
Development background and efficacy of Mother Therapy


   I was able to newly define ‘the development of psychology’ as I developed ‘the Theory of Mimind, which is the operation of the mind and psychology of PIR.’ I have figured out that the operations of mind and psychology of children and adolescents are different from those of adults in self-actualization as I become able to analyze various psychological phenomena that occur in survival, adaptation to relationship, and formation of self-identity. This is how I started studying Mother Therapy.

So, I was able to study the basics of psychological phenomena, psychological problems, and psychological treatments of children in these phases by analyzing psychological phenomena that occur in survival, adaptation to relationship, and formation of self-identity and applying the principle of psychological operation.

In the process of resolving family problems and conjugal problems, I was asked by those who are suffering in difficulties from their children’s unresolved psychological problems to proceed with psychological treatment; it was found out that the operations of mind and psychology of children are different from those of adults in the phases of self-actualization. I was able to know that children’s psychological treatment can be done not too difficultly when treatment methods are applied to them through their mothers.

Also, the relationship with parents operate very importantly in phases of children’s survival, adaptation to relationship, and formation of self-identity; I’ve learned that emotions of mothers greatly impact those of children. By helping mothers to treat their children’s psychological problems based on the mother’s emotions (maternal love), the treatment process of children’s psychological problems has been shortened greatly. The efficacy was much greater as well. Based on these findings, I started studying ‘teaching method to mothers for their children’s psychological treatment.’ This was the beginning of the development of Mother Therapy.

Mother Therapy was developed in a way that does not require any help from experts, mother’s prior knowledge about their children’s psychological treatment, and specific counseling or treatment method for the children’s psychological treatment. It was designed to treat children’s psychological problems only with their mothers’ abilities.

Mother Therapy is more effective than any other existing psychological treatment method for children; it allows mothers to apply their abilities for their children’s psychological treatment. Mothers will have the abilities to resolve any kind of their children’s psychological problems that could occur in growth by themselves after they learn Mother Therapy.

This groundbreaking treatment method for psychological problems of children and adolescents was developed here for the first time in the world. Through this method, other counselors and experts who treat the psychological problems of children and adolescents will have a new paradigm. It is going to be the fastest and the most accurate psychological treatment method for children by making inadequate experts and counselor kicked off from the counseling field. Mother Therapy is the children’s psychological treatment method that ‘teaches mothers how to treat their children’s psychological problems and allows them to be able to treat the problems. The efficacy of children’s psychological treatment through existing counselors or experts was unsatisfied compared to time, efforts, and costs that you spent, but mothers can directly treat their children’s psychological problems by changing the way of thinking.

At Korea Institute of Psycho-education, treatment counseling and treatment training have been run to resolve and treat conjugal problems, family problems, psychological disorders, infidelity problems, xes troubles, etc. for about 20 years. In this process, the theory of mimind, the principles of the operations of mind and psychology of PIR, and various psychological treatment methods that treat psychology of adults, adolescents, and children are developed.

Especially, since I developed the treatment method of post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD), I have treated many people; in the treatment process, many of them wished to know treatment method for their children’s psychological problems. They were able to treat not only themselves but also their children’s psychological problems. Mothers apply speech patterns and actions that need to be used for children so they can treat children's psychological problems that occur in reality, especially without analyzing children’s psychological problems. Any kind of counseling for the children’s psychological problems wasn’t done; mothers have become able to treat their children’s psychological problems without knowing the causes of occurrence of the psychological problems.

Most mothers have applied other counseling, treatment methods, psychological treatment, psychiatric treatment, etc. to treat their children’s psychological problems, but the problems were not treated in most cases; the treatment had to be maintained for a long time. In this process, many of mothers whose psychological problems have been treated by taking treatment counseling or treatment training wanted to know the methods to treat their children’s psychological problems.

I have taught mothers the method to treat their children’s psychological problems and checked the process of a treatment since 2012 until the present; I was able to prove that more than 90 % of them have been successful in treating their children’s psychological problems. It was analyzed that the remaining 10 %, who failed in treating their children’s psychological problems, did not apply the treatment method to their children even when they knew how to treat the children. These were the cases when mothers didn’t apply the psychological treatment methods to their children due to their own opinion that it is impossible to treat the problems without professional knowledge. In the end, in cases when mothers applied the treatment method for children’s psychological problems, it was discovered that most of the children’s psychological problems were treated after 1~6 months. The systematically developed method for mothers to treat their children’s psychological problems without knowing professional knowledge, without analyzing the cause of their psychological problems, without forcing them to take counseling is Mother Therapy. Later on, I was able to see that the success rate of children’s psychological treatment was very high when Mother Therapy was applied to children after mothers learned the contents to treat their children’s psychological problems.

You do not need to go through difficulties due to your children’s psychological problems. There is no need for you to visit other counselors, experts, scholars, treatment methods, etc. for your children’s psychological treatment. You can make yourself an expert in treating your children’s psychological problems.

 I would like to let mothers know that it is not that difficult to treat children’s psychological problems. It is possible through Mother Therapy and can be discussed and studied through the caring mother society.

Apply for free consultation on child's psychological problems

Mother Therapy : https://www.mothertherapy.net/
Korea Institute of Psycho-education : http://www.uip.ac/

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