
[Publication] Xes Therapy(The Revolutionary Treatment Method of Sexual Dysfunction)


Xes Therapy is completely different from conventional treatment methods of sexual dysfunction. Xes Therapy addresses physical sexual dysfunction operated by the interaction between Mimind and Xesmind. The mechanism of the treatment of male sexual dysfunction by adjusting Mimind and Xesmind is interpreted. Xes Therapy is a revolutionary treatment method of male sexual dysfunction in the sense that men can treat sexual dysfunction for themselves without any external influence. It is also a innovative treatment method, with which sexual dysfunction can be treated without affecting the body in any way. This is an impossible concept from the perspective of conventional fields of medicine, physiology, science, and folk remedy.


I have been studying psychological disorders for a long time in order to develop new methods of treatment and psychological theories. Although I do not have an academic degree in psychology, counseling, or psychiatry, I was able to invent the concepts of mimind, xesmind, and migene based solely on my experience of counseling and psycho-educating those who suffer from various psychological disorders.

I found that my male patients’ sexual dysfunction and physical illnesses were treated in the process of treating their psychological disorders. I am not qualified to do a research the methods of treating physical illness since I am not a doctor, but I was able to study the methods of treating sexual dysfunction. I coined the term Xes Therapy for this unique method of treating men’s sexual dysfunction that I developed.

Xes Therapy is an innovative treatment for sexual dysfunction. Currently, there is hardly any effective treatment for men’s sexual dysfunction. Many men want to treat their sexual dysfunction but have failed to find the right treatment. They try different methods to treat sexual dysfunction to no avail. The more they try, the worse their dysfunctions get. Effective treatment for men’s sexual dysfunction is yet to be discovered in Korea or any other countries.

Existing methods of treating men’s sexual dysfunction involve chemical substances, physical stimuli, plastic surgery, food, practicing techniques, and folk remedies. New methods of treatment for men’s sexual dysfunction are being invented at this very moment, but none of these methods can treat men’s sexual dysfunction.

Human beings, both men and women, are comprised of body and mind. However, no one has ever clearly interpreted the principle behind the operation of human mind on the body. In the process of treating psychological disorders and helping those who suffer from stress and wounds, I developed the theory of mimind which is ‘the principle behind the operation of human mind and psychology’. Based on this theory of mimind, I developed the theory of xesmind which is ‘the principle behind the operation of human’s xesmind and xes psychology’.

Mimind and xesmind are the concepts that I have invented for the first time in the world. After discovering the fact that men’s sexual dysfunction can be treated in the process of treating psychological disorders by applying the theories of mimind and xesmind, my long research culminated in the creation of Xes Therapy which effectively treats men’s sexual dysfunction.

Xes Therapy is totally different from other preexisting methods of treatment for sexual dysfunction. Xes Therapy deals with the physical sexual function which is activated by the interaction between mimind and xesmind. Mimind and xesmind are mutually connected to physical sexual function. The manipulation of mimind and xesmind allows for the correct interpretation of the principle, which can be used to treat men’s sexual dysfunction.

Xes Therapy is an innovative treatment for men’s sexual dysfunction because it allows men to treat their sexual dysfunction on their own without any external influence. This innovative treatment does not have any harmful physical impact on the body, which is an indispensable side effect of all other preexisting medicinal, physiological, scientific, and folk remedies.

Also, Xes Therapy alleviates symptoms of other physical illnesses as it treats sexual dysfunction. Men who had been suffering from chronic illnesses reported improvements in their symptoms after receiving Xes Therapy. However, its effect on physical illness awaits verification through further clinical research. Here, we focused on the treatment of men’s sexual dysfunction. The collaboration with researchers in the field of medicine will make the research regarding physical illness feasible and allow us to develop new treatments for physical illnesses.

People who encounter Xes Therapy for the first time ask me how it is possible to treat sexual dysfunction without treating the body. They ask this question because they don’t understand how mind and xesmind mutually interact.

This book is a research report on Xes Therapy written after the invention of concepts, mimind and xesmind.

I want to thank Bi-Hyun Park, who is the director of Korea Institute of Psycho-education and a xes psychology expert, for assisting me throughout the research process and publication of this book.

I also want to thank my clients who participated in the mind training program or received Xes Therapy to treat their psychological disorders. Without their persistence, Xes Therapy would not have materialized. Lastly, I want to thank my family who have always supported me and trusted me, no matter what I do.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. The Theory of Xesmind

1-1 Xes, a New Concept

1-2 Difference between Xes and Sex

1-3 Components of Xes

1-4 What is xesmind?

1-5 Developmental Background

1-6 Hypotheses for the Theory of Xesmind

1-7 Xesmind and Xes Psychology

1-8 The Theory of Xesmind

1-9 Concept of Xes Information

      1-9-1 Men's Xes Information

1-10 Xesmind

1-11 Xes Psychology

1-12 The Principle of Psychology and Xes Psychology

1-13 The Difference between Men and Women

1-14 Perception and Xes Perception

1-15 Memory and Xes Memory

1-16 Expression and Xes expression

1-17 Men's sexual desire is the desire of xesmind

Chapter 2. Xes Function

2_1 What is xes function?

      2-1-1 Introduction to Xes Function

2-2 The Impact of Physical Sensation on Mind

2-3 The Memory of Xes Emotion and Its Impact on Body

2-4 Men's Xes Function

2-5 Men's Xesmind and Xes Function

2-6 Women's Xes Function

2-7 Women's Xesmind and Xes Function

2-8 Difference between Men and Women's Xes Function

2-9 Psychology and Xes Function

2-10 Sexual Desires and Xes Function

2-11 Xes Immersion and Xes Function

2-12 Stress and Xes Function

2-13 Wounds and Xes Function

2-14 The Difference in Perception of Xes Function

Chapter 3. Introduction to Sexual Dysfunction

3-1 Sexual Dysfunction

3-1-1 The Analysis of Sexual Dysfunction

3-2 Types of Psychogenic Sexual Dysfunction

3-3 Sexual problem or Sexual Dysfunction

3-4 Men's sexual dysfunction is the source of every illness

3-5 Efforts to Treat Sexual Dysfunction

3-6 Conventional Treatments for Sexual Dysfunction

      3_6_1 Difference between Conventional Treatment and Xes Therapy

3-7 Erectile Dysfunction Treatment and Sexual Dysfunction

Chapter 4. Men and Women's Sexual Dysfunction

4-1 Men and Women's Sexual Dysfunction

      4-1-1 Introduction to Men's Sexual Dysfunction

4-2 The Concept of Men's Sexual Dysfunction

4-3 The Cause of Men's Sexual Dysfunction

4-4 The Psychology of Men with Sexual Dysfunction

4-5 Single Men's Sexual Dysfunction

4-6 Married Men's Sexual Dysfunction

4-7 Divorced Men's Sexual Dysfunction

4-8 Remarried Men's Sexual Dysfunction

4-9 Bereaved Men's Sexual Dysfunction

4-10 Dating Men's Sexual Dysfunction

4-11 The Cause of Premature Ejaculation

4-12 The Cause of Delayed Ejaculation

4-13 The Cause of Erectile Dysfunction

4-14 The Cause of Persistent Erection

4_15 The Cause of Functional Impotence

4-16 The Cause of Priapism

4-17 The Cause of Painful Erection

4-18 Introduction to Women's Sexual Dysfunction

      4-18-1 Women's Sexual Dysfunction

4-19 The Cause of Women's Sexual Dysfunction

4-20 Difference in Perception of Sexual Dysfunction

4-21 Men are serious about sexual dysfunction

4-22 Women are not serious about sexual dysfunction

Chapter 5. Operation of Sexual Dysfunction

5-1 Sex Education causes men's sexual dysfunction

5-2 The Relationship between Sexual Dysfunction and Physical illness

5-3 Stress and Sexual Dysfunction

      5-3-1 Men's Stress and Sexual Dysfunction

5-4 Wounds and Sexual Dysfunction

5-5 Xes Expression and Sexual Dysfunction

5-6 Sexual Desire and Sexual Dysfunction

5-7 Sex and Sexual Dysfunction

5-8 Sexual Immersion and Sexual Dysfunction

Chapter 6. Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction

6-1 The Cause and Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction

6-2 Treatment Principle of Sexual Dysfunction

6-3 Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction

6-4 Changing Xesmind into Mind

6-5 Treatment Effect

6-6 The Duration of Effectiveness of Sexual Dysfunction Treatment

6-7 The Relationship between Men's Sexual Dysfunction and Physical Illness

6-8 Men's sexual dysfunction is unrelated to age

Chapter 7. Married Couple's Sexual Dysfunction

7-1 Unfaithful men have sexual dysfunction

7-2 Unfaithful Husband's Sexual Dysfunction

7-3 Xes Function of Wife of Unfaithful Husband

7-4 Xes Function of the Adulteress in Husband's Infidelity

7-5 Unfaithful women have robust xes function

7-6 Wife's xes function when the wife has an affair

7-7 Husband's Sexual Dysfunction in Wife's Infidelity

7-8 The Wife's Sex Partner, Adulterer's Sexual Dysfunction

7-9 Prostitution and Men's Sexual Dysfunction

7-10 Xes Function of Prostitutes

7-11 Sexual Harrassment and Men's Sexual Dysfunction

7-12 Sexual Dysfunction of Married Couple Using Sex Toys

7-13 Sexless and Men's Sexual Dysfunction

7-14 Couple Problems and Men's Sexual Dysfunction

7-15 Daily Life and Husband's Sexual Dysfunction

7-16 Married Life and Men's Sexual Dysfunction

7-17 Sexual Dysfunction of Men Living a Married Life

7-18 Sexless Couple and Men's Sexual Dysfunction

7-19 If husband can't see his wife as a woman, he has sexual dysfunction

7-20 Sexual Dysfunction of Married Couple Watching Porn Together

Chapter 8. Case Report of Men's Sexual Dysfunction

8-1 Anger Management Problem and Men's Sexual Dysfunction

8-2 Domestic Violence and Men's Sexual Dysfunction

8-3 Panic Disorder and Sexual Dysfunction

8-4 One-night Stand and Men's Sexual Dysfunction

8-5 Men who do not care to treat sexual dysfunction

8-6 Obscene Jokes and Sexual Dysfunction

8-7 Men boasting about their sexual performance have sexual dysfunction

8-8 Men who love sexual stimulants or aphrodisiacs have sexual dysfunction

      8-8-1 Sexual Stimulants and Men's Sexual Dysfunction

8-9 Men who repeatedly get divorced and remarried have sexual dysfunction

8-10 Difference between Single and Married Men regarding Porn

8-11 Mama's Boy and Sexual Dysfunction

8-12 Penile Implants and Men's Sexual Dysfunction

8-13 Work and Men's Sexual Dysfunction

      8-13-1 Impact of Gender Ratio in Workplace on Men's Sexual Dysfunction

      8-13-2 Difference in Sexual Dysfunction between White-Collar and Blue-Collar

8-14 Daily Life and Men's Sexual Dysfunction

8-15 Female Friends and Men's Sexual Dysfunction

8-16 Male Friends and Men's Sexual Dysfunction

8-17 Sexual Dysfunction of Men Living with Men

8-18 Sexual Dysfunction of Men Living with Women

8-19 Foul-mouthed Men and Sexual Dysfunction

8-20 Short-fused Men and Sexual Dysfunction

8-21 Strong Sexual Desire and Men's Sexual Dysfunction

8-22 Car Obsession and Men's Sexual Dysfunction

8-23 Show-off and Men's Sexual Dysfunction

8-24 Pretentious Men and Sexual Dysfunction

8-25 Muscular Men and Sexual Dysfunction

8-26 Road Rage and Men's Sexual Dysfunction

8-27 Ordering Food and Men's Sexual Dysfunction

8-28 Eating Habits and Men's Sexual Dysfunction

8-29 Betting, Gambling, Investment and Men's Sexual Dysfunction

8-30 Mountain climbing is effective for the treatment of sexual dysfunction

8-31 Transgender and Sexual Dysfunction

8-32 Women's Plastic Surgery and Men's Sexual Dysfunction

8-33 Sexual Compatibility and Men's Sexual Dysfunction

Xes Training : http://www.xestraining.com/
Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

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