200, +300, and on. When the consciously felt improvement in moods is +200, xes wounds have an impact of -200 on the body.

   If the moods created in the unconscious of mimind is 1, a person feels an emotion as strong as 1. However, the unconscious of the mind creates +100 when the xes wounds of xesmind are -100. So people want to feel 100 through xes information rather than 1 through general information. People prefer intense pleasure and intense moods. This is xes desire and sexual desire, which is the reason why men live and die for sex.

   However, sexual dysfunctions eliminate the ability to feel +100 and cause a lot of stress. Feeling the moods in mimind 100 times is the same as feeling the emotion once in xesmind. So one has to have passion and feel something toward their job or other objects 100 times to feel something similar to the emotion that xesmind can create. So the one time at which xesmind is activated is really important.

   This is the reason why men think that sex is everything there is to life. Because there is nothing except for sex that can create the emotion worth +100, nothing can give them the emotion of intense pleasure like xes expression. Instead, the damage of -100 is done on the body, and physical illnesses develop. The physical illness that develops here is 100 times more severe than normal stress. Xes wounds inflict the damage worth of -100 on the body.

   If a man recalls his sexual action and thinks that it was enjoyable, this thought has a negative influence on the body depending on how pleasurable the thought is. If he feels the mood and the sexual desire worth of +100 and acquires pleasure, his body receives the damage worth of -100. Therefore, a man with bigger xes wounds develops sexual dysfunctions and physical illnesses earlier than a man with less severe xes wounds.

   Since men try to feel good moods and pleasure and to do fun things, their body is prone to sexual dysfunctions or physical illnesses. It is important to treat xes wounds in order to recover from sexual dysfunctions or physical illnesses.

   It is important to consider how much of the xes information coming in through xes perception is stored in xes memory. However, eventually, the amount of xes expression is more important since xes wounds damage the body during xes expression. Xes perception and xes memory scarcely affect the body, but expressing xes information directly affects the body.

   Therefore, a lot of xes expression leads to sexual dysfunctions. For granted, sexual dysfunctions do not occur without xes expression. That doesnt mean that men should live without xes expression. Since xes perception in men is inevitable as far as the xes unconscious operates, they need to acquire the ability to remove xes wounds that are stored in xes memory. 

Xes Training : http://www.xestraining.com/
Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

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