
Knowledge and Emotions of Works


           White-collar workers and blue-collar workers have different knowledge and emotions at work. White-collar workers are intellectual laborers whereas blue-collar workers are physical laborers. I am not trying to classify them by their capabilities and values but trying to classify them by characteristics of their work. It doesn't mean that intellectual laborers are clever and nice or that blue-collar workers do physical work because they lack knowledge. It is just to explain their work from psychological points of view.

           When the human mind and psychology are operated, the conscious is operated for white-collar workers whereas the unconscious is operated for blue-collar workers. The conscious and the unconscious must be understood accurately. Generally, human psychology is separated into two: the conscious and the unconscious. The conscious is the psychology that operates when we feel emotions and recognize through thoughts and memories. The unconscious operates but is neither felt nor recognized.

           White-collar workers are called intellectual laborers since they constantly plan and make something by perceptions, thoughts, and memories as their conscious operates, which makes them have more knowledge of jobs. Intellectual labor is static work from a psychological point of view. Static work generates lots of stress because of constant thinking as the conscious is strengthened. Blue-collar labor, on the other hand, is dynamic work that requires the physical body. It consumes the physical energy whereas intellectual labor consumes the psychological energy as the conscious (thoughts) operates. Also, the body feels tired when stress is generated in psychology, which causes psychological tiredness. White-collar workers do not feel physical but psychological tiredness.

           Blue-collar workers are different from white-collar workers. The unconscious, which makes expressions in speeches, actions, and facial expressions, operates in them; it is pretty dynamic. Whereas intellectual labor that the conscious operates is static and quiet, dynamic labor comes out in forms of speeches, actions, and facial expressions in most cases; these expressions are due to the operation of the unconscious. The operation of the conscious is made partially for them. Thus, blue-collar workers require to have more in speeches, actions, and facial expressions in their office work, because they fortify the unconscious resulting more expressions. For example, working as an operator at a call center doesn’t mean that it is a white-collar job. The duty of the job uses speeches, actions, and expressions. This is called emotional labor. As the emotional labor, it is a blue-collar job that wrapped up a white-collar job.

For example, if you work at a call center, you are not white-collar just because you sit on a chair and talk on the phone. The call center's job is to do it with words, actions, and facial expressions. We call it emotional labor. This type of emotional labor is a blue-collar wrapped in white-collar. So, they work very hard physically and mentally, not physically or dynamically.  

           As for emotional labor, I classify it as a white-collar worker since it is the work that intellectual work and job knowledge are combined together. But, in fact, job actions are more strengthened and cause emotional laborers more stress from making repetitive expressions in speeches, actions, and facial expressions. The stress that emotional laborers get is not only the stress of the intellectual work of white-collar workers have, but also physical tiredness caused by the dynamic work of the blue-collar workers who constantly make expressions in speeches and actions have. Therefore, emotional labor is very dangerous job psychologically.

           We can easily find emotional laborers around us such as operators of call centers, salespeople of markets, counselors or customer service, bank tellers, flight attendants, nurses, social workers, lecturers, teachers, etc. All of them do both intellectual and physical work simultaneously. Like this, we call those who have both intellectual and physical works, emotional laborers. They are perceived as white-collar workers but do work that mostly require physical labor.

           We have many counselors and social workers around us. They meet various people, and their job is related to making expressions in speeches, actions, and facial expressions. Also, even though they have more than enough job knowledge, their jobs, in reality, must be done using expressions in forms speeches, actions, and facial expressions. They must perceive others' speeches, actions, and facial expressions; due to this, they feel intellectual and physical tiredness at the same time. In the end, psychological stress and physical tiredness are more added. The mind and psychology of these people are more likely in very serious circumstances in most cases.

           The sales department of a company is divided into two groups by whether their work is based more on job knowledge or on physical activities. Those who need job knowledge more in their work can be considered as white-collar workers, but those who always meet and deal with customers can be considered as blue-collar workers since their jobs require physical activities. However, the sales department jobs require both in most cases. Salespeople of a company, dealers of vehicles or other products, insurance sellers are the example of the emotional laborer.

           As explained above, emotional laborers suffer from stress and physical tiredness due to that both job knowledge and physical activities are required. As they suffer psychological difficulties, the turnover rate is high. They also easily get worn out both psychologically and physically, but the studies of emotional labor are not much being done. It is the field that cannot be dealt with easily without understanding the psychological points of view.  Considering jobs being done on desks as white-collar labor and jobs being done by physical activities in factories as blue-collar labor are the old fashion. The emotional labor is being expanded as the service industry develops.

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